Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (102 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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“Wow…I didn’t realize it was so late.” She gathered her things and walked out with John. The building was quiet and security in the lobby was the only live people they saw. “Thank you, John.” Crystal told him before stepping into her cab. “I think I’m going to really enjoy being a part of this trial and just this place. I had a really good first day.”

He smiled. “I’m glad. We could use some fresh, intelligent faces around here. Thank you, Crystal. I will see you in the morning and you and Joe and I can go over to the courthouse together. I’m afraid that next week I have to be out of town on personal business, but the trial will resume as soon as I get back.”

“I’ll look forward to it, John. Thank you for everything.”

Crystal said goodnight and rode home in the cab looking forward to coming back in the morning. She was excited for this new venture in her life and as bad as she felt for Ryan, she also felt much lighter without the burden of entertaining a relationship she never wanted.

She walked in the door of the apartment and Debbie jumped up off the couch. “I was just texting you! I thought you were out having drinks without me.”

Crystal laughed. “I had to pass on having a drink with everyone tonight.”

“Are they slave-driving you already?”

“Not “they.” I ended up interning for John with Joe as my partner. It seems however that John’s assistant is a bitch.”

Debbie laughed. “Sit down and put your feet up. I’m going to open the wine and you can tell me all about it.” She headed for the kitchen and then stopped and made a face. “Ryan’s not coming by tonight is he?” Debbie doesn’t dislike Ryan, she just dislike’s him for Crystal.

“No,” Crystal said, plopping down on the small sofa and beginning to slip off her shoes. “That’s another thing I have to tell you all about.”

“Yay! Gossip!” Crystal laughed and finished taking off her shoes while Debbie went after the wine. She came back with a bottle and two glasses and handed one to Crystal. After pouring them each a glass she sat down and said, “Start with Ryan.”

“I broke up with him last night.”

“You’re kidding! At the club?”

“No,” Crystal said, feeling guilty again for where she did it. “In the back of a cab on the way home.”

Debbie giggled, then straightening her face she said, “I’m sorry…but you know that I never thought he was the one for you.”

“I know. The only thing I’m sorry about is hurting him.”

“I know you have a good heart, but look at it this way…you told him more than once at the beginning that you weren’t looking for a relationship. He just wouldn’t go away and you didn’t have the heart to kick him out. The relationship was mostly perceived in his mind…and all of that crap about marriage and babies…that was all him too.”

“I know, but I still feel bad. Let’s talk about our internships. How did your day go?”

Debbie beamed. “I’m interning for Schuster, Schuster and Wayne, thank you very much!”

“No way! They’re the biggest sharks in New York State!” Crystal laughed and Debbie did too. Finally she said,

“You’re just jealous.”

Still smiling Crystal said, “Not even a little bit…but I’m really happy for you.” Crystal gave her a hug. “Congratulations and here’s hoping you can bring a little class to the profession.” Debbie stuck her tongue out at her but she drank to the toast.

“So you’re working with John…but did you get to see his boss?”

“Not even a glimpse,” she said. “Joe and I did get to meet with the lead investigator of a pretty big case John is working on. We’re going to get to sit in on the trial. I’m really excited about that.”

“No way! It’s not the Ricci kid, is it?”

“How in the world did you know that?”

Debbie laughed. “Because guess who his attorneys are? I’ll be sitting in on the trial as well…just on the other side.”

“Oh my God!” They both laughed and then Debbie said, “So what is John’s assistant’s problem?”

“I’m not sure. My best guess is that she’s angry because John picked me because of his friendship with my mother. She was just a snotty bitch to me all day…and she dumped a butt load of work on me and told me John wanted it done by the end of the day. When John came by my office at eight p.m., he told me that he’d only wanted me to work on it during the week when I had nothing else.”

“The sneaky little bitch!”

“Right? I spent all day smiling at the little bitch because it seemed to annoy the hell out of her.”

Debbie laughed. “Good! So far everyone I met was really nice. The junior partner Wayne is really hot. The other two are like eighty or something. There are lots of Associates though that seem like up and comers so it should be a lot of fun. So will you be having meetings or anything where you get to sit in with Mr. Steel?”

“No! He’s Art and Jeff’s supervisor. I was actually told to stay away from his office even…”

Debbie gasped. “By who?”

Laughing Crystal said, “Tanya, of course.”

“She’s jealous because you’re gorgeous, that proves it.”

Crystal rolled her eyes. “I really think it has to do with my mom. She thinks that’s the only reason I’m there. I plan on proving different to her.” Debbie hugged her; she was always Crystal’s biggest fan and has been since middle school.

“I know you will,” she told her. They shared one more glass of wine and then they both turned in for the night. Six a.m. would come early and they both wanted to be fresh and alert for their second day of their internship.


Dressed in a green skirt, cream blouse and cream heels, Crystal braided her long red hair to the side and topped her look off with a light pink gloss on her lips and just a little bit of mascara. Satisfied that she looked like a professional, she put on the jacket that went with her pencil skirt and grabbed her briefcase on the way out. She didn’t really need the briefcase…yet. But, her father had bought it for her and had her initials engraved on it, so more than anything, she carried it for luck. Crystal was crazy about her dad and she missed him a lot lately. With him so busy with work in New Jersey and her consumed by school in New York, it had been far too long since she’d been able to see him. She was going to try like hell and get home this weekend if possible.

She smiled at the receptionist and said good-morning. The young woman had two phone lines going and three people in line…but she smiled back and nodded. She got on the elevator and took it to the second floor. She made her way towards John’s end of the building and of course the first person she saw was Tanya. She forced a bright smile. “Good morning, Tanya!”

Tanya narrowed her eyes at her and said, “Did you stop on your way in and make the coffee?” Crystal was choking down a retort when John came out of his office.

“Dana’s making coffee,” he said, giving Tanya a look that said he wasn’t blind as to what was going on. John is a really sharp guy. He’s Eric Steel’s right hand and the most senior of the ADA’s. He could probably have gotten the appointment to Eric’s job five years ago had he wanted it. Crystal knew she was lucky to be working with a prosecutor of his caliber.

“Crystal would you join me in my office please?” He gave Tanya another look. The girl looked properly put in her place but as soon as John’s back was turned she shot Crystal another dirty look. Crystal ignored her and followed John into his office. John’s office was nice, for as nice as offices get in state-funded facilities. It was spacious and the desk was made of dark cherry wood. The computer and printer and other office supplies here were state of the art unlike the ones in she and Joe’s offices. The bookcase along the back wall was filled with law books and there was a round table and several chairs set up around it. That’s where John led her. “Have a seat Crystal please.” She sat down and John did too. A few moments later Dana the pixie came in with Joe in tow and three cups of coffee. John thanked her and when she left John said,

“Did Detective O’Dell do a good job of bringing you both up to speed on the Ricci case yesterday?” They both said he did and John went on, “Good. Today will be opening statements. I’ll go first and if there is time, the defense will present theirs. I have two legal assistant’s with me at my table so we’ll have the two of you sit behind us in the front row. Schuster, Schuster and Wayne are the defense attorneys and I’m aware they have two interns from your class. I know I probably don’t have to tell either of you this but this case shouldn’t be discussed with anyone from the other side…even other interns, okay?”

“Absolutely not,” Joe said.

“John…my roommate, who is also my best friend, is one of their interns. I can swear to you that I would never discuss this case with her, but I thought you should know.”

He smiled. “I have no worries, but I do appreciate you telling me Crystal, thank you.” He looked at his watch and said, “I’m going to head over to the courthouse now. You two can take care of anything you need to here and meet me there by eight forty-five.”

Dana came back in then and said, “Did you two get a good tour yesterday?”

Joe and Crystal looked at each other. “Um…not a great one,” Crystal said.

“Bring your coffee and I’ll introduce you guys around.” Crystal and Joe picked up their cups, said goodbye to John and followed the little pixie out of the room.






Chapter 5


“So you’ve seen John’s office and Tanya’s is right outside of his. Tanya is a personal assistant. She’s clerical trained, not legal trained. Over here we have the legal assistant’s offices…Mandy Grant is his lead legal assistant and Victor Reagan is the junior assistant. They’re both at the courthouse already today I’m sure. My desk is right here up front and outside of John’s door and of course you two know where your offices are.”

“What’s this?” Joe asked of another door across from their offices. Dana pushed it open. It was as full of legal books as the law library was.

“The new legal books are stored in here until our librarian gets a chance to go through and catalog them all.”

“A lot of nice reference material,” Crystal said.

“Yeah, it’s one of Mr. Steel’s strong points. He’s big on education…continuing education. He expects us all to be educating ourselves at least in some small way every day.”

“Great,” Crystal said.

Dana laughed. “Yeah, he does have other good points besides his looks.” Joe rolled his eyes and Dana laughed again. “I’m sure you have both heard the stories…”

“It’s hard not to,” Joe said, “Every article I read about him wants to somewhere stick in something about his looks or his conquests.”

“True, the reporters love that stuff. He’s been divorced about a year now and who he’s dating is always a hot topic. He goes through women like water and just a friendly little warning, Crystal; I’d stay far away from him if I were you.”

Laughing nervously Crystal said, “I will, but no worries anyways…I’m not looking to hook up with one of my bosses.”

Dana smiled. “I’m sure you’re not…but you’re exactly what Eric goes for…young, beautiful, fresh. He also always gets what he wants, so you’re best bet is to stay away from him completely.” Crystal laughed again. It was slightly ridiculous that a man in his position elicited this type of warning from his own staff to his new staff.

Dana gave them a much better tour than Tanya had. She introduced them to people and explained the hierarchy to them. Eric has four legal assistants, a personal assistant and a secretary. The ADA’s have either two or three legal assistant’s. Eric generally takes the larger cases and the more political ones, but when he can’t for whatever reason, he gives them to John whose conviction record is almost as good as Eric’s.

After the tour Joe and Crystal gathered their things and made their way by cab to the courthouse. Crystal’s stomach had butterflies of anticipation. She’d seen more than one trial since she began law school, but this would be the first one she got to be in on the inner workings of. They got there just before eight forty five and took their seats behind the State’s table. John turned and smiled at them. There was a middle aged woman on his right and a young man on his left. All three had their heads together. After they’d been there for five minutes or so Crystal looked over and saw Debbie and another classmate of theirs, Rich come in and take their seats with the defense. The bailiff called court to order at exactly nine a.m. and called all to rise for the judge. Once the preliminaries were out of the way the defense attorney, Wayne, took his place in front of the jury box. Debbie was right, he is hot.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I’d like to thank you all for your service in advance. This trial may be lengthy and you’ll be sacrificing a lot to be here. For that, my client and I are grateful. My client, Anthony “Tony” Ricci has just turned eighteen years old yesterday. A year and a half ago when he was only sixteen years old…the day before his cousin’s wedding, Tony was asleep on his uncle’s couch. He was jarred awake by the sounds of someone kicking down the front door. He did what any kid would do when presented with three men dressed in black and carrying automatic rifles pushed their way in the front door…he hid. When it was over, his parents were dead and two sets of aunts and uncles were dead as well. This was a boy…a traumatized child…who was then taken to the police station and questioned for nearly twelve hours straight…..” He went on and on for over an hour. He said the State had no real evidence and that he’d be able to dispute any “evidence” they thought they had. He mentioned the other children and said they all had as much to benefit from the deaths as Tony did. He insinuated the bride to be and her fiancé had a beef with her parents over money. He ended by telling the jury they should “Do the right thing” after they hear the evidence and “Decide if the state has proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt.”

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