Read Serving Pride Online

Authors: Jill Sanders

Tags: #romance, #love, #lovers, #contemporary romance

Serving Pride (8 page)

BOOK: Serving Pride
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On the short drive
home, she couldn’t stop thinking about Robert and the anticipation
for Tuesday would bubble up. When she hit the outskirts of town,
she saw the lights behind her car and heard the siren. Smiling, she
pulled over into a turnoff and stopped.


She watched him
walk up to the car in her side mirror. When he walked up to her
window, she couldn’t stop thinking about getting him out of his


“Mrs. Blake.” He


“Good evening,
Sheriff. Is there anything in particular I can do for you today?”
His smile was fast and potent. He cleared his throat and leaned
down and kissed her right through her car window. She grabbed a
hold of his hair and kept him there until she had had her fill of
his mouth. She thought she heard a car horn honk at them, but she
didn’t care. She just enjoyed the feel of his hair in her hands and
his lips on hers.


“You’re going to
get me fired if you keep that up.” He braced his hands on her car
door and leaned towards her. His smile was


“Is it Tuesday
yet?” She smiled at him.


“I wish. I get off
around ten tonight. Any chance you’ll still be up? I can always
swing by and we can neck on your front porch.”


“I wish. I have an
early interview tomorrow at the clinic. I think Tammy is going to
hire me. She’s been trying to move some things around in her budget
to make room for me. I think she wants to see what I’m made


“Wow, that would be
great. I know you’ll get the job.” He waved at another car that
passed them.


“Damn, that was
Mary. Now it will be all over town that we were


“So, who cares? I
don’t mind people knowing that I’m dating the sheriff.” When she
said that, his smile got even wider.


“Really? Dating,


“Isn’t that what
you’d call this?” He thought about it and smiled


“Yeah, definitely


Good answer, Officer. I’d hate to have to get out of this car
and kick your butt up and down Main


He laughed. “Well,
I better get back to patrolling,” Another car whizzed by. “Give me
a call if you have a free night. And let me know how the interview


“Okay.” She watched
him walk back to his car and smiled when he honked two times and
waited for her to pull out first.



Tuesday morning
came and he waited for her car to pull up in front of the grocery
store. He tried to catch her before she walked up the stairs
outside in full view of everyone at the checkout counter, but she’d
already made it halfway up when he met her.


“So, where are we
going?” He asked.


“You’ll see.” She
leaned up and kissed him as they reached her car. He knew that
Patty’s face would be plastered to the front windows. What the
hell? he thought, then pulled her closer and deepened the


When she pulled
away smiling at him, he said, “I thought I’d give the old girls
something to gossip about.”


“Well, I should
think that would keep them entertained for a while. I know I have
no complaints.” He smiled at her and held her close and asked, “How
did your interview go?”


“It went great. She
is going to let me know in the next few days.”


They drove a short
ways to the pier and when she parked, he smiled. He’d always
enjoyed going out on a boat. His aunt had never had one, so he
didn’t get to very often, though he did remember going out with
Todd and his father once for a weekend trip.


“Do you have a


She nodded. “It’s
my father’s. I’m thinking of selling it, but just haven’t decided.
I’m hoping by the end of the day I’ll make up my


“How good are you
at being a captain?” He thought about it and tried not to show his


“Don’t worry, we
won’t go that far off shore.” She took a small cooler from the
trunk of her car. “Besides,” she said as she looked over her
shoulder at him, “I’m an excellent captain.”


An hour later, he
had to agree with her. She maneuvered the tiny vessel like she had
been born on the water.


The weather was
holding, and even though there was a chill in the air, the sun was
still shining. She let him steer for a bit while she went below
into the small cabin to prepare lunch. He enjoyed standing on the
deck, watching the waves and the sky. He could get used to this.
Maybe he’d try to save some money and buy one of these


They sat on the
deck and ate lunch while watching the sea lions play and sunbathe
on the rocks near the shore. After eating, she leaned back against
him and they watched the water.


“You know, I’ve had
so much fun today, I don’t want to go back.”

“Then don’t.” She reached up and pulled his head down towards hers.
He couldn’t stop himself from taking the kiss deeper. He pulled her
up into his lap as she ran her hands through his hair, over his
shoulders, and down his chest.


“Amelia, you’re
trying to kill me, aren’t you?” He pulled back, breathless and
loving it.


“There is no need
to be shy. I’ve learned that life is short and you need to grab
what you want. And I want you, Robert.”


“As long as you’ll
still think the same about me in the morning,” he said as he pulled
her back into a kiss. Then he was picking her up and trying to
maneuver down the narrow stairs.


“Wait, I’d better
walk down myself or we might end up hurting ourselves.” She
chuckled as he frowned at the small opening.


“I hope there’s a
bed down there.” She laughed as he set her on her


When he made it
down the stairs behind her, he noticed a small kitchen area and in
the back, to his relief, he saw a full size bed that took up the
rest of the space. She turned towards him and wrapped her arms
around his shoulders as she started kissing his neck and face. He
walked her backwards towards the bed. When the back of her legs hit
the thigh-high mattress, he stopped and pulled her

The gentle sway of the water and the way the light seeped into the
cabin made for an almost surreal moment. He pulled back and just
looked at her, her face in his hands. Her green eyes looked like
emeralds and her hair shined amber, and he felt his heart take the
leap he’d waited for all his life.


Amelia watched as
Robert looked at her. She didn’t know what he was thinking, why he
was taking so long when she was on fire herself. How could he have
such control over his desires? She had never felt the urgency that
she was feeling now. Arching up on her toes, she grabbed his hair
and pulled him down to her mouth. His hands started moving over
her, loosening buttons, pulling her clothes off. She pushed his
shirt up and over his head and moaned when she saw the play of
muscles there.


“You’ve been hiding
this under that uniform? Mmmm, had I know this is what you looked
like, I would have gotten you here a lot faster.” She dipped her
head and rained kisses along his collarbone. His skin stretched
tight over a glorious display of pecs which rippled down to a
complete and well-defined six-pack. She’d never seen a more awesome
display of the male body than what was standing before


He pulled out a
small foil package from his pocket and set it on the edge of the
bed for later. Then he slowly removed her shirt, exposing the new
panties she’d bought for just this occasion. She knew the deep red
color was his favorite and was satisfied when she heard him moan
with delight.


“You are so
beautiful,” he said as he looked at her. Then she was pulling his
jeans down off his narrow hips, and she moaned when she saw the
size of him. He was magnificent. She wanted to lick every inch of
his body, but she lost track of her thoughts when he pulled her
jeans off and knelt before her, kissing from her breasts down her
stomach to just above her red panties. Her hands went to his hair
to hold him there as he rolled his tongue around her navel. His
fingers rubbed circles on her bottom, lightly stroking each cheek.
Then he pulled her panties off and just looked at


“You are so
beautiful,” he repeated. His fingers ran lightly over her hips,
edging towards her heat, until finally he ran his fingers over her.
The feather light contact was almost too much for her to


“Robert, I need you
now, please.” She pulled him down on the bed and started kissing
him as she wrapped her legs around his hips, pressing their cores


“Amelia, god, how I
need you.” He kissed her, then quickly pulled back as he ripped
open the condom package and sheathed himself, then slowly entered


She couldn’t
breathe. How could she feel so much from just his slow movements?
Maybe it was the look in his dark eyes that told her she was in
trouble. Maybe it was the sweet things he whispered in her ear as
he slowly made love to her. Whatever it was, by the time his hips
started pumping faster, she knew there was no way she’d get away
without losing her heart.










BOOK: Serving Pride
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