Seducing a Scottish Bride (37 page)

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Authors: Sue-Ellen Welfonder

Tags: #FIC027050

BOOK: Seducing a Scottish Bride
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She paused to draw her hood up over her head and tie its fastening string. Then she hobbled onward, a persistent little smile
twitching her lips.

The fool man had looked rather fine in his bluster.

Rather fine, indeed.

Chapter Eighteen

ave you seen any mist snakes of late?”

Valdar’s deep voice boomed in the candlelit gilt of Dare’s family chapel. Beard jigging and eyes fierce, he stood in front
of the richly hung altar, his legs spread in a warlike stance. He held his well-honed Norseman’s axe, Blood Drinker, clutched
in his hand, its blade flashing.

With a flourish, he flung back his plaid, looking anything but a peaceable visitor to the little stone chapel’s seldom-used

One reason, for sure, that the other men present were currently ignoring him.

He continued his rant regardless. “Heard of any more platters of food gone a-sailing out our windows? Seen any odd-eyed strangers
skulking through the glen?”

Ronan looked up from the carved stone effigy he’d been examining. “There could be a lever here somewhere,” he said, ignoring
his grandfather’s blether. “A secret door or passage we’ve overlooked. This is the most likely place for a hidden tomb.”

“Hah! Tomb-
, I say! We’ve peered thrice or more at every stone in here and elsewhere for the last fortnight.” Valdar’s chin jutted stubbornly.
“ ’Tis a wonder we haven’t all gone cross-eyed as a great ring-tailed yowe!”

Ronan ran his hand over the cold sides of the tomb, felt along the stone flags at its base. “I cannot speak of such unfortunate
ewes, but I once heard of a hidden crypt only accessible by shifting the tail of a dog carved at an effigy’s feet. The wee
creature’s tail was a release disguised to look like stone and —”

“And I say you” — Valdar shook Blood Drinker in his direction — “your gel’s
is enough! Her hot blood and high spirits chased away the slitherin’ mist devils and all else what’s plagued us.”

“I’d rather chase them from her.” Ronan pushed to his feet, dusted his hands. “Only then will —”

“Pshaw!” Valdar scoffed. “Even you can’t deny that the sun’s been shining on our glen more often in recent times than in years!”

Ronan’s gaze flicked to the wedge of brilliant winter sunlight slanting in through the chapel’s half-opened door. “Be that
as it may, we’ll continue our search.”

His grandfather huffed.

“Even the stars are brighter since she’s here,” he argued, waving Blood Drinker again. “There’s no need for us to poke and
prod at walls and floors, looking for a tomb that isn’t!”

“Gelis says that it is.” Ronan folded his arms. “I believe her.”

Valdar scowled and shoved Blood Drinker beneath his wide leather belt.

Ronan frowned right back at him.

Then he looked round at the other men crowded into the chapel. Some crept about on their knees, like him, running their hands
along recumbent effigies of long-sleeping forebears. Others worked in shadowy corners or the dim, must-filled vault below,
using their dirk hilts to tap for hollows, the tips to probe every suspicious-looking crack.

No one found anything.

And not a man complained.

But hours later when he climbed the narrow turnpike stair to his bedchamber, his still-aching ribs and his damnable toes

His head pounded, too. And when he opened his door only to walk into a great, billowy cloud of deep, shimmering blue, his
misery knew no bounds.

“By the Rood!” His feet slid crazily and it was all he could do to keep his legs from flying out from under him. “Gelis!”
he cried, righting himself. “What goes on here?”

Her face appeared above the welling blue.

“O-o- oh, no!” She jumped up, apparently off a stool, and stood gawping at him. “I wasn’t expecting you. Not for several hours.”

“So I see.” He looked at her from just inside the door, the slippery blue
making it difficult to enter the room.

If it even was his chamber.

Swathed almost completely in blue, it was hard to tell.

But his lady was there, and in such a grand state of high-colored disarray that another type of throbbing immediately joined
the pounding in his head.

Surrounded to her waist by bunches of blue silk, she appeared to be wearing only a fur-lined bed-robe, clearly unfastened.
As usual, her braid had loosened and shining coppery-bright curls spilled free to dance with her every movement.

Ronan swallowed.

Every inch of him stiffened, and not from crawling around the chapel on his hands and knees.

Her left nipple peeked at him from the edge of the opened bed-robe, and if it weren’t for the
blue cloud
swirling around her hips, he’d have a fine view of her lush, fiery-red nether curls as well.

He took a step forward, his blood heating. “Perhaps ’tis a good thing I’ve returned early.”

She shook her head, completely disagreeing.

He’d ruined her surprise.

Disappointment sweeping her, she swatted at the reams of blue silk. But her efforts only served to trap her more fully in
the mound of tangled cloth.

“Och, aye.” His body went even tighter when her
hand- swiping
gave him a better view of her soft curves. Already, he could feel her full, round breasts in his hands.

Saints, he could

“ O-o-oh, aye,” he said again. “ ’Tis very good, indeed.”

“Nae, it isn’t,” she quipped, striving for dignity. “Not at all.”

He arched a brow, not understanding.

She bit her lip. “I — this” — she grabbed a handful of the silk, holding it up for him to see — “is an awning tent for you.
A true Viking one. My cousin Kenneth brought it back from Stromness in Orkney. It’s already decorated with my father’s black
stag and I’ve been stitching a raven on it.”

“Ach, lass, I dinna know what to say.” He stared at the length of silk in her hands. “ ’Tis beautiful.” His voice was rough,
husky. “The most exquisite embroidery work I’ve e’er seen.”

“Exquisite?” Gelis looked down, saw the magnificent rendering of her father’s crest gleaming boldly in the candlelight.

Her breath caught and heat swept up her neck, flooding her cheeks.

“Arabella stitched the stag.” The admission tore her heart and she bit down on her lip, almost drawing blood. “ ’Tis her work
you see,” she owned, gathering the cloth over her arm, smoothing the billowing folds. “The raven is mine, but . . . he is
not yet done.”

“Then show me what you have so far.”

“Not yet, please.” She looked away, shame and embarrassment scalding her. “You wouldn’t like it just now.”

“Say you.” He scooped an armful of the tent silk off the floor and shook it out until her half-stitched raven fluttered into
view. “I will love . . .”

His praise tailed off, his eyes widening.

Gelis could feel her face turning bright red. “I told you, he is not yet finished.”

“He is perfect.” Ronan’s heart split wide as he looked down at the awkward, uneven stitches.

Barely recognizable as a bird, the rendering could have been anything between a sparrow and a swan. Clearly, his lady wasn’t
skilled with a needle.

That she’d tried, and had done so to please him, shook his world.

His vision blurred, the raven’s crooked outline wavering as stinging heat stabbed the backs of his eyes and a hot lump swelled
in his throat.

“Lass . . .” The endearment came out like a croak.

She glanced aside. “I knew you wouldn’t like it . . .”

He shook his head, unable to speak.

Then he did what he could, striding forward, blue cloud or no, to pluck her out of the welter of rippling silk and yank her
hard against him.

“Your raven is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He stroked her hair, holding her so tight he almost crushed her.
“And you had the right of it all along, sweetness. You
my salvation.”

“You’re not disappointed?” She pulled back to look at him, her eyes glittering with nontears. “Not truly?”

“I am the most blessed man in the Highlands,” he vowed, slanting his mouth over hers in a plundering, bruising kiss. A deep
all-slaking kiss filled with hot breath and tongue, more love than his heart could contain.

Reeling with the realization, he swept his hands up and down her back, then lower, splaying his fingers across her hips and
clutching her even tighter.

“You could ne’er disappoint me.” He broke the kiss to drop to his knees before her, his heart thundering so wildly he feared
it would soon burst from his chest. “Truth is, I dinna know how I e’er lived without you.”

“Ach, Ronan . . .” She thrust her hands into his hair, pulling him against the slight curve of her belly.

Her soft maiden curls brushed his chin and he made a sound deep in his throat. A low growl, earthy and feral, it was nearly
unrecognizable as his voice. But her sweet female heat proved too close. Her silky-hot lure beckoned until he growled again
and buried his face between her legs, first nuzzling her damp curls, then licking and lapping at her. Long, broad-tongued
strokes, slow and deliberate, then quick little swirls to flick across her most special place, followed by gentle nips to
her most tender flesh.

“Aggggh . . .” She gripped his shoulders, her entire body going rigid as he swirled his tongue just there. “Ach, gods!” Her
passion broke on a great shuddering cry and she slumped against him, trembling and gasping.

Her breath came loud and ragged in the quiet room, each sweet sated gasp blending with the crackle and hiss of the hearth
fire and the sound of his own ever-rising growls.

Ronan frowned.

The noises weren’t his.

Nor could they truly be called

Leastways, no more. Nothing less than a keening wail, the sound was unmistakably a howl.

“Do you hear that?” He pushed to his feet, angling his head to better catch the sound. “Like a dog howling.”

He looked at her, hoping she’d heard it, too.

Her knit brow said she had. “Buckie?”

But a glance past the tent silk to the far side of the room showed the dog sound asleep in his favored place before the fire.
And his snores were of the old-dog fluting variety, not howl-like at all.

“It didn’t sound like any of the other castle dogs either,” she observed. “ It —”

“It wasn’t inside the keep.” Ronan strode to the nearest window and opened the shutters.

Chill night air rushed in, fluttering wall hangings and guttering candles. One of the hanging cresset lamps swayed on its
chain and went out with a hiss. The icy blast also brought another long, piercing howl.

An ear-splitting one this time.

“By glory, ’tis a fox!” Bracing his hands on the window edges, Ronan leaned forward to peer down at the little dog fox sitting
on the tree stump where he had perched over a fortnight before.

As then, he sat proudly, only now he didn’t just stare up at the window. Far from it, he repeatedly threw back his head and
howled at the moon.

A bright crescent moon riding high above the long belt of dark pines, its silvery brilliance slanted down to glint off the
fox’s lustrous red coat and the fine white tip of his thick brushy tail.

He looked their way then, his yellow-gold eyes fixing on them for one long and unsettling moment before he tipped back his
head and resumed howling.

Ronan shook his head. “Have you e’er seen the like?”

“I may just have . . .” His lady puzzled, her gaze intent on the little creature. “He looks oddly familiar —”

“God’s blood!” Ronan’s heart slammed against his ribs, his world upending even as the little fox hopped off the tree stump
and disappeared into the wood. “I know where Maldred is!”

Gelis spun around to look at him. “What?”

He grabbed her shoulders, turning her back to the window. “There, that is the key!” He pointed to the moon-washed tree stump.
“I canna believe it took a fox howling at the moon for me to remember.”

Gelis blinked. “The tree stump? You think Maldred is buried beneath it?”

“Nae, lass, no’ the tree stump.” He slid his arms around her, drawing her back against his chest. “The key is the crescent

“The moon?” Gelis twisted from his arms. “How can the moon have anything to do with it?”

moon, and it has everything to do with it,” he said, awe in his voice. “The answer was given me a long time ago, had I paid

He slid another glance at the moon, then back at her. “Once when I was very young, Valdar’s kitchen stores were nearly depleted,”
he told her. “A harsh winter kept us from leaving the glen and Valdar’s stock of wine quickly emptied. His loss was my delight,
as I was allowed to play in the wine vault beneath the kitchens.”

Gelis tucked a curl behind her ear, listening.

“The kitchen laddies and I used the empty wine barrels to build a fort and” — he paused to draw a breath — “once, while shoving
them about, I came across a strange carving on the floor. One of the stone flags appeared to be inscribed with two crescent
moons back to back.”

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