Read Seduced by Pain Online

Authors: Kimberly Kinrade

Seduced by Pain (18 page)

BOOK: Seduced by Pain
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Flesh to
flesh, body to body, we lay entangled in each other. His arm draped over my
chest, and his breath tickled my neck.

I shifted,
enjoying the feeling of this much contact and intimacy.

He moaned and
pushed against me, his hard cock poking at my back.

Muscles I didn't
know I had ached, and my pussy felt raw and swollen, but still my body
responded to his arousal, need filling me once again. I couldn't get enough of
this man.

Before I could
give in to more wanton pleasures of the flesh, my body had other demands of me.

Scooting out
of bed, I left his arms reluctantly and noticed the blood stain on the sheets.
Losing my virginity had been a more adventurous affair than I'd ever expected.

I popped a few
ibuprofens and started a bath, then slipped into the cold tub.

As the hot
water rose, it soothed my bruised and previously unused muscles. I washed
myself, running hands over my body, familiar and yet new, then laid back and

I must have
dozed off, because I woke to a naked man sliding into the water with me.

A lazy smile
formed on my lips. "Morning."

straddled me from behind and kissed my neck. "Good morning, love. Sleep

I snuggled
into his embrace and laid my head against his chest. "Very."

He traced a
bite mark on my shoulder. "Did I hurt you too much?"

"You didn't
hurt me at all. Or, just enough. It was incredible. Perfect. I can't believe I
can touch you and make love to you."

I twisted to
kiss him more deeply, our bodies slippery in the soapy water.

His hands roamed
freely, brushing against sensitive breasts and massaging sore thighs. He teased
at my center as his cock stiffened against me, but he didn't take what I knew
he wanted.

I pushed his
hand down, guiding his fingers into my sore but eager pussy.

We kissed each
other with the hunger of lovers who might never kiss again, desperate and
consuming. My body craved him, despite our night of lovemaking, the need still
pulled me toward him.

I straddled
him in the bath, water splashing out of the tub as I guided his cock to my
center and impaled myself on him.

"Oh, God,
Rose, you feel incredible."

His cock
rubbed at the swollen flesh, the pain feeding my dark gift as the pleasure fed
my soul.

surged as I set the pace, riding him in long, leisurely strokes, pulling up
until the tip of his cock barely clung to my flesh, then slamming down hard
again as he split me in two.

My thighs
burned in pain with each thrust, feeding my dark gift as his body fed mine.

My pace
quickened, encouraged by the push of his hands on my hips.

I leaned back,
giving him access to my tits as he sucked on my nipples. His cock deepened in
me, striking hard and sending shivers over my skin.

As the wave
built between us, he used his fingers to stimulate my clit. The added sensation
increased the tension, bringing us both closer to climax. I squeezed his cock
with my pussy, and he bucked against me, ready to submit to the call of our

With a final
flick of his thumb, I joined him on that edge, and we jumped into the light

Food. We
needed food and fluid. And maybe more ibuprofen.

self-conscious, and unable to release Derek's hand for a moment, we joined
Ocean at the cafeteria for breakfast. I was sure I walked differently, that
everyone would be able to tell what we'd spent the night and morning doing.
Especially since we were surrounded by people who read minds and emotions and
who knew what else.

I might as
well have been wearing a sign on my chest.

Ocean knew.
One look and I knew she knew.

Before I could
take a bite of my food, she dragged me away from Derek and into the girls'
bathroom. After checking the stalls to make sure we were alone, she squealed
and hugged me. "Tell. Me. Everything."

"How did
you know?"

"Are you
kidding me? You're glowing. It's so freaking obvious. So come on, spill it.
What was it like?"

"Well, it
was like sex, I imagine. Insert penis into vagina, and voila! Intercourse."
I used my finger and hand to demonstrate, in case she didn't understand.

She swatted my
hand away. "Thanks for the sex-ed, Professor Wintersong. Now for the juicy
details please."

"It hurt,
but also, it was the most amazing thing I'd ever felt."

"And your

controlled them. The… rough sex worked. Now, I just have to figure out how to
use them to bring back Dean. I'm not sure sex will help with that."

I'd gotten so
lost in the joy of being able to lose myself in sexual bliss with Derek that I'd
almost forgotten the more important reason I needed to gain control of my
powers. I hoped Father Patrick would have some guidance on this, now that I'd
worked through one stage of control, though I cringed at the thought of having
to face him again, especially to talk about my sex life.

But hey,
bright side, at least I finally
sex life.

Derek winked
at me when we joined him, and I dug into my food like I'd never eaten before,
then slurped down two cups of juice and some water.

Ocean just
laughed at my enthusiastic eating. Derek looked pretty ravenous himself as he
ate seconds of everything on his plate.

I wondered if my
powers drained us more than we thought, or did really incredible sex always
have this effect?

Once finished,
we emptied our trays and were about to join Father Patrick and Drake for more
training when Derek's phone beeped.

"Hold on
one sec, it might be about Dean." He pulled the phone from his jeans to
check the text, and his face lost all of its color as he read.

I placed my
hand on his arm. "Derek, what's wrong?"

When he looked
up, his face had hardened into rage. "The witches kidnapped Tammy. We have
to go."

Do Not Desire to Go


Out of this wood do not desire to go.

Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream


"I'm so
sorry, Derek." Rose's sad eyes begged for forgiveness, but she needed

"It's not
your fault. You aren't responsible for what other people do." I stuffed
clothes into my bag while she ransacked the bathroom in her haste to pack.

"But it's
my coven, my family who took your sister."

"But it
wasn't you. You're my family now, understand? You'll be an O'Conner soon
enough, unless you want to keep your maiden name." As much as I loathed
her family, and the name that went with it, it was also hers, and I couldn't
force her to take my name.

Her small
hands wrapped around my waist, and she pressed her breasts against my chest,
bringing back memories of our lovemaking. I'd never expected her to have such a
wild side, and the wolf inside of me craved the passion that she brought out.

course I want your name. I wish we could marry right now and I could forget I
was ever a Wintersong."

I kissed her
lightly, tasting toothpaste. "Soon, love. But in my heart, you're already
an O'Conner, and my wife."

Ocean knocked,
then opened the door without waiting for a response. "Ready to go? Or did
you two want a quickie before leaving?"

My cock
hardened at the thought of being inside her again, but my sister needed us. We
didn't have time for fun.

We grabbed our
bags and piled them in the trunk, then went to make our goodbyes.

Drake, Sam and
Father Patrick met us by our cars. Drake and Rose exchanged a few private
words, and a small twinge of jealousy flared, but I stamped it down. I trusted
Rose, and it was clear that Drake only had eyes for Sam.

I didn't want
to be one of those jealous oafs who controlled his wife.

Father Patrick
hugged Rose, and she blushed furiously. I couldn't imagine what that was about.

Sam and I
shook hands. "Take care," she said. "I hope we'll see you and
Rose again soon when things resolve."

Me too."

Drake and Sam
switched places and more goodbyes were said. "Be careful, man. I'm not Seeing
clearly, but something doesn't feel right about what you're about to walk into."

"I'll do
my best. Call me if you get a stronger hit."

Drake nodded. "Will

Serena, the
little girl we'd met when we got here, ran to us and hugged Rose, who teared up
at the sight of the girl.

you feel less broken. I think you'll get better soon," Serena said.

Rose kissed
the top of her head, and she ran off to play with her friends.

A few of the
kids I'd given some training to came by to see us off. I realized that I'd miss
them when I left, and that surprised me. For a man who didn't like attachments,
I was making quite a few of them lately.

I promised the
kids I'd be back to teach them more, and I meant it. Rose and I both had found
a place here where we belonged, and I had a feeling we'd be seeing a lot more
of these kids once our business with the witches was over.

The drive home
was a quiet affair, as Rose and I worried over Tammy's safety. I knew Rose had
to be dealing with a lot of mixed emotions about her family doing something
like this, but she wasn't ready to talk about it, and I didn't push. She'd
share when she was ready.

I held her
hand in a silent reminder that I was here with her no matter what.

Mom and Dad
sat in the living room when we arrived. This was the first time Rose would meet
my family. What a rotten way to make introductions.

evident worry and sadness on my mother's face, she smiled when Rose walked in
and greeted her with a hug. "Welcome to your new home, Rose. And welcome to
our family. You have made Derek so happy, and that makes us happy as well. I'm
sorry we couldn't meet in better circumstances, but when we get Tammy back, we'll
plan an engagement party for the two of you to give you a proper welcome. There
are a lot of people excited to meet you."

BOOK: Seduced by Pain
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