Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance) (101 page)

BOOK: Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance)
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Chapter 7

Clara sat on the edge of her bed. Her whole body was shaking with a mixture of anger and fear. Anger at Andrew Montague for daring to think that he could treat her such a way and fear that she now, officially, had nowhere to go. Leaning over, she cupped her face in her hands and it was only then that the tears began to fall. At first they trickled and then they poured and soon Clara found herself sobbing. She should have listened to her sisters and stayed in Virginia. They never would have let themselves be thrown over for some painted lady! Now, here she was, not only having been thrown over for one, but the entire public house knowing about it too!

“Clara?” Buck’s voice came through the crack of the door. He knocked. “Clara? May I please come in?” Clara tried her best to stop her crying, an effort that resulted in loud hiccuping breaths. Unable to take anymore, Buck pushed open the door.

“I didn't say come I !” Clara shouted, standing up from the bed and spinning around quickly to hide her face. Buck shut the door behind him.

“Clara…I'm sorry.” He said softly. He put his large hands on her shoulders and pulled her body to him. “I'm so sorry.” His words only served to set her off crying again. Spinning around, she buried her face in to his chest.

“Oh, Buck! What am I going to do?” She cried, her tears soaking through his shirt. His hand smoothed her hair as he held her to him.

“Shhh,” he said. “We will figure that out, I promise.” Clara shook her head, sniffling.

“There is nothing to figure out!” She sobbed. “I have been humiliated in front of the whole town and now I have no where to go and I'll have to take that disgusting train back to Virginia!” Buck couldn't help chuckle at her single breath sentence. “It's not funny!” She shouted, hitting him lightly in the chest with her balled up fist.

“No, no, I know it's not funny.” He said, pressing his lips to the top of her head. “You just…you're so fragile for such a bold young thing.” He said. “Come, let's get you calmed down.” He said, taking her hands in his and helping her to the edge of the bed. Just as she was about to sit down, she leaned forward ever so quickly. The movement took Buck by surprise, but what Clara did next, he found even more surprising. She pressed her warm tear-stained lips to his.

Buck knew that he should pull away. It wasn't proper to do things this way with a woman of Clara’s stature, but he couldn't stop it. Before he knew what he was doing, he was kissing her too. Their lips parting ever so slightly as their tongues touched.

Clara could feel the heat between their bodies as she pulled back from the kiss. Her eyes flitted coyly up to Buck’s and then her fingers began to work the buttons of his shirt. Buck placed his hands on hers.

“No, Clara…we can't. It isn't right. It isn't what you want right now.” He said. She pulled her hands from his and continued to unbutton his shirt until she was staring at his bare chest. As she stood staring at his lean tanned body, Clara’s hands moved to the bodice of her dress. Her fingers moved quickly, untying, tugging at the laces until her dress fell loose. Buck reached up and carefully, he slipped her dress down over her shoulders.

Clara could barely catch her breath when she felt his hands touch her bare skin. As her dress slid down over her curves and pooled on the floor, she brought his hand up to her naked breast. Buck’s breath caught in his throat as he cupped her in his hand. Clara watched every line on his face smooth as he pinched her pink budding nipple ever so gently.

“Ah!” She gasped.

“Are you okay?” He whispered. She nodded. “Would...” Buck hesitated. “You like to see?” He asked her, his eyes looking down to his pants. Clara nodded slowly.

Buck pulled his hand from her breast and unbuttoned his trousers. Clara watched as he slid them down and stepped out of them. There he stood in nothing but his underwear, but Clara wanted more. She nodded hesitantly towards his underwear and Buck smiled.

“Shall we both?” He asked, trying his best to make her more comfortable with what he assumed would be her first time. Clara nodded. Tucking her fingertips in to the waistband of her underwear, she slowly slid them down, keeping her eyes focused on Buck. As she slid her own underwear down over her hips, she watched as Buck’s member burst free from his. She had never seen anything quite so magnificent in her life.



Chapter 8

Buck stepped forward, pushing Clara back against the edge of the bed. She sat down and then leaned back, exposing every inch of her perfectly virginal body to him. Buck smiled down at her and then very carefully, he climbed up on to the bed. With one knee between Clara’s legs and one beside them, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers once again.

Clara had never felt anything so incredible. The butterflies in her stomach were almost sickening and yet the excitement was thrilling. Wrapping her hands around Buck’s neck, Clara pulled him in to a deeper kiss. As she did, Buck nudged her thighs with his other leg and leaned his warm body on top of Clara’s. Clara took another deep breath as she felt the shock of his hard member pushing against her stomach.

“Oh!” She gasped in surprise. Buck smiled as he put his forearms on either side of her head and leaned down, pressing his mouth to her ear.

“Are you sure, Clara?” He asked. “We don’t have to do this…”

“I'm sure.” She said. “I have never been so sure of anything.” She brought her arms up, wrapping them around him, her fingers brushing at his hair.

“Just relax…” Buck whispered. With that, he inched down until the tip of his cock was poised against her opening. He lifted his head and watched her face. Clara nodded.

“Please…” She said, breathlessly. Buck pushed forward. Clara could feel him forcing inside her tight wetness. “Ahh!” She gasped. Buck pulled back shaking his head.

“I don't want to hurt you.” He said.

“Please, please, it will only hurt for a moment.” Clara begged. And then Buck put her hands up by her head, he intertwined his fingers with hers and once again he slid forward.

Clara was almost too tight for the width of his cock. As he pressed forward he could feel her tightness stretching to take him. It felt more amazing that anything he had ever felt before. Her juicy wetness stretching, tearing, to allow him inside. Somewhere where no other man had been. Clara’s blue eyes stared deeply in to his, the glaze of her first sexual encounter taking over.

“Breathe…” He whispered as he pushed forward, now burying his full length inside her. Clara released a deep breath and quickly began panting for air. “Slowly…” Buck reminded her. She slowed her breaths as her body began to rock to the rhythm of his thrusting.

“Oh, Buck!” She gasped. He slid inside her down to his very hilt and for a moment he held himself there, rolling circular motions on top of her. “Ohhh!” She said again, her face pleading, begging to be shown real carnal pleasure. Buck pulled back, then just as his tip was almost released from her tightness, he thrust deeply. “Oh God! Oh yes!” Clara shouted. Buck laughed breathily, as he repeated the motion over and over again until her felt her tightness pulling around him. Her no longer virginal pussy tightened until Buck could hardly move. Then he felt it.

Clara’s whole body stiffened, she could feel pins and needles covering every inch of her as he back arched even underneath the weight of Buck’s body.

“Oh! Ohhh!” She cried. “Buck, what's happening?!” Her fingers clenched at the bed clothes and her forehead wrinkled with worry.

“Shh, it's okay…” He said, thrusting deep.

“Oohhhh!” She breathed faster, heavier and then her toes curled. Every muscle in her delicious pink pussy gripped Buck’s cock firmly before finally giving in to the succulent sweet release of Clara’s first orgasm. “Ahhh…” She hummed as her body fell back on to the bed. Every inch of her was vibrating from the pleasure that Buck had given her.

“Mmm!” Buck agreed, sliding from deep within her still trembling pussy. Clara watched as he took his cock firmly in his hand, working his shaft. With each stroke his breath can more hurried than the last until suddenly he sprayed a thick stream of cum over Clara’s bare belly. Her eyes widened as she watched him cum again and again, until there was no more left to give. Then breathlessly he smiled down at her, licking his dry lips. “Ahh!” He rolled over.

“Where are you going?” Clara asked.

“We need to clean you up.” He said, sliding off the side of the bed to fetch a wet towel from the bathroom.

When he returned, he wiped the warm cloth over Clara’s belly. She watched him as he tenderly cleaned her.

“Buck?” She asked, propping her head up with one arm.

“Mm hmm?” He answered as he dried her belly.

“Do you think that I might find a place here in El Paso?” She asked, her eyes following him as he went back to the small bathroom.

“I certainly hope so.” He said.

“What do you suppose I might be able to do to earn my keep?” She asked, amazed at herself for even suggesting the idea.

“Well…” Buck returned to the bedroom and lay back down on Ted bed beside Clara. “I was thinking…” He said, trailing his fingers between her breasts gently.

“About what?” Clara urged.

“About how I am the mayor of El Paso.” He said. Clara frowned.

“I don't understand…” She said.

“And the mayor of any place really ought to have a wife to keep his appearances up while he is away, and to service just needs when he is at home…” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Miss. Clara James, I know that I'm no Andrew Montague, but I have a family fortune of my own that would keep you in the manner to which you are accustomed. So I am asking  if you might consider being my wife?” Clara smiled softly and reaching up she brushed her hand against his face.

“I was so hoping that you would ask.” She said. “Nothing would make me happier than becoming Mrs. Buck Holliday.”


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Seized by the Highlander








By: Lisa Cartwright

Copyright 2015 by Lisa Cartwright - All rights reserved.



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Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

Chapter 1

Isobel had lived in Dunn Hill all of her life. The small town offered everything she could ever need and as a child her desire to travel beyond the town’s security had been quelled by tales of the neighboring highlanders. For twenty two years Isobel McCullogh had come to know every face and every door in the town, but now, on the eve of her twenty third birthday, she found herself restless.

              “Isobel, fetch me two bowls of stobhach!” Duncan shouted back to the kitchen.

              “Comin’ right up!” She called back, tearing her eyes from the small window over the kitchen sink.

              Lately life for Isobel had consisted of washing dishes, cooking the thick Irish stew and carrying it out to the patrons of the Highlander Arms. She couldn't complain, jobs like hers were hard to come by. Most of the women in town spent their time sewing – a skill that Isobel had never managed to perfect. And at least working in the pub offered free food and drink when she so desired.

              Isobel  slopped the thick stew in to the bowls and ripped off a chunk of bread for the top of each serving.

              “Here we go, Duncan.” She carried them through the narrow entrance to the bar back.

              “Thank ye, lassie.” He said from behind his thick red beard. Taking the bowls he placed them on the bar. “Cameron Dunnoch! Ye stobhach!” He shouted. Isobel lingered. When Duncan turned around and saw her still there he glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Yeah, ye can go home.” Isobel didn't hesitate to untie her apron. It was still ten minutes before her shift was over, but things hadn't been too busy since the lunch rush.

              “Thank you!” Isobel said, offering Duncan a smile.

              “Just don't make a habit of it!” He said.

              Isobel headed back in to the kitchen with her apron in hand. She was starving and the smell of the stew on the stove had been making her salivate all morning. Grabbing a bowl off the shelf, she ladled a healthy portion out for herself and ripped off a chunk of bread. It was a good dinner and it saved her having to cook at home. Though her parents always offered her whatever they were eating, she felt embarrassed to take from them now that she was working. Most girls her age were married by now and living with their husbands and while the idea didn't appeal to Isobel, she knew that her being single put a strain on her parents. Many times she had offered to rent a room over the pub, she made enough to pay for it, but her parents wouldn't hear of it.

              “You stay under your father’s roof until you find a man can provide you the life you deserve.” Her father said, and Isobel truly believed that he meant it.

              As an only child, Isobel was certainly more privileged than most in the town. She had grown up never knowing a day of hunger and without siblings to fight for attention, she had always been given her parents full care. Still, she was fiercely independent and understood the responsibility that fell on her shoulders as soon as she was of working age. She had worked at the Highlander Arms ever since, bringing home each weeks wages and handing them over to her father to help pay her way.

              Isobel was spooning the stew hungrily in to her mouth when a knock came on the open kitchen door. She looked up quickly, a dribble of gravy on her chin.

              “Excuse me, Miss. Isobel, but I have a letter for Mr. Duncan that needs signing for.” Danny, the young post-boy stood looking at his shoes nervously, shuffling from one foot to the other. Isobel wiped her hand on her skirt and held it out across the table.

              “Hand it here, Danny. I'll sign for it so’s you don't have to go disturbin’ Duncan.” Danny stepped forward as he fumbled in his post bag.

              “Well, it says as it’s only for Mr. Duncan…” He hesitated as he pulled it from his bag.

              “Give it here,” Isobel said, waving her hand. “Nobody’ll know but you and me if I write Duncan’s name.” Danny looked back at the kitchen door before reluctantly handing over the letter. Isobel took it from him and looked at the postmark. It came from Loch Mead, just a few towns over.

              “Miss. You have to sign…” Danny said quietly.

              “Right…” Isobel said, turning the letter back over in her hands and reaching out for the pencil that Danny had pulled out of his pocket. Handing her the pencil, Danny reached in to his bag for a small card and handed that to Isobel to sign. Quickly she scrawled her best impersonation of Duncan’s signature and handed it back to Danny. “There we go.” She said, handing back the pencil and the card. “I'll get this right to him as soon as I'm finished here.” She said.

              “Yes, Miss.” Danny said, tucking the card back in to his bag and the pencil in to his pocket. He then glanced hungrily at the near empty bowl in front of Isobel. She smiled and shook her head.

              “Sit down.” She said, pushing her chair back from the table. Danny eagerly pulled out a chair and sat as Isobel fetched and filled a clean bowl with stew. “Don't you tell your friends I've been feedin’ ya for free though, we’re not a charity.” She set the bowl in front of Danny. Without waiting for a spoon of a chunk of bread, he lifted the bowl to his mouth and slurped hungrily. Isobel tore off a larger than normal chunk of bread and set it on the table. “There's more if you want it.” She said, unable to overlook how hungry the boy was. He set the bowl down and grabbed the bread.

              “Thank you, Miss!” He said before going back to eating his fill. Isobel nodded and sat back down, staring at the letter wondering what it could be about.

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