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Authors: Emily Tilton

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“I know I deserve it,” she said.

“You do, sweetling, certainly. What you did was foolish and it could have been very harmful. At least you know that you have husbands who will not hesitate to discipline you as you need.”


* * *


Her knees could hardly support her as Yora led her up to the platform. There stood Pag and his brothers, each holding a many-tailed whip of braided leather lashes and wearing a grim expression, though Kar’s mouth seemed to turn up at the corners just a little as if to reassure her.

Jalinda could feel no reassurance at all, naked in front of the tribe she had wronged. When Pag and Hed bound her to the cross, her arms outstretched above her on the wooden beams, her legs parted and strapped at knee and ankle, her hips raised on the roll of padding they thrust under her to make her bottom protrude and present it for punishment, she felt grateful at least that she need not support her own weight, now.

But then Pag announced to the assembled tribe, “We will punish our wife now,” and they started to flog her, and all gratitude flew away in the agony of the three pitiless whips. They took turns, each man giving her twelve lashes before the next took his place. Jalinda screamed from the beginning, her bottom on fire worse even than the pain of the beating given by the general. She writhed upon the cross, trying desperately to roll onto her side, trying to move her poor bottom out of the way, as it clenched and unclenched helplessly in what she knew must look like a lewd display to the watching tribe.

“Please, Pag… please, Kar…” she begged. “Just stop for a moment!”

But they didn’t stop until her bottom and thighs had gotten the full one hundred eight lashes she had earned, and Jalinda hung limply, receiving her discipline where naughty wives must receive it, for their own good and the good order of their homes and villages.

Then something happened that was different from the punishment of Jera and Korda. Hed and Kar tilted the cross downward, and Pag announced, “We will triumph over our wife’s cunt now.”

Then each of her husbands had a long ride inside her, there on the cross, pounding their hips against her punished backside to make her scream anew, but not coming though Jalinda begged them to come, to prove they found her quim as pleasurable as she hoped it would always be for them, even if they must fuck it only to punish her.

As Kar fucked her, thrusting just as hard as his brothers had, something new seemed to happen inside her, and she realized that a pleasure had begun to build deep in her belly—a pleasure so great it frightened her, so great that she tried to concentrate on the pain Kar’s hips brought every time he pushed against her disciplined rump so that she wouldn’t have to worry about coming. If she came, she feared, she might literally catch fire, or fall apart limb from limb.

Then they turned her over, and they bound her breasts. Having such little breasts, Jalinda had never considered how their sensitivity might be exploited to teach the kind of lesson she now received: with the ropes surrounding them, harnessing them, she felt that her husbands had appropriated every part of her body, to punish her. She looked down at the little apples, now standing out among the wrapped cords with their nipples terribly stiff, and the pain there seemed suddenly to add to that dangerous pleasure.

When they paddled her cunt, though, that pleasure fled. Again she screamed, though her voice sounded very hoarse now. She closed her eyes, but Pag told her she must watch them paddle her there, and then, standing between her legs, he brought the leather paddle down. Though as she watched she thought he didn’t move his arm very much, the pain seemed nevertheless the worst thing Jalinda had ever felt. Her hips bucked against the strap around her waist, and she said, “Please, no…” as Pag lifted the paddle again, and brought it down straight on the quim where he had just had a fuck, where he loved to put his cock when they lay in his bed at home and Jalinda had her nights with him.

Each brother gave her five spanks with the cunt-paddle: the family cunt-paddle, fetched from Pag’s house, which would hang in the great room always, as a sign to Jalinda of her husbands’ resolve to keep her obedient and respectful. She thought the frightening pleasure had gone away entirely, by the time they had finished.

After Pag announced, “We shall now punish our wife with our cocks,” she realized that she had misunderstood. She had misunderstood almost everything: everything except their love for her.

Even before they unbound her, to lift her up and then to make her ride Kar’s cock while Pag had her bottom and Hed her mouth, the mere words
punish our wife with our cocks
made the pleasure flare up so greatly in her aching quim that she nearly came while she was still there spread open for the cunt-paddling on the cross.

When they did lower her onto Kar’s massive erection, she was already so wet that she slid all the way down his hard length with a gasp, and came immediately, crying out and clinging very, very hard to his chest while her hips went helplessly up and down in the throes of her climax. Then she felt Pag take hold of the breast harness with his left hand while with his right he began to oil her secret blossom for his pleasure, and that made her come again, crying out even louder and bucking her hips even more violently, though Pag held her firmly and forced her down.

Then Hed stepped in front of her and filled her mouth without ceremony, and somehow knowing that he wanted to have his cock there, and Pag wanted to have his cock in her bottom, while she rode their kind brother’s cock between her thighs, made her come again.

So full, as they punished her, fucking hard, the husband in her bottom always using the harness to move her exactly as he liked, to get deep inside her already punished rump and seek his release there. After a brother came in her bottom, Jalinda was made to clean his cock with a soapy cloth they brought to her, and then to take it in her mouth, to get it ready for her cunt again. She could hardly hold the cloth, because the cocks in her cunt and backside seemed to make her come and come and come.

After a time she stopped fearing that she would fall apart in body, and even that she would fall apart in her mind. She seemed to fly far above the village receiving her punishment and seeing, though the tribe stood behind her back as she rode her husband’s cocks, that were all following the law of the Trestrimar, fucking in celebration of their victory and of Jalinda’s punishment.

When Pag carried her back to their hut, as darkness fell on the day of pain and glory, Jalinda whispered. “I love you, sir,” but she wasn’t sure he had heard her.

They laid her on her tummy in the biggest bed in the hut, in Pag’s chamber, and they lay down with her, their hands soothing her. “I love you too, sweetling,” Pag said softly.

“And I,” said Kar of the lopsided grin.

“And I,” said Hed of the firm hands.

“We’re sorry we had to punish you, sweetling,” Pag said. “When we have our first real three-cock night, it will be easier for you.”

Jalinda, to her astonishment, managed a giggle. “I’m not sure I want it to be easier,” she confessed.



The End

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