Sexual Deception (New Adult Interracial Romance, Bad for You Series Vol #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Sexual Deception (New Adult Interracial Romance, Bad for You Series Vol #1)
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“Hey, Kane.” Papa's belly jiggled as he closed the door.

I nodded at the bouncer. “Has Teagan been on stage yet?”


“Does she know I'm here?”

Papa gestured to the bar. “Now she does.”

I turned in that direction. Our gazes met. She sucked her teeth and looked away.

She's in a good mood as usual.

In her hand lay an electronic cigarette. She'd been trying to quit cancer sticks for a year now. I risked a glance at her frame. I shouldn’t have. Teagan's blond dreadlocks draped her small body and hung past her hips. She had a honey complexion with thick thighs and small breasts that served as tasty mouthfuls. But her ass game was no joke. Round and soft. Hour glasses shattered in her presence. No one boasted a bottom like hers. I'd done enough chasing to just discover one as nice, but never found it.

There was no competition. At least not yet.

Too bad her booty isn't why I'm sprung. Eventually a nice ass can be replaced.

But Teagan offered something else, this nameless thing I could never hold on to, yet feel it pushing and bridging between us whenever she was near. My judgments clouded when she was involved. I did things I shouldn't and destroyed even more.

If I was smart, I would walk the other way.

I headed to Teagan. She sat in the seat closest to the stage. I stopped right behind her. Every month she wore different scented oil. I inhaled this month's choice.
Roses, maybe?
She didn't twist around, but I hadn't expected it. There was a time when she would've spun around in her seat, with anticipation shining all over her face, but I'd fucked that up long ago. Now she just avoided me whenever she could and made me pay for her time.

I checked what was happening on my right.

In the center of the stage, two nude women wound their bodies together. Their nipples rubbed against each other. Their tresses swung from side to side as they formed their body in sleek curves.

With the steady beat, they sensually thrust those lovely folds into the other.

One tilted her head my way. “Kane, are you going to ever let me give you a dance?”

“One day.” I put my back to them and faced my favorite bartender. “But not today.”

“Hello, Kane.” Nonnie wiped the surface in front of her and winked at me. “Would you like something to drink?”

“No, thank you. Too early in the day.” I moved next to the stool close to Teagan. “But I would like someone to dance for me.”

Next to me, Teagan exhaled. Pink smoke uncurled from between her lips while she twirled the electric cigarette in her fingers.

“Who do you want?” Nonnie smirked.

“My usual.” I took out a fifty and gave it to the bartender. “Make sure she's at my table in less than five minutes and in a good mood.”

Nonnie laughed. Teagan snorted.

I wasted no more time out in the open at Night Pleasures and went straight to the bathroom.

Inside, a Haitian bathroom attendant jumped up. “Mr. Hamilton?”

“Yes.” I didn't recognize him from the other attendants I was used to, but was glad he had more bulk on him than the prior ones. The club's position required way more than regular bathroom attendant jobs needed. Knowing how to take a man's life without using a gun was one of them. Shooting made the dancers nervous. Julio preferred a calming atmosphere for his girls. No guns were allowed, but knives and other quiet weapons were always welcome.

“This way, sir.” He went to a stall with a huge out of order sign and opened it. There wasn't a toilet or other things one would expect in a stall, just a black metal door and a box of buttons where the knob should've been. A video camera sat on the wall above the door and zoomed my way. The attendant pressed in a code that he shielded from me.

Once the door buzzed open, I stepped into a dark room. Instead of the typical square shaped lounges that most visited in Miami, Night Pleasure's VIP's section walls wrapped around the space like a huge circle.

Twenty men partied in this space, even more dancers strolled the area completely naked, three waitresses served drinks, and one bartender mixed and poured them. With one way in and out of this place, it was good to know how many people were inside as well as who wore guns and who didn’t. I stayed safe for so long learning how to count fast and notice things that others didn’t, like the fact that Julio's fat ass sat in the back. Although I couldn't see the weapons I knew five armed men surrounded him. They all wore heavy long sleeve suit jackets during a Miami summer which boasted high temperature days.

Yeah. They have big guns under those heavy jackets. But can they use them? Probably not.

Now with all the absurdity of having to step into a lounge through an electric door behind an out-of-order stall, most would get how mentally ill and severely paranoid Julio was. Yet, people never got it. These men who idolized Julio were only playing at gangster themselves, picking up guns and yapping their mouths the way they must've seen in the movies. They loved the private entrance, the exclusivity of it all. They relished in Julio’s fast talk and flashy clothes.

Fuckin cloak and dagger wanna-be gangsters

My usual spot lay in the far back deep within the shadows where the few booths with doors resided. A glass of mineral water already sat on the table. I didn’t plan on drinking it and never consumed anything that I didn’t pour or cook myself. However, the bartenders always gave me water when I came around.

Now what?

I collapsed into the soft leather couch. The booth's lamp cast violet light within the space.

Moaning sounded from the closed booth next door. When powerful guys came to the club, they did so for business and stayed a bit longer for pleasure. The girls did everything here for the right price.

I scanned the rest of the faces. The men that didn't talk to each other, chuckled with a dancer or fondled one or two's bodies. The few that did neither, monitored me. Those were the bouncers or someone's security.

"Come on, Julio.” I tapped my foot against the carpet. “Stop wasting my time with the posturing."

Julio had no respect for those more powerful than him. For getting me out of the district, he should`ve met me in the front with what he needed. Making me come to him, soothed his insecurities and assured his ego that he too was significant in this world.

The only problem was that he was wrong.

The door opened. The attendant guided Teagan to me with a blindfold on her eyes. Supposedly none of the dancers had any idea where they would be going when a man requested them for the VIP

room. The attendants always covered their eyes and guided them through the men's bathroom and through the door.

At least, Nonnie didn't waste any time bringing Teagan to me.

Once he helped Teagan get in front of me, they took off her blindfold. Her blond dreadlocks fell around her slim frame. That honey skin glowed bright in the light.

"How many dances do you want?" she asked through clenched teeth.

“How many do you want to give me?"


"Then dance until I ask you to stop."

"I won't dance for you with my clothes off.” She wagged her finger at me. “You know the deal."

"Fine." The erection Melody gifted with me early had finally gone down. Yet with just the mention of Teagan taking off her clothes, my dick stiffened into an erection that I longed to take care of. But I couldn't.

Not with Teagan. Not anymore.

Long ago, she'd been mine. Mine to love. Mine to fuck. Mine to lose. Two years ago, she laid in my bed and turned me upside down with two words.

“I'm pregnant,” she said.

The news crashed into my chest. If I'd been standing, I would've fell and broke my leg.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes. I went to a doctor. I'm six weeks.”

“So you can still get an abortion?”

She sighed. “That's not an option for me.”

“It is if it's my child.”

“You're questioning whether it's even yours?”

I rubbed my face with both hands and sat up. “Teagan, I don't want a family, not right now.”

“We don't have to be a family or anything. I just—”

“Find out how much an abortion will be and I'll give you whatever you need.” I got up from the
bed and left her in the room by herself.

That was the last time she lay in my bed or ever showed me more than the lowest of respect.

She left the city the next week, and I never went after her. A year later, she returned. Julio called me.

He claimed, she begged him for a job and confessed that she had difficulty being a single mother.

From that news, I knew right away that she'd had my child. I told him to hire her, that I would pay him money to give to her as long as he never let anybody get a lap dance or other things from her.

Currently, she was the only dancer in the club that got a salary with health benefits for just sitting at the bar and looking pretty. The rest hustled for their funds.

"How’s college?" I pulled out a stack of hundreds and placed them on the table close to her.

A new song switched on with heavier bass and a soft feminine voice purring about getting the space between her legs devoured. Teagan swayed those lush hips from side to side, just like a taunting snake luring her prey in for the bite.

"Are you going to talk at all?"

She bent over so that the tops of those small breasts jiggled in my face. "This won’t work, Kane."


“I won't take you back no matter how much money you send to the house or spend on me in this club. It's not happening.”

I did my best to offer an innocent smile. "I'm just a simple man desiring a beautiful woman's rhythmic skills as well as small conversation. Nothing else."


I pushed five hundred more dollars to her side of the table. "How is my son?"

"He's not yours."

“I hate when you say that.”

“You had your chance to be his father.”

“I fucked up.”

“You sure did.”

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to calm down. "You're the only person I let talk to me this way. You know what would happen if you were anyone else?”

“You wouldn't hurt me, not
way.” She spread my legs open with her hands and revealed a small amount of space there on the seat. “You'll break my heart, but you would never kill me.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I would kill you, if you hurt my son.”

She placed both of her knees on that empty space between my legs and rubbed against my dick, winding those hips and driving me crazy. “
My son
took his first steps yesterday. I recorded it.”

“When will you the send the video to my phone?” I yanked out five hundred more dollars and lay them on top of the stack.

She checked the pile. “I'll send it to you tonight.”

I tried to picture my little guy attempting to stand on his own and then move forward. A chuckle fled my lips.

Teagan never forgave my fuck up or even let me see my son. When he was a baby, she kept him in her condo with a nanny during the day. As he grew up to be a toddler, I caught a few glimpses of him and her at the playground once or twice, but nothing more. It took a month to convince her to give me photos and videos of him. I hoped in another year I could actually meet him.

“Anything else with little man?” I asked.

"No, but Julio has been acting crazier these past days."

"I didn't ask about Julio.” I captured her thighs with my hands and squeezed that silky flesh.

Damn you, Teagan. How did I ever lose you?

She stopped dancing. “Don't touch me.”

Heat burned in my chest. “Please.”

“Move your hands or I'll leave.” She got off of my lap and stood up.

Just like she commanded, I dropped them back to my seat. “It's been two fucking years. Most women forgive their men by now.”

“I'm not most women, and you're damn sure not most men.” She returned to straddling my lap and moved her slim frame in an S pattern along my body, inch by inch, going up and down. Her hard nipples kneaded sparks into my chest while her rosy fragrance marked my clothes with her. My body shuddered. I wished my booth's door was closed. I would've bent that lovely body over and entered her right there.

Why do I always have to torture myself like this? Getting her for a lap dance was a bad move.

Teagan unwound and set me off my game. When she was near, I didn't kill, I moaned with closed eyes and shut my guard off. And it was dangerous to not be on guard with too many wanna-be gangsters around, hoping to grab their balls up for once in their life and show how hard they were to the world.

“You miss this?” She straddled me.

“You know I do.” I raised my hands to caress her skin.

She wagged her finger and rocked her center into my very solid dick. “No. You don't get to touch this anymore, not unless we're in here and you're dropping hundreds. But even then, you still won't get to have me the way you want me.”

Damn you, Teagan.

I grasped at the seat's leather material as she humped me in time with the music. She set my cock on fire. I hated my jeans and the rest of the fabric that barred me off from that sugary wet tunnel between her thighs. “How many hundreds would it take to have you on my dick?”

“We've gone over this.” Pants came between each of her words, which told me her body was heating up just like mine. At least I hoped.

“Teagan?” I whispered.

She averted her gaze. “There's no amount of money in the world that would ever make me give you another chance.”

“There's always a price.”

“Not for me, Kane.” She ceased with grinding into me, leaned back, and sat on my lap.

“Something's wrong with Julio. I think he's doing hard drugs.”

“He's always doing hard drugs.” My dick pulsed. Rage rose inside of me. I didn't give a fuck about Julio all I cared about in that moment was Teagan going back to driving me wild.

BOOK: Sexual Deception (New Adult Interracial Romance, Bad for You Series Vol #1)
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