Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance) (18 page)

BOOK: Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance)
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Chapter 5


Colin went home that evening and he lay in bed for hours. The words that Aria had said, left him wondering if it could be possible. He knew that she wouldn’t lie about it, but like everything she said, it was cryptic. He wished just once she would give him a straight answer. Aria didn’t say how long Lois would be gone, but he was already starting to feel the strain. He couldn’t sleep without her beside him.

There was a loud flapping sound outside that he immediately knew was a shifter landing. A loud shout and then more followed. Getting up, he went to the stairs and he couldn’t believe what he saw. There was his wife; no worse for wear, coming down from the landing with a smile on her face. She rushed into his arms and kissed him like they had been away from each other for years, instead of less than a day. She had come back to him and he didn’t know how, but it was all that mattered.

Seeing who had brought her, his eyes glowed and he started to almost growl in the back of his throat. She touched his chest and tried to calm him. “This is Kain. I wouldn’t be home if it wasn’t for him.”

Colin’s eyes did not leave him and his heart was pounding underneath her fingertips. “He is here for his own and then the families will have no more reason to fight. Don’t touch him.”

Her words were strong and kind of surprising. He didn’t know what to say and her tone left very little to be said. With one last kiss, she left his side and went to the man waiting a few feet away. “Come on, I will introduce you.”

Colin thought that she was talking about him, but instead she took his hand and led him further into the house. Several family members had gathered, since they were there for support. They looked to their leader to know how to act, but he was just as shocked as they were. He saw his mother coming down the stairs from her upstairs room and she looked at him questioning. He merely shrugged and followed the two to see what it was all about. He was more than happy to have his wife back, but that didn’t mean that he liked a Black in his house.

He stopped short when he saw them talking to Julie. She looked uncertain and then she smiled, her arms going around the Black leader. “I would love to go home. The Castines have treated me well, but I need to be back with my own family.”

Merline walked in front of him and she stopped. “How did you know?” Her question directed at Lois.

“It was the fleck of red in her eye that I saw a few times. When I met the Blacks, it just kind of clicked when they said that there was one that had survived. Do you remember the story Merline?”

“Of course I do dear.”

Colin was speechless. “I can’t believe that Aria was right.’

“Son, she is always right. What did she say?”

“That Lois would bring peace to our families.”

Merline was quiet as she watched the family reunion in front of her. Julie looked happy, her eyes glowing a slight red color, much like her hair. “So you knew who she was?”

“Of course son. I am surprised you didn’t. Did you really think she was a human? Sometimes you never question anything and other times, you question everything.”

Colin was at a loss for words and then Kain walked back up to him. “Our families need to sit down and have a conversation. This has been going on for too long Colin and we need to stop it. We would be stronger if we would come back together, make all of us stronger and better for it.”

He was awe struck at what was happening. The old woman Aria was still right. He had never thought it possible, but it was happening in front of his very eyes. “I agree.”

“Soon, we will meet. Give me time with my family, to iron things out.”

Colin chuckled, “I believe I will need the same. In a week?”


He started to leave and the two Blacks went back up the stairs to the landing. Everyone was still watching that was up or had been woken up and there were gasps when the human girl they knew as Julie, turned into a beautiful red dragon and left in the night sky with the dark blue one that Kain turned into. There were gasps around them and several eyes went to the leader for answers. “We will have a meeting in the morning about tonight, but our Queen is home and I intend to welcome her home properly.”

There were a few titters in the gathered crowd, but it was clear that was all they were going to get. Colin went to his wife, picking her up and taking her up to their bedroom.

“So I hear you got out of the house today?”

“Yes. It was a good day. How was yours?”

“So much better now that you are here. I was devastated when I heard you were gone. I thought the worst. I thought I would never see you again.”

They made it to their room and she touched the side of his face with her hand. “You are stuck with me forever my love.”


She nodded her head and whimpered as his lips met hers. She missed him so much and there was a moment that Lois wondered if she would ever see him again. His body quickly pushed her onto the bed, covering her body with his own. He was already ready, hard against her and she could tell that he did not have much patience that night.

“I love you Lois, please don’t ever leave me again.”

“I will have to leave for the mountains soon.”

He shook his head, “Not anymore.”

His hands fumbled with her shirt, ripping it in his need and she gasps as his mouth immediately found the hard tips of her nipples. Rolling them in his mouth with his tongue, the other hand played with the other tip. Pulling and twisting on the ends, she moaned. The sound seemed to put him over the edge, his eyes glowing brighter as he moved away, pulling down his own clothes and unleashing the large rod that was between his legs.

She shivered with the view and her panties dampened with the way he was looking at her. It would have been frightening, if she weren’t so horny for him. “Please Colin, I don’t want to wait. I need you now.”

He moved to her, bending down and taking her shorts, ripping them off of her body. She squealed and then moaned as his thickness found her wet and ready. There was no playing or foreplay, just the exquisite pleasure of him pushing inside of her, stretching her completely as they stared into each other’s eyes.

Lois’ legs wrapped around his waist and she was lost in the pleasure. He moved slowly, his teeth gritted to stop himself from slamming forward, as much as he wanted to, he knew that he could not. Colin wanted to make it last, but she was urging him deeper and faster. Lois wanted it hard and fast like she was used to. Her body was made to have him that way.

When it was clear that she wanted more, Colin pulled out and stood over her. Her eyes opened slowly and she whimpered in a way that took away the last of his control. He moved her over onto her stomach, grabbing her hips to raise her ass up in the air. Lois’ eyes closed with the anticipation of him inside of her. She knew it was coming, but she did not expect the hard slam from behind. It sent her reeling forward and if not for his hard grasp on her round ass, she would have been sent flying on the bed. “Is this how you want it?”

“Yes, fuck me Colin, just like that.”

Colin gave his wife what they both needed. One hand went to her neck to keep her down, while the other held her hips still so he could slam into her over and over again. Hammering her from behind, Lois felt the stirrings of her need, her body tightening up to the incessant rutting from behind. The tight ball inside of her exploded, heat and pleasure rushed in waves over her. “Yes Colin, oh God!”

He was unable to last much longer. The woman beneath him drove him over the edge and all he could so was slam deep and fill her with more of his hot dragon seed. She moved forward to slide him out after a moment and his softening manhood slid out of her. Lying down on her side, Colin pulled her close as their breathing slowed.

“I love you Lois.”

“Mmmhmm.” Lois was already asleep. Happy to be home in her bed and with the man she loved. It didn’t get much better than that.


The End


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Stepbrother Romance





By: Lisa Cartwright


Copyright 2015 by (Lisa Cartwright) - All rights reserved.



In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.


Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.



Chapter One


Mike said, “How are we handling the Victoria situation?”


“It’s still a problem. I don’t have any solutions. Yet.”


Sarah Cunningham laid down on top of Mike Fua’amato. Mike looked like a caveman who’d been given a makeover. He was six feet five inches tall and two hundred and forty pounds. His broad face sat on top of a thick neck, which was held up by an incredibly muscular and active body. He played football for the local university and made All American four years in a row. His Polynesian heritage showed in his dark skin and quick, hulking movements.


Sarah played basketball for the same university. She was five eleven and weighed one fifty. Her body had all of the necessary curves to interest a man. She didn’t diet and kept her curves intact. She had brown hair and brown eyes and skin that looked all over like a good tan even in those spots that never saw the sun.


Mike put both hands on her rump and gave her a squeeze. She said, “Do you mind not having me before the wedding?”


“No. It gave our love a chance to grow. I admit though, I’m looking forward to it.”


She grinned at him. “To having me? Taking me? Forcing that great, huge stallion of love into my delicate, feminine body?”


“I thought I’d just make love to you. I don’t how to do any of those other things.”


“Good.” She kissed him with dedication. “By the way, do you have a great huge stallion of love?”


Mike became very serious. “Yes. We’ll have to take extra care not to hurt you.”


“We will. You’re a good man. I trust you.”


“Changing the subject. We never talked about Victoria’s situation other than doing our best to keep her calm. What caused the damage to your sister?”


Sarah noticed a new lump on his body about midway between his head and his feet. She let her legs fall outside of his body and positioned herself right at the top of the lump. She began a small rubbing motion. “Can you concentrate if I do this?”


“More or less. If you see my eyes cross, you’ll know that I’m not listening any more.”


“Okay. She’s not really my sister. She grew up in foster homes, shuffled from home to home and had bad luck every time. She always ended up in a house with a mom and dad who fought constantly. They were always loud and threw things at each other. She wanted attention so she’d hang around the mom or the dad hoping they’d notice her. When the fighting started, she’d be in the middle of it. Most of the time, one of them would see her and instead of giving her attention that felt good, they’d slap her or hit her and push her out of the room. Instead of wanting attention, she began to be afraid of attention. She’d do anything to keep from being noticed. That’s where she is today. She can function. She’s done well in school, but she doesn’t have any friends. Your brother looks like most of the men who hurt her. She can’t help it. She’s terrified of him. Now, she’s going to stand next to him at the reception. She’s my maid of honor. He’s your best man. She won’t get through the reception. I know it. Something will happen to make Luther notice her and she’ll run away.”


“I’ll talk with him. We might be able to pull it off.”


“I hope so. I love her more than my real sisters. She needs so much and can’t get it.”

Chapter Two


Mike met with his brother, Luther, on the grass outside the reception center. Luther said, “I don’t understand. Why won’t she let anyone touch her?”


They watched Sarah, Mike’s bride-to-be, her sister Victoria, and their mother and father fifty feet away. Sarah, her mother and father touched each other often. Victoria stood off to one side away from the group. Her family members talked with her constantly, but none of them touched her. Victoria smiled when it was required and looked worried the rest of the time.


The reception went well for the first hour. Everyone was tense. Luther stayed to one side of the newly married couple and Victoria stayed on the other.


Luther was built like his brother, but bigger and meaner looking. His body was thick and heavily muscled and effective. He had black hair and brown eyes and a permanent scowl which only meant he was thinking or worrying. It didn’t mean he was planning to dismember somebody and deciding which arm or leg to pull off first.


Victoria looked like she felt. She was tall and willowy and moved gracefully but quietly. She came almost up to her sister at five feet nine inches, but weighed only a hundred and ten pounds. It was distributed properly. Her figure was effective. If she could allow herself to be available, she’d be noticed. Where her sister had a lovely tanned skin, Victoria got the brunt of her Danish ancestors with very fair skin, light blonde hair and blue eyes.


It went to hell when Luther and Victoria went to the refreshment table at the same time. Just as Victoria saw Luther and stopped, a guest who’d had a bit too much punch bumped into her, sending her flying into Luther’s arms.


He said, “Oh dear” and held his arms out to catch her. He saw her face coming toward him, terrified and pale. He caught her with his hands under her arms and lifted her up to a standing position. He said, in as gentle a voice as he could, “Are you alright?”


Victoria stood in one spot and didn’t move. She didn’t blink or turn around. She froze. Luther said, “Could I get you a drink or lead you to a chair? I’d be happy to help.”


She kept staring at him, getting paler.  She swayed from one side to the other. Her eyes rolled up inside her head, and she fainted.


Luther knew it was coming. His brother told him she fainted when her life became unlivable. He held his arms out under her back and knees and scooped her up easily. He did arm curls with two hundred pound weights. He held her as if she were weightless.


Victoria’s mother, Janice, came to him. “Let’s take her into another room.”


Janice had all of the motherly attributes. She loved her daughters and showered them with attention. Victoria came to live with them when she was fourteen. It took two years to get her to let Janice hold hands for a few seconds. Janice took the responsibility for her care very seriously. She was the reason Victoria could move somewhat among society. Together, they worked out strategies for coping with her fears. Janice suggested Victoria use ear buds and her cell phone when she went to school. It let her listen to soothing music, and it kept people from talking to her.


They found an empty room in the reception center. Victoria moaned softly and her eyes fluttered open. She did something that made Janice and Luther open their eyes in wonder. Victoria snuggled into Luther’s chest. She folded her arms against her body and rubbed her nose and cheek into Luther. She made little humming sounds when she did it.


They didn’t move. Janice stroked Victoria’s forehead. “Sweetheart. Wake up. We need you to be with us.”


Victoria moaned again and her eyes opened then opened very wide. Luther felt her body tense. All of her muscles cramped. She leaned away from him and reached for her mother. Luther set her down on a chair then left. He couldn’t think of anything to say or do.


Victoria and her mother held hands. Victoria said, “I’ll be alright, mom. Go back to the wedding. I’m sorry I took you away from it.”


“I will as soon as I’m sure you’re alright.” They held hands for a moment. Janice said, “Luther’s a good man. You don’t have to be afraid of him.”


“I know. Sarah told me about him. He looks rough and mean, but he isn’t. It helps a little.”


“Do you know what you did just before you regained consciousness?”


“No. I don’t remember.”


“You cuddled yourself into Luther’s embrace. You were comfortable with him holding you.”


Victoria straightened up. “How could I do that? He terrifies me. I know he means well, but I can’t stop the fear.”


“I think for a moment you didn’t feel any fear. You trusted him.”


“I like that. But it didn’t last. As soon as I saw him and realized where I was, I got scared.”


“Yes. But it was better.”


“Yes, it was.”

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