Read Sins & Mistrust Online

Authors: Isabel Lucero

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Sins & Mistrust (6 page)

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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“So, you’re about to meet Nico and Troy,” I say as we walk to the door. “Nico is more your age and he’s a little wild, but he’s always fun to be around. Troy will look intimidating, but I promise he’s got a good heart. Jace might be meeting up with us later. He had an appointment tonight.”

“Alright,” he says with a firm nod.

We maneuver through the people and are surprisingly missed by the strippers who are quick to ask if you want to buy them a drink. After looking around for a few, I spot Troy sitting at a table with a waitress sitting on his lap, while Nico is fully engrossed in what a dancer is doing.

“Hey, gentleman,” I announce when I reach the table.

Troy turns around with a big smile on his face, put there by the woman on his lap, I’m sure.

“Marc! How you doin’, my man?” he asks.

“Good, good,” I answer, giving him a slap on the back before I take a seat next to him.

“This is Kade, Kade this is Troy.”

Kade leans forward and extends his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Troy looks him up and down and laughs. “Gonna have to loosen you up a little bit.” He then turns around and winks at me before turning towards Kade again. “Yeah, man. It’s nice to meet you, too,” he says, shaking his hand. “Now sit your ass down and let’s get you a drink.”

“Oh, okay,” Kade responds a little nervously.

“Do you think you can get our boy here a drink, beautiful?” Troy asks the waitress still on his lap.

“Of course,” she replies with a smile before standing up. “What can I get for ya, darling?” she asks Kade.

“Um. I’ll just take a beer. Doesn’t matter what kind.”

“That’s not a drink,” Troy bellows, shaking his head. “Get him a Crown and Coke, baby.”

“Come on, Troy. You don’t know if he can handle liquor,” I say.

“He’ll be a'ight. Won’t you, Kade?”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” he says.

Troy leans in close to me. “You know I gotta give him a hard time. I’ll have her bring him a beer later.” He leans forward in his chair. “Yo, Nico!”

Nico finally turns around and notices us at the table. He walks towards us with a goofy grin on his face.

“Man, did y’all see what she was doing? Ooh wee!” Taking a seat at the table, he turns to his left and notices Kade. “Who’s this?” he asks, pointing at Kade.

“This is Kade. The new guy,” I say.

Nico gives him a once over. “Wanna come to the stage with me?”

“Sure,” Kade replies with a shrug.

After they leave, Troy and I lean back in our chairs. “They’re gonna be best friends. Watch.”

I laugh. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

“So, what’s been up, man?” Troy asks, turning to face me.

“Same shit, different day.”

“I hear ya.”

“I have a new client, though. She’s shaking things up a bit.”

“How so?”

“Well, she asks about my other clients and appointments. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by what I do, or if I have an appointment before an appointment with her. It’s just different. She also said she wants to see more of me. Non-escort me. She wants our next appointment to be about what I like to do.”

“Damn. That is different. Not necessarily bad different, though.”

“No, not bad.”

“Is she fine?” he asks with a smirk.

“She’s gorgeous,” I reply with a laugh.

“Well, sounds like you lucked out.”


“Why maybe? She doesn’t care that you are paid to have sex with other women. You get to have sex the way you want to. You ain’t gotta worry about being someone else’s fantasy. Live out your own.”

“What if she doesn’t like what I like?”

Troy takes a drink and then turns and gives me a funny look. “Why? You got some strange fantasies? You got some weird fetish I don’t know about?” he says with a laugh.

“Oh God!” I exclaim. “Speaking of fetishes, you’ll never guess what I had to do earlier,” I say, effectively changing directions of our conversation.

Nico and Kade are walking back to the table as I tell my story, and the rest of the night goes off without a hitch. Jace stops by and fucks with Kade a little bit before he and I decide to leave. After the cab drops Jace off at his place, I settle in for a fairly long cab ride back home, and think about how tomorrow is going to go.

“Are we done for now, Papa?” I ask my father.

“Yes, honey. Thank you for sitting in. I’ll speak with you later,” he responds before kissing both of my cheeks and turning his attention to his phone.

“Okay. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

My heels click on the tiled floor of the lobby as I make my way from the conference room and to what I guess is my apartment. When I close the door behind me, I slip my shoes off and leave them near the door. Making my way to the kitchen, I pour myself a generous glass of wine and take a seat on my couch, massaging my aching feet.

Tonight is my date with Marc and I’ve been staring at the clocks all day in anticipation. Something about Marc intrigues me. His looks are jaw-dropping, but it’s obvious he’s hiding something underneath his perfect appearance.

When I came to the decision that I was going to hire an escort, I knew it was going to be for more than one time, and I knew exactly what I was looking for. However, the men and their short bios on the website didn’t give me near enough information. Marc’s bio, although brief itself, still intrigued me the most.

The pictures I was able to browse through showed me a man who was good-looking and in shape, but it was his baby blue eyes that called to me. Something in those eyes told me there was much more to him than he wanted people to know. Maybe I recognized the look because I’ve seen it so often in my own eyes.

I’ve spent plenty of years trying to figure out who I am, what I like and what I don’t like. I think my problem was worrying too much about what other people think. One day I woke up and thought, fuck what other people think. I’ve never looked back.

Confidence, to me, is the sexiest trait somebody could have. If you aren’t confident in who you truly are, you need to figure out how to be, because only then will you be completely happy.

My phone begins vibrating on the table next to me. When I turn my head to look at the name flashing across the screen, I’m not too surprised to see Lincoln’s name there.

, Lincoln.”

“I love it when you speak French,” he replies in a husky tone.

“How are you, Lincoln?”

“I’m well. How have you been?”

“I’ve been good, just a little busy.”

“Well, let me take you out to dinner tonight.”

“I have plans tonight, Lincoln. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, well, how about tomorrow night?” he asks, unperturbed.

“I also have plans for tomorrow night.”

“Hmm,” he grunts. “Is this new guy the one taking up all of your time?”

“I’m not really sure why that’s any of your business.”

“You know why.”

“Lincoln, we’ve discussed this before. Any reason why we aren’t anything is because of you.”

“But that could be changing now, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Nathalia, you know I want you, and I know you want me too.”

“We’ve tried.” I rub my hand across my forehead.

“We only tried once and it didn’t work out because we didn’t agree on…”

“I know why it didn’t work!” I snap, cutting him off.

“I think we can both agree now, though.”

I can almost hear him smile through the phone.

“I think we both know it takes more than just us to agree,” I say in a soft tone.

“I do,” he states firmly.

There’s a brief moment of silence as we both wait for the other to say something.

“I have to go, Lincoln.”

“I expect to hear from you later.”

“Don’t expect to hear what you want to hear.”

His deep laugh rumbles through the phone. “Oh, Nathalia. I always hear what I want to hear. Sometimes it just takes longer than I’d like it to. This will work, my darling. Just you wait and see. When it does happen, both of our fantasies will become reality. Isn’t that what you want?”

I take a deep breath and blow it out loudly. “You know it is.”

“Good. I’ll speak to you soon. Enjoy your evening.”

He hangs up before I can respond.

Mine and Lincoln’s relationship has always been a complicated one. We met a couple years ago and over time became friends. One night we were both out with some mutual friends, but then we were left alone when everyone decided to head home. We had both been drinking, so we were overly flirtatious and affectionate as we danced together.

There’s no doubt that Lincoln reeks of sex appeal. He’s the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. His tanned skin is flawless, and his dark hair is almost never out of place. He wears a suit like nobody’s business, and underneath those expensive suits is a rock hard body, thanks to his regular nights at the gym.

That night, we both opened up about our sexual fantasies thanks to a risky game of truth or dare between just the two of us. I was reluctant to admit my desires, but Lincoln was quick to put me at ease when he announced his first.

Lincoln is bisexual and he isn’t ashamed or embarrassed to talk about his need to be with both men and women. After his confession, I felt more compelled to tell him my ultimate fantasy and less embarrassed to do so.

I told him about my yearning to be with two men at the same time. If he was surprised by that, he didn’t show it. Too nervous to admit any other desires, I left it there. We both continued flirting with each other, and that progressed to talking about our desire to be together, but with another man. We would see a man at the bar and he’d say things like, “
Do you want to suck his dick while I fuck you from behind?”

We didn’t approach anybody about our threesome fantasy that night. In the cab ride home, we kissed and felt each other up a little, but the thing with Lincoln is, he won’t be with a woman if there isn’t another man involved. That’s the thing that has screwed up anything we could have had. While I desire to be with two men at once, I’m capable of being with only one. Lincoln is just different that way.

He has tried to introduce me to men that he knows are also bisexual, but I’ve never been sexually attracted to those guys. There was one that was good-looking, but he was mind-numbingly boring to talk to, and call me picky, but I won’t fuck a guy I can’t have a conversation with.

Any man I’ve been with is only interested in threesomes with other women, and there’s only been two men in the past few years.

Glancing up at the clock, I realize time got away from me. I only have an hour and half before Marc is due here. Jumping up from the couch, I rush to the bathroom and take a shower, and then try to decide what I want to be wearing.

I end up going with a black silk camisole top and shorts to match. It’s sexy, but not in an overtly slutty way. I have no idea what Marc has planned, so I’m unsure of what to be prepared for.

After blow drying my hair and putting on some light makeup, I put some wine out, and light some candles throughout the living room and kitchen area.

Minutes later there’s a light knock on the door. My heart rate picks up and I quickly make my way to the door. A peek through the peephole confirms that it’s Marc.

Swinging the door open slowly, I watch as his eyes slowly travel up my body. He steps in without saying a word, forcing me to take a few steps back. He closes the door without looking behind him, and looks me up and down one more time with a look I’ve never seen on him before.

I swallow hard and lick my lips, waiting for him to say something. He doesn’t. What he does do is take the wine glass I’m still clutching in my hand and drink the rest of it. After he places it on the table nearby, he strides towards me and pulls me into him.

“You ready?” he asks in a quiet tone.

I can only nod in response, my voice caught in my throat.

Suddenly I’m being held captive between the wall and his body. His arms form a barrier on each side of me and his mouth descends onto mine. His warm tongue darts out and dances across my lips, causing them to part. After a few strokes of his tongue on my own, his hand grips a chunk of my hair at the base of my neck and he pulls. Ever so slowly he grazes my neck with his lips until his mouth is at my ear.

BOOK: Sins & Mistrust
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