Shatter Me (10 page)

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Authors: Anna Howard

BOOK: Shatter Me
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“Nor I.”
I swear.

“I’m already close.” He mutters and he stops and pulls out of me. I cry out, missing him filling me. “Hush. Trust me.
I don’t want it to be over so quickly.”

Neither do I, but my aching body is pleading for the release that only he can give it.

He sits up and urges me onto my stomach. “God, you have a great ass.” He squeezes each
cheek roughly. “Did you know that I am an ass man?”

I smile. “No. I always thought of you as a breast kind of man.”

“Oh, I love breasts, baby. And yours are the most incredibly perfect set I have ever seen.” His fingers skim down my ass crack, making goose flesh pop up. “But I have always been an ass man.
And this ass?”
He slaps me just hard enough to make a loud sound, but not enough
sting. “This ass has starred in many, many of my fantasies.”

“So it has tormented you, has it?” I glance at him over my shoulder and he raises his eyes to meet my gaze. “Good.” I breathe. “Now make me come again.”

His grin is so sexy it makes me even wetter. “Oh I plan on it, baby. Just be patient and I will rock your world.”

I shiver in anticipation.
“I can’t help it.”

I sit up and turn to face him. He is so incredibly devastating. His chest is covered in dark hair matted with perspiration, his hard abs
quivering with desire…And, oh my! His thick, hard cock
past his naval as it waits for me to play with it. “Just looking at you makes me want to come.” I tell him honestly as I raise my eyes from his impressive erection to meet his dark green gaze.

I climb onto his lap and wrap my legs around his waist as I take him inside of me. He stretches me, making me feel wonderfully full and wet. My breasts rub against the hair on his chest, causing my nipples to harden even more if that is possible.

“Kari!” He pulls me down hard on his erection until I can go no further. “God, you feel like heaven.”

“Let’s go there now.” I plead with him as I rock back and forward.

He kisses my lips, but doesn’t linger as he trails soft little
along my jaw. “I told you, I want it to last.”

I rock harde
His great length just
sitting inside of me is such delicious torture.
So I torture him back. “So you like my ass?” I murmur as my
ands caress up and down his spine. “Tell me. Do you want to come in it?”

His body shudders.
“So badly.
But not today.
We can save that for another time.”

“I’m close.” I whisper at his ear. My breathing comes faster, harder as I push down on him letting my clit press against his lower abdomen. “Please, Keith. Please make me come.”

“Kari!” His fingers lock onto my sides and lift me just enough that he slides half way out. I slam back down. He does it again.
Twice more.
Once more and I am crying out his name as I come apart for him.

The force of my orgasm is so strong! The power of my contracting muscles around his engorged cock sends him crashing with me.

Chapter 7

Two weeks later finds me having dinner with Bianca.

We haven’t spent much time together lately, and with Christian coming home in a few more days I was sure that we wouldn’t see much of each other for a while longer. So I was glad to have a little girl time with my bestie.

“I can’t believe you, Kari!”

Okay, maybe not as glad as I could have been. Ever since Bianca found out that Keith and I are together she has been on my case every chance she can get. She is convinced that he will only break my heart. All I want is for her to be happy for me. I don’t want to constantly have my second thoughts tossed in my face by her.

“Keith Winthrop is a philandering playb
oy. His relationships last about
two minutes before he gets bored. How can you even think about letting him this close?” She is well into her rant now. After a good meal and two bottles of wine shared between us she doesn’t seem to care that she is hurting me with every word that comes out of her pretty mouth. “He doesn’t deserve you, Kari.”

I clench my jaw, attempting to keep my temper under control. But with nearly a whole bottle of wine cruising through my blood that control is quickly beginning to slip. “I don’t care if he deserves me or not. I love him.”

“You have loved him for years now. And all he has done is hurt you every chance he got. Just because he is sharing your bed does not mean that
is going to change.”

I quickly get to my feet. Any desire to spend the rest of the evening with my bestie has flown right out the window. “You can be a real bitch some times, Bianca.” I tell her as I drop a few large bills on the table. “And there are times, like right now,
I wonder why I still consider you my best friend.” With a cold glare I leave her sitting there, mouth gaping as she stares after me.

I am out on the street attempting to hail a cab when she joins me. “Kari, I’m sorry.” She begins, but I don’t want to hear it.

“Save it!” I snap. “For two weeks now all you have done is bad mouth Keith and attempt to fill my head with doubts. You don’t have to keep reminding me about his past treatment of me, Bee. And I sure as hell don’t need your help in the doubt department, because I have plenty.”

“Kari…” She starts but my glare silences her.


Just because you are my best friend does not give you license to bitch at me when I do something you think is crazy. All you are entitled to is one rant, which you
have more than exceeded, and the right to be there to say ‘I told you so’ behind my back when things go wrong.” I wipe away an angry tear, hating her for ruining our evening. “Why can’t you be happy for me? For the first time in forever I am amazingly ecstatic and you are doing nothing but bringing me down every chance you get.”

“I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She yells at me. “I love you. I don’t want Keith to destroy you.”

“The only one destroying me right now is you!”

She blanches as if I have hit her. But as she opens her mouth to say something a cab pulls up beside of me. With one last glare at Bianca I get in and give the driver the address of Keith’s apartment. There is no way I want to go back to my own apartment with Bianca.

All I want is for my boyfriend to hold me close for the rest of the night.


“I don’t like her any more than she likes me, baby.” Keith says once he has patiently listened to me go on and on about my lousy girls night out with my bestie. “In my opinion she is just a spoiled little bitch.”

I grimace, about as thrilled to hear my boyfriend speak badly about my best friend as I am for the reverse. “Keith…”

He smiles. “There is no law written anywhere that says the best friend and the boyfriend have to get along, Kari. In fact I think that they are supposed to be mortal enemies.”

I brush my tangled blond hair back away from my face. “I am friends with Christian.”

His eyes narrow. “Yeah, I’m not so thrilled about that. I would much rather you hated him as much as Bianca hates me.”

I roll my golden eyes at him. “You were always jealous of Christian. Even when you were pretending that I didn’t exist.”

He ignores my comment as he puts the finishing touches on the biggest homemade ice cream Sunday I have ever seen. There is a large piece of fresh brownie underneath slow churned vanilla ice cream that has hot fudge sauce, caramel drizzle and whipped cream smeared all over it. My boyfriend has the biggest sweet tooth in the United States.

A sweet tooth that always rears its head after a session of really incredible love making.

I sit at the island in the middle of Keith’s kitchen dressed in one of his tee shirts and nothing more. He on the other hand, has no problem walking around in absolutely nothing. And really, I thing nothing looks much better on him than anything else.

“Want a bite?” He asks as he pulls out two soup spoons and offers me one.

I blink. “Weren’t you going to share anyway?”

He shrugged.
I’m not use to sharing.” He scoops up a big gooey spoonful and caresses my bottom lip with it.

I open my mouth and he slides the cold treat inside. Licking my lips as he takes a bite for himself I can’t help thinking that this man is going to make me the size of a cow if I keep letti
ng him feed me like this. How he stays in such good shape when something this rich and decadent is part of his diet I will never know.

“What?” He asks around a mouthful when he notices I am staring at him instead of eating his dessert.

I shake my head grinning. “You are so adorable sometimes.”

dorable, huh?”
He leans over and kisses
me softly. “Not sexy
and sinful?”

“All of the above.” I assure him. “But I really love when you are being adorable.”

His whole body seems to tense and I see something in those dark green depths that I have never seen there before. “What else do you love about me?” He murmurs.

I bite the inside of my
. “I…” How do I answer that? He must know that I love him.

He drops his spoon into the huge bowl of dessert and reaches for me. “Tell me.” He whispers. “I want to know.”

“Okay.” I sigh, ready to bare my soul to this man. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me from the bar stool onto the island top and stands between my legs. “The first thing that I fell hard for was that sardonic eye brow thing you do.” He raises it and I trace
my fingers over
the dark brow. “It can be both endearing and incredibly annoying all at the same time.”


I let my fi
ngers trail down from his brow, along his jaw, and onto
his chest. “You have a really big heart. I knew that before my mother died, but it became even more apparent when I started working at Winthrop Charities.” He gives me a sheepish grin. “You are personally one of the biggest donors that I have on more than half of the charities that I manage.”

Keith shrugs like it is no big deal. “I like to give back.”

I kiss his lips ever so
. “No one gives that much back without really caring, Keith.”

He steps closer. “Tell me more.” He urges, nuzzling the side of my neck with his nose.

It is hard to think with his
warm breath on my skin. “I…Um…I love how gentle you are with me.” I whimper when he brushes his lips against my collar bone. “Most of the time you treat me like I am made out of fine crystal. And even though that can get annoying sometimes it always melts my heart.”

“Keep going.” He whispers as his fingers skim up under the tee shirt and caresses my butt.

“I…I love when you tease me like that.” I moan as his fingers kneed my behind, spreading my cheeks open and skimming along the seam there. “I love how you make me ache with just a look, a simple touch.”

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