Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Lori) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 5) (16 page)

BOOK: Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Lori) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 5)
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“Excited, nervous and a little scared,” she admitted. He stroked her face as if her words had affected him deeply.

“Same here,” he said. She stared at him. She’d thought it was only girls who felt like that. He seemed so confident and comfortable in his skin. “I haven’t been with anyone since I lost my mate. And she was my first,” he said. “So, I feel a little – umm – out of practice.” He gave an embarrassed laugh. Lori gazed at him in awe. She’d assumed that he’d been with many women, not least because he was so sexy and charming. Discovering that he’d been saving himself for his mate – his first one, and now her – filled her with such tenderness that she almost burst into tears.

“I’ve only been with my ex,” she admitted. “And I never liked it. I never understood why people got so excited about sex.” Bruno lifted her hand and kissed her fingers.

“Mating is more than sex. It’s the most intense, powerful connection that you can have with your mate,” he said, and she gave a little smile, happy that his words echoed what the other girls had been saying. “Of course, it hasn’t been easy for my bear to go without mating for so long.”

“And how does your bear feel right now?” she asked.

“Oh, my bear is never easy to restrain when it sees you, but I’ve gotten used to it now. I can mostly hold it back, except for those rare occasions, like a moment ago.”

“Wow,” she said, intrigued. It was a little uncomfortable, but also very exciting to be discussing having sex with Bruno before they’d even done it.

“Shall we go to bed?” he whispered, and her head spun. She stood up and took a look at Nancy. She was sound asleep, and safe and comfortable in her bed. She turned around and gazed at this unbelievably handsome man, who wanted her, because of, not despite her big, curvy body.

“Yes,” she said simply.

Bruno took her hand and led her through the lounge, across the hallway, and up the wooden flight of stairs. He brought her to the bedroom door, then dashed across to the corner of the room and lit a lamp, suffusing the space with a soft orange glow. It was a rugged, masculine room – just as she’d expected. The bed was made from knotted dark wood, with a white comforter and a woven blanket on top. It looked supremely comfortable. They stood beside the bed, and she lifted hesitant hands and touched his arms, feeling the huge muscles of his forearms and biceps. He stood quietly and allowed her to explore his body. Growing more confident, she ran her hands over his pecs and amazingly tight abs. She restrained a sound when she felt how soft his skin was. She’d expected it to be rough like his hands, but it was silky-smooth. Impulsively, she lifted the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up as high as she could. He helped her, lifting it right over his head, and casting it aside. She drew in a breath at the sight of his torso. His photo on Shiftr didn’t begin to do it justice. His skin was dusky colored, a deep honey tone, with a sexy scattering of dark hair across his chest, running in a line down the middle of his body to his navel, and all the way to the zipper of his jeans. His pecs were very well developed, and his abs and obliques were like the ripples of sand dunes. His hipbones just peeked out above the waistband of his pants, along with those diagonal grooves that she didn’t know the name of, but had drooled over many a time before when they belonged to models on the cover of Men’s Health. When she laid her hands flat on his pecs, his nipples hardened at her touch. They were flat and dark brown.
Just delicious
. She brought her mouth to his right one and licked it. He sucked in a breath through his teeth. She smiled. She’d never done that before, but she enjoyed his reaction a lot. She did the same thing to the left one, circling her tongue around it, and nibbling very gently.

“Jesus, that feels good,” he muttered. She ran her hands over his abs, and around his waist, luxuriating in the way that one band of flawlessly honed muscle ceded into another. He was absolutely perfectly put together. Hardly knowing what she was doing, she fumbled at his zipper.

“Wait,” he said, with a little laugh. “Not so fast.” He sat down on the bed and drew her onto his lap, turning her so she was sitting sideways. With one arm around her shoulders and the other beneath her knees, he dipped his head and kissed her tenderly. She stroked his neck, feeling the taut muscles that led to his shoulders. He paused and slid his hand down her bare leg until he reached her shoes. They were courts, and he pulled them off easily, before caressing her feet, touching every one of her toes.

“You’re so small and perfect,” he murmured, stroking her ankle, her calf, and then her thigh. Her dress was a wrap style, and it started to fall open a little, displaying more of her legs. She wriggled, caught between wanting to hide herself, and burning for him to rip it off and touch her everywhere. She hated that she was still carrying so much extra baby weight, but she was trying her hardest to forget about it, as he praised her curves and her petiteness.

As his hand moved to her belt, she held her breath, and kept holding it as he unfastened the buckle and pulled it loose. Her dress came open, displaying her huge breasts, round belly and the thighs she hated to his gaze.

“Lori, you have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen,” he said, his voice thick with need. He fell on her throat, peppering her with hot biting kisses. He kissed a trail of fire along her collarbones, flicking his tongue into the hollow between them, then kissed her décolletage as far down as he could reach. “Let’s get into bed,” he growled.

He lifted her off his lap and pulled the comforter aside, before sliding her dress off her shoulders, leaving her in just her lingerie. She was wearing a brand-new set – the first non-maternity bra she’d worn in a long time. It was still pretty heavy duty, but it was from an online boutique that specialized in beautiful lingerie for bigger girls. It was wine colored, with lace trimming, and the panties were lace with satin panels. Shyly, she slipped into his bed. The sheets were crisp and freshly laundered, and her body tingled at the intimacy of being in the private place where he slept. She watched as he stripped his jeans off, gasping at the sight of him in his snug white boxers. The bulge in his underwear left her in no doubt about his desire for her. He lay on his side and pulled her towards him. At the first instance of skin-to-skin contact, she let out a moan. She’d never been held like this, never been in the arms of a good-hearted sexy man before.

“You feel like silk,” he whispered, kissing her lips, running his hands down her back. He lifted her leg and laid it over his hip so he could get closer to her. She felt his hardness pressing against the crotch of her panties and a bolt of arousal shot deep inside her. It was deliciously frustrating having him so close, with just two scraps of fabric separating them. He stroked her ass through the lace of her panties, and slid his fingers a little way underneath, easing her closer and closer to him. Unconsciously, her pelvis moved back and forth, rubbing her aching clit against his cock.

His hand rose from the small of her back and hooked under her bra strap. She squirmed away from him and turned onto her back. She preferred the way her breasts looked when she was lying down flat. He seemed to understand, coming with her, unfastening the hooks with a deft hand at the same time.Now, he lay on top of her, her thighs spread either side of his body as he slipped her bra straps along her arms and carefully lifted the whole thing off. She closed her eyes. Her breasts had not been sexual for a long time, and they hadn’t fully regained their pre-pregnancy appearance, if they ever would, and she had no idea how he’d react to them. She needn’t have worried. With a growl of deep appreciation, he dipped his head and took her right nipple in his mouth. His lips and tongue were gentle and oh so sensual. His hand cupped her softly, kneading just hard enough. She moaned and shivers broke out over her body, turning both of her nipples into stiff peaks. It was too much. Overwhelming. Her other breast cried out for attention. Seeming to know what she needed, Bruno cupped it in his other hand, the darkness of his tanned skin striking against the pale skin that never saw the sun. As large as her breasts were, they fit into his huge hands, and it felt incredible for them to be supported and possessed by him. He began to lash her nipples with the tip of his tongue, one and then the other, and she writhed on the bed in delight, pushing her pelvis up to meet his, inciting him to grind on her.

“I’m trying to take it slow with you, but you’re not making it easy for me,” he growled.

“I can’t take it any more. I want you inside me!” she exclaimed. He gave her a dirty grin.

“Well that’s too bad, because I’m planning on tasting you first,” he said. She pressed her lips together.

“You mean?”

“Uh huh.” His eyes filled with fire.

“But I haven’t – I mean, no-one has ever – ”

“Well, they’ve been missing out, because your scent is driving me crazy, Lori.” The low pitch of his voice sent vibrations all the way through her body. “I promise I’ll make you feel really good. Better than you could have imagined.” With that, he began to kiss a trail down her body. He kissed her all over her belly, murmuring in delight over the place she thought of as squishy and spongy. His tongue plunged into her belly button, creating a short circuit to her clit, and making her body jerk. Then he kissed the neatly-trimmed triangle of dark hair that led to her most private place. She’d jammed her legs together in embarrassment, but he patiently nudged them apart as he licked and nibbled at her upper thighs. At last, his tongue darted out and licked her
just there
. She gasped, and, before she knew it, her thighs had fallen apart and Bruno’s stubble grazed the tender, pale flesh. He licked her again, along her slit, teasing her, persuading her to open to him. She wriggled as she felt the tip of his tongue on her sensitive inner labia, and when he finally licked her clit, she almost levitated off the bed. He chuckled and only now did he take hold of her thighs with his hands, spreading them apart to allow him better access to her aching little bud. She felt his lips surrounding her clit and sucking a little, just as he’d sucked her tongue or her nipples. It felt as if her clit was growing, blossoming into his mouth. And then he began to lick her rhythmically at the same time.

“Oh my god!” she murmured.
This was way more than she thought it could be. At least a thousand times better than her finger. She was vaguely aware that her hand had found its way to his hair, and her fingers were knotted into it, pulling him closer. A sound came from his chest – a relentless rumble. Kind of like a cat purring, but way, way deeper. It vibrated the whole bed, and seemed to be adding to her pleasure. From time to time, his tongue moved off her clit and dipped inside her, making her sigh and cry out. His technique was amazing. It was as if he knew all her most sensitive spots, and he took her right to the brink, before easing off again. She felt like an instrument being played by a maestro, blissfully helpless to his ministrations. Waves of pleasure radiated out from her clit and rolled through her body. Little spasms ran all the way inside her, leaving a deep ache in their wake. They were coming faster and faster and she felt her muscles clenching over and over again, and now her clit felt so sensitive under his tongue that she could barely stand it.

And then she exploded. Her body shuddered and buffeted as a powerful climax hit her. Bruno stayed right where he was, patiently drawing her orgasm out into one peak after another, until she was done, and lay spent and trembling on his sheets.

When she was finally able to open her eyes she saw that he was gazing up at her adoringly. He didn’t seem in any hurry to move either, but stayed where he was, tenderly kissing her thighs and lower belly.

“Come up here. I want to kiss you,” she whispered, self-conscious now. He climbed up her body and she tasted herself on his lips. It was a nice taste, she discovered to her surprise – sweet and salty at the same time.

“You taste incredible,” he growled into her ear and she shivered again. He lowered his body onto her, and as his underwear brushed her pussy, she jumped. “Sensitive?” he whispered.

“Yes,” she replied with a smile, and tugged at the waistband of his shorts.

“Are you sure about this?” She almost laughed.
Am I sure?
She’d never been surer of anything in her life. Despite her orgasm, there was still an ache deep inside her that could only be satisfied with one thing. She needed him inside her.

“Bruno, take me now, please!” He grinned at her.

“Really?” he said, in a teasing tone.

“Yes. Absolutely. I need you to take me, to mate with me, to make me your own,” she panted. His face took on a wilder, hungrier look. He sat back and stripped his underwear off in a single movement. Lori gasped at the sight of him. His thighs were so strong and muscular, and his cock – his cock was something else; long and strong like tree branch. He crouched over her again.

“Lori, I’m scared that I won’t be able to control my bear,” he said. “It’s been a very long time, you know. I want to be gentle with you, but if I’m too much, please tell me to stop.”

“It’s ok,” she said. “I want you. I want to take all of you.”

Bruno let out a low growl. His body arched over hers and his eyes were dark and fierce. His hands spread her thighs wide, and the tip of his cock slid up and down the length of her pussy, making her tremble with anticipation. And the he entered her. She thought she’d pass out from pleasure. Her pussy muscles rippled as they yielded to his thick shaft. He slipped all the way in, gliding on her wetness, until his pelvis was pressed against hers. Her body jolted out of control, flooding with euphoria. She cried out as he began to move, each thrust bringing a fresh rush of pleasure. She clenched around him, drawing him closer, wanting more and more. She ran her hands over his back and shoulders, sensing that his energy was tightly coiled, that he was holding back as much as he could.

BOOK: Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Lori) BBW Bear Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 5)
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