Read Singapore Fling Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #romance, #passion, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance

Singapore Fling (5 page)

BOOK: Singapore Fling
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“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Um…to get dressed?”

“Nuh-uh. No clothes for the rest of the


“Nope. I want nothing between me and what I
want.” He pressed his lips to hers. “And what I want is

He slanted his mouth more firmly over hers. She
softened beneath him and he thrust out his tongue to invade the
dark recesses he knew lay beyond her lips. The kiss turned lush and
heavy and had them both breaking free, gasping for air. He could
see the spark of excitement in her eyes and knew she would see the
same in his. It didn’t take much to have them panting and craving
more, but neither had eaten in hours and they’d already used an
amazing amount of energy they needed to replace. They needed food
before they engaged in any more sex.

“Damn, you sure do tempt me to forget
everything but you.” He nudged her toward the bed. “Go lie down.
I’ll order us some food before we collapse from

He swatted her ass as she stepped away. She
jumped and yelped at the unexpected sting. It reminded him of what
he’d said in the bar about punishing her. Maybe he’d see about
spanking her ass for being so forward earlier, he grinned, she’d
earned one even if she was clueless about her brazen


Carly fell on the bed, every muscle, joint and
bone ached. Sex with Saxon beat any workout she’d ever subjected
her body to. She’d be lucky if she didn’t have bruises. Nothing
they’d done had hurt but the whole experience was tainted with a
razor-edged desire that exploded into the most intense sexual
encounter of her life. One she couldn’t wait to do again, even with
the protest every inch of her was making about the first

The bath had helped, but muscles long unused
were bound to be a little sore when you put them through the
wringer. And she’d done that and more. Carly prided herself on
being fit but with an inactive sex life, she wasn’t surprised by
the pain she now endured. It was a good kind of pain, though,
tinged with satisfaction. She rolled to her side and watched the
door for Saxon’s return. The rough tones of his voice were a low
murmur from the other room as he ordered their meal. Her stomach
gurgled and she realized how hungry she felt.

When was the last time she’d eaten? She’d
skipped lunch. Last minute details to iron out in the new contract
had left her no time to stop and if she was honest, she hadn’t even
thought about food at the time. The more she thought about it now,
the hungrier she got. A nice big steak would hit the spot just
right. Hopefully Saxon didn’t think she was one of those Barbie
doll women who ate nothing but lettuce leaves.

Carly shuddered at the thought of denying
herself food of any kind but going without meat? Well that was just
inhuman. Her tummy growled loudly, protesting the very idea of not
getting its regular dose of protein. Saxon better have ordered
enough for both of them or he’d be the one going without. She could
just about eat the leg off a chair now that her hunger had been
brought to her attention.

She levered herself up and sat, her legs
dangling over the side of the mattress. At five-foot eight, Carly
wasn’t short but the beds in this luxurious hotel were so high her
toes just skimmed the floor. Everything about the Raffle’s Hotel
was grandiose in an early nineteen hundred’s style. Except the
plumbing, that was all twenty first century. The whole hotel might
lend itself to yesteryear but no modern convenience had been left

When they’d checked in earlier in the week
she’d been more than a little surprised by Saxon’s choice of room
but after a week of meetings held in the dining area of the suite,
Carly couldn’t argue with it. The ability to duck back into her
room to grab some vital piece of information had come in handy on
more than one occasion. And today wasn’t the first day she’d
indulged in the made-for-soaking tubs the bathrooms

She’d never stayed in such a lavishly appointed
hotel but she sure could get used to it. Everywhere she looked the
fabrics and furnishings were opulent, majestic, and the plush,
stately ambiance gave all visitors a pampered feeling. All the
employees, in their history-inspired uniforms, went out of their
way to see she had every available comfort. Yep, staying here, even
though it had been for work, was the most extravagant week of her

Even the thick, soft-as-silk towel wrapped
around her was decadent. Carly would never have white towels in her
own house but she could see the appeal in them, especially when
they felt this sumptuous and sinful against her skin. Each slide
over her flesh brought nerves to life as the sensation of being
stroked filled her. Her skin tingled and her nerves sang. Her
arousal, humming beneath the surface, gained volume—became a buzz.
Why hadn’t she noticed the sensuality of her surroundings

Her gaze traveled around the room, taking in
all the colors and textures. Some were designed to draw the eye,
while others were meant to barely be noticed. From the carpet to
the curtains, the walls to the windows, every surface was pleasing
to the eye and a delight to the senses. Maybe she was seeing the
sensual aspects because her hormones were standing at attention
after being with Saxon.

The fine hairs on her neck stood and the
prickly sensation of being watched crept its way down her spine.
She turned her head and found Saxon lounging in the doorway,
shoulder leaning on the frame. He had his legs crossed at the ankle
with one foot propped on his toes, his hooded eyes trained on her,
his posture deceptively casual. He was anything but. The muscles in
his crossed arms were taut and the one along his jaw twitched. His
gaze smoldered with a predatory gleam and the bulge unsuccessfully
hidden by the towel he wore, more than enough to tell her what he
was thinking.

The buzz of arousal became a roar and the
prickles along her spine turned into electric shocks. Her nipples
puckered, the points rubbing against the towel that confined them.
Yearning spread to all corners of her body, swirled and heated as
it centered in her lower belly. Liquid seeped from between her legs
and Carly squeezed her thighs in the vain attempt to ease the
desperate longing growing in her core. She straightened her
shoulders, thrust out her chest and licked her suddenly parched

On a growl, Saxon shot away from the door, in
three strides he stood in front of her and whipped the towel from
around his waist. His erection sprang free, mere inches from her
mouth, and she dragged her tongue over her lips again. This close
to her, the growl that rumbled from him vibrated along her skin,
danced on the tips of her nerves and drew the muscles of her pussy

She didn’t see him move, had no idea of his
intentions until she found herself stripped of her towel and spun
around—her face and stomach flat on the bed and her legs hanging
over the side. He dropped to his knees behind her, his hands
cupping the cheeks of her ass and his thumbs probing the crack. He
opened her, using fingers and thumbs to reveal her hidden depths.
His breath fanned out over her exposed flesh and between her folds
to singe her swollen clit.

A moan of pleasure tripped off her tongue and
her hands curled into the bedclothes as electric pulses arrowed
into her womb. Her muscles contracted, squeezing tight, but he held
her open and blew another stream of air onto her pussy. Her body
jolted and she bit her lip to stop the cry of pleasure from leaving
her throat.

“Don’t hold back. I want to hear you scream
when I make you come.” A puff of breath burst forward with each
word, saturating her with sensation.

She couldn’t hold back the cries if she wanted
to. Each gust of heat sent her higher, dragged her closer to the
orgasm building with impossible speed. The wet swipe of Saxon’s
tongue startled her, splintering any remaining defense. Her nails
dug into the quilt, her back arched, lifting her hips and throbbing
crotch high off the bed. When he drew her clit into his mouth and
sucked she screamed, shattered by the explosion of her

Before she’d even left the peak he was there,
his cock seeking her entrance. The plump head stretched her
opening, the muscles still clamped tight, fighting against the
intrusion. As the next wave broke over her, he drove inside her and
sank his cock to the hilt. She didn’t have time to register the
full penetration before he pulled out and slammed back in. Harder.
Faster. Harder. She thought she would break in two. Each thrust
pressed her into the bed and slapped their thighs together with a
force that stung.

Carly’s orgasm and Saxon’s pounding body stole
her breath. Her head thrashed from side to side as she gasped for
air. Her hips bucked back to meet his plunge forward and hot cream
rushed from her pussy and coated her thighs. His path made easy by
the natural lubrication, Saxon’s thick length continued to hammer
in and out. Long and forceful, every stroke drove her higher. His
fingers played in the crack of her ass and when he probed the
rosette of puckered muscle a second orgasm detonated.

With a scream that bounced off the walls and
rang in her ears, Carly took him with her. He let loose a guttural
cry and filled her with his seed. The jets of liquid struck the
sensitive walls of her pussy as he fell on top of her. Crushed
between Saxon’s heavy chest and the bed, she struggled to draw
breath, struggled to stop the world from going black and get her
mind around what feeling his cum meant.

Even with her mind fogged with the afterglow of
incredible sex, Carly was afraid she knew exactly what it meant to
feel those spurts of fluid inside her. The first words Saxon
uttered only confirmed what her numb mind tried to

They’d had sex without a condom.


Chapter Five

“I’m sorry.” Saxon scrubbed his fingers through
his hair for what had to be the hundredth time. “There’s no excuse
I can give other than touching you short-circuits my

He’d been apologizing for the last two hours.
From right after he left her lush body, right through their shared
meal and now when they couldn’t put another bite in their mouths
and they were slumped in the bed, he was still apologizing. Carly
insisted it was okay, that even though she wasn’t on the pill it
was a safe time of the month and she had a clean bill of health.
Her having a disease had never entered his head. Her tummy, round
with his baby had.

Now he couldn’t think of anything else. That
wasn’t good. He wanted her but getting her pregnant wasn’t the way
to win her over even if it was suddenly the only thing on his mind.
The thought of Carly carrying his child appealed to him more than
it should. Sure he’d been planning to keep her in his bed but he’d
never entertained the thought of forever. If she was going to have
his baby then it would mean a permanent commitment. He wouldn’t
have it any other way.

This sudden traditional streak
surprised him. Almost as much as the lack of fear he felt at the
thought of
with Carly. In the past when a woman got clingy or hinted at a
more solid relationship, he’d extricated himself from the union as
quickly as possible, the fear of what that next step meant all but
choking him. So why wasn’t he feeling that way now? And why was he
the one thinking about it first? Wasn’t it just women who got all
starry-eyed about love and babies after sex?

He didn’t know for sure she
wasn’t on the same page as him but he doubted it. She’d barely
blinked when he told her he hadn’t used a condom. Where he had been
shocked and enthralled by his first experience of being
inside a woman,
Carly had been blasé and unconcerned. The slick slide of his skin
on hers had blown his mind. The heat so much more intense, the
slippery grip of her muscles more pleasurable. And the orgasm that
followed took more than his breath; it took a little piece of his
soul and made him want to do it again and again.

Dangerous thinking for a man who’d agreed to a
fling. If he didn’t feel so desperate and edgy, the whole situation
of role reversal would be funny. But from where he stood, it wasn’t
a laughing matter. He had less than two days to convince Carly they
were good together and should pursue their relationship past the
weekend deadline. If they returned to Sydney before he could
convince her it would be more difficult with work in the

He was a good catch so it shouldn’t be a tough
sell. He knew they were compatible in the work environment, they’d
proved the bedroom wasn’t a problem and they’d just enjoyed a meal
with great conversation. The only sour note being his constant
apologies, but he’d stop that now. Bringing up negative points
wouldn’t help his campaign to win her over to his way of thinking.
No, what he had to do was highlight the positives and that meant in
and out of the bedroom.

“Hey, how about we go check out some of the
sights? Singapore has a lot to offer and we’ve been stuck in the
suite for most of the week. We could go play tourist for a few

Carly looked up, eyes wide. “You want to go

“Sure, we could go down to the Quay area and
see what’s on offer, maybe grab a drink in a riverside bar.” He
held his breath and waited for her answer.

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