Shay's Shifters [Mountain Men of Montana 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (6 page)

BOOK: Shay's Shifters [Mountain Men of Montana 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Rosh yanked on the woman’s leg and pulled her back through the opening. As before, she wasn’t going to make things easy on him as she kicked and struck out. Avoiding a punch that almost clocked him in the jaw, he dropped her, letting her land on her butt. How many times would he have to toss her on her ass before she’d stop fighting him?

He fell on top of her before she could scramble away and pushed her to her back. Holding her arms around her head by her wrists, he put his face close to hers. She froze, her big brown eyes widening as he settled his body over hers without resting his entire weight on top of her.

Her tantalizing scent drifted into his nostrils, and he dragged in a deep breath, closing his eyes for one moment to savor the aroma. He opened his eyes again and let his gaze fall to her chest, hidden under the modest dress she wore, as it rose and fell, making him choose between watching the swell of her breasts and studying the fullness of her lips. Her lush body molded against his, and he knew in that instant that he never wanted to let her go.

Her mouth parted as she peeked the tip of her tongue out. Was she trying to drive him insane? His cock was already straining against his jeans. If he dared kiss her, he wouldn’t have a chance of restraining himself.

“Turn me loose.”

If only she’d keep her mouth shut.

Yet another part of him, the side that enjoyed a spirited woman, rejoiced. She was irritating and stubborn, but she was fiery and every inch a woman. “Where do you think you’re going to go?”


“Trust me. You’d never make it.” She had no clue where she was, but he wasn’t ready to tell her. Not until she’d agreed to stop trying to run off. If she did, he wouldn’t be able to protect her, but he doubted she’d understand that.

“You want me to trust you? Are you fucking kidding me?”

He’d never liked women who cussed, but she made it seem sexy. “Nope.”

She narrowed her eyes, obviously trying to decide whether she should believe him. “What are you talking about? Why the hell did you bring me here? Where am I anyway?”

“Once you promise not to run away, I’ll explain that to you later.”

“Why not now?”

He smiled and then, unable to stand it any longer, he put his mouth close to her ear and whispered, “Do you always get whatever you want whenever you want it?”

He bit down on her earlobe just enough to sting but not enough to hurt. She gasped but didn’t attempt to move away.

“Well, yeah. If I have any say about it. Doesn’t everyone? Are you planning on chomping my earlobe off?”

She jerked her head to the side, pulling his teeth off her ear then cupping her hand over it. “Shit, man. A bit animalistic, don’t you think?”

“So you’re a princess, huh?”

He tilted his head, daring her to deny his accusation. She didn’t. Instead, she dropped her gaze down the length of their bodies.

Was she trying to see his erection? He let a small smile escape. “Can’t you feel that I want you?”

Her gaze whipped back to his, then pointedly glanced down then up again. “Trust me.
no big deal.”

He let his body push against hers a little harder then worked his leg between hers. “Is that so? If it’s not, then why are you hot against my leg? Hell, I can feel your juices through my jeans.”

Surprise then shyness flitted across her face until her brash nature came back in full force. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

“What’s your name?”


His abrupt change in the conversation had thrown her. “I asked you your name. After all we’ve been through, don’t you think we should know each other’s names?”

“Sure. I need to know who to tell the police to lock up.”

He laughed then pushed his leg harder against her crotch. She inhaled again, and, for a moment, he thought she might wrap her legs around his waist. He was disappointed when she didn’t. “I’m Rosh McClain. And you?”

She blinked then whispered the name he’d longed to hear since finding her unconscious by his side. “Shay. Shay Mathews. Now get off me.”

“Shay. I like it. It fits you.”

“I’m so glad you approve.”

Her sarcasm was as enchanting as her wit. “You’ve slept for two days, but I see it hasn’t improved your disposition.”

“Two days? No. That can’t be.” She struggled against him then gave up.

“You took a good knock on the head. But don’t worry. You’ve already healed.” He widened his smile then lowered to kiss the sweet swell of her breast. “Not that your wound stopped you for long.”

Was it his imagination, or was she taking deeper breaths? He slid his tongue from one breast to the other. His body hummed with need as he searched her eyes and found the answer he’d hoped for. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Look, Mr. McClain—”

“Shh. And the name’s Rosh.”

“Rosh, you’ve got to take me back to my car.”

“I’ll think about it. If you’re a good girl.”

He could see that she recognized a line when she heard one.

He turned her wrists loose and caressed her cheek before taking her by the chin. “Show me how good you can be, Shay.”

He kissed her then, giving into the sexual tug that had fired to life when he’d plopped her on the ground and pulled off her clothes. He’d hated that she’d reacted as though he was going to rape her, but he hadn’t had the time to explain. The only way into The Hidden was through the water and only during specific time periods, including when they’d arrived at the top of the waterfall. If she’d jumped with her clothes on, the weight of the water soaking into her clothes would’ve dragged her to the bottom.

But that no longer mattered. He’d explain in time. All that mattered now was the softness of her lips. Her mouth opened to his like a rose opening to a new day, and he slipped his hand under the hem of her dress. His hand skimmed over her smooth skin, moving upward to take her breast even as he relished the sensation of her body pressed close to his.

He gently slipped his tongue into her mouth and waited for her reaction, letting her take the lead since he’d had to force her to go with him into The Hidden. He’d done it for her, but he doubted she’d see it that way. At least, not at first.

To his joy, she answered his kiss with a touch of her tongue to his, then a hard suck as she dragged his inside her mouth. Rosh groaned, forcing back his inner wolf, who howled to be set free and claim her. If he hadn’t already realized how much he wanted her, his other half told him so now. He rolled to his side, holding her firmly as he tracked his fingers into her long, silky mane. It was as soft as he’d dreamed it would be for the past two nights.

The dreams had tormented him, keeping him and his cousin, Renkon, away from their small home to sleep on the ground beside the hut. When she’d moaned in her fitful sleep, he and Renkon had taken turns, argued for turns, in fact, to soothe her fevered brow with a cool cloth. The women, among them Kira’s mother, Myla, had bathed her, but he wouldn’t let them take over her care. Although it wasn’t a man’s place to tend to a woman, he and Renkon had stood against tradition.

He stroked her hair, breaking the kiss so he could search her face. Her eyes were lidded, the muscles of her face relaxed as she gave herself over to him. How had he not recognized her from the very start? To think that he might’ve never met her had he not played with Kira churned in his gut. But it was the thought of what had driven her from the road that made his blood run cold.

He forced the worry away for later. For now, he would relish his time with her.


“Yes, Shay?”

She started to speak her mind then stopped. “Nothing.”

“No. This is definitely something.” He brought his mouth to hers, plundering her mouth with a barely restrained fervor. Lying with her, without even taking her yet, had changed sex for him forever. He had a feeling that she’d changed him forever.

She pushed against his chest and made him lean away from her. “I don’t know you.”

“You will. If I have anything to say about it, you will.” He’d meant what he’d said, but the cautious side of him shouted for him to stop promising her more than that very moment together. But he’d think about that tomorrow.

He tugged the top of her dress lower, caught a nipple between his teeth, and reenacted part of his dream. She groaned and bowed her back, thrusting her breasts toward him. The simple act almost made him come, but when she lifted her leg, moving her dress higher on her thigh then placing her leg on top of his, he was sure he wouldn’t last much longer. He flicked his tongue between her breasts, tugging at first one then the other nipple.

He pulled the hem higher and cupped her bare mons. As most of the women in The Hidden did, she wore no underwear. If he could stand it, he would give her pleasure first. If he didn’t, he was afraid that once he sank his cock deep inside her pussy, he’d lose all control and fuck her like a wild animal.

He slipped two fingers between her folds and found her pussy, hot and wet, ready for him. His palm lay against the soft curls, and he swore before long he’d bury his nose between her legs and drink in her scent as well as her flavor.

A vision of Renkon sucking on her breasts as he feasted on her pussy shuddered through him, but for now, he would take her without his cousin. Those in The Hidden coupled with more than one, usually three men to one woman, and, although he’d have no problem sharing her with his cousin, he wasn’t as sure about another man. Could he stand someone other than Renkon tugging on her nipple? Would he enjoy seeing another man rut her from behind? Or would the jealous twinge inside him grow stronger? But he’d worry about that tomorrow, too.

Her clit pulsed against his fingers as he began to massage the sensitive area. She lay back and spread her legs wider, and he followed her without turning her pussy loose. Rubbing her clit in alternating hard then soft circles, he watched as she tugged the top of her dress under her breasts. The material supported her full tits, making them seem even larger and plumper.

“Finger-fuck me.” She clutched her breasts, mimicking his circular motions with her thumbs on her nipples.

He shoved a finger into her pussy, and her mouth fell open in a silent cry. She was so damn beautiful, radiant in the throes of sex. Her pussy walls clamped around his finger, giving him a preview of how fucking wonderful she’d feel once he replaced his finger with his cock.

“Harder. More.”

He added another finger and rammed them inside as hard as he could. His palm slapped against the skin between her cunt and her butt hole. She lifted her head then laid it back and threw it side to side as her body shuddered under his touch. Warmth flooded over his hand as she bucked, trying to get away as her climax tore through her.

He moved between her legs, shoving his jeans down to his ankles. Lifting her legs so she could wrap them around his waist, he positioned his cock to tease the opening of her pussy. Unable to hold back a moment more, he plunged into her, sinking his cock into her sweet, hot core. He grabbed her ass cheeks, sinking his fingers into her skin. She cried out, but he could no more stop fucking her than he could’ve stopped the moon from rising.

He sank into her, harder, faster, needing her more than ever. Her soft
turned him on even more, and, impossibly, he felt his shaft grow bigger. She was a mesmerizing temptress, and he was her willing servant.

If he could’ve stopped, could’ve found a way to slow down, he would have. But as it was, he needed her too much.

She lifted onto her elbows and thrust her pelvis forward, giving him everything he gave her and more. Growling, he fell onto his back, taking her with him. Unlike most of his kind, he didn’t think having the woman on top meant he wasn’t the dominant one. It simply meant he could sink his cock even deeper inside her.

She took the shirt he had worn just for her and, to his surprise and delight, tore it open. She took hold of his pecs as he did her breasts. Her long hair drifted over her breasts that were still held by her dress, giving him an erotic show.

He pounded into her, getting her to make the mewling sounds again. She rode him, bucking on top of him like a sexy rider determined not to get bucked off. Her ass met his flesh to make a satisfying sucking noise.

The orgasm that he’d managed to hold back would no longer be denied. His balls drew up and his seed rolled toward the finish. He held on to her tighter and rammed against her as hard as he could, his panting sounds mixing with hers. With a growl that turned into a groan, he let loose, shooting his cum into her pussy. His body shuddered, jerking out the remainder of his cum.

She stayed on top of him, her hair draped over her chest, her mouth parted and her eyes softened with desire. Slowly, his cock softened, and she slumped forward to put her head against his chest. Turning on his side again, he rested her on her back and smiled as she cuddled against him.

She traced patterns on his chest as he turned to place a kiss on her forehead. “You know this doesn’t change anything.”

He pulled back to look at her. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m still getting out of here. With or without your help.”

Rosh sat up, pushing her to the side then tugging his jeans up and his shirt together. “Like hell you are. You’re staying put until I say you can leave.”

She sat up and pulled her dress to cover her body. Her eyes flashed with anger as she poked a finger against his chest.

“Look, Tarzan. Nobody tells me what to do. I’ve already overlooked your earlier caveman routine, tossing me over your shoulder and all, but you’ve pushed my patience as far as it’s going to go.”

Even now she made his cock twitch with need. But he had to make sure she stayed where she was. “You will or else.”

He was stunned when she laughed at him. “Or else what?”

Reaching behind him, he stuck his hand into a large basket that contained several items and drew out a long piece of rope. “Or else I’ll have to tie you up.”

BOOK: Shay's Shifters [Mountain Men of Montana 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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