Silences (59 page)

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Authors: Shelly Fisher Fishkin

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George Madden Martin.
Emmy Lou; Her Book and Heart
. op/f/j

Ruth Holland.
Mill Child
. pb/f/j

Katherine Mansfield. “The Doll’s House,” “Prelude,” and “At the Bay,” in
Short Stories
. pb/f

Dawnings, Flowerings, Strivings, Sexuality

May Sinclair.
Mary Olivier
. op/f

Richardson. “Honeycomb,”
Pilgrimage, Vol. 1
. h/f

. h/f;
Ripening Seed
. h/f

Rosamond Lehmann.
Dusty Answer
. op/f

Rosamond Lehmann.
Invitation to the Waltz
. op/f

Emily Carr.
The Book of Small Growing Pains
. pb/b

Anzia Yezierska.
Arrogant Beggar
(an immigrant girl). op/f

Henry Handel Richardson.
Growing Pains
. op/f;
The End of Childhood
. op/f

Isabel Bolton Miller.
. op/b;
Days of My Youth
. op/f

Jessamyn West. Her girl self in
Hide and Seek
. h/b;
Cress Delahanty
. pb/f/j

Josephine Johnson.
Now in November
. op/f; “I Was 16,” in
Winter Orchard, and Other Stories
. op/f

Jo Sinclair.
The Changelings
. op/b

Doris Lessing.
Martha Quest
. pb/f

Hannah Green.
The Dead of the House
. pb/f

Carson McCullers.
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
. pb/f

Member of the Wedding
. pb/f

Violette Leduc. “The Golden Button,” in
The Woman with the Little Fox
. h/f

Katherine Mansfield. “The Wind Blows” and “Garden Party,” in
Short Stories
. hc/f

Christina Stead.
Salzburg Tales
. op/f; Teresa in
For Love Alone
. op/f

Eudora Welty. “Livvie,” in
Selected Stories
. pb/f

Dorothy Parker. “The Waltz,” in
Collected Stories
. pb/f

Betty Smith.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
. pb/f

Jean Stafford. “The Tea Time of Stout Hearted Ladies,” in
Best American Short Stories 1965
. pb/f

Maxine Kumin.
Through Dooms of Love
. h/f

Lenore Marshall.
Hill Is Level
. op/f

Jane Mayhall.
Cousin to Human
. h/f

Maureen Howard. “Bridgeport Bus,” in
Prize Stories 1962: The O’Henry Awards
. pb/f

Alice Munro.
Lives of Girls and Women
. h/f;
Dance of the Happy Shade
. h/f

Blanche Boyd.
. pb/f

Toni Cade Bambara.
Gorilla, My Love
. pb/f

Anne Moody.
Coming of Age in Mississippi
. pb/b

Joyce Varney.
Welsh Story
. h/b

Maya Angelou.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
. pb/b

Writers About Themselves

Ellen Glasgow.
The Woman Within
. #/op/b

Storm Jameson.
Journey to the North
. #/h/b

Zelda Fitzgerald.
Save Me the Waltz
. #/p/f; also see the first part of Nancy
. pb/b

Henry Handel Richardson.
Myself When Young
. op/b


Doris Lessing. “Notes for a Case History,” in
A Man and Two Women
. pb/f


Mary Webb.
Precious Bane
. op/f

Nancy Hale.
New England Girlhood
. pb/b

Katherine Butler Hathaway.
The Little Locksmith
. op/b

Rape, Brutality, Degradations, Prostitution

Jean Rhys.
Good Morning, Midnight
. op/f

Dorothy Parker.
“Mr. Durant,” in
Collected Stories
. pb/f

Christina Stead.
The Puzzleheaded Girl
. op/f

Olive Schreiner. Bertie in
From Man to Man
. op/f

Samuel Richardson.
. pb/f

Nelson Algren.
Never Come Morning
. pb/f

John Reed.
Daughter of the Revolution
. op/f

Eudora Welty. “At the Landing,” in
Wide Net, and Other Stories
. h/f

Katherine Mansfield. “The Little Governess,” in
Short Stories
. pb/f

Patricia Griffith. “Nights at O’Rourkes,” in
Prize Stories 1970
. pb/f

Bertolt Brecht. “The Infanticide of Marie Farrar,” in
Selected Poems
. pb/b

Assumption Girls Belong to Their Elders

Jean Stafford. “The Liberation,” in
. pb/f

Nancy Hale. “Rich People,” in
The Pattern of Perfection
. pb/f


Excerpt from
by Alta, copyright © 1974, reprinted by permission of the author and Times Change Press.

Excerpts from “Sylvia Plath: A Memoir” in
The Savage God: A Study of Suicide
by A. Alvarez, copyright © 1971 by A. Alvarez, reprinted by permission of Gillon Aitkens Associates Ltd. for the author.

Excerpt from “Adam and Eve and the Child” in
Ladder of the
World’s Joy
by Sarah Appleton, copyright © 1977, reprinted by permission of the author.

Excerpt from
Poets at Work
by Charles D. Abbott, W. H. Auden, and Karl Shapiro, copyright © 1948 by Harcourt, Inc., and renewed 1976 by Henry David Abbott, Karl Shapiro, and Rudolf Arnheim, reprinted by permission of the publisher.

Excerpt from “Squares and Oblongs” in
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Prose,
Volume II, 1939–1948
edited by Edward Mendelson, copyright © 2002, reprinted by permission of Princeton University Press and Faber and Faber, Inc.

Excerpt from
The Jewish Woman of America
by Charlotte Baum, Paula Hyman, and Sonya Michel, copyright © 1976, reprinted by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc.

Excerpt from interview with John Gardner in
The New Fiction: Interviews
with Innovative American Writers
by Joe David Bellamy, copyright © 1974, reprinted by permission of the University of Illinois Press.

Excerpt from
What the Woman Lived
edited by Ruth Limmer, copyright © 2003 by Mary Kinzie as trustee for the literary estate of Louise Bogan, reprinted by permission of the author’s estate.

Excerpts from the letters of Joseph Conrad in
Joseph Conrad: Life and Letters
by Jean Aubrey, copyright © 1927, and
Letters of Joseph Conrad
by Edward Garnett, copyright © 1928, reprinted by permission of Penningtons Solicitors and the Trustees of the Joseph Conrad Estate.

Excerpts from “Eve” and “Waiting” in
The Flashboat: Poems Collected and Reclaimed
by Jane Cooper, copyright © 2000 by Jane Cooper, reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. “Eve” and “Waiting”
originally appeared in
The American Poetry Review

Excerpts from poems 272, 248, 327, 559, 612, 579, 613, 77, 690, 538, 773, 1233, 486, 959, 1304, 731, 1547 by Emily Dickinson reprinted by permission of the publishers and the Trustees of Amherst College from
The Poems of Emily Dickinson
, Thomas H. Johnson, ed., Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, copyright © 1951,
1955, 1979 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Excerpts from two letters by Emily Dickinson reprinted by permission of the publishers from
The Letters of Emily Dickinson
, Thomas H. Johnson, ed., Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, copyright © 1958, 1986 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Excerpt from
The Trees and the Fields Went the Other
by Evelyn Eaton, copyright © 1974 by Evelyn Eaton, reprinted with the permission of McIntosh and Otis, Inc., for the author.

Excerpts from
The Letters of Gerard Manley Hopkins to Robert Bridges
edited by Claude Colleer Abbott, copyright © 1935, reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press (UK).

Excerpts from
The Correspondence of Gerard Manley Hopkins and Richard Watson Dixon
, copyright
© 1935, reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press (UK).

Excerpt from
The Art of Sylvia Plath
by Richard Howard, edited by Charles Newman, copyright © 1970, reprinted by permission of the author.

Excerpts from
The Diaries of Franz Kafka 1910–1913
by Franz Kafka, edited by Max Brod, translated by Joseph Kresh, copyright © 1948 and renewed 1976 by Schocken Books, reprinted by permission
of Schocken Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

Excerpts from
The Diaries of Franz Kafka 1914–1923
by Franz Kafka, edited by Max Brod, translated by Martin Greenberg and Hannah Arendt, copyright © 1949 and renewed 1977 by Schocken Books, reprinted by permission of Schocken Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

Excerpts from “The Munich Mannequins,” “Stings,” “Lesbos,” and “Kindness,” by
Sylvia Plath in
, copyright © 1965 by Ted Hughes, and from “The Babysitters” in
Crossing the Water
, copyright © 1971 by Ted Hughes, reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers and Faber and Faber, Inc.

Excerpt from “Incipience” in
Diving into the Wreck
by Adrienne Rich, copyright © 1973, reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Excerpt from the foreword to Susan Griffin’s
Voices: a play
by Adrienne Rich, copyright © 1975, by permission of the author.

Excerpt from “When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision” in
On Lies, Secrets and Silence
by Adrienne Rich, copyright © 1979, reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Excerpt from
by Dorothy Richardson, copyright © 1916, reprinted by permission of Paterson Marsh Ltd. on behalf of The Estate
of Dorothy Richardson.

Excerpts from
Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke 1892–1919
translated by Jane Bannard Green and M. D. Herter Norton, copyright © 1945 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., and renewed 1972 by M. D. Herter Norton, reprinted by permission of W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Excerpts from
Rainer Maria Rilke: The Years in Switzerland
by J. R. von Salis, translated by N. K. Cruickshank,
copyright © 1964 by Hogarth Press Ltd., reprinted by permission of the University of California Press.

Excerpt from “Flee on Your Donkey,” in
Live or Die
by Anne Sexton, copyright © 1966 by Anne Sexton, renewed 1994 by Linda G. Sexton, reprinted by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company and Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. All rights reserved.

Excerpts from
A Room of One’s Own
by Virginia Woolf,
copyright © 1929 by Harcourt, Inc., and renewed 1957 by Leonard Woolf, reprinted by permission of the publisher and the Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Virginia Woolf.

Excerpts from
A Writer’s Diary
Virginia Woolf, copyright © 1954 by Leonard Woolf and renewed 1982 by Quentin Bell and Angelica Garnett, reprinted by permission of Harcourt, Inc., and The Random
House Group Ltd. Originally published by The Hogarth Press Ltd.

Excerpts from
Collected Essays, Volume II
by Virginia Woolf, copyright © 1967 by Leonard Woolf, reprinted by permission of Harcourt, Inc., and the Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Virginia Woolf.

Excerpts from
Three Guineas
by Virginia Woolf, copyright © 1938 by Harcourt, Inc., and renewed 1966
by Leonard Woolf, reprinted by permission of the publisher and the Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Virginia Woolf.

Excerpts from
To the Lighthouse
by Virginia Woolf, copyright © 1927 by Harcourt, Inc., and renewed 1954 by Leonard Woolf, reprinted by permission of the publisher and the Society of Authors as the Literary Representative of the Estate of Virginia

Excerpt from “On Woman” by W. B. Yeats from
The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, Vol. 1: The Poems, Revised
, edited by Richard J. Finneran (New York: Scribner) copyright © 1997. Reprinted with the permission of Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, and A. P. Watt Ltd. on behalf of Michael B. Yeats.


Absences as kind of silence,

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