Seducing the Dragon: Part Three (3 page)

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Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: Seducing the Dragon: Part Three
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Considering how much his dragon had roared earlier to get Finn off their land, he was now defending him.

If Bram were a drinker, he would definitely start drinking

Rather than start an unwinnable argument, Bram checked his mobile phone, but there weren’t any updates from Zain yet.

He clenched his free hand. Usually, Bram didn’t mind playing politics, but tonight, it was just bloody annoying because it prevented him from protecting both his clan and his soon-to-be mate.


He looked up and saw Samira walking toward him. While her dark hair was swept up and her make-up done for the dinner, she was alone.

He met her halfway and said, “Is anything wrong? Where are Melanie and Evie?”

Samira smiled in the calm, collected way she always did. “They’re just outside. Evie mentioned how you wanted to walk in with her on your arm.” She paused, and then winked. “I also think you need a minute alone with her.”

He grunted. “Alone is probably not a good idea.”

Chuckling, Samira placed a hand on his arm. “Mel and I will be a few feet away. We won’t let you ravish her in front of the clan.”

Rather than react, he merely nodded. “We need to hurry. I want Evie up front with me before most of the clan arrives.”

Walking toward the entrance, Samira glanced over at him. “May I ask why?”

Samira was loyal to her mate, Liam, who was loyal to Bram. Still, he would keep the details vague. “There is a constant threat to her life and I’d rather keep her where I can see her. If you and Mel spot anything suspicious, let me know. I have several people watching out for threats, but the more the merrier.”

“Sure. She could always stay with one of us if you need to leave.”

“Somehow, I don’t think Evie would appreciate a babysitter.”

Samira smiled. “I think you’re right about that. She’s more headstrong than Melanie, and I didn’t think it was possible.”

His dragon chimed in.
We like her strength. It is not a bad thing.

And I agree. Someone needs to stand up to you.

His dragon preened and Bram resisted rolling his eyes.

They reached the entrance and Bram smoothed the dark red fabric of his dragon-shifter attire. His life was about to change forever once he claimed Evie unofficially. Yet, his only regret was someone would steal her from him.

His inner beast growled.
We will protect her.

He and Samira walked out the door. A few feet away stood Evie and Melanie, both of whom were wearing cloaks against the cold, with Kai at their side. Despite the other two, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Evie. Even with her body hidden by the cloak, her dark red hair was swept up off her face, exposing the pale skin of her neck.

He resisted the urge to go over and nibble said neck. His dragon tried to break free, but Bram kept him firmly locked away. For once, he wanted to be in control. His beast would understand.


Not caring about the three pairs of eyes watching him, he approached Evie and traced a finger down her cheek. “You clean up nice.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t like it when I hide my true self.”

“You’re not. I can see your neck, and it’s beautiful.”

Even in the darkening sky, he could see her flush. When she didn’t come back with a retort, he narrowed his eyes. She was restraining herself in public. He didn’t like it.

Before he could open his mouth, she placed a hand on his chest. “Do you have a few minutes to talk with me alone? Or are there clan matters you need to attend to?”

He placed his hand over hers, not wanting her fingers to become chilled in the cool evening air. “I will make time for you.” Melanie let out a soft sigh, but he didn’t take his gaze from Evie’s as he said, “Kai, take the others inside. I can watch Evie for a bit.”

As soon as the others had left, he squeezed the hand against his chest. “Now, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Chapter Three

Evie’s heart was beating double-time. She was part nervous about her appearance, but she was also very aware of Bram’s hand squeezing hers. She liked his warm, rough hands. She would like them even more if both she and Bram were naked and back in his cottage.

Stop it, Evie Marie. Just stop it.
Right, she wasn’t a teenager. The evening was important for Bram and his clan. She needed to pull herself together.

Still, she couldn’t resist taking a step closer to Bram before she answered, “I don’t know how to act in front of everyone. I don’t want to disrespect your position, but I also don’t think I can sit quietly and smile the whole night. What should I do?”

Bram caressed her cheek again and she resisted leaning in to his touch. “Evie Marshall is asking me how she should act? I never thought I’d see the day.”

She slapped his chest with her free hand. “Stop it. I’m trying to figure out how a clan leader’s mate is supposed to act in front of the clan. Skyhunter’s leader never had a mate while I was assigned to them. When we’re alone, of course I won’t hold back, but I don’t want to embarrass you, let alone myself, tonight. Especially with Lochguard’s leader in attendance. This alliance is important to Stonefire.”

Even in the dim light, she could just make out his eyes flashing to slits and back. Without thinking, she blurted out, “What did your dragon say?”

Bram gave a wry smile. “You sure you want to know?”

She frowned. “Bram Moore-Llewellyn, don’t waste time by making me ask twice. I only ask questions I want to know the answer to.”

He put up his hands in surrender. “Fine, fine. My dragon said you are worthy of being a clan leader’s mate. You think of our needs even if it means toning down your feisty personality. Therefore, we should fuck you later until you scream, as a reward.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You sure that’s your dragon talking, or is it your cock?”

Bram laughed and it warmed her heart. He pulled her up against his body and lowered his head until it was a hairbreadth away from her lips. His breath was hot against her skin as he said, “My dragon pretty much controls my cock, lass.” He brushed his lips gently against hers. “And believe me, you haven’t seen anything yet. He’s been holding back.”

The thought of Bram taking her even rougher and harder than earlier, when he’d fucked her from behind, made her shiver. “Well, then tell me how to act so we can survive the night and return to your cottage.” She nuzzled his cheek. “I want your dragon to come out to play with us.”

Her dragonman growled before taking her lips in a demanding kiss and pushing his tongue inside her mouth. After what seemed like only a few strokes, he broke the kiss and she whimpered, “Why are you teasing me? That wasn’t a real kiss.”

Squeezing her tighter against him, he murmured, “I had to stop or I would’ve taken you out here in the cold.”

“So I reckon that means we should head inside soon?” He nodded. “Right, then tell me how to act, Bram.”

“Be yourself. The only thing I ask of you is to not castigate me or Finlay Stewart in front of the clan. Everyone else needs to learn how to hold their own with you.”

“I’m an outsider and human to boot. Not everyone will accept that. If I’m to be myself, I won’t take their shit.”

“Good. I might not have known you long, but my dragon trusts you, which means I do.” He leaned over to her ear and whispered, “With the possible threat to the clan and yourself, I don’t want people thinking you’re an easy target. The more strength you project, the more time they’ll take to plan how to nab or hurt you, which gives us more time to find the threats.”

The fact Bram worried about her did strange things to her heart. For so long, she’d had to exude strength to survive her job. She’d never had someone to lean on, yet she knew implicitly Bram would help her. All she had to do was ask.

After only two days, she was already growing fond of the dragonman who would soon be her mate. Maybe one day, if they continued to be honest and open, she might even grow to love him.

But it wasn’t the time for sentimentalities and dreams of the future. “Okay, I can do that. At some point, though, I need to see a picture of Neil and anyone else connected to him. The DDA doesn’t keep pictures on file, as you know, which means I’m going to have to treat every stranger as a threat. That’s going to make getting to know the clan difficult.”

Bram nodded. “We’ll set that up as soon as possible. For tonight, either Kai or I will watch over you. Don’t leave without either one of us at your side.”

“What about Nikki?”

“She’s working on something for me. And as fond of Melanie and Samira as I am, they won’t be able to stop Neil if he goes after you. Liam should be along later to help, but Tristan is home with the twins.” He squeezed her. “I know you hate having a babysitter, lass, but it’s just for one evening. Can you abide it?”

She smiled. “Since you asked, I think I can manage it. Just make sure to keep me in the loop. If you try to hide information for my safety, I will be pissed. You wanted honesty from me, and I expect the same.”

He gave her a gentle kiss. “I will. I’ll even give you a full brief later.” He released her and put an arm around her waist. “Now, are you ready to take on a dragon clan?”

She straightened her shoulders and raised her chin. “Bring it.”

Bram grinned. “There’s the spirit I love so much.”

He caressed her side with his fingers. Even through the cloak and her dress, his touch was like a brand, sending heat through her body straight to her lady parts.

Before she could think about what he might do later with the aforementioned parts, the dragonman’s voice snapped her back to the present. “Right, lass, then let’s go.”


As they entered the great hall, Bram resisted the urge to haul Evie tightly against his side and growl at the other males looking their way. It might be early yet for the dinner, but there were already ten or twenty clan members inside.

And too many of them were single dragonmen.

His dragon didn’t help matters by roaring inside his head.
We should not be here. We should be home with our female. The others are thinking of ways to steal her.

Stop being daft. They are just curious.

No. Look at the lust in their eyes.

Bram tried to push his dragon aside, but the beast resisted and roared again.
No. You will not protect her. I must do it.

Of course I’ll protect her. We must be here for a few hours. It’s for the future of the clan. Don’t you want to protect them?

His dragon fell silent. Protecting the clan and their young was one of the few things that could rival protecting a mate in a dragon’s list of priorities.

His inner beast’s voice was sullen when he replied,
Don’t let the Scottish leader touch her.

I’ll try my best.

His dragon somewhat pacified, he scanned the room until he found Kai on the side with Mel and Samira. Once the Protector gave him a nod that all was well, Bram led Evie up to the front of the room where the dais for him and Finn was located. A quick glance told him Finn was still off to the side talking with Arabella. Or, rather, flirting with Arabella. He couldn’t tell if Ara was distressed or not, but before he could act, Evie’s voice broke his thoughts.

“It looks like Finn has met his match.”

He glanced to Evie, who was smiling. “Arabella looks irritated to me.”

“There’s a fine line between irritation and enjoyment. Personally, I think they’re hitting it off, which is strange given what I’ve heard about Arabella MacLeod.”

He motioned with his head for them to take a seat at the table. Evie unfastened her cloak, slipped it off, and Bram’s jaw fell open.

The dark blue material of her dress not only made her skin glow, it hugged her breasts before cascading over her round stomach until it brushed the floor; the tease of curves and skin made him hard.

Since it was only fastened over one shoulder—for easy access for a dragon-shifter to change forms—one of her pale shoulders was bare. In that instant, he wanted to lick every inch of visible skin. The precious time from earlier hadn’t been enough to sate his desires. Not even close.

Evie raised one dark red eyebrow. “What? It’s a dress. You’ve seen me with less.”

He stepped close and took a deep inhalation of her scent. “Yes, but you’re wearing the traditional dress of my kind and it’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.”

His female frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just some blue material. Believe me, you haven’t seen sexy yet.”

With another step, he whispered against her cheek, “Maybe I should add that as a condition to our mating—you need to dress in your sexiest clothing for our post-mating ceremony night.”

He could hear her thundering heartbeat and smell her arousal. Good. She could suffer just as much as he. If Bram wasn’t careful, everyone in the room would know he had a hard-on.

Evie brushed a hand against his chest. “We’ll see if you earn that as a reward or not.”

He smiled. “You are a conquest I’m going to enjoy very, very much, Evie Marshall.”

Before she could reply, he turned them toward the table and gently pushed her toward their chairs. As much as he enjoyed standing close to his mate-to-be and teasing her, he needed to sit down to hide his hard cock. For the next few hours, he would think of his clan and not a naked Evie under him as he pounded into her tight, wet pussy.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he sat down and placed a hand on Evie’s thigh under the table. The contact reassured both man and beast of how she was safe. Before he could stop himself, he squeezed her plump flesh.

, his dragon said.

Ignoring him, Bram decided conversation would help drown out his inner beast’s demands and he switched back to a safer topic. “Arabella’s had a difficult time getting past her trauma from a decade ago, but ever since Melanie forced her way into Arabella’s life, she’s been doing better. Her biggest struggle is accepting her inner dragon. But, to be honest, she was more at ease with Finlay Stewart earlier than she is with most of the members of our clan.”

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