Shadow's Light (35 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

BOOK: Shadow's Light
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I wasn't sure if my opinion would change as more
entered our world and the atrocities they performed began to filter through. I could only hope Aliath and his Grey Lords did what he said they would do. Keep those fairies who overstepped the mark in line.

“You need not fear, Lucinda. This is - how do you say? - not our first rodeo.”

What a strange thing to say, I thought and then with a flash of light and that ear splitting crack of thunder, he was gone. And I was left standing on an unidentified beach, south of Auckland on my own.

Great. Flippin' great.

I wrapped my arms around myself and took off to climb the sand dunes which suddenly looked like Mt. Everest. Ten minutes later I crested the first one to be met by a field of others, before I spotted a deserted car park in the distance.

I was twenty minutes into a serious scale of the east face of Mt. Everest when it occurred to me I had options. No cellphone, but definitely options.

Hey, can you talk?
I sent my thoughts across the miles to Michel.

Ma douce? Where are you?

The hell if I know, but there's a shit load of sand.
This was met by silence. Then...

You are at the beach in the middle of your night? Alone?

I didn't hide the laugh.
It's a wonderful walk under the moon this evening, Michel. It would indeed be nice to have some company, but alas I am all alone. And getting cold. Plus I don't have my cellphone on me. Can you call Sergei?

Ah, you wish to use me as a message boy.
A pause, then...
Are you sure you are alone?
A slight growl accompanied that.

Very alone.
I smiled at his jealousy shining through in his words.
Now, I know I am south of Auckland on the West Coast and there are sand dunes, lots of them and a car park. So it must be a beach people visit, but not in the middle of the night it would appear.

Sergei will be able to follow your connection with that information, ma douce. I am dialling as we speak.

, I countered.
As we think.

Yes, yes. As we think.
Then softer,
are you safe? Unharmed?

I'm fine, a little wet and cold and a bit tired, but I'm OK. Aliath has Lutin.

I felt, more than heard in his thoughts, the relief at that statement. It puzzled me, briefly, because I shouldn't have been able to
him at all. We no longer shared a connection like that, but I was sure that was what I had felt.

That is good news, ma douce. Will you fly out tomorrow night then?

I thought of Samson and Gigi and the mess they were no doubt in, but there was no point in delaying this any longer. The Keeper had left with Nataliya, sooner or later I would be summoned to him. It was better to get the ball rolling and get out of here when the sun set again. Samson was more than capable of handling the new vampire, I was sure. I just hoped she'd let him help. I got the distinct impression she was not happy with him at all.

Yes, we'll fly out tomorrow. See you in a couple of days.

That is music to my ears, ma douce. Sergei has answered, I must go, but call me again if you need me, ma belle. Je t'aime.

Je t'aime,
I replied and felt him go from my mind.

I'd made it across the lower Mt. Everest ranges by the end of that conversation and despite feeling exhausted, decided to continue along the road that left the beach carpark. It wasn't sealed, just an old New Zealand gravel covered road. In the height of summer, when surfers headed out to this beach, dust would spray up all along the length of it. Filtering into the air vents of their car, forcing them to close their windows and swelter inside in the heat of their 1970's Datsun.

I chuckled at that thought and set one foot in front of the other.

Forty-five minutes later the headlights of a car appeared around a bend ahead and I stepped gratefully to the side as the Land Rover pulled to the edge of the road beside me.

“You called a taxi?” Sergei asked in his thick Russian accent as the window came down. Marcus and Matthias were in the back.

I jumped into the passenger seat as soon as the door was swung open.

“Your call-out response time sucks,” I said as I popped my seatbelt on.

“For middle-of-the-hicks pick-ups we charge triple,” Marcus offered from the back seat.

“Charge it to my account,” I answered, letting a yawn take me quickly down to sleep.

“Don't worry, we intend to,” came Matthias's laconic reply.

Then more seriously, Sergei said, "I am sorry, mistress. I could not get to you in time when the fairy took you."

"Don't worry," I said, barely able to answer as sleep took hold. "You can't protect me every second of the day."

"He can sure as hell try," Matthias offered.

"In fact, from here on in you're gonna be glued to his side. No escape," Marcus added with a snort of laughter.

I didn't hear any more banter, as I could no longer fight off sleep, but I was sure it was flowing in full force around me. The vampires were all very relieved.

So was I. I could finally cross one thing off my To Do List. Lutin had been caught and Queen Sofiq would be somewhat appeased.

Now on to the rest. I sighed, as I felt my body become weightless. My To Do List was as long as my arm, but at least I was making headway at last.

One step closer to Michel, was the last thing I consciously thought before sleep fully engulfed me.

Chapter 32
The Visit

The shutters were down in my bedroom when I awoke. That told me two things. One, it was daylight out. And two, I had been put to sleep in my own bedroom and hadn't even woken for the transfer from vehicle to bed. I was seriously losing my edge. How could you sleep through being picked up out of a car and carried inside, up a flight of stairs, past the mess Lutin and Aliath had made, and then into and under the covers of bed?

At least they hadn't undressed me. I was still in my dress and jacket, the only things missing were my shoes and weapons. The shoes were beside the bed on the floor and the weapons were on the bed beside me, within reaching distance. Whoever had put me to bed knew me well.

I stretched and rolled over to look at the clock. I had no idea what the time was when we made it home from whatever sand dune covered beach Aliath had abandoned me at, but it must have still been before sunrise. And now the clock said three in the afternoon. Quite a sleep, even for me. But then, it had been a strenuous couple of days.

I decided a hot shower and then food was in order, before I contemplated the fact that we would be flying out of New Zealand, Paris bound, sometime tonight. No doubt Sergei had it all organised with Michel's pilots, but first... necessities.

I felt a million times better by the time I was cleaned up. No more sand. Yippee! Dressed again in one of Michel's stretchy capped sleeved dresses with matching jacket. My dancing dragon necklace around my neck and nestled in between my breasts. The silver stakes and knife already at home inside the pockets of the jacket. My passport, cellphone and wallet in another. Thank Goddess for private jets and not having to stow my weapons inside checked luggage. I even contemplated taking my Svante sword. Who knew if it would be needed, but the idea of having extra ammunition when facing the
Council, was a reassuring one at any rate.

I made a mental note to get it out of the safe and store it in my overnight bag.

Vampires were up and about downstairs. From their signatures I could tell it was M&M and Samson. Sergei was in his room in the cellar. I had no idea of knowing if he was sleeping, but my bet was not. His worry over his sister would be forefront in his mind, I was sure.

I didn't venture into the lounge where the signatures and murmured words were emanating from. But instead headed directly to the kitchen. One quick glance in the fridge and it was obvious our housekeeper had been in recently. A lasagne sat waiting on the middle shelf. I hurriedly uncovered it and shoved it in the microwave. The oven would have been better, but I was too hungry to wait for it to heat up.

A couple of minutes later, I had a plate full of steaming lasagne and a glass of Michel's favourite Merlot on the side. Time to face the gang.

I settled into the couch, after being greeted by my guards and started eating. Samson sat stone faced across from me in an armchair. I was sure he wanted me to ask him what was wrong. He was all but willing me with his eyes, but my hunger would not allow any interruptions. So, he just continued to fume silently while I scoffed my super heated meal, savouring every bite.

Finally full, I set the tray aside and started sipping on my wine.

“OK. What's wrong?” I asked, taking another sip from my glass and wondering if Michel had been able to get a hold of this particular drop in Paris. Maybe I'd take him a bottle from our collection. The French make superb wine, but Michel had grown accustomed to New Zealand and Australian reds. They were more full bodied than their French or Italian counterparts.

“Gigi has gone.”

I almost spluttered my mouthful of wine. “How? Why?”

A red tinge washed up Samson's neck and face. He was obviously still full from his feed from me, or he had managed to feed again, because blushing is not an easy thing to do for a vampire. He didn't say anything, just looked at the carpet with a frown on his face, trying to get his thoughts in order.

“All right. Let's start with this,” I said into the awkward silence. Even Marcus and Matthias had gone dead quiet, sipping their drinks and making no comment. “Is she safe? It's daylight out, is she susceptible to sunlight like you?”

At that question M&M stiffened and both sets of eyes fell on me. Crap. I'd forgotten they didn't know about her mixed heritage. As far as they were concerned, Gigi was a newly turned vampire. Nothing more. Crap and double crap.

I ran a hand through my hair and let a frustrated breath out. Samson was glaring at me and I didn't blame him in the slightest. I flicked him a look that I hoped showed how sorry I was and turned to my personal bodyguards. I studied them for a moment, trying to decide how much they could be trusted to know. It's not that I don't trust
. I do. They've been my personal guards for a while now and have been loyal and dedicated to the task. But, they were no longer part of Michel's line. They were independent and as such, no one had control over them at all.

Michel couldn't command them to keep Gigi's secret. I certainly couldn't command them. If I told them everything, I would have to trust them as a human trusts a human friend. But, they are not human. They are vampires. And a vampire will use any information, any prize, to better their station. Or simply to survive. If the knowledge of what makes Gigi what she is becomes valuable, they would not feel obliged to maintain discretion.

A vampire is as a vampire does.

Crap, I say again.

I really didn't need this complication in my life. But, I was responsible for Gigi, by Nut's request. I had to do what I thought was best and right now, keeping her secret seemed the way to go.

“Can you guys give a us a moment of privacy please?” I asked my guards. I was going to go with the less-said-now-the-better path. They would speculate that Gigi was more than just a vampire, but they wouldn't know for sure. One slip of the tongue by me, was hardly enough to gossip over. Was it?

They nodded, took their drinks and left the room. I waited for their signatures to arrive in the cellar, down by their rooms and the gym. Far enough away for Samson and I to talk without eavesdropping.

I motioned Samson over to the couch, because there was more room there than where he had been sitting. I shifted the tray with my dinner plate on it, to a nearby table to make room. He sat down with a heavy thump.

“Sorry about that, just slipped out.” I felt an apology was the best way to start. He just grunted in reply. “So, will the sun harm her?”

I guess so. She left before it rose. I told her it would, that she needed to stay indoors. I thought she'd accepted that and was just wanting some time alone in my room, to think. We'd been talking all night. She had been angry, but I just put it down to part of the process, you know. Like a grieving process. Grieving the loss of her old life. I didn't think she was
angry, that she'd walk right out the door and not tell me.”

“Where would she go?” I asked, taking a sip of my wine just because it was still in my hands and I needed something to do.

“To her home in the city. She lives near
. Or maybe to her friend, Kara. I think she lives in Ponsonby somewhere. Both, I guess would be OK. I've been to her place, it's an apartment in Greys Ave. She'd be safe once she's inside, the curtains are quite thick.”

“OK,” I said slowly. “You've tried to phone her?” It was said with an inflection on the end, a question. I was sure Samson would have tried everything to get in touch with her, but I needed to ask.

“Yeah. It's going straight to voice-mail. On both her cell and home phone.”

“She'll probably be hungry again once she rises,” I mused, more to myself than Samson.

I shook my head, trying to think of a way to do this. A way that would cover all options. I couldn't really help. We would be flying out as soon as the sun set. But, I could go out in daylight. I could check on her before she rose for the night.

“Tell me,” I asked, “do newbie vampires need to sleep the whole day? Or could she be awake?”

Samson frowned in thought. “It's hard to say. She's just so different from the norm. Usually, they need to sleep. Some will even flake out as soon as the sun rises and not wake up until it sets. At least not until they've been around for a while. I really don't know with her though. She's not a full vampire.”

No she wasn't, but she needed blood. That much we did know. And she was scared shitless and angry right now. Not a good combination for anyone, let alone a half vampire, half vampire hunter.

“Look, I'm going to go check on her while it's still light.” Samson went to argue, but I cut him off with a raised hand. “Lutin has been caught. There are no other fairies who are specifically on my tail. If I avoid them, I should be OK. The only other creatures after my arse are vampires. And they're all restricted by the sun. If I go now, I can be there and back before the sun sets. It's the safest time and then you'll know where exactly she is and be able to go to her at sundown. Give me both addresses. I'll try her home first and then her friend's. But, I'll have to go now.”

Samson didn't look happy, but his worry over Gigi won out. While he did an internet search on Gigi's friend Kara, I went into the office to open the safe and get my Svante sword and back sheath out. Slipping the sheath on under my jacket then placing the sword inside, I felt the familiar weight of the sword settle between my shoulder blades. A few quick practice draws and I felt reacquainted with my old and trusted friend.

It was a beautiful piece of work. A gift from Michel. The hilt of the sword was decorated in a dancing dragon motif, the clasp made to fit my palm. I had been taught to use it by my friend Erika. She had been one of Michel's vampires. The vampire who had betrayed him to the American Families, in fact. I hadn't worn or used the sword since Erika had been killed by Jett at Michel's command. Too many memories. Too much heartache. But, now was the time to get past that, and use every weapon I had at my beck and call.

I was about to close the safe again when a thought struck me. Reaching in I pulled out a small wooden box. Inside lay two silver stakes. I have a couple of these spare boxes in the safe. You never know when you'll need a replacement stake. Hand crafted in Egypt by Nero's Nosferatin kin, they were perfectly balanced and practically indestructible. The ideal vampire staking tool.

And a nice 'welcome to the ranks' gift for Gigi. I didn't have time to teach her, that would have to come later. But at least she could be armed if she felt the pull and couldn't fight it. God only knew if she would, but she felt like a Nosferatin to me and that's just what we do.

When I came back out of the office, Samson was waiting by the door to the garage. He handed me the scribbled addresses, with directions should I need them. I knew where Greys Ave was, but the one in Ponsonby was unfamiliar. A little too far from the usual vampire hunting grounds.

“Thanks,” I said as I turned to the garage door.

“Luce. I should come with you. I can cover up in the back of the Land Rover. I can stay hidden from the sun. You shouldn't be alone. Sergei will kill me if he knows you've headed out and God knows what Michel would say.”

“Hey. I'm my own woman. I can look after myself too, you know. I'll be quick. There's no need for anyone to get a sunburn over this. We just need to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Trust me.” I rested my hand on his arm as I said that, hoping to calm the panic that had started to show in his words.

He just nodded, but didn't say anything further. Which in itself told me just how much this girl meant to him. How much he was prepared to let me walk out that door alone, without a guard. I didn't hold it against him. I would have sold my soul to help Michel if I could have. Luckily Samson didn't need to do that now.

I'd made it halfway to the city when my cellphone rang. One look and I knew I was in for an earful.

“Mistress, what the hell are you doing going out on your own?” If the name on the display hadn't given him away, his thick Russian accent sure as hell did.

“Sergei, I'll be fine. I'm just checking on Gigi. I'll be back before it's dark.”

“I do not like this.” Yeah I could tell. “Why would you risk your safety for a newbie?”

I sighed, unlike Marcus and Matthias, Sergei is mine. “Sergei, Gigi is different. She is my responsibility. She may not be of my line, but she is as important to me as you all are. Trust me. I know what I'm doing and I promise I will explain it all as soon as I can. Just look after Samson for me. He's stretched pretty thin right now.”

There was silence for a moment and then a deep sigh. “As you wish, Mistress. At least you have your cellphone with you this time.”

I smiled. “Yeah and my big, bad don't-mess-with-me sword.”

“Ah, now that makes it all so much more bearable.” The sarcasm wasn't lost on me, but I didn't have time to reply, as he had hung up.

I was turning into Greys Ave when the phone rang again. This time I knew instantly who it was, even though the ringtone told me nothing and I hadn't glanced at the screen. I pulled over into a free car park and turned the car engine off, trying to decide why I was so sure that Michel was on the other end of the phone. I shook my head, unable to get a handle on the feeling and picked up the phone, pressing the call button as I did it.

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