Read Silken Savage Online

Authors: Catherine Hart

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Silken Savage (6 page)

BOOK: Silken Savage
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Where was her family now? she wondered. Had they gone on to Pueblo or returned to Ft. Lyon? Had Jeffrey been notified, and Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle George? Did they have any inkling that A-Panther- Stalks was behind the abduction? Did Julie realize what a narrow escape she’d had? Did everyone miss her as much as she did them? Was Jeffrey distraught? How were her mother and father coping with this disaster?

Tanya’s one prayer was that rescue would come soon, before she became too accustomed to this life. With her fierce will to survive and excel, she was well aware of how quickly she was adjusting. Young and flexible, her ear and tongue were picking up the language rapidly, and her body was beginning to respond to Panther’s caresses in the long, dark nights.

Each night for more than a week now she had shared his mat. Panther had progressed from stroking her lightly to long periods of stroking and kissing and whispering to her in the amber glow of the tipi. Each night she fell more under his hypnotic spell. Beneath his burning black gaze, she felt her resolve melting. With his warm lips molded to hers, his tongue searching out the hidden recesses of her mouth and tangling with hers, her senses would take over and her mind spin out of control. At first she had been too frightened to respond, determined to ignore the first tentative stirrings of her body, but as his hands worked their magic across her skin she was weakening.

Now, over a week later, Tanya was more confused than ever. Just the night before, she had found herself responding hotly to his caresses and returning them with her own. Tonight, as she lay on the mat watching Panther undress, she shivered, a shiver that had nothing to do with fear of being hurt, but everything to do with her fear of losing herself to him entirely.

He was a beautiful male animal; tall, bronze, graceful, with a power representative of his namesake. Panther lay down and gathered her trembling body close. Gazing deeply into her golden eyes, he felt his own body begin to throb with passion. Now thoroughly familiar with her silken skin, his hands took their own course, memorizing her curves and contours. His lips lowered to cover hers, claiming their sweetness as his alone, his tongue delving deeply into her mouth.

Tanya had told herself she would not respond to Panther’s lovemaking this night, but the minute his mouth claimed hers, she was lost to reason. As his wandering hands charted her body, she began to tremble violently beneath his touch. His lips moved over hers, melting them like hot wax, boldly staking his claim. One hand caught her hair and held her head still for his kisses, while the other moved upward along her ribcage, seeking and finding one swollen breast. Slim, agile fingers sought her rosy nipple, teasing it erect, creating an aching throb in her loins.

Leaving her lips, his mouth mapped a course across her face, placing delicate kisses along her brow, her nose, her eyes, her jaw, finding its way to her ear and making her shiver as he traced its contours with his tongue. On down her neck his teeth nipped and his tongue soothed until he found the sensual curve of her shoulder. His loosened hair caressed her breasts and shoulders.

The combination of his hand teasing her breast and his mouth playing along her shoulder was too much, and Tanya arched against his body involuntarily. He was murmuring meaningless phrases, encouraging her touch. Her hands were spread out against his smooth chest, warding him off, but now they seemed to have a life of their own. Slowly, tentatively, they began to explore, measuring his shoulders, feeling the muscles contract beneath her palms. Her questing fingers stroked his arms and shoulders, working their way gradually up into his thick ebony hair.

Panther’s velvet lips at last found her breast, scorching her with their heat. His teeth worried her throbbing, swollen nipple, and his tongue laved it. White hot flashes of passion seared through her, making her cry out in longing — for what, she wasn’t sure. She clutched at his head, pressing him closer in her need.

As his mouth worshipped her breasts, his hand slid to her thighs, caressing and then parting them. Tanya gasped, and Panther’s mouth immediately came up to cover hers in a hot, passionate kiss that increased her desire. Her own hands searched along his back, feeling the corded muscle and sinew beneath smooth, sun-kissed skin, tapering to the trim waist, the compact buttocks, the powerful thighs.

Panther groaned, sweat breaking out on his skin as he strove to control himself. His hand nestled itself between her legs, his long, sensitive fingers evoking pleasures Tanya had never imagined existed. Tanya quivered and thrashed beneath him, her breasts straining against his chest as Panther ignited an inferno throughout her body. He heard her shocked gasp as his fingers slipped inside her warmth, stroking the moist velvet there, his thumb continuing its arousal of her sensitive feminine core.

Tanya’s incoherent cries were lost in Panther’s mouth as she gasped for breath and cried out in amazement. Her whole body tensed in expectation and then seemed to explode in a million tiny fragments as he brought her to fulfillment. Spasms shook her from head to toe and she collapsed in quivering wonder, too stunned to do more than whimper. Gathering her close, Panther held her until she finally calmed and slept. His own body aching still, he forced himself to be patient. This night it was Panther who lay awake for hours.



Tanya was filled with self-loathing the next morning. How could her body and mind betray her in such a manner! My God, the man was a savage! Yet her body throbbed at the memory of his caresses, and Tanya found herself studying his hands and lips as he ate. She blushed furiously and turned quickly away as he caught her gaze.

Panther smiled to himself. Yes, she was ready. He could have taken her last night, but he’d wanted to show her something of what to expect before he mated with her. He wanted her to be prepared, and he wanted her willing and eager. Today she would think about it, anticipate the evening, and be ready for him when the time came.

All day long Tanya fumed and fussed, trying to sort out her feelings. In all honesty, she was not repelled by him, though she felt she ought to be. Until a few days ago she was preparing to marry Jeffrey. Now she was panting after, of all things, a Cheyenne warrior! She felt drawn to him; had since that first day. She admired his quiet dignity, his noble pride. Part of the reason she tried so hard to adapt and learn the ways of his people was to earn his approval, his praise.

Panther satisfied her senses. He was magnificent to watch; tall, proud, handsome. His deep voice grated pleasantly on her ears. As she lay against him at night, her fingers adored the smooth texture of his skin, and she was becoming addicted to the musky male scent of him. Even the salty taste of his skin appealed to her, and the taste of tobacco on his tongue when he kissed her.

Still Tanya hesitated. She feared the time when he would make her wholly his. She didn’t want to desire him; yearn for him, for she felt certain that once that barrier was crossed there would be no turning back. Once she fully accepted him and life among his people, she would have no wish to leave.

Later that day, Tanya knew what she would see before it happened. The young brave finally rode his spotted horse. As he cantered proudly about the meadow, Panther and Tanya watched, each with their own thoughts. Then Panther turned to her. Holding her gaze with his own, he silently reached out and removed her leash, throwing it on the ground at his feet. Tanya eyed the leash, then Panther, and finally turned to watch the proud brave on his pony. Her mind struggled to sort out the jumble of thoughts rushing through it. Each day Panther had brought her here to watch the warrior gentle his horse. He did so with patience, and each day the horse responded a bit more to his touch and his voice. It struck her that Panther had done the same thing with her, in correlation with the progress made by the young brave.

It also occurred to her that Panther wanted her to realize this; had more or less said so by his action of throwing away the hated leash. Today the warrior had realized his goal and ridden his horse. Tanya's eyes grew huge as she realized the significance of this. Panther was letting her know that tonight he expected to realize his goal. Tonight he would make her his completely and bind her to him with bonds stronger than any chain or fetter.

Panther eyed Tanya warily, intent on her reaction. He saw the confusion in her face, then the humiliation and anger of her wounded pride. Not really expecting her to accept this calmly, he was not surprised by her reaction.

Tanya turned on him with eyes spitting golden flames. Quietly but vehemently, she fumed, “If you think I’m going to take this calmly, like a sheep led to slaughter, then think again!” she spoke in English, too upset to try to find the words in his language. Tears of frustration welled in her eyes, making them glitter brilliantly, but she blinked them back. She stood facing him defiantly, her hands clenched into two tight fists at her sides.

“I’m not a mare to be gentled and mounted! I’m a human being with feelings of my own! Isn’t it enough that you’ve taken me away from my family and friends? Isn’t it enough that you’ve made me your slave, to fetch and carry and wait on you hand and foot? Need you humiliate me at every turn?”

Panther did not touch her. He stared down at her with those stern, dark eyes and spoke firmly. “Speak to me in my own tongue, Little Wildcat.”

“I haven’t the words to say it in your tongue,” she told him, and then in English she continued, “how could I tell you in any language how I fear you?”

At his concentrated frown, she turned her back to him. “How can I explain this feeling I have that if I’m not rescued soon it will be too late for me? You have stolen another man’s woman. Do you know that? I was to be married today. I pray each night that he will come and rescue me in time. Now you have made it plain that my time has run out.”

Tears finally spilled over and ran silently down her cheeks as the utter futility of her situation overwhelmed her. “How could he still want me after you have had me?” she choked out.

Panther’s hand on her arm wheeled her about. His face was a hard mask of anger held barely in check. “Come,” he ordered. “You have yet to prepare my meal. There is no time for your womanly tears of self-pity. They are wasted on me and will change nothing.”

The tension in their lodge that evening was so thick you could slice it with a knife. Walks-Like-A-Duck had escaped even before the food had finished cooking. This time she had not taken with her Tanya’s dress, and for that at least Tanya was grateful. Tanya sat stiffly across the fire from Panther as he ate his fill, but could not manage a bite of her own portion. While Tanya straightened up after the meal, Panther reworked the form of a new bow he was making. A heavy silence hung like a pall in the air.

Finally Panther lay the bow aside. “Bank the fire, Little Wildcat, and go to the mat.” His face gave nothing away, and Tanya could not read his mood. Outwardly passive, she dutifully saw to the fire, her heart thundering in her ears all the while. Panther was still sitting between her and the only avenue of escape, and she knew any attempt would be futile.

Slowly she walked to the mat and sat upon it, her head down to hide the tears from his avid gaze. His approach was silent, as always, but now he stood before her.

“Remove my moccasins from my feet,” he commanded her.

Tanya’s head snapped up as if on a puppeteer’s string, her mouth open in amazement. He had never asked this of her before. As he balanced first on one foot and then the other, she complied without comment.

“Now remove my breechcloth,” he ordered tersely.

Tanya’s face flamed and her hands shook as she reached out for the ties of his garment. Then her hands fell limply to her lap, and her lips and voice quivered as she whispered, “I cannot. Please do not make me do this.”

“You will obey me. Do it,” he answered relentlessly, his tone of voice indicating his impatience.

Once more her icy fingers reached out, and this time she completed her task, though she refused to look at him. The breechcloth fell to the floor between them. Silently he leaned down and removed her dress, then sat facing her on the mat, his onyx eyes pinning her in place.

“Unbind my braids, woman,” he directed, his voice now as soft as velvet. She did as he bid her, gently untwining the raven strands and combing them with her fingers. Tanya could feel his eyes upon her face, but would not meet his look. Instead, she concentrated on her task, but even that had its perils. His hair sliding between her fingers felt like thick, smooth satin, awakening every nerve in her fingers, sliding sensuously across her palms.

Her fingers were still entwined in his hair as he pressed her gently down upon the mat. She looked up into his dark eyes, now so filled with naked desire that she shivered in response. His mouth descended to cover her quivering lips, warming them with his own. His firm white teeth tugged gently at her lower lip until she parted them to his questing tongue. Warm, calloused hands cupped her breasts tenderly, as if they were priceless treasures, feeling them swell to his touch, his long fingers searching out the sensitive tips and teasing them to life.

Tanya felt her fear and anger ebbing away, being replaced by a growing desire she could not control, and found she had no wish to. Her body arched into his with a will of its own, pleading without words for his touch.

His mouth left hers, finding its way across her face to her ear, her throat, and along her shoulder, searching out each sensitive spot along the way to her breasts. As his questing lips captured her nipple, a sigh quivered from her throat. Her hands slipped from his hair to clutch at his shoulders, her lips finding the sensitive cord along his neck, her teeth teasing at it.

Panther’s hands traveled the curves of her body; down across the flat of her stomach, the bend of her hip, his fingers trailing up the inside of her thighs until they met their goal. There they lingered to tease and tantalize until Tanya was mindlessly arching to meet his touch, shamelessly calling out his name against his shoulder, raking his back with her nails.

BOOK: Silken Savage
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