SHIFTER ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Claimed By The Wolf (Older Man Younger Woman Mail Order Bride Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Wolf Shifter Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: SHIFTER ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Claimed By The Wolf (Older Man Younger Woman Mail Order Bride Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Wolf Shifter Romance)
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With one swift leap he sent himself crashing into Lorelai knocking her to the ground, his front paws pressing her down and as he snapped violently in her face, bearing his canines with saliva dripping unto her fur, he saw the fear and submission in her eyes. But even that was not enough to convince him that she would finally submit.

“If you carry on like this, you’ll be cast out, not only by my people but by your own,”
he threatened keeping her pinned,
“you have to earn respect in this pack and if you don’t, everyone will grow to dislike you, so do yourself a favor and work harder at pretending to be the perfect omega.”

He was over it, if she wasn’t going to submit to him willingly, he would make her submit to him, one way or the other. No more mister nice guy or trying to get her to accept her place here.

The moment Dominic’s Alpha overpowered Lorelei she knew she had lost the fight. Not only did her wolf submit, but so did she and even if she fought the desire to go against his decisions, she would not be able to do so.

Dominic let her go and she rolled over and stood up on all fours shaking the dust and leaves off. “
You’ve won, I’m yours. There is nothing I can do or say that will change that,”
she yielded quietly.

This time he was giving her some of her own treatment – silence. And as he turned and walked away from her, she lowered her head and followed him with her tail tucked between her legs.

What an utter disaster,
she thought as she submissively followed him, not caring if he could read her mind or not.


Chapter 8


“Nothing ever becomes real 'til it is experienced.” 
― John Keats



As they entered the clearing the rest of the pack was standing around waiting for them. Shameless and naked Dominic walked with his head held high and everyone else lowered their heads. He had finally won their respect as their alpha.

“This is what you wanted? To be recognized?”
Lorelai’s thoughts filtered into his mind.

Dominic didn’t bother to respond, simply turned his head and looked at her disapprovingly. He was not going to allow her to get to him. And as he glared at her she immediately averted her gaze and followed him obediently.

Maybe someday in the not too distant future, his mate would look upon him with desire and respect, the same way his mother adored his father. He opened the door for her and let her inside. But once the door was closed behind him he reached for her and grabbed her by her arm pulling her against him.

“When will you stop fighting me?” he asked as he searched her eyes.

“The day I die,” she retorted and glared at him, but behind the fear and anger was something he could not read. He looked down into her eyes, as they stood nakedly at war with each other, wanting to shake her until she came to her senses.

“Do you want to fuck again?” she said tautly.

“For god sakes Lorelai, this is not what it’s about,” he growled and released her causing her to stumble backwards. “I refuse to lay another hand on you, until you come to me.”

With those words he walked away from her.

Lorelai was angry and confused. Even though she hated the fact that she had to submit to a male, there was a stirring in her soul she could not ward off any longer. Her body hankered for him and her soul coveted him. Sooner or later she was going to have to give up and give herself to him willingly. The hurt that flashed in his eyes when she lashed out at him was imprinted on her mind, and every time she closed her eyes she saw the look of despair in his eyes.

Elvira appeared with a gown and wrapped it around her shoulders, “Come and have some tea, it will make you feel better,” she said, and Lorelai’s heart ached for her mother.

Will I ever see them again?
She wondered as she followed Elvira to the sunroom.

“Thank you,” she said and she sat on the sofa curling her legs underneath her.

“You know Lorelai; things weren’t always so rosy for me either. You asked me how I knew Marcus,” she said and sipped at her tea, “I was your age when I came here, and before that I was with the Shadow Fangs, my father was the alpha at the time.”

Lorelai suddenly didn’t feel like tea anymore. She studied Elvira and she saw the expression of sadness and loss. Was she also given away against her will once upon a time?

“How did you end up here?” she asked curiously.

“My father was against me mating with the man I was deeply in love with. Oh we were so happy when we were not with the pack, but when we were with them we had to love in secret. You see, I was in love with Marcus, and he was in love with me,” she said and lowered her eyes.

Lorelai wasn’t sure how to respond to that. Her dad loved another woman, how was that possible? He loved her mother with all his heart.

“But my mother and father…”

“Are in love, I know. But you see, back then my father arranged for a beta female to join our ranks, and unfortunately the forces of nature do not comply with the laws of physical attraction. Your father fell hopelessly in love with your mother, and I was left out cold. Unlike yours, my father was heartless, and he knew all too well that we don’t choose our own mates. Nature does.”

“Wait, so, my father ditched you for another woman, just like that?” Lorelai asked, stunned.

“Just like that, but I never blamed him. I was unable to bear seeing them together, and one night I decided it was time I left. I took the first bus out of town and came to the south, hoping that by some miracle I would find my own place in a world where I did not have to live with a broken heart,” she said and smiled softly, “I ended up here. At first the pack was distant, but Dominic’s father came from a hunt and the moment I saw him it was as if the cosmos collided and splintered the heavens into a billion more pieces.”

“Well my universe crumbled and got sucked into a black hole,” Lorelai said flatly.

“So did his father’s, he was also in love with someone completely different. And at first he avoided me like the plague. It wasn’t long before the forces of nature took control and before I knew it, I was carrying his child,” she said with a smile and placed her cup on the table.

“Once you start to feel the life that is growing in your womb, you’ll see everything changes.”

Wait, what? What life? I’m not pregnant.
She thought in a panic and laid her hand on her stomach calming herself, “Then I will just have to avoid getting pregnant,” she said determinedly.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for that,”
Dominic’s timber voice broke into her mind.

She spun around and saw him standing in the doorway, dressed in a white T and jeans, his hair was damp and droplets of water cascaded down the sides of his face.

She hardly noticed Elvira had left the room and the realization of what was happening completely threw her for a loop.

“I’m pregnant?” she shouted bringing her hands to her stomach.

“Yes, I just found out too,” he said walking over to her.

“Impossible, I would know if I was,” she said disbelievingly. There was no way that she could be pregnant, not now! And as if her body wanted to reaffirm her condition, she felt a wave of nausea wash over her and she aimed for the nearest potted plant, heaving disgustingly in front of Dominic.

She clutched the sides of the pot with such force she thought she might break it, but as she felt Dominic gathering her hair and bunching it up behind her head, she started to cry. He was so tender, and she was so hateful. Why did things have to be so complicated? Between heaving and sobbing, he stayed with her, rubbing her back and keeping her hair out of harm’s way.


Chapter 9


“Finding love is like making crème brulee. It may take a few tries before you get it right.”

Crystal Woods


The next few days, Dominique gave her time to adjust to the idea of becoming a mother, he spent most of the time going on patrol with his pack and being the leader he was meant to be. The threat of the hunters establishing groups in the south was also a looming threat he could not avoid. In order to protect his people he had to be alert and ensure that none of them dropped the ball. So far they were able to hide in plain sight, with the luxury of being able to shift and run freely in the mountains and valleys surrounding Monterey. But now he was forced to set a curfew.

After yet another long day, tracking the hunters and making sure that none of the young wolves took chances in shifting during daylight, he finally arrived home. He was too tired to try and talk to Lorelai, and chances were that she would just ignore him again, so he headed straight for the shower, to wash off the grime and sweat from the day.

He turned on the water and stepped in under the hot shower bracing his hands against the granite surface of the wall, his head hanging forward as the hot water washed down on him. He just needed to blank out his mind, and center himself again, but a sudden cool sensation brushed over his skin as he heard the shower door open.

“Dominic…” Lorelai stepped into the shower, and reached out sliding her hands up his back and curling them over his shoulders while she pressed a trail of kisses along his wet skin. His cock instantly grew hard as did every muscle in his body. He dropped his arms and turned to face her. Her hair was plastered against the sides of her face and long tendrils clung to the top of her breasts as they hang over her shoulders. And although he had seen her naked plenty times before, this time was different. She was carrying his child, and although she was barely showing, his blood scent clung to her.

Take me,”
she spoke to his mind as she dropped her hands to her sides, the spray forming a curtain of water between them.

I want to hear you say it,”
Dominique communicated back to her and dared to smile.

“Take me, I want you, all of you,” she said out loud this time, and then only did he reach for her.

He slid his hand up her arm and the side of her throat and around the back of her neck, pulling her lips to his. Even as the water washed down over them, he could distinctly taste her sweetness as their tongues collided. She pressed herself against him and he could feel her nipples poke against his chest. With insatiable need he roamed his hands all over her, he caressed her breasts, the curve of her waist and her well rounded firm ass, everything about her was perfect. His primal instincts took over as he maneuvered her and turned her around to face the wall.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he teased as he curled his arm around her and cupped her sex, pressing his fingers against her clit.

“I tried not to, but I can no longer ignore my own feelings,” she whispered breathlessly as he kept massaging her.

God she was hot, and so very wet. He pressed his erection against her ass cheek and bent over her, nipping and sucking the soft flesh of her shoulder, “can you see what you’re capable of? You drive me insane,” he said grinding his cock against her.

Lorelai pushed back against him, her walls broken down to their foundations. She felt Dominic’s body press against her, his weight bearing down on her. She didn’t want him to stop, not now, not ever.

“Please, don’t make me beg,” she pleaded as she stepped with her feet apart giving him easier access to her heated core. And as he plunged his finger into her she let out a soft whimper of pleasure. The next moment he spun her around and lifted her, pressing her back up against the shower wall, and automatically she wrapped her legs around his waist.

The sensation of his cock pressing between her thighs sent a shiver of pleasure and anticipation ricocheting through her. He drew her lower body away from the wall and she plastered her palms on either side of the shower stall for leverage. And in one smooth motion he swept his hips forward and slid into her. She felt every delicious inch of him as he drove deeper, stroke after stroke.

He dipped his head down and took her nipple in his mouth, and she cried out his name. The water showered down on them as he pumped harder and faster.

“Oh god yes, more!”
she pleaded in her mind.

The enormousness of the pleasure that flooded through her was mind numbing, she needed him more, now and forever. She could hardly think straight as he hammered his rock hard cock into her.

“Lorelai, fuck…”
she heard him in her head, and she knew he also lost his equilibrium. She met his erratic thrusts one after the other until she felt an exploding sensation start deep in her stomach that worked its way up into every molecule of her body. She flung her arms around him and clung to him as he cupped her ass, giving her more.

In a heated rush of passion and erotic pleasure, her orgasm rocked through her and she felt his hips still and tense. He was whispering her name over and over, and then he captured her lips and kissed her.

She was lost in him forever, she realized then and there. He was her forever, her very own alpha, and she was his woman.

He finally turned the water off and slowly lowered her to the floor, but he didn’t let her go, he held her in his arms and caressed her wet skin.

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