Side Chick Turned Wife: A Hood Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Side Chick Turned Wife: A Hood Romance
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Chapter Thirteen:



Aight, this might be hella petty, but I am gone do some investigatin’. Is it sad that I been peepin’ this nigga and tryna find out when he ain’t home? Shit, I don’t think it’s sad. It works in my favor ‘cause I gotta get to the bottom of this shit. I stayed at home for some time and then got ready to creep his house. Just as I was about to head out the door and go to his place, I had a great idea. What if this nigga left some remnant of that bitch in some of the clothes that he left at my place? Nigga’s ain’t shit and they ain’t always quick on they toes with hidin’ evidence so let me go on and try that.


I walked back into my room and picked the pockets in his pants. I didn’t find shit in there except for some blunt wrappers, money, and tissues. I continued to try to find some clue that this nigga was hidin’ some hoe. I reached into the pants pocket of one of his other pair that he had hangin’ in the bathroom and I came across a paper with a number on it. Oh? Bitches still give numbers on napkins? That is real life
. I wanted to call this number and see who the fuck was gone answer the phone. Who knows, maybe the bitch was too drunk to handle her phone so she messily wrote this shit on a napkin. Bitches out here do whatever it takes to get some dick, huh?


Ring, ring.


“Hello?” A deep ass voice answered.


Shit, I was scared as fuck now. I went from bein’ all big and confident to feelin’ like a big ass wimp. What the fuck was I gone say now? I didn’t want this nigga on the other line to be some connect that he may actually need.


“Hi, who am I speakin’ with?”


“Uhh, why the fuck you wanna know? You the one who called up my line, why don’t you go on and tell me who the fuck you is?”


At that point I just hung up the phone. I didn’t wanna risk the chance that this nigga was some connect. I’m happy I was smart enough to block my number so that the call would come up as restricted when he looked at his caller ID. Well, Tyrek wins for that one ‘cause it wasn’t no female who picked up. I’m gone find his ass in a lie. I am beyond determined to find this nigga in his damn lie. He ain’t gone make me feel like shit ‘cause I know that this nigga is up to somethin’!


I tossed the paper back into his pocket and then went to grab my keys and shit so I could go to his house.  He didn’t live too far from me so I had to be careful. I was drivin’ my brand new BMW that he ain’t seen yet so my car wouldn’t be easily detected. It helped that he lived in a nice ass neighborhood too so it wasn’t weird for someone to be drivin’ along in a nice ass car. I made my way around the neighborhood to make sure he wasn’t there. I know that some niggas frequent around this area too so I wanted to make sure that they weren’t there either. When I made sure that no one was around, I parked my car a few houses down from his. I had keys to his place so I knew I wasn’t gone have a hard time gettin in. He also has a security system thing that I know the code to, so I know I’ll be aight. I turned off my lights, turned off my car, and grabbed my keys. I quietly closed my door and walked up to his house like I lived there. I know that these people around here know that I am his bitch and they real quiet so I know they ain’t gone say shit. The only reason they would say somethin’ was if I was out here creepin’ and tryna look all suspicious. Nah, I knew not to creep around and be paranoid or else I would draw attention to myself.


I made it up to his door and used the key that he gave me to get in. I giggled evilly when it made that precious clicking sound, indicating that I was good to go. Looks like this nigga didn’t fully understand that he messin’ with a crazy bitch and that if he really wanted to keep me out then he would have needed to change his locks. I mean, I only been naggin’ the nigga for so long now, so maybe I didn’t give him any clues to go ahead and change his locks. Maybe he thought I was gone let shit go. Or maybe he thought that I would really believe this shit was my fault so that there would be no reason for me to creep around. Whatever, I was there now and I was gone find somethin’.


I crept inside and closed the door behind me. I reached up to the security alarm and disarmed it. The same code worked, aha! Okay cool, I was inside now. I lurked around the place and tried to find clues—some new set of keys, a bra, hair, somethin’. I just wanted to find it and I wanted to find it right now. I was gone prove this nigga wrong. So I looked in the kitchen and tried to find something, like a note, but there wasn’t anything. He kept the house pretty clean in the first place so it wouldn’t necessarily be too hard to find somethin’ out of place.


I headed into the living room and tried to find somethin’ there. I know how impatient this nigga can get when he wanna fuck someone so I was tryin’ to find some bitches clothes on the couch or something. But nah, nothin! Aight, I’m sure the bitch doesn’t frequent in many other spots in this house besides the livin room, kitchen, and his bedroom so I was gone look in that room last. Before I headed that way, I stopped in the big ass bathroom nearby where I knew he had a tub big enough for two and I know that bitches love gettin' washed up and shit in there. I lurked inside and tried to see if there was any female products like shampoo or some good smellin’ soap. I looked under the sink and found some peony body wash. Shit, this may be some other girl’s. I grinned evilly, thinkin’ I really had some hard evidence against this nigga, until I realized that this was my shit. Damn, he still had this shit here? It had been a long while since I used that soap. Oh well, so much for catchin’ the nigga. I still had a whole room to look at though, so I couldn’t get too discouraged.


I went inside the bedroom and looked around carefully. I checked under his covers and in his closet to find somethin’, but like before, I found nothin’. Damn, dude. I placed my hands on my hips and took a deep breath, exhaling all the frustration out. I was beyond determined, there just had to be something—


Click, click.


Shit, he was home! I quickly walked out of the room and peered over the staircase to see where he was. I kept myself hidden while I watched him. He looked confused as to why the alarm was disarmed but he didn’t seem too fazed by it. He must have assumed that it was his fault for leavin’ it off. He put down his sweater and phone before he headed up the stairs. Fuck, he was comin’ up this way. Thank God his flooring was carpet or else he would have heard me runnin’ away. I slid into one of the guest rooms and hid by the door. I looked out the door and watched him enter his room. I waited a while until I heard him makin’ movements. I wasn’t sure that he was away from his door just yet so I stood there and waited for some type of sound to let me know that he was away. It felt like forever but I soon heard him turn on his water. I waited for another moment before I started to walk out the door.


Just as I stepped out the room, he walked back out of his room. I froze for a moment before gettin' my shit together and runnin’ back into the room. My dumbass hit the door, makin’ a loud
sound. My heart was racin’ a mile a minute at this point and I was afraid that he was goin’ to come this way. I heard him mumble to himself but after a while, I heard him go back into his bedroom and close the door of his bathroom. I was certain that he was inside his bathroom now because the sound of the water falling was muffled.


I needed to move and now. I left the room and quickly headed down the steps. Tyrek didn’t reset the alarm system so that made it easier for me to make my getaway. Lucky for me, the door didn’t chime when I opened it quickly and closed it gently behind me. I was still paranoid so it was hard for me to get out my keys. My hands were all shaky but I had to get it together. So I stopped and took a real nice deep breath to calm myself. I took out his set of keys and locked his doors just like he had them, and then I confidently walked back to my car not to raise suspicions. I started up my car and kept my lights off as I drove out of the neighborhood. When I got to the main road, I put my lights back on and headed home. I kept all my thoughts bottled up until I got home. When I made it home, I paced my kitchen and had a mini freak out. Holy shit, I damn near got caught snoopin’ in his house. I am so glad I made it out of there without him seein’ me. I swear, I would have been in some deep shit. What the hell would I have said to him when he asked what I was doin’ there? I didn’t have much shit there. Was I gone say that I came back for my year-old body wash? He wouldn’t believe that shit if I said it. I mean, I could see myself sayin’ that shit ‘cause that would be the first thing to come to mind. Other than that, I had no other idea what I could have told him.


I plopped onto my couch and calmed my breathing. I didn’t find what I was lookin’ for but that doesn’t mean that he ain’t entertainin’ another bitch. He could just be a good ass hider and on top of his shit so that a bitch like me wouldn’t find somethin’. For all I know, maybe he has multiple bitches so he knows that he has to be extra careful with what he leaves around. Damn, I just thought for sure he would have somethin’. Maybe he keeps their shit in his car! I won’t ever have the opportunity to creep his car, unless he takes me out to dinner in his ride and I look through it. He has multiple cars though… Damn it, I am just makin’ this harder for myself. I really just don’t believe that he ain’t got no side bitch. I am gone find out.

Chapter Fourteen:



Shit, Cynthia straight stressin’ me the fuck out. I hella needed to be the fuck away from her at all costs. So, I straight distanced myself away from her as much as I could and let myself cool off. Donte gave me a few hits and drops to do so those kept me busy as ever. They helped relieve my stress, goin’ out to keep busy. I don’t know what has gotten into her and her crazy ass. I knew the bitch was crazy, but shit, I didn’t think she was that crazy. She really took it to the next level with accusin’ me. I just hope she ain’t crazy enough to come into my house and look through my shit. I mean, she ain’t gone find nothin’ ‘cause I ain’t messy and I ain’t stupid enough to keep female shit in my house, so even if she did that, she would be well out of luck. I ain’t keep remnants of no bitch in my car either. I always make sure they take all their shit with them so I don’t have to worry about Cynthia’s crazy ass. I’ve been doin’ this for a while with Danessa, I already know what the fuck I’m doing.


Speaking of Danessa, I’m tryna kick it with her. We’ve been hangin’ a lot this week and I can’t get enough of her. We have had some real talks and the sex is phenomenal. I got a lot I wanna say to her so I’m gone call her up and see if she wanna chill with me.




“Hey, Tyrek!”


“Hey, girl. You wanna hang out wit me? I’ll treat you out to some dinner.”


I heard her chuckle before she answered me


“Yeah, I would love to. You gone pick me up?”


“You know it.”




I ain’t ever wanna spend so much time with a bitch like I do whenever I wanna hang with Danessa. She is cool as shit and I enjoy her company. I ran into my bathroom and took a quick shower before I got dressed. I sprayed on some cologne to make me smell extra good for her. I ain’t ever did that shit unless I was tryna get some pussy from bitches in the club. This girl really had me feelin’ some kind of way and I honestly didn’t mind it. I grabbed my keys and headed out to my car. I got in and cranked the ignition to head out to see Danessa’s fine ass. I was thinkin’ of takin’ her to some cafe by the beach—that sounded really nice. I made it over to her place and saw her waitin’ for me by her front door. Damn, she looked really nice. She was wearin’ a nice flower print body-fittin’ dress with a flowy sweater thing over it and some cute ass heels. I got out the car and greeted her with a hug and a nice wet kiss before usherin’ her fine ass into the car. I got back into the car and drove us down to the beach and up to a cafe by the water. We walked in and ordered our food before we took our seats on the patio that faced the water. Our drinks we ordered came first and neither of us hesitated to drink them up.


“Danessa, you look so good.”


She looked me up and down all seductively before winking at me.


“You don’t look so bad yourself.”


We both laughed out loud and just enjoyed one another’s company. I so badly wanted to hold her and just run my hand through her hair. I hate to admit it, but I was startin’ to fall for this woman.


Our food came and we ate and just enjoyed one another, laughing over nothin’ and just havin’ a good conversation. We sat there for a while and I started to fumble with a napkin. I tore at it and rolled it up. Danessa didn’t realize what I was doin’, she just thought I was playin’ around with the napkin and shit. We kept talkin’ as I messed around with the napkin. I reached out my hand and looked up at her. She raised her eyebrow and didn’t understand what I was trying to do.


“What are you up to, Tyrek?”


“Damn girl, I can’t just hold your hand. I want your left hand though, put it right here in my hand.”


She giggled and shrugged her shoulders as she placed her hand in mine. I then took the little napkin that I was playin’ with and placed it around her ring finger. I shaped the little napkin thing into the shape of a ring. She looked at me all confused, and it looked like she didn’t know how to feel.


“Tyrek, what is this?”


“I know, it is really pathetic and shit, but I wanted to show you how much I’m feelin’ you. You real life wifey material and I wanna make shit work with you. It ain’t no weddin’ ring so don’t think that it's what you gone get for marriage and I ain’t askin’ you to marry me right now. I just wanna propose to you that I’m gone be here for you and I value you more than a side bitch. Maybe one day we can get married?”


She covered her mouth and shed a few tears as she took back her hand and looked at the paper ring.


“Well, Tyrek, I really do love this idea, but what are you going to do about Cynthia? I don’t even know her like that, but damn, I know she gone hurt like a bitch and this ain’t gone go down easy. Tyrek, I want everything to be with you, but you gotta handle that shit first before you can make a promise like that to me. I was only your side bitch and now I may become your main? Don’t get me wrong, I would so much love to be married to you some day, but you gotta get that shit together.”


I looked over at her and nodded my head. I was upset at first, ‘cause I was really likin’ Danessa, but she was right. I respect her so much for that shit, and I have to handle that lil crazy ass Cynthia before Danessa and I get into anything for real. I didn’t wanna dwell too much on that thought so I took it out of my mind for the time bein’. I just wanna be with Danessa for a little while longer. We ditched the food and headed onto the beach where we ran around and played in the water. She was such a beauty and the sun settin’ against her skin was just absolutely gorgeous. It was startin’ to get late and it was time for me to take her back home.

“You wanna head to my place?” I asked as we both got into my car, fillin’ up the vehicle with the scent of seawater and seafood.


“I would love to, but I have work in the mornin’ and I have to be there early. If I was off, I would have definitely gone to your place and we could have cuddled and shit but I can’t.”


“It’s aight, we can do it next time.”


We both smiled at one another as I started the car and headed off back to her house. We held hands on the way back and she gave me a nice wet kiss as I pulled up to her house.


“I’ll see you later, Tyrek,” she said as she kissed me again before leaving my car and headin’ inside her house.


I pulled off her lot and headed back to my house. I really do like that girl and I feel hella cheesy for givin her that paper ring, but I just didn’t wanna lose her. She was real and wasn’t rushin’ a nigga to put a real ring on her finger. I felt like if I ignored her any longer and didn’t tell her how I was really feeling, she would have left me and would have considered seein’ another nigga. I wouldn’t have blamed her if she left me for someone else, but I really didn’t want to risk that so I had to speak up.


I made it back home and headed into the house. I was gettin' sick and tired of the damn smell of the sea salt so I got into the shower and washed all of that shit off. I got out and threw on some basketball shorts and a tank top before I went to break down a swisher and load the fucker up with some weed. I licked the blunt closed and lit it up to smoke away my thoughts. I placed the blunt between my lips as I went out to my patio. I took the blunt back into my hand as I leaned over the railing and blew a ring of smoke. Man, what the fuck was I goin’ to do about Cynthia? She crazy, man, so damn crazy. I don’t know how I am goin’ to dismiss her crazy questioning ass. I can’t just straight dip on her ‘cause she will find me and she won’t stop harassin’ me until she gets the answers. I can’t just tell her that it is over ‘cause she will cry and whine over it and give me that whole marriage bullshit again. Like, look bitch, I gave myself a new definition as to what marriage is supposed to be. She thinks just ‘cause we been together for a little over two years and shit, it makes her ass eligible for a damn ring. Nah, fuck that. I probably would have wifed her ass up if she just would have waited and not acted like a crazy bitch. Then again, I may not have ‘cause Danessa was bein’ cool as shit and I was leanin’ more in her direction anyway. Who knows what could have happened, it could have honestly went either way. If Danessa would have became crazy and demanded I spend more time with her, I probably would have dropped her and if Cynthia were to have lightened up and didn’t get all bitchy, I would have considered a future with the bitch.


I took a few more hits off the hay and kept it all in my lungs for as long as I could hold it, blowin’ out a small amount of smoke. I just needed to figure this shit out and fast. I already told Danessa how I felt for her and how I was gone try to make a future with her, but she set me straight. I gotta deal with crazy ass Cynthia before we get into anything, and I know for a fact that is not going to be an easy task because she is such a hot ass mess. Yo, to be honest, some days I wish I could just murk the bitch to put a real end to it all, but I know that is the pussy way out of all of this. I got myself into this situation and I was the only person who could fix this shit. Damn.

BOOK: Side Chick Turned Wife: A Hood Romance
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