Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door (5 page)

BOOK: Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door
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Lillian tore along the path a few yards and then ducked behind a shrub. She couldn’t hear Jake, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t there. She peered round the leaves and buds, but there was no sign of him. Cautious, she moved back, stepping carefully around a patch of bluebells to avoid trampling the flowers. A fat, old oak tree stood to the side and she slipped behind it. He wouldn’t see her here. Intent on watching the path, she never heard him. The first sign she was not alone, was the pair of hands covering her eyes.

“Got you.” He sounded so smug that she giggled.

“How did you get there? You didn’t come down the path.” His hard body pressed up behind her, and now they touched from shoulder to hip.

“I know my way around.” She felt the unmistakable nudge of a hard-on bumping against her ass and she sucked in a breath.

“I won. What’s my prize,

Desire made her dizzy for a second, and she had to focus on his words.

“Me.” She felt him tense and when his hot breath flashed over her neck, she felt an answering surge of moisture in her panties. Her tongue was clumsy, her brain fogged for speech, but she rushed on. “However you want me.”

A groan rumbled from him. “Here.” He moved his hands to catch hers and pulled them up to flatten her palms on the trunk, facing the tree. “Don’t move your hands.” He buried his nose in her hair and then inhaled deeply. She felt like whimpering.

“I want to touch you.”

He chuckled. “My prize, and I said hands on the tree,
, or I might be forced to spank you.” He circled the shell of her ear with his tongue, driving her insane with need.

“Hurry, Jake. I can’t wait.”

“Are you wet, baby? Are you ready for me?”

“Yes. God,
.” She knew her voice came out faint. He licked a slow path from one side of her neck to the other and she wriggled.

“Yes, what?”

She flexed her hips and rubbed against his dick, hearing him groan. “Yes,
.” At last, he lifted her skirt, shimmying it up her thighs to reveal the tiny panties she wore. Another groan reverberated behind her.

“Baby, you’re going to kill me.”

Chapter 13

Jake would swear he’d never seen such miniscule panties before. He brushed a delicate finger over the lace strip that covered her slit. Sopping wet. He brought his hand to his mouth and sucked deep, absorbing her taste. His blood heated and his heart pounded. There was a time for slow and gentle, but this wasn’t it. His breathing was ragged and his fingers fumbled as he eased down his zipper, but his cock sprang out without injury. Miraculous, really. He nudged her legs apart with his knee and then fisted his cock, before rubbing it against her panties, coating the head in her cream.

“Jake,” she pleaded. “Please, I need you, baby.”

Holding the lace aside with one hand, he pushed into her, slow at first, seating his cock at the right angle, and then thrusting in one slick movement, until he was balls-deep. Her wail was pleasure rather than pain and he thought he made a noise in return, but couldn’t be sure. Overwhelmed by sensation, he held still, feeling her, every inch of her. She squeezed him along his length, hotter and tighter than anyone before. A perfect fit.

“Jake.” It sounded like a sob and he tried to breathe normally, to take back control.


“So good, Jake.”

He inhaled through his nose, blew out a breath, and began to move.
. Every slide in and out intensified the urge to pound into her. His wolf screamed at him to take her hard, to claim her properly. The man struggled and again, the wolf won. He closed his mouth over the pulse at the base of her neck. When she moaned he grasped her hips, angled her forward and began to fuck her. His balls slapped against her, his cock pumping in and out, driving into her, pushing her closer to orgasm. Every thrust felt her tighten around him, squeezing his cock to the point where he had no thoughts left. This was pure animal rutting at its finest.

A trickle of perspiration dripped into his eyes but he ignored it, solely focused on his Mate’s willing body. Her little whimpers rose to a steady litany. “Oh God, oh God, oh
.” He wanted to hear her scream his name.

“Who’s fucking you, baby?”

He panted the words and when she howled, “
,” he bit the soft flesh of her shoulder, holding her in place with his teeth and his hands while she writhed and sobbed.


Lillian couldn’t move, even if she wanted to. Impaled on his cock, if Jake wasn’t maintaining a death grip on her hips, she was sure she would crumple into a heap at the base of the tree. Her fingers curled into the trunk, and her head fell back. Each pump jolted her against the wood. She didn’t care. Her senses exploded at the same time as he dug his teeth into her neck, and as her orgasm thundered through her, she could swear she saw fireworks.

.” With one final thrust, he moaned and she felt him release inside her, every muscle quivering. He licked where he’d bitten and she melted some more.

“God, Jake.” Her capacity for speech had temporarily deserted her. She dragged in a breath, and then another, reluctant to move. Unwilling to leave him. Her limbs were weak. She could have been a rag doll for all the movement she could manage. Jake gently turned her head to the side and claimed her lips, before resting his cheek against hers.

“You okay?”

“Uh-huh.” Great line, Lillian. The best sex of your life and all you can manage is “uh-huh.”

He nuzzled her throat and then eased out of her. She felt bereft.
. He kissed the back of her neck and ran his fingers through her hair. He was strong and gentle all at once. Different from any man she’d ever met—and a figment of her imagination.

“I want to hold you in my bed, see you sleeping beside me.” His whisper was too tempting and she smiled, exhausted. Any minute now and the dream would finish. She may as well squeeze every last second from this incredible encounter.

“Okay,” she whispered back. This time when she blinked, she found herself lying in a huge bed, surrounded by soft blankets and pillows … and Jake. “You’re naked,” she murmured, feeling the heat pouring from his bare skin.

“And you’re perfect, baby.”

They spooned together, one of his arms acting as a pillow, the other tucking her into his body, his hand cupping her breast. She felt safe.
. Lillian yawned, her eyelids drooping, even while Jake pressed tiny kisses across her shoulder. “Best dream ever, Jake. I don’t want it to end.”

Chapter 14

Lillian decided that not only was Jake the best lover she’d ever had, he was also the best at snuggling in bed. Their bodies fit together as if made for each other. His slightly calloused palm created just the right level of friction against her breast and his thumb brushed her nipple exactly how she liked it. When you added in the fingers curled protectively around her shoulder and the soft lips caressing her throat … her dream lover set ridiculously high standards.

The noisy banging that intruded was not part of her fantasy. She forced her eyes open and found herself still lying in front of the fire, a cushion clutched to her chest, and Wolfie sitting up, growling. Her sleep-fogged brain considered the noise and decided it was someone knocking on the door. Maybe the housekeeper had come back?

“S’okay, Wolfie.” She fondled his ear as she scrambled to her feet, fighting a massive yawn. Her eyes felt gritty. She
dozed off in the middle of the day, and now she felt disoriented. A quick glance down to confirm that her robe covered her from throat to knee and she headed for the door, Wolfie loping by her side.

He growled before she opened it, and she paused. Whoever was on the other side knocked again and then a voice she hadn’t expected to hear called her through the wood.

“Ella, sweetheart, let me in. I’m freezing my balls off, standing out here.”

? Ignoring Wolfie’s soft growl, she opened the door and saw Santa Claus standing on the doorstep. This Santa, though, had Kurt’s eyes and his expensive BMW parked behind him instead of a sleigh.

Kurt’s megawatt smile beamed at her from beneath a red hood and he tugged the fake beard from his chin with a flourish. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

Am I still asleep?

His smile dimmed a fraction. “I get it.” His voice was jovial. “You want to make me grovel a little first.” He hoisted a red sack with one hand and dangled it before her. “I’m going to stuff your stocking for you…” He winked. “And anything else on offer.”

Lillian didn’t know what to say. She cast around for something and came up blank. She managed a helpless smile.

“Come on, Ella.
. I’ve traveled all this way to see you.”

Wolfie continued to growl and Lillian finally found her tongue. “Why are you here, Kurt?”

His smile threatened to split his face in two. “I’m here for you. Only you. But in another five seconds, I’m going to develop frostbite.”

Wolfie’s growl was louder this time but she ignored him. “You can come in for a few minutes.” Common sense was ringing a warning bell but she ignored that too.

“Ella.” Kurt hauled her into a giant bear hug on the doorstep, seeking her lips with the precision and focus she remembered so well. He kissed as though he was practicing for an Oscar-worthy scene, and she fully expected to hear the director call “Cut!” at any moment.


Jake couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
was Lillian’s ex? Her ex, who, according to the tabloids, was the one who’d told her in no uncertain terms that he was going back to his wife—a wife he was supposed to be divorcing—and now they were kissing as though her life depended on it.

Biting this asshole would be fun. Dragging him to the floor and ripping his arm off would be even more satisfying, but he had to make do with a snarl. It got the jerk’s attention and the Asshole released his Mate.

“Fuck, Ella, where did that thing come from?”

Her eyes were dazed when she glanced down. “He’s a stray, I think. I like dogs.”

The Asshole scowled. “That’s not a dog; it’s a fucking wolf. You should tell the authorities.” Jake narrowed his eyes and took a step closer, making sure he displayed lots of sharp teeth.

“A wolf?” Lillian sounded surprised, amused even. “Oh come on, how would you know?”

The Asshole held the door open as though he expected Jake to leave.
No such luck.
“I did a movie about Roman soldiers, remember? It had wolves in it and believe me, they were nasty bastards. And besides, this is Lupus Cottage.
is Latin for wolf. They probably ran wild here at one time.”

Lillian dropped to a crouch beside Jake and slung one arm across his furry back. “If you
planning on staying, shut the door please, before all the heat escapes. And before you suggest it, Wolfie stays. He was injured and I’m not turning him out into the snow just because you don’t like him.” Her tone brooked no argument, and Jake added another menacing growl to underline the point.

“I don’t like the way it’s staring at me.”
. The Asshole had some sense then.

With a sigh, Lillian pushed the door closed, walked back into the lounge, and claimed her place on the sofa. She pulled her knees up, tucked a cushion to her chest, and hugged it, watching her ex as he followed. He immediately stood before the fire, rubbing his hands together, while Jake took the opportunity to lie on the floor next to Lillian’s sofa. She dropped a hand and stroked the soft fur behind his ear. Her attention, however, remained on the Asshole.

“Last time I saw you, you told me you were going back to your wife.” She sounded calm but Jake sensed an undercurrent. “A wife you told me you were separated from. So tell me, does she know you’re here?” The Asshole hesitated and Lillian jumped straight in. “The media crucified me, Kurt. And you … you hung me out to dry.” Jake watched her closely. Twin spots of color had risen in her cheeks, but more worrying, tears glistened on her eyelashes.

“Sweetheart.” Kurt looked the image of a penitent man. “I had no idea that Angelique would do that. On my honor.” Jake let another snarl escape and the Asshole sighed again. “On my
. I’m divorcing and I wanted to keep it all quiet, for God’s sake! I don’t like having my private business splashed across the tabloids any more than you do. She heard about our affair and demanded that I break it off with you. If you’d stuck around and let me explain, instead of just taking off, we could have avoided all this.” He swept a hand around the room.

Lillian frowned and hugged the cushion tighter to her chest. “So
you getting divorced?”


“And I should care because…?”

“Because we can have a proper relationship. I love you, sweetheart.
Only you

Chapter 15

Lillian began to think this was another dream. Those were the words she’d longed to hear from Kurt. They’d been together, on and off, for almost a year, trying to match their equally hectic schedules to get time alone. So now, she ought to be on cloud nine. Why wasn’t she?

She felt Wolfie’s hackles rising and heard his steady rumble of distrust. He really didn’t like Kurt. She tried to soothe him with her fingers, but he quivered beneath her hand as though he was about to fly at her lover.
Her ex-lover

She spoke slowly, thinking as she went. “Angelique told the press that I’d tried to steal you away. They’ve nicknamed me the frigging Grinch who stole Christmas. And another thing—she’s pregnant—with
baby.” That had hurt the most. She hadn’t wanted to learn of his child from the tabloids. Proof her lover still slept with his wife.

Lillian forced herself to look objectively at Kurt, as though seeing him for the first time. His dark blond hair fell in a messy fashion onto a sun-kissed forehead, perfect coloring for his deep brown eyes. A classic, noble nose and a broad chin, with just a hint of a cleft in the center. Orthodontist-perfect teeth, of course. Well, he did come from California.

BOOK: Snowdonia 1 - Wolf at the Door
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