Read Shaun and Jon Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Shaun and Jon (8 page)

BOOK: Shaun and Jon
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Chapter Nine


was proud of his girl. She hung her head high as she walked into the general
store in town. They’re refused to serve her twice, forcing them to travel to
the next nearest town. This time she’d said they’d serve her or there’d be hell
to pay. He and Shaun walked into the feed store, loading up on supplies. The
smell of snow was in the air. Winter was on its way and that would mean fewer
visits to town and taking whatever Mother Nature sent their way.

do you men do it?”

looked up, at first not sure if the clerk was talking to him.

what?” he asked.

a woman?”

to it. Didn’t your parents ever teach you about sharing?”

they did, but not a woman. You both have her at the same time or you one night,
Shaun the other?”

smiled. He guessed they’d piqued folk’s curiosity. That’s what this
blacklisting by the women in Grantsville was all about. It wasn’t a morality
thing, but they were scared it would catch on with the men folk. Who knows,
even their man might think of taking another woman to their

share her at the same time. Although either of us can have her whenever he
wants or if she wants.”

smiled, remembering yesterday when he’d been walking by the barn and saw her
butt naked and bent over some hay while Shaun fucked her like crazy. He’d stood
and watched, growing harder with each groan she took, her hair working its way
loose from her bun. It had worked him up so much that after Shaun was done with
her he’d followed her inside, knowing he had to relief his itch.

hadn’t said anything and it was if she knew what he wanted. She’d gone to the
bed, sat on the edge of it, lifted her skirt and petticoat, and parted her

folds glowed with the aftermath of her coupling with Shaun. Shiny, bright pink
pussy lips beckoning to him. Soon he would dip his cock into the warmth that
only Sarah could provide him.

having another man saved you from having to go through the protocol of
foreplay. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

a mighty fine looking young woman. Perfect childbearing hips on her,” said the

voice brought Jon back to the future.

yes, she is.” He wasn’t jealous, just proud of his girl.

yeah, both he and Shaun were lucky men.


she could make it through her first Montana winter, she’d be just fine. Sarah
shivered as Jon and Shaun opened the door and stepped inside,
in remnants of a huge snowstorm that
had moved in overnight. It was a new year and so far so good. They’d made it
through some bitter cold nights. Supplies were running low and she’d made it
clear to everyone at the general store they wouldn’t be venturing farther than
Grantsville as the passes were closed, so they could serve her or face the
disgrace of letting three people starve.

but someone had slipped in a
Bible into their order with certain passages underlined. She hadn’t told either
Jon or Shaun and she hadn’t mentioned the letter she’d had slipped slyly into
her coat pocket on her last trip to town.

You are a sinner
who’s going straight to Hell. Sex is not for pleasure but for procreation

for pleasure. She’d almost laughed at that. Her two men brought her nothing but
pleasure. However, one thing had puzzled her. So
she’d been unable to get pregnant.

looked at the men drying themselves off with
she’d left by the door. She so wanted to give them offspring, but
maybe she was barren. Wouldn’t that be sad for all of them. And no doubt the
women folk in town would see that as a form of punishment for her sins.


loved the way Sarah laughed. It was infectious and made him and Jon always want
to join in. It was early spring and the mornings were getting lighter.
The three of them rolled around on the bed
laughing as they both tickled her belly.

kissed their way up her legs, parted her thighs, and Shaun put his lips on her
pussy and lapped at her until she wiggled and Jon had to hold her still.

tasted like honey as he speared her opening and heard her groan. Her face grew
more beautiful when she enjoyed her release. Shaun never expected her to get
sick just a few hours later.

stay with her and I’ll ride into town and bring the doctor back with me.”

think he’ll come? I mean most folks hate us.”

come if I have to drag him here,” said Jon.

sat with her, holding her hand as she vomited and looked pale.

just something temporary,” he told her.

it is,” said Sarah.

doctor and Jon arrived a few hours later. He and Jon walked outside pacing up
and down while the doctor examined her.

if we lose her? What are we going to do?” asked Shaun.

not going to. If she’s
we’ll find a
cure for whatever ails her, even if we have to ride for miles.”

both turned when they heard the doctor opening the door and heading outside.

okay, Doc?” asked Jon.

sorry I can’t treat her or attend to her again. That’s my decision and I hope
you’ll accept it.”

doctor headed toward his wagon and they rushed inside to see Sarah sitting up
in bed, the color back in her cheeks somewhat. She’d obviously need more
treatment and they’d get it for her.

doll, did he tell you what’s wrong?” asked Shaun.

with child.”

wasn’t sure he’d heard right until Jon shouted with delight.

secretly talked about the fact that she hadn’t gotten pregnant yet and wondered
if she’d never be able to have babies.

doctor asked me if I knew which one of you was the father and when I told him
no, he refused to attend to me or deliver
when the time comes.”

you worry, we’ll get another one. One that’s more open-minded.”


had a rough start to her pregnancy, but by the second half she was busy making
things for the baby and strangely craved Shaun and Jon more than ever.

think this is safe? I mean should we be doing this when you’re with child?”
asked Jon.

never done anything by the rules before,” said Sarah. “So I guess this won’t hurt

straddled Jon. Lifting herself up took much more effort now. Jon held his cock,
allowing her to ease her body down until her pussy made contact with it and
slid easily inside.

he and Shaun rubbed her belly as she began to lift herself up and down, riding
and letting him to some of the work for

got behind her, kissing her back, bringing his arms around the front of her body,
and touching her breasts that were growing larger each week.

patted her belly, feeling a stirring inside her pussy. Her orgasms had been
more intense since she’d gotten pregnant and hence the reason she wanted Shaun
and Jon to make love to her more as her pregnancy progressed.

her thighs together, she made more effort to lift and lower her body, knowing
that the added weight was probably hurting Jon but he never complained. Neither
had Shaun who now held her close as she cried out and began to feel her climax

and more,” she mumbled as Jon raised himself up off the bed and speared her

shook and raised her hands up as she felt him find release inside her. He
pulled out of her and moved away, allowing her to lean over on all fours so
that Shaun could now enter her.

held her hips and then supported her big belly as he pounded inside her.

be scared about hurting me or the baby,” she told him.

pushed harder, faster, just the way she liked it, and the room
as she drifted down into a warm, dark
place where her climax slowly built. First in her toes, then her thighs—her
curls were even on
—and then, the

that, Jon and Shaun lay on the bed, her sandwiched between them, touching her
belly, feeling the baby move around.

baby’s going to be so lucky—not one father, but two,” she said.

be the
baby in Montana,” said

asked Jon.

a boy,” said Shaun.

a girl, and I’ve decided on Kathleen Anne as her name,” said Sarah. “It was my
mother and grandmother’s names.”

to be a strange name for a boy,” said Shaun.

we’re going to have to teach him how to throw a punch for when he gets teased,”
said Jon.

can joke and mock me all you
but I
can’t wait until Kathleen arrives,” said Sarah.





October snowstorm had moved in that morning and Sarah guessed it had something
to do with her going into labor as soon as she rose that day. The baby, like
the snow, was early. She hadn’t told Shaun or Jon that she’d been having pains
until they got so bad she cried out and had taken to her bed mid-morning.
Whether it was a son or
it was
obvious it wasn’t going to come into this world with any ease and by the early evening,
her body was racked with intolerable pain.

going to die,” said Sarah, another sharp pain gripping her. She squeezed the
bed sheet tight in her fists. While doing
she thought back to when she’d done the same thing when she, Jon and Shaun had
enjoyed hours of pleasure on this very same piece of furniture. Maybe dying in
childbirth would be her punishment for living such an immoral lifestyle.

not going to die. We’ll make sure of that. The three of us have a long and
happy life together. Raising this child and any others we’re blessed to have,”
said Jon.

grabbed her hand while Shaun took the other one.

doctor’s on his way. Won’t be long now before you’re holding that baby in your
arms,” said Jon.

Grantsville doctor hadn’t wanted to attend to her but Jon and Shaun had found
one in a neighboring town
as of yet
didn’t know about the three of them. Shaun had ridden out to fetch him and come
back saying he was delivering another baby but would be with them as soon as he
could. However, by then it could be too late for her,
but, hopefully,
not the baby. She knew both men would take good
care of Kathleen Anne should she not be around to raise her with them.

pain gripped her and she dug her nails into both Shaun and Jon’s hands with
equal pressure.

wish we could take some of the pain for you,” said Shaun.

only this baby would leave her body. He or she would be safe, and Sarah would
be able to die peacefully knowing she’d brought her baby safely into the world.

hear that?” asked Jon.

she’d heard was the wind howling around the house and the occasional pellet of
snow hitting the windows.

got to be
the doctor,”
said Shaun. He let
go of her hand and walked to the window, pushing back the curtain to peek

it’s him,” he said. “Baby will be here in no time now,

left and returned five minutes later with Doctor Myles in tow. The man looked
cold and still had flecks of snow clinging to his hair.

one is the father to be?” he asked.

am,” both Shaun and Jon said at the same time.

the gossip in town hasn’t been just hearsay.”

the pain hadn’t been so bad, Sarah would have been mortified to learn that talk
of their relationship that spread beyond Grantsville, but her one and only goal
was to deliver a live baby.

you men want to leave me so I can examine Sarah?”

but we’d like to be with her when she gives birth,” said Jon. He raised his
hand. “Yet another thing we do a little differently around here.”

had definitely been a touch of sarcasm in his voice, almost making Sarah smile.

BOOK: Shaun and Jon
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