Read Sexed Into Submission Online

Authors: Julie Bailes

Sexed Into Submission (4 page)

BOOK: Sexed Into Submission
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I didn’t need him to release me. Our relationship was consensual, not contrac
tual. “You don’t need to emancipate me, Sailor. I discharge you.” With that, I closed and locked my door, then went into my room and cried myself into a coma.

True to his word, Sailor’s never
given up on trying to win me back. He bought the car I drive and paid for the condo I reside in. He sends me designer handbags, clothes, and shoes. He has flowers delivered to my house every Saturday. When he isn’t eyeball deep in paperwork, he comes to the front of the stage and observes me while I perform. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like teasing him, reminding him of what could have been. Even though I despise him, I owe him thanks. He is my constant reminder why I avoided commitment for so long. Men are promiscuous. They can’t be trusted. With my give-a-damn attitude busted, I came to the conclusion; if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I will never allow someone to cause me such a large amount of pain, again. Physical pain is blissful, but emotional pain; well, it can be as deadly as a heart attack.

Tapping on my windshield breaks my reminiscing
trance. Beast opens my car door and helps me to stand. “Damn, girl, where were you? You were looking right through me, eyes wide and not blinking. Freaky shit,” he shivers.

“Just thinking, that’s all. Where were you? Dean told me you were supposed to be here when I arrived.”

He unlocks the back door that leads to the dressing rooms and escorts me inside. “Baby momma drama, nothing I want to talk about,” he answers.

“Ah, enough said.” He flashes a sympathetic smile.
There’s only a few people who know about what happened between Ryder and me, and Beast is one of them. “Oh, no. Don’t you dare look at me with pity. It’s been a year already. I’m over it,” I say. Beast nods and heads out to prepare for the evening. Moments later, Gemma, Starlet, and Candy trickle in and begin freshening up. Dressing in a pair of red boy-shorts and sports bra, I fix my hair in a single thick braid and go out to practice, just as Dean instructed.









Sleep deprived and a bit tense, I arrive at the club earlier than usual, hoping to sneak down a drink
or two before we open. As I’m pouring myself a shot of whiskey, I hear the front doors jar. Looking up from my glass, I see Dean and Sailor making their way in my direction. “Hey, bro, how’s it going?” I ask, depleting my glass of the fiery cinnamon liquid that once filled it.

“Life is good, man.” Walking around the bar,
Dean slaps my shoulder, and picks up a bottle of Ciroc. “So?” he asks, filling both himself and Sailor a glass of vodka.

“So, what?” I shrug.

“How bad did our girl give it to you last night?” he laughs.

“Our girl? I don’t think so, baby brother
. I don’t share. You know this already.”

His laughter goes silent. “Dude,
chill your shit. I didn’t mean it the way your possessive brain construed it.” He tosses his hands up in surrender. “Piper wants nothing to do with me. Believe me, I’ve tried,” he adds.

At the mention of Piper’s name, Sailor coughs as if he’s being strangled. Beating his chest with his hand, he regains his composure. “Piper doesn’t belong to either one of you motherfuckers,” he spits, slamming his glass onto the bar.

Involuntarily, my head snaps in Sailor’s direction.
“What the did you just say?” I ask, preparing to shove my fist down his throat if he’s ballsy enough to repeat it.

Pushing his stool back, he leans over t
he bar and comes too close for my liking. “You heard me. Piper belongs to me, no one else. Whatever it is you ‘think’ is going on between you and her, I advise you to squash it and walk away. Stay the fuck away from my girl,” he seethes, his spit landing on my forearm.

That’s it
. Reaching out, I take the collar of his shirt and pull him to me. “Look here, motherfucker. You listen to me closely. I don’t take orders from anyone. My brother may deal with your arrogant ass, walking around here like you’re big fucking shit, but I assure you, I won’t. Judging by Piper’s reaction to me, the way she whimpered and moaned when I ground my dick against her tight, round ass; this is a cockfight you don’t want, because you won’t win. Cross my line again, and I assure you, you won’t be crossing back over it.” My voice is laced with venom.

Okay, you two, put your dicks back into your pants and sit the fuck down,” Dean commands, using his arms to separate Sailor and me. Standing my ground, I glare at Sailor and wait for him to sit first. Neither one of us moves. “I mean it, goddammit. Sit down.”

Adjusting his shirt, Sailor sits first.
Popping my neck and rolling my shoulders, I pick up the bottle of whiskey to pour myself another. This cocky asshole has left me furious. Fuck a shot, I need the entire damn bottle.

Before another word is spoken, the curtain that leads backstage opens, revealing my
dream-invading temptress. Noticing all eyes on her, she winks and blows us a kiss, causing my dick to grow heavy, almost as if her kiss traveled through the air and wrapped itself around me. “What I wouldn’t give to have one more night of sin with her sensual ass.” This motherfucker, so help me God, I’ll beat him within an inch of his life.

Dean can tell I’m about to lose my shit by the way my hands are balled into fist
s, itching to land a solid punch to the side of Sailor’s temple. “Sailor, you need to give it up, man. You’re married, and you have two kids. You can’t prevent her from getting involved with someone else. You two aren’t together anymore. Hell, you should have never been together to begin with. It’s been a year. It’s time to move on and let her go.”

“I’ll never let her go. If she won’t be with me, I’ll be damned if I let her be with another,” Sailor replies, his eyes remaining on Piper as she warms up.

“Ryder, I need you to go check on the girls,” Dean announces.

“I’ll go back with him. I have something I need to attend to,” Sailor chimes.

“No,” I say, sternly. He gives me a who-the-fuck-are-you look. “I think you mean someone– rather than something, so, no.”

Jumping up, he cocks his head and asks, “You fucking her?”

“No, not yet, but soon,” I smirk.

Right away, his nostrils flare as his face and neck turn a beet red. “Over my dead body. There will be no,
‘yet’,” he growls, slamming his fist onto the bar.

thick laugh flows from my mouth. “Believe me, it’s going to happen. Sooner, rather than later.”

Just as Sail
or opens his mouth to fire his snarky reply, Dean pipes up. “Sailor, once again, you’re out of line. Check yourself and remember your place in my club. Ryder is the COO of this business, and he carries just as much authority as I do. You will watch your tone, and your disrespecting him ends here, right now. You’re a great asset to Delectable Desires, but if you step out of line and disregard Ryder, again, I will fire your ass,” Dean warns. “Now, Ryder, get your ass back there and handle business. Sailor, if you’ll follow me, I have some reports I need you to skim over.” Sailor nods, and I walk back to check on our ladies.

When I get backstage, all the gi
rls are dressed and ready to go, everyone except for Piper. “Good evening, ladies. Just checking to see if you all are ready for tonight? Anyone need anything before we open the doors?” Everyone shakes their head and continues prepping themselves for their recital. As I’m skimming the area for my blonde diosa, Starlet takes me off-guard, trailing her fingers up the front of my shirt, and circling her arms around my neck.

“We’re all fine, but what about you? Do you need anything, Ryder? Is there something I can do for you?” Her voice is a whisper-like tone, seducing and intriguing. For a moment, I consider taking her into secluded room and letting her suck my dick
to eliminate my frustration, but that thought quickly vanishes when I see Piper exit the bathroom and strut to her locker, completely, and gloriously naked.

Unable to control the way my body gravitates to her, I push Starlet away and make my way to Pi
per. When I get to her, she’s bent over, gripping her ankles, stretching her calves. Taking a few steps back, purposefully making distance between us, I cock my head and catch a glimpse of the sweet, pink flesh between her thighs. Instantly, my cock becomes hard as a rock, and all I can think about is dropping my pants and diving balls deep into her luscious fucking cunt. My fingers ache to slide between her inviting slit and circle her sensitive nub.

Slowly, she stands and I get clo
ser to her. Wrapping one of my arms around her waist, and the other to swipe her braid off to the side, I pull her against me and attach my lips to the side of her neck. I kiss. I suck and I nibble. Her head falls to the side, providing more access for my tongue to travel. Placing my hand onto her shoulder, I brush it down her arm. When I feel her quiver, I pull my hand up and spread it over her breast. Using the center of my palm, I circle her rigid nipple, and she releases a muffled moan. Loosening my hold around her hips, I glide my hand down her smooth mound until my fingers come in contact with her swollen clit, and then I give it a tight pinch. Tossing her head back, she brings her arm up and places it to the back of my head. Running her fingers through my hair, she takes a handful and heaves my head back. “Ryder, you sly bastard… get the fuck away from me,” she seethes quietly, her body stiffening.

Although it feels as if she’s detaching a patch of hair from my scalp, I continue to s
timulate her. Her body betrays her repelling words, and I’m going to prove it. Slipping my fingers into her soaking entrance, I find her enlarged sweet spot, confirming her arousal. Applying firm pressure, I give a come-hither motion. Her body relaxes against me, and her fingers release their death grip from my hair. Retracting my fingers from her tight pussy, I place desire-coated fingers in front of her face. “You say you don’t want me to touch you, yet your body says differently,” I whisper, my lips brushing the corner of her mouth. With the tip of my finger, I trace her lips and saturate them with her own arousal. Spinning her so her front’s positioned with mine, I take hold of her braid and jerk to tilt her head. Leaning down, I use my tongue to trace her lips and savor her taste.

Resting my forehead against hers, I cup the side of her face
. “You want me, Piper. Admit it.”

Suddenly, she pushes me back and slaps me across the face. “I want for no one,” she growls, pushing past me into the only dressing room with a door and sla
mming it shut. It’s not until I turn around that I remember Piper and I aren’t alone. Gemma rushes over and knocks on the dressing room door, persuading Piper to come out. Starlet’s face is flushed with a scowl occupying her irritated face, more than likely upset with me for ignoring her and giving Piper my undivided attention. And Candy, she’s over in the corner, grinning and fanning her rosy cheeks. No one says a word. They just stare.

Satisfied with Piper’s responsiveness, I smile.
She can only play hard-to-get for so long, before she caves into her darkest desire… me. “Excuse me, ladies, I need to get out there and help Dean set up for tonight. If you need anything from me, I’ll be in the DJ booth for the remainder of the evening.” Each of them nods, and I make my way upstairs to the booth. As much as I want to be up front when Piper makes her way out, flaunting her flawlessness around the stage, I’ll be keeping my distance. She’s a get even type of woman, and now that I have her roused and wanting more, the inability to see me is going to drive her insane.









When I get inside the dressing room, safe from Ryder’s skillful, emotion
-luring hands, I begin to do jumping jacks. It’s my attempt to take my mind off how badly I want to wrap my legs around his waist, and fuck him until my name’s the only word in his self-assured vocabulary. I continue with the exercise until I’m panting and thirsty.

“What are you doing in there? Come out
. I saw what he did, and I can kick his ass if you want me to. I may be small, but I took taekwondo for ten years, and I can take him down.” Gemma’s been trying to pull me out of here for the past ten minutes. When I crack the door, she forces her way through.

“What happened out there? I’ve never seen you
so conflicted. One minute you looked to be lost in utter bliss, and the next you’re trying to break his neck and are bitch slapping the boss. You hear me? Boss,” she says, annunciating Ryder’s title.

“Goddammit, Gemma, don’t you think I know this? I’m not looking to get involved with him,
or anyone else, but he continues to provoke me. He won’t leave me be. He’s awakening emotions I haven’t felt since Sailor. Shit, this can’t happen.” Panic rises and I begin to pace the floor.

Gemma stills me by placing her hands on my shoulders. She give
s me a shake and looks into my eyes. “You listen to me, there’s nothing wrong with having the feelings you’re experiencing, but you’ve got to pull yourself together. You have over three-hundred men and women waiting to see you shake your sexy ass, praying they’ll be the lucky one you choose to tease tonight. So, get dressed and put your game face on. We have money to make,” she urges, pulling me in for a hug.

Going back out to my locker, I
rummage through all my outfits and find the most provocative piece I own, a midnight black vixenesque apron and thong. It’s see-through lace with a halter tie top, crisscross detail in the front that travels down the length of my stomach, and connects to the front sides of my thong. In the back, the apron ties into a cute bow that rests low on my hips and keeps my entire ass visible to my audience. Then, I take down my braid, put on my black, peep-toe fishnet thigh boots, and get ready to show Ryder who’s really in control.

The crowd turns silent as Starlet finishes her performance. When she makes her way through the curtain, she
rams her shoulder into mine. Giving her the benefit of the doubt that it was accidental, I brush it off. I’ve never done anything to her for her to dislike me, but she’s given me shit since my first day here. Gemma said it’s because I came in and replaced her. She used to be the dancer our members went wild for, but now she’s old news. I also heard from Candy that Starlet had an obsession with Sailor. She tried for years to get his attention, but he never gave it to her. A year later, Sailor and I got involved and her hatred for me went from mild to severe.

l right, ladies and gentlemen, our next performer is Delectable Desires’ finest asset. Before I bring her out here, I need to hear how badly you want her. So, let me hear it!” Before Dean finishes his sentence, hoots and whistles sound from all around the lounge, earning me a death glare from Starlet.

“Piper, get out here, beautiful. Give these supporters the entertainment they deserve
.” When I hear the mic cut off, see the lights go out, I walk onto the stage. Instead of my usual pose, I walk past the pole to the edge of the stage, and position myself on my hands and knees. Pulling my chin to my chest, I allow my hair to fall and cover my face.

Lights flash and
“Pour It Up”, my favorite song by Rihanna, vibrates my ear drums. When Rihanna’s voice floats from the speakers, I flip my hair back, slide my arms out to the side, and flatten my stomach against the wooden floor. Licking my lips and popping my hips, I search the booths for Ryder, but I can’t find him. Instead, I find Sailor where Ryder should be, watching me, his eyes roaming my body possessively.

When Sailor notices I’ve spotted him, he reaches out and tries to reward me, but I pull away and avert my attention elsewhere.
At the far right of the stage, I see a beautiful woman waving her money and urging me over. Rolling over, I arch my back and allow a few of the guys to place some money into my top before going over to the eager beauty. When I get to her, I stand and snake my body to the music’s rhythm. Squatting, I spread my legs and drag my nails up the inside of my thighs. She twirls her finger and motions for me to turn around, so I do. I turn around and pop my ass in her face. She lifts the thin string buried between my cheeks, and then inserts her money.

As I shake my ass, I continue to hunt for Ryder. Even though I can’t find him, I know he’s watching by the way my body temperature soar
s from warm to sizzling, in a matter of seconds. Knowing I have his attention, I decide to do something every man fantasizes about: two hot chicks tongue wrestling. Extending my hand to the captivating brunette, I invite her on stage.

Without hesitation, she accepts my offer and I walk her toward the pole. Looking over to Beast, I nod him over and he come
s with a chair. Motioning to the chair, I urge her to take a seat and sit on her hands. When I slip my fingers under her chin and tilt her face up, the atmosphere becomes even more electrifying. The men become more aroused, and all hell breaks loose when I lick the tip of my tongue up the front of her neck. Whistles and a bunch of “fuck mes” travel around the lounge, and several of the guys make a huge mistake by trying to climb onto the stage. Beast and Chaos, our other bouncer, rush over and throw the out-of-control drunken men back into their seats. They’re lucky to receive a warning, and not be thrown out on their asses.

Realizing that I’m the reason for the ruckus, I place a tender kiss on my brunette beauty’
s lips, “Stay here,” I wink. She nods, and I go over to show my worked up men the attention they’re anticipating. Dancing around, I give a little of myself to each of the guys who tried to get up on stage. They flood my thong and top with more money than they can hold, and money pours out with each move I make. Thankfully, most, if not all of the people around me, pick up my escaped cash and toss it onto the stage.

Suddenly, a familiar hand circles my arm and pulls me down from the stage. Sailor places his hands to the insides of my thighs and forces the
m open. Then, he moves his hands higher and places them on my hips. Digging his fingers deep enough to leave bruises, he pulls me onto his lap so that I’m straddling him. I look over to Beast and Chaos. Beast gives me a pitiful shrug, and Chaos is over at the bar handling a belligerent drunk. No one dares step on Sailor’s toes. With his father being chief of police, and his mother the circuit court judge, his family holds power over this town.

Unfortunately, it’s my job to entertain, and that’s what I have to do. Trying not to draw negative attention, I treat him as if he’s a stranger. Sailor motions for me to remove my top, but I shake my head in refusal. He give
s me a threatening glare, the same glare he used to give me when I would disobey him. Refusing to feel threatened by him, I reach behind his head and pull his face between my tits, giving them a shake. “Take your damn top off,” he commands. His fingers dig into a bone bruising depth, so I comply and untie my top. As my top falls, my cash scatters onto the floor. Sailor’s hands begin to force my hips to slide along the length of his erection.

Unwillingly, my body reacts to him just as it had before. The friction between my legs causes an immediate, wet response. Acknowledging the heat radiating from my core, he
lets go of my hip and slips his hand under me, moves my thong aside, and inserts a finger. Upset with my traitorous pussy, and how Sailor impacts me, I rear back and punch him square in the nose. I don’t hit him hard enough to cause any damage, but with just enough force to make him remove his finger and hand from marking territory that doesn’t belong to him.

I hear the shuffling of feet, and Beast is at my side, removing me from Sailor’s lap and placing me back on the stage. As I watch Beast pull Sailor’s arms behind his back and escort him to the back of the lounge, that’s when I see him. Ryder is standing in the DJ booth, staring down at me
sneering and with his arms crossed. Good. Knowing I have his full attention, I remove my attire and slingshot it into the middle of our horny supporters. Blowing Ryder a kiss, I gather my money and disappear back behind the curtain.

“Gah, you’re such a whore,”
Starlet mumbles as I pass her.

First the shoulder ram, and now she’s calling me names?
Freezing in my tracks, I snap my head around to her. “Excuse me? What did you just call me?” Standing from her chair, she walks to me until we’re toe-to-toe.

“You heard
me, bitch. I’m sick of you prancing around here like you’re a queen, thinking your shit doesn’t stink. Well, I have news for you. You may have everyone around here fooled, but not me. I see straight through you, and you’re nothing more than a nasty whore,” she spits. Lord knows I’m not the praying type, but I need some serenity granted, because I’m seconds away from punching her in the throat. Inhaling several breaths, I will myself to calm down.
She’s not worth the jail time
. I repeat the mantra in hopes that it’ll persuade me to walk the other way.

As I sidestep away from her, she reaches for my arm and digs her nails into my flesh
, drawing blood. Screw it. I have enough money to cover my bail. Dropping tonight’s tips, I ball my fist and jab her jaw. Instantaneously, she falls to her knees and weeps. “Name calling is one thing. I can shake it off and walk away. However, when you put your hands on me, that’s something I can’t ignore,” I begin. Squatting, I get my mouth close to her ear. “You want to fuck with me, Starlet? You better think twice, bitch. I will fuck you up,” I finish.

and Gemma scurry over and help me collect my money from the floor. “Geez, Piper, did you have to hit her that hard?” I lift my eyes to Gemma and eye her quizzically. She despises Starlet, too. All of us do. Starlet’s a smart mouthed, patronizing bitch. This punch has been a long time coming.

“Uh, yeah. Wouldn’t you have done the same?”

Gemma looks over to Candy who is helping Starlet from the floor, then back to me. “Damn right, I would have,” Gemma replies, her glossy lips extending into a proud smile. When we go to stand, Gemma tumbles over, but catches herself against the wall. Looking down, I see her feet are bare, and her ankle is swollen.

“How’s that ankle holding up?”

She looks down and evaluates her injury. “It’s fine, just a little swollen, nothing to worry about.”

“If you say so, but don’t hurt yourself because you’re worried about Dean replacing you. You’re secure,” I assure.

“Yeah, I hear you. Listen, I’m going to have a shower. Meet me at the bar in thirty? I could use a drink, and judging by your hand, you could, too.” Nodding, I drape her arm across my shoulders and help her limp into the shower room.

Grabbing my robe, I slip it on and
head out back for some fresh air. Beast and Chaos will flip out if they catch me out here by myself. We aren’t supposed to exit the building without an escort, but I need to calm my shit, and distance myself from Starlet. I’m not one for violence, unless it’s in the bedroom, but I didn’t want to stop hitting her. I wanted to draw blood from her, just as she did me.

My knuckles are red, swollen, and throbbing
. Lifting my hand, I massage where my fist collided with Starlet’s boney jaw. All of a sudden, the floodlights that light up our parking area go black. Before I’m able to turn around to go back inside, strong and familiar arms snake around me from behind. Lowering his head, he rests his chin on my shoulder, and rests the side of his face against mine. “Some show you put on earlier, cupcake. It was for me, yeah?” As he speaks, my stomach churns from the overwhelming stench of alcohol on his breath.

His hand fumbles with the string keeping my robe closed. Turning in his arms, I try to push him away, but he pulls me in and holds me tight
ly against his stone-like core. Using only one of his hands, he guides the robe down my arms and it pools around my feet. I stand before him in nothing but a thong.

Noticing my crimson stained arm, from Starlet’s nails, he traces the wounds gently. Cocking his head, he stares into my eyes. “Where did you get these? Who harmed you?” he inquires, concern in his voice.

Letting out a wicked laugh, I ask, “My pain concerns you? Since when?” With my eyes, I avert his down to my hips, where faint shadows of bruises are already forming.

“Please, that didn’t harm you. You’re a pain whore, baby. Admit it, you fucking loved it,” he whispers, crashing his lips to mine.

My mouth remains closed, denying him access. Pulling his face back, he runs his hand through the back of my hair and tangles it around his finger. “Now, cupcake,” he tsks. “Captain misses you,” he says, grinding his stiffness against my stomach.

Sailor, let me go,” I demand.

What are you going to do if I don’t?” he challenges, knowing damn well I can’t fight him off. He may be triple my size, and double my weight in muscle, but that won’t prevent me from trying to kick his ass. “That’s what I thought,” he chuckles. Wrenching my hair, his unwelcomed tongue forces entry into my mouth. He groans when I latch my teeth onto his tongue. When a tangy and copper taste fills my mouth, I detach my bite. As soon as he’s free, his open hand lands one hell of a slap across my cheek, knocking me to the ground. “You fucking bitch,” he screams, spitting a mouthful of blood in my direction.

BOOK: Sexed Into Submission
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