Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (34 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter 9




His words hit me straight between the legs. Right now, my bathing suit bottoms were wetter than they’d been in the pool.

“Wow. I wasn’t really expecting that.”

He grinned.

I wasn’t sure what it was about Taylor Adams specifically, but for the first time in my life, I wanted to drop everything and fuck him right on the spot. Not only had I forgotten how truly hot he was, but I’d also forgotten how smooth he could be.

“What time are you getting back from Barbara’s?”


He gave me an innocent look. “Maybe I’d like to personally welcome you back to Jensen.”

“You just did.”

He leaned close and whispered into my ear. “I think I can do better.”

Taylor’s breath was warm on my neck and it made my nipples harden. Since the morning I’d woken up in his arms, I’d been having sexual fantasies involving him. It was clear as to what he was offering and the woman inside of me longed for it. But, my conscience wouldn’t allow it.

“I can’t,” I whispered.

“Why?” he asked.

“I’m not looking for a one-night stand.”

“Technically, this would make it number two.”

“I don’t even
number one,” I reminded him.

“The second round will be much more memorable, I guarantee it.”

Chuckling, I moved away from him. “You’ve got an answer for everything, Romeo. I’ve gotta go.”

“Think about it.”

“Whatever. See you around.”

“Call me,” he said. “Anytime.”

“You’re relentless.”

“You’re worth it.”

A woman walking toward me smiled and said in a low voice, “He sounds like a keeper.”

Smiling back at her, I walked toward the register with my bottle of champagne, and paid the cashier. Scowling at the rain, I rushed to my car and began driving home, my thoughts still on Taylor. The man had to be
sexiest guy I’d ever laid eyes on and it killed me that I couldn’t remember having sex with him.

That’s why you should do it again…

Deep down, I knew that Taylor was trouble and that messing around with him was the last thing I needed. Sure, he made me want to rip his clothes off and jump his bones, but I didn’t need any more meaningless sex in my life.

Sighing, I took a right and my “check engine” light suddenly popped on.

“Great,” I groaned.

Soon, my steering wheel became much harder to control. Fortunately, I somehow managed to pull over to the side of the road and put my hazard lights on.

Trying to remain calm, I picked up my phone to try and call someone, when I noticed that the battery was dead.

“Dammit!” I groaned, wanting to throw it through the window. Taylor had apparently used up the last of my battery power.

Three loud taps on my window made me jump. Noticing that it was the man himself standing out in the rain, I rolled the window down a couple of inches.

“What’s going on?” 

I quickly explained what had happened.

“Pop the hood,” he said, heading toward the front of the vehicle.

I did what he asked.

He leaned under the hood and began fiddling with a few different things. After a few seconds, he asked me to try starting it, but nothing happened.

I sighed.

Taylor slammed the hood down and rushed back to my window. “I don’t really know what’s wrong. I’ll call my buddy and have him tow it for you, though. He owns a garage not too far from here.”

“I can’t afford to have it towed,” I replied, feeling embarrassed. 

“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll do it for free, since he owes me, or… I’ll pay for it if I have to.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I’m going to, so don’t argue with me,” he said with that cute little half-smile of his.

“Okay. Well, I’ll pay you back when I get the money.”

“Don’t worry about it. Lock this think up and get into my truck. I’ll call my friend and see when he can get out here.”

“Okay. Thank you, Taylor,” I said, rolling my window back up.

Waving his hand, he ran back to his truck.

I grabbed my purse, locked the doors, and raced through the rain over to his pickup. Once inside, I noticed that he was already on the phone with someone named “Horse.”

“He can come and get your car tonight, but won’t be able to look at it until tomorrow,” said Taylor, after explaining the situation to Horse.

“That’s okay. Tell him thank you,” I said, relaxing.

“Did you hear that?” Taylor said to Horse. “Okay. We’ll wait for you here.” He gave him directions and then smiled. “Twenty minutes or so? Awesome. I owe you, brother.”

After he hung with Horse, Taylor put his phone down on the dashboard and then quickly removed his wet T-shirt.

“No biker cut today?” I asked, trying not to stare at his impressive tats and muscles.

“I don’t like to wear it when I’m roofing. It could get damaged.”


“Yeah. I’m a roof mechanic.”

“Oh, wow. I didn’t know that.”

He threw his shirt into the back of the cab. “Yep. J.T., he’s another one of my club brothers, and I own ‘Reliable Roofing’.”

“Really?” I said, surprised. For some reason I’d just assumed that Taylor made his money doing unsavory biker club stuff.

“Yeah, we just started the business about a year ago. I take it you didn’t notice the decal on the side of my truck?”

“No. Sorry.”

“Hey, no worries. Anyway, Horse said he’d be here in about fifteen minutes.”

“I heard. Thanks again.”

“No problem,” he said, running a hand through his wet hair as he checked his reflection in the mirror. “By the way – feel free to remove anything that’s soaked from the rain.”

I snorted. “Right, I’m wet all over,” I said, looking down at my clothing. “I’d have to take it all off.”

“I won’t look. Scout’s honor. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked. You certainly wouldn’t be making

I laughed. “Somehow I think you’re most comfortable when you get a woman naked.”

Taylor gave me a cocky grin and was about to respond when his cell phone went off. He picked it up and sighed when he looked to see who it was.

“Is that Horse?”


“Aren’t you going to answer it?”

“No,” he repeated, tossing it onto the dashboard. “I’ll call the person back after I get you home.”


“So,” he said, laying his head back against the seat. “I asked you why you left Minnesota and you said it was a long story. It looks like we have time to talk about it, if you want.”

“To be honest, I’d rather not,” I replied. The thought of telling Taylor that I’d basically prostituted my body out for money made me queasy. Not that I’d originally planned it that way, but it would sure look bad.

“Was it boyfriend?”

“Do you even know what the word ‘no’ means?” I asked, staring at him in disbelief. 

“I guess sometimes I just need to hear it more than once before I take it seriously,” he admitted.

“So, if a girl says ‘no’ when you’re trying to get down her pants, you don’t stop?”

“Darlin’, I’ve never had a girl say ‘no’ but I can assure you, if they did, I’d back off,” he replied seriously. “I’m assertive, but definitely not a rapist.”

“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to accuse you of that.”  In fact, although he was muscular and a lot bigger than me, Taylor seemed like one of the most least-threatening men I’d ever met.

“It’s okay. I seem to be making you a little nervous. I’m sorry,” he said, rubbing a hand over his chest slowly.

“Why do you say that?” I asked, mesmerized by the movement. I imagined my fingertips running over the warm, hard planes of his muscles and had to stop myself from reaching over and actually doing it. 

His other hand snaked out quickly; he grabbed my wrist, making me shriek in surprise.

Taylor released me and laughed. “See what I mean. You’re jumpy.”

I suddenly wanted his hand back, this time holding both of my wrists over my head while he made love to me.

And I’d called him pathetic?

Unaware of the affect he was having on me, his eyes moved down to my wet clothing. “Shit. Are you cold? I can turn on the heater.”

I looked down and noticed my nipples, which were poking the wet fabric. “Uh, sure,” I replied.

He reached over and turned on the heater. “That should help.”

“So, I um, I hope that I’m not keeping you from anything.”

“No. You’re not.”

“I noticed the wine. Somehow I can’t see you as a wine drinker.”

He laughed. “Now who’s fishing?”

My cheeks turned pink. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be nosy. I just want to make sure I’m not keeping you from something important.”

“To be honest,” he replied, looking serious. “I did have some plans, but I’d rather be here with you.”

We stared at each other, the intensity in the air making it hard for me to breathe. After a few seconds, Taylor reached over and brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful even when you’re messy?”


“Yeah, your hair is about ready to fall out of the bun, you’ve got some black stuff under your eye,” he said pointing to my left one. “Hell, it looks like you’ve just gotten laid.”

“I don’t know whether I should be flattered or embarrassed,” I said, running my finger under my eye. It was mascara.

His eyes moved to my lips. “You’re too perfect to ever be embarrassed about anything.”

“Me?” I noticed that he was moving closer and I laughed nervously. “I’m far from perfect, let me tell you.”

“Your idea of ‘perfect’ is what’s far from perfect,” he replied, sliding a hand behind my head.

The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and any rational thought I might have had went out the window.

Oh hell…

I began kissing him back and soon, the windows were fogging up around us.

“Lauren,” he groaned, as I placed my hand over his zipper and felt the hard outline of his manhood.

“Mm…,” I whispered against his mouth. “I want this so bad.”

He ran his hands over my breasts, squeezing and sending shivers of delight to my sex, which was on fire. “Then take what you want, Lauren.”

Fumbling with the button on his jeans, I managed to get them undone and slid my hand inside of his underwear. I wrapped my fist around Taylor’s cock. He was so huge that my mouth actually watered.

“Yeah, that feels good,” he said as I began to slide my hand up and down the shaft.

I sucked in my breath as Taylor slid his hand under my bathing-suit cover-up and found the bottom of my bikini. He slid his finger under the fabric. “You’re so wet. Fuck, I wish I could eat your pussy right now.”

Moaning, I closed my eyes as his thumb found my clit and he began to wiggle it.

I gripped his shoulder as he pleasured me with his fingers, making me squirm and gasp. His touch was light but insistent and it didn’t take long before I was crying out, desperate for release.

“That’s it. Cum for me, Lauren,” Taylor whispered against my neck.

And then it happened. I stiffened up as the flesh between my legs spasmed, causing a wave of pleasure so intense that I actually screamed.   

“Fuck,” he blurted out suddenly. “Horse is here.”

Alarmed, I opened my eyes and noticed that there were lights behind us.

Taylor pulled his hand away from my crotch and we both began fumbling with our clothes.

“I’ll go see if he needs any help. Feel free to turn on the radio, if you’d like.”

“Okay,” I replied, my head still spinning from the orgasm.

Taylor got out of the truck.

I turned on some music and then sat back against the seat. I wasn’t sure how I felt about what had just happened. In fact, I was still pretty horny but I was also a little mortified that I’d opened myself up to him that easily. My lack of self-control was humiliating.

Sighing, I watched as the two men hooked up my car to the tow truck. I couldn’t see Horse very well, because the rain was still coming down hard, but he had on a Gold Viper’s cut. Watching him reminded me of the time Mark had stolen one of their vests. I’d kept it to myself, since the thought of anyone finding out about our relationship would have been horrifying. Thankfully, I’d been able to sell my house, which had given me just enough money to pay the asshole back.

Pushing all thoughts of Mark away, I pulled the visor down in the truck and tried fixing my hair. As I was taking out my bun, Taylor’s phone began to buzz. Ignoring it, I ran my hands through my hair and thought about the time Taylor had walked me home after Carter’s eighteenth birthday. He’d been hurt and humiliated at the party but had still taken the time to walk me home. It was more than obvious that Taylor’s heart had been crushed that night, although he’d been quiet for most of the walk. He’d obviously loved Amber, who, in my opinion, had always been a ruthless, conniving bitch. Unfortunately, he hadn’t seen past her beauty and fakeness until it was too late. It made me wonder if she was the reason he was now such a player. From what I’d been hearing around town, Taylor Adams didn’t date a woman more than once and it was usually only to get into her pants.

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