Skaia (88 page)

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Authors: Ayden Sadari

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Skaia
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Once inside, he walked directly to the serving table and joined Kaleel, as the entire family waited silently for Glaucus and Gallia to appear and be seated, before they welcomed the newly married couple.

Thaddeus grinned as he watched them finally approach, noticing they were holding hands and smiling at one another.

Kaleel served them with honeyed goat’s milk first, before going to Thaddeus. When Crassus and Thaddia had their cups as well, Skaia followed with the platter of hot meats and bread. Gallia looked at him, the first signs of annoyance marring her pretty face. She turned to Glaucus. “I thought you said that he would not be in service to us.”

Glaucus looked at Skaia, before addressing his bride. “I will talk to my father,” he said softly. Gallia nodded, and turned her attention to choosing from the selection on the tray. Glaucus tried to touch Skaia’s hand, but the slave quickly bowed, and moved away.

After offering the platter to the other family members, Skaia stood back for the rest of the meal, letting Kaleel handle his assignments, promising the younger boy that he would make up for it later. Skaia knew that Thaddeus was glancing at him occasionally, but he wouldn’t raise his eyes.

Once breakfast was finished, Skaia took the hand bowls and towels from the serving table, and made sure to keep his eyes cast downward as he offered them. When it was done, he picked up the plates and carried them away quickly to the kitchen. A few moments later, Gotus came out and joined Kaleel.

Thaddeus motioned for more milk to be served, and when Gotus was the one who brought it, he quietly asked him where Skaia was.

In the kitchen, sir, washing the dishes,” Gotus replied, leaning forward to whisper his answer.

Why? Don’t you usually do that?”

Gotus wondered if he was in trouble. He hesitated, before leaning toward Thaddeus again. “He said he went there, because the new mistress did not want him here, sir.”

Taking a deep breath, Thaddeus quickly made up his mind. He rose from his seat, and went to face Gallia and Glaucus, who both looked up at him curiously. “Come to the kitchen with me,” he ordered them, striding off, obviously expecting them to follow.

Gallia turned to Glaucus. “What’s happening? Why are we going to the kitchen?”

I think it’s because we upset Skaia,” Glaucus explained.

What? You can’t mean that!”

Glaucus sighed. “It is my father’s household, Gallia. We have to do as he says.” He stood and held out his hand. Unwillingly, she took it.

Thaddeus entered the kitchen and waited for his son and his new daughter to join him. Skaia was watching nervously, standing near a large bucket of water and fidgeting with the cloth he held.

As soon as Gallia entered the room, Thaddeus turned towards her. “I believe we talked about my slave, Skaia, when you were here several weeks ago.”

Gallia looked uncertainly at her husband beside her. “I… I thought he was Glaucus’ slave,” she stammered.

Thaddeus shook his head. “As I told you then, he no longer has anything to do with my son.” He turned now to face his cowering slave. “Skaia, come here.” The boy wiped his hands on the cloth he was still holding and approached, bowing low. “Stand up straight,” Thaddeus snapped. When Skaia stood upright, Thaddeus took hold of his collar and jerked him forward, causing Skaia to trip as he was pushed toward Gallia. “Read the inscription, please,” Thaddeus ordered the girl.

Skaia’s neck had been scraped with the rough way his collar had been handled, and now a small trickle of blood began to run down the side of his throat. Gallia stared at the blood for a moment, before letting her eyes look at the inscription. “Oh…” she murmured. “I didn’t realize.” She looked at Thaddeus. “I don’t understand. He belonged to Glaucus. How… Why?”

Glaucus gently took her elbow. “It’s complicated. I’ll explain later,” he said quietly to his bemused wife. “But for now, I think father would like us to apologize to Skaia.”

Gallia stared at him, and then turned incredulous eyes to Thaddeus. “You’re serious? You want me to apologize to a slave?”

Thaddeus never looked away from her. “Yes. And please hurry. He’s bleeding, and I would like to have his injury seen to.”

Skaia stepped closer to Thaddeus, lifting a hand to touch tentatively at his tunic. “Master, please don’t. Mistress Gallia didn’t mean any… ”

Thaddeus glared down at him. “Be silent, Skaia,” he said sharply.

Immediately lowering his eyes, Skaia stepped back—away from his master… and his anger.

Glaucus looked at Skaia, at the alluring way he was standing there, his head lowered, his demeanor subdued. Gods, he thought, and he’s wearing a collar proclaiming him as my father’s. It was unexpectedly bitter, and Glaucus only barely managed to keep his voice calm. “I’m sorry, Skaia,” he said softly. “I should have known better. But my wife did not.”

Gallia quickly followed Glaucus’ lead. “I’m sorry, too. I didn’t realize…”

Skaia lifted his head again. “Thank you, Mistress. It is nothing.”

Thaddeus frowned and faced Skaia again. “Just lovely, Skaia,” he remarked sarcastically. “I do not appreciate your contradicting me.” He slapped at the boy’s ass. “Now, go to Castor and have him tend to your neck.”

Once Skaia was gone, Thaddeus suggested returning to the dining room. Gallia looked to Glaucus, clearly disturbed, and he kissed her cheek to reassure her.

When they reached the dining room, Glaucus walked to his father’s side. “Father, we really are sorry. We didn’t mean to upset you.” Thaddeus nodded, accepting the apology. “Would you mind terribly if Gallia and I take our leave now?” Glaucus asked. “I have only today off from my duties with Senator Scipio, and Gallia and I want to take a ride in the country. I… I already asked Phaelas to prepare a lunch.”

That’s fine.” Thaddeus looked at Gallia, and forced himself to speak civilly. “I hope you have a very pleasant day.”

Thank you,” she answered, her eyes turning to fix on Glaucus. She smiled when he took her hand within his, and together they left quickly.

With the young couple gone, Thaddeus turned to Thaddia and Crassus. “Life is back to normal,” he announced.
Whatever that may be.
“Crassus, you will attend class today. And Thaddia, you may work on your weaving.” Both children frowned, but they knew better than to argue with their father, and they took their leave quietly.

As soon as they had left the room, Thaddeus returned to the kitchen, looking for Skaia. He found him with Castor in the wash room, where the old man was trying to clean the blood off from underneath the boy’s silver collar.

You can go, Castor. I’ll take care of him,” Thaddeus said, removing the cloth from the old man’s fingers. Castor bowed and limped away, leaving them alone.

Removing the collar from Skaia’s slender neck, Thaddeus dabbed at the dried blood. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said, his voice soft.

It’s alright sir, it’s just a little cut sir. But…” Skaia looked up and grinned. “I didn’t realize you were the one I had to be careful of.”

Brat,” Thaddeus laughed, using the term affectionately and messing up the boy’s hair playfully, before bending his head and inspecting the now clean wound. “It is just a little cut. Does the collar hurt it?”

Yes, sir,” Skaia admitted. “When the chain slides.”

Calling for Phaelas to bring a bandage, Thaddeus wrapped it loosely around Skaia’s neck, before replacing the collar. “Let me know if it still hurts, and I’ll remove it,” he said tenderly, his fingers rubbing against the chain.

Skaia nodded, and Thaddeus looked around quickly to be sure there were no observers, before leaning down and kissing the boy’s lips.

I had already cancelled my morning meetings, anticipating having to spend my day with Gallia.” At Skaia’s enquiring look, Thaddeus explained. “Thank the gods, she and Glaucus have left to spend the day away. Abrahm advised me he will be at his stables for the week. If you want, we can ride out to see his horses.”

After just a moment, Skaia lowered his head. “No, Master. I think I would like to be left behind, to sweep the atrium and maybe scrub the pathways,” he said meekly.

Thaddeus stared in shock, before he began to laugh as he realized the boy was teasing him. He definitely liked this new side of Skaia he was seeing. “Say that again, brat, and I will leave you here.”

Skaia now raised his head, his smile plain to see. “How will we get horses, sir?” he asked excitedly.

I’ll send for them,” Thaddeus smiled in return. “They should be here by the time we’re ready to go.”

Putting an arm around Skaia’s shoulders, he walked him through the kitchen, and back to his chamber.

And when he saw Phaelas watching them he nodded briefly, not releasing his grip.


Although Skaia had lost some of his riding skills, he still did passably well, and as they rode along together side by side, Thaddeus pointed out the family tomb to him, tucked among the many sepulchers on the side of the Via Appia.

Skaia looked intently at where Thaddeus directed. “Can we stop, sir, on the way back, to see Master Paulinus?” he asked.

Thaddeus’ eyes clouded over, but he agreed. “If we leave early enough.” He turned in the saddle and pushed his horse into a canter, riding away from the tomb. Skaia, after glancing back one more time, duly followed.

When they reached their destination well past the outskirts of the city, a huge, almost foreboding area surrounded by a tall wooden fence and regularly spaced guards, Thaddeus found the entrance but had to ask where Abrahm’s horses were kept. A slave was summoned to direct him personally toward the new structure.

Abrahm had built a grand barn, large and airy, decorated with strange symbols.
Thaddeus supposed, looking at them as he rode in through the entry.

When they had dismounted, Skaia quickly spotted Nicea cleaning one of the stalls. He gently touched Thaddeus’ arm. “May I go to him, sir?” His voice was pleading. Thaddeus allowed it, but walked with him towards the other boy.

Nicea looked up, a brief smile touching his face, as they approached. “Welcome Master Thaddeus,” he said as he bowed. “Master Abrahm was not expecting you, sir, but I’m sure he will be delighted you are here. You’ll find him in the yard, sir, working with his new team.”

Thaddeus smiled, surprised and pleased that Nicea would speak so freely.
Perhaps too freely,
he mused,
but it has to be from Abrahm’s handling of him.
He nodded and continued outside, leaving the two slaves alone.

Once he was gone, Nicea embraced his friend warmly. “Skaia, you look wonderful. Are things going well with you?”

Skaia smiled in return. “I’m fine. Did you know Master Glaucus married yesterday?” Of course, Nicea had no idea, so Skaia told him about what he’d seen and what Thaddeus had shared.

Are you still happy?” Nicea asked. “Do you still like being with Master Thaddeus?”

Skaia thought about the upsetting start to his day. He had been embarrassed for several minutes, but in the end, Thaddeus had made him laugh. “Oh, yes,” he finally answered. “Thaddeus is…” He stopped and lowered his head, knowing he blushed. “He is very good to me.” Nicea laughed, and Skaia laughed too as he lifted his head. “And what of you? Do you muck stalls every day?”

No, only when we come here,” Nicea grinned. “And it’s not really a chore. I can have help whenever I ask for it. I find, though, that I am enjoying the physical exertion. Look, my muscles are getting bigger.” He flexed his right arm proudly to show Skaia. His action also revealed the ugly burn scar, though it seemed somehow smoother and less constricted.

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