Sinners On Tour 02 Rock Hard (16 page)

BOOK: Sinners On Tour 02 Rock Hard
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“Get off me.”

“You wanna be on top?” He shifted her again and she found herself straddling his lap. His hands slipped beneath her skirt to stroke the bare skin of her ass. “Fine by me.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

His mouth descended on the side of her neck. Her fingers pressed into his scalp, meaning to push him away, but he suckled that perfect spot just beneath her jaw, so she drew him closer instead. God, why couldn’t her stupid body stop responding to him? It was downright annoying at times. She should be very upset with him for being so irresistible to his stupid fangirls.

The sudden lurch of her body brought her back to her senses. Well, sorta.

Sed stopped sucking and glanced out the cab window. “We’re here.”

Sed paid the cab driver and hauled his large frame from the backseat, dragging Jessica along with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him carry her to the bus. She knew she was supposed to be mad at him about something, but kissing him as he struggled to climb the bus stairs without dropping her was much more enjoyable. She wanted this. Wanted him.

He set her on her feet near the curtained bunks and tugged his lips away from hers. Drunk with desire, she watched him remove his clothes. Her gaze drifted over his naked flesh. Shoulders broad. Hips narrow. Cock hard. Muscles bulging in all the right places. A shiver of delight snaked up her spine. When her eyes finally settled on his face, he grinned at her. “Like what you see?”

“No.” She choked on her own lie.

Forcing her attention from his distracting body, her gaze landed on the dining table and the laptop sitting there beneath the stack of work she was supposed to be doing for Myrna. Jessica hadn’t thought about it
since she’d succumbed to Sed’s lovemaking the night before. She almost felt guilty. Almost. “Now that we’re here, I should get some work done.” She looked at him for his reaction.

Sed shrugged and then turned to enter the bathroom. Alone.


She didn’t really want to work right now. She wanted him to be as distracted by her as he was by him. Jessica followed him, completely under his spell.

Sed stood at the sink, lathering his face with shaving cream. She watched the play of muscles beneath the skin of his back and shoulders as he moved. Did the man have any idea how sexy he was? Yeah, probably. As he drew his razor up under his chin, Jessica moved to stand behind him. She ran a single finger down his spine. His body tensed, but he gave no other indication that he knew she was there.

She pulled off her top and tossed it into the hallway, followed by her skirt. Naked, she moved closer, pressing her breasts against his back, and wrapped her hands around his body. She wasted no time getting right down to business. She took his cock in both hands and stroked him, rubbing her thumbs over the sensitive head until he was rock hard. He had paused in his shaving routine while she’d been stroking him, but when she moved away and stepped into the shower, he continued drawing the razor over his skin. He rinsed his razor in the sink, tapped off the residue, and moved to the next section.

Why was he ignoring her now? Damn him for getting her all worked up and then playing it so cool. She could play it cool, too. She turned on the shower and wet her hair. By the time she’d finished washing it, she expected him to have joined her. With her arms suspended over her head, he had to be checking out her exposed body—the way her breasts moved and the water followed her contours. So why was she still showering alone? She glanced outside the shower door and found him clean-shaven, leaning against the sink with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He was watching her. His massive cock stood at full attention in front of him, hard as granite, yet ignored. At least by him.

“Aren’t you going to join me?” she asked.

“Do you want me to?”

“Don’t you think you’ve kept me waiting long enough?”

He stepped into the shower with her. “I’m not sure. You haven’t jumped me yet.”

“Is that what you’re waiting for?”


She moved against him, pressing her breasts into his chest, running her hands over his firm ass. “Maybe I was waiting for the same thing.”

“Seems we’ve reached a stalemate.”

“There’s nothing stale about our mating.”

Sed chuckled and pressed her up against the wall. He slid her back up the slick surface until she was at hip level. His cock brushed against her thigh.

He shifted his hips, seeking entrance into her body. God, she couldn’t stand it. She’d waited far too long as it was. She reached between her thighs and directed him home. He slipped inside, possessing her completely with his glorious thickness. He let her slide down the wall a couple of inches to drive his huge cock unbearably deep. Yes. Finally. She gasped in delight and rocked her hips slightly to take him deeper still.
Oh Sed. Make that ache go away.

His hands shifted to her hips to hold her steady as he started to withdraw slowly from her body. He rubbed his open mouth against her throat and murmured three syllables against her throat that she couldn’t make out.


He thrust up into her. Withdrew again.

“Nothing,” he whispered.

Sed turned off the water and pulled out of her body. She groaned in protest.

He wrapped her in a towel and lifted her into his arms.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Nothing but missionary position,” he said. “I’m a man of my word.”

She laughed.

“And I shaved for you.”

She freed her hand from the towel to stroke his smooth cheek. “I appreciate that.”

“You’re really going to appreciate it in a minute.” He wriggled his tongue at her and carried her to the bedroom.

Sed opened the door and stopped short, almost dropping her. They weren’t alone on the tour bus. From beside the bed, Jace glanced over his shoulder at them, his tight sculpted bod and perfect little ass in plain view. When he turned, Jessica tried to ignore his massive cock, but, well… good Lord, he put Sed to shame. Embarrassed, Jessica shifted her gaze to the woman kneeling in the center of the bed only to be even more embarrassed. Aggie was bound by her wrists to the ceiling—blindfolded and delirious with pleasure.


“Sorry,” Sed mouthed to Jace, who displayed a confidence Sed had never recognized in him before. It must’ve had something to do with bringing his dominatrix to the pinnacle of pleasure and keeping her there. The woman was writhing in ecstasy, her curvaceous body begging for release. Jace slipped something into Aggie’s mouth and waved Sed away impatiently. Sed closed the door quietly.

So the bedroom was out, but he wasn’t anywhere close to being done with Jessica.

Her jealousy over his groupies, who he had never given a rat’s ass about, had him all worked up. Maybe Jessica didn’t love him. Yet. But he affected more than her body. He knew he did. And he wasn’t about to alleviate his pressure on her now. Not when she was this close to giving in to her feelings. Even if he did have to garble the expression of his love by saying it against her throat.

He carried her to his bunk. Twin-sized and enclosed on all sides but the slot that faced the corridor, it wasn’t conducive to their typical acrobatic love making sessions, but it could accommodate missionary position. And if he laid her body at an angle and knelt on the floor beside the bed…

He slid her beautiful body into the bunk, her head lodged near the far corner, and spread her legs to gain access to her intoxicating scent. Her taste. He kissed her there at the apex of her thighs, his lips suckling, tongue dancing over slick flesh, drawing her sweet fluids into his mouth.

She whimpered in torment, her back arching. His mouth moved to her clit. He drew the hard nub between his lips, flicking it with his tongue until she cried out.

“Don’t tease me anymore, Sed,” she pleaded, pulling on his ears as he moved to drive his tongue into her pussy. “Oh.”

He swirled his tongue inside her, pressed deep, withdrew, and returned his attention to her clit.

“Ungh, you’re driving me insane,” she panted.

He sucked her clit until her body tensed with impending orgasm and then shifted his attention to her slippery pussy again. She growled with frustration. He pressed two fingers against her clit while he sucked at her swollen lips. She rocked against his fingers, seeking release. When a spasm gripped her, he moved away, holding her hips steady with both hands as he kissed a trail up her flat belly.

“No, don’t stop. I didn’t come yet.” She pressed her hands against her eyes and shook her head desperately. “Close. So close.”

He was well aware of that. He wanted to be inside her when she found release. But first, more teasing. He moved his hands up her sides, his lips to her breast. She clung to his scalp, her back arched, her taut nipple eagerly offered to his exploring mouth.

“Oh God, put it in, Sed. Now. Please. I can’t stand it.”

He grinned and worked his way up her body, partially joining her on the bed. One foot still on the floor, his hips settled between her thighs, his mouth suckled on her throat, his hands clung to her shoulders. When her fingers trailed down his back, his entire body stiffened. He wanted to tease her more, but he couldn’t maintain his intent if she kept that up. Her nails dug into his back and she squirmed to spread her thighs further, inviting him inside. He accepted her invitation, pressing the head of his cock into her slick opening.

“Yes,” she gasped.

No. Not yet. He pulled out and kissed a trail down her body again. She sucked a deep breath between her teeth. He needed more of her taste first. He slid from the bed on his knees and buried his face between her thighs. He sucked and licked at her fluids, which were flowing freely in her excitement. Feeding him. Fueling him. She squirmed and panted, her hips writhing involuntarily as her pleasure built.

When her vocalizations became desperate, he moved his lips to the inside of her thigh. She groaned in frustration, dove off the bed, and tackled him flat on his back. She straddled his belly and he let her pin his arms to the floor on either side of his head. They both knew he could out-muscle her any day, but he liked that she was hot enough for him to try to strong arm him. He’d been trying to get her to this point all afternoon.

“You’ve been charged with attempted murder,” she said.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I have?”

“Yes, if you don’t stop teasing me, I’m going to die.”

He chuckled at the serious expression on her face. “Are you working in my defense? I can show you my evidence.” He nodded his head toward his throbbing erection.

She snorted and bit her lip to stop her laughter. She then put on her best courtroom face and shook her head. “I’m the prosecution. I’ve already examined your evidence. I found it unconvincing.”

“Aren’t I innocent until proven guilty?”

“You’re talking to the victim. Also the judge. And the jury. I find you guilty, Sedric Lionheart.” She slid down his body until his evidence pressed against the heat between her thighs.

“Have you determined my punishment, your honor?”

“An eye for an eye, Lionheart.”

“I can take any punishment you dish out, Chase.”

She grinned, one eyebrow cocked in challenge. “Oh really?”

“Try me.”

He probably shouldn’t have baited her. She knew every spot on his body that could work him into a frenzy, and she didn’t hold back anything. She went straight for that ticklish spot at the base of his ribs, her fingers digging into his flesh. Instantly, she had him writhing around on the floor and laughing.

“No fair,” he protested breathlessly.

Still tickling him without mercy, she leaned forward and clamped her mouth on that sensitive spot just under his left ear. A thrill of excitement grabbed him by the balls and he groaned. She sucked a trail down his neck and then sat upright.

“I think I need to reexamine the evidence,” she said.

She shifted back and sank down on his shaft, taking him deep inside her body.

“Oh yes, this is some hard evidence you have here.”

He might have gloated about winning, if it hadn’t felt so amazing to be buried in her velvety heat at last. She rode him slowly, grinding her body against his, her fingers going still on his abdomen.

“I’m still not convinced,” she purred.


Jessica lifted upward until his cock fell free of her body. He gasped brokenly. Okay, he was starting to understand this attempted murder charge.

“Oh dear, I got the evidence all wet.” She winked at him and slid down his body until her face was even with his wet evidence.

Her tongue darted out from between her lips as she lapped her fluids from his cock. He moved up on his elbows so he could see her, not sure why watching her clean her juices from his flesh was so fucking hot. Maybe it was those little sounds of pleasure she was making in the back of her throat. Or the tentative way her tongue danced over his flesh. Or knowing how good she tasted so she must surely be enjoying every drop.

“All dry now,” she declared after way too much delectable torture.

“I think you should climb on and reexamine it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Then I’d have to dry it all over again. But I think I see some more evidence down here.”

Her face disappeared between his legs and she sucked one of his balls into her mouth. His arms gave out on him and his head hit the floor with a
. “Oh God, Jess, don’t do that.” His protests fueled her retaliation. Her tongue worked against his flesh as she sucked gently. He couldn’t stand it. If she didn’t stop that, he was going to spurt cum all over his belly. His stomach clenched and pulled him up into partial sitting position. He reached between his legs and grabbed her hair.

“Stop, stop, okay, you win. I’ll never tease you again.”

She chuckled. “You’re a liar.”

“No, no, I mean it.”

She sucked his other nut in her mouth.


He was torn between needing her to stop and wanting her to continue. It felt so good. He squirmed, craving her attention elsewhere. His cock throbbed in protest. She eventually relieved him of her pleasurable torture and lifted her head.

BOOK: Sinners On Tour 02 Rock Hard
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