Seduced by Magic (46 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Seduced by Magic
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Her body relaxed and she felt Tiernan pick her up and settle her on his lap so that he could hold her as her bones were set.

She gave a sleepy smile as her eyelids fluttered closed. She felt as if she were floating on a breeze, flying in the darkness. Everything slipped away and she fell into the deepest of sleeps.


When Copper woke and opened her eyes, she found herself snug in Tiernan's embrace, in his bed. She smiled at the feeling of rightness, the feeling that their hearts and souls were as one.

The room was fairly dark, the only light pouring into the room from the bathroom. What light there was made the furniture in the room less ghostly-looking. She didn't know why the light was on, but for some reason she was glad for it. Maybe she'd had too much deep darkness to last her a while.

Her ankle throbbed and when she adjusted her leg she felt a cast on her foot, with only her toes free and the cast covering her leg up to her shin. Oh, joy, wasn't this going to be fun. At least she was a witch and would heal faster than a human would.

Copper felt clean and refreshed, and figured she'd been given some kind of bath as she slept. Even her hair was clean and silky. She gave a long, catlike stretch and sighed. The feel of satin surrounded her skin and she knew she'd
been wrapped in a robe before being put to bed. How long had they been sleeping?

Tiernan stirred behind her, but she wasn't sure he was awake despite the fact he had a huge erection pressed up against her backside. But then he nuzzled her hair and she heard his deep inhale.

“My little fire,” he murmured against her nape and she shivered. Her need for him was so great she wanted to push him on his back, slip his cock into her pussy, and ride him hard.

An idea came to her and she grinned at the thought. She slipped out of his embrace and swung her legs over the bed and stood with a clunk of her cast. Oh, good. Cassia had given her a walking cast so that she could at least try to get around without crutches.

He propped himself up on one elbow and his black robe fell open to reveal his muscled chest. “Come back to bed.”

She curled her finger in a “come and get me” motion. “I have a better idea.” She whirled and hobbled to the front door of the apartment. Her ankle throbbed and her body ached, but she was ready for a little fun.

When she reached the front door, Tiernan came up behind her and grasped her by her shoulders. He slowly rotated her to face him and she looked up into his incredible blue eyes. Goddess, he looked so sexy with his tousled blond hair and stubbled cheeks. “What are you up to?” he said in his deep Irish brogue. “I am of a mind to take you straight back to bed.”

She playfully pushed at his bare chest, and almost melted against him at the contact of his warm skin against her palm. But no, she wanted to have her fun. “Come on. This'll be great.”

He shook his head in a sign of exasperation and she moved back to the door. The knob squeaked when she turned it, and the door hinges gave a rusty sound as she and
Tiernan slipped into the corridor. After they shut the door behind them, Copper grabbed Tiernan by the hand and tried to tug him down the hallway to the stairwell.

Before she could take a step, he swooped her into his arms and she gave a little squeal. “Whatever it is you have planned,” he rumbled, “I will not have you walking on a broken ankle.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled against his chest. “Take us all the way to the rooftop.”

His muscles flexed as he carried her up and onto the flagstone floor of the roof garden. Only streetlights illuminated the greenery, along with the chairs and lounges in the small garden area near the stairwell.

Tiernan set her down carefully, her earth-brown satin robe sliding against his in a sensual motion. His erection pressed against her belly as he brought her into the circle of his arms. “You desire me to take you here and now?”

Copper grinned up at him. “You're getting closer.”

He cocked an eyebrow as she took a couple of steps away from him. His palms slid down her satin-covered arms until he reached her hands and released her.

With her eyes focused on his, she untied the robe and the belt fluttered to the flagstone. His gaze darkened as she let the robe slide down her shoulders to her feet, leaving her completely naked.

Copper's nipples immediately tightened in the light breeze that caressed her skin and caused her hair to lift from her shoulders.

Tiernan's hungry gaze took her in. “You are beyond beautiful,” he said, his brogue deep and husky.

When he tried to reach for her, she took a step back. “Your turn.”

He ripped his belt from his waist, shrugged out of his robe, and flung them aside. For a moment she studied his muscular form. She'd always thought of him as masculine perfection, but tonight he looked even more incredible to
her. His blond hair stirring about his broad shoulders, his well-cut body leading to tapered hips, powerful thighs and calves, and even handsome feet. She'd never really thought of feet as handsome before.

Copper's gaze rested on his cock jutting from its nest of curls and the large sac hanging beneath. Her breathing increased and she held herself back from getting on her knees and slipping him into her mouth.

Tiernan looked like such a fierce warrior as he restrained himself from taking her down to the floor of the rooftop. Copper stepped forward, holding her hands out to him, and he took them within his larger grip. She was close enough now that his cock nudged her belly and her nipples brushed his chest. Everywhere they touched was like a furnace against her body.

“I cannot wait much longer to have you, little fire.” His grip on her hands tightened. “I can see by that look in your eyes you are up to something.”

She laughed, slid her arms around his neck and reached up for his kiss. He crushed her body to him as he took her mouth as hard with his kiss as he certainly wanted to take her. His lips were firm against hers, and she groaned with every nip of his teeth on her bottom lip and every plunge of his tongue into her mouth. Her body was on fire now as they pressed hard against one another.

Tiernan cupped the back of her head with one hand and he clenched her hair tight in his fist. His stubble was rough against her jawline as he moved his moist lips from hers and kissed her soft skin along her cheek to her ear.

“What do you want, little fire?” he said in a voice rough with passion. “I will give it to you.”

Copper's lips found his mouth again and she murmured against them, “I want you to take me up. I want you to make love to me while we fly.”

Tiernan groaned. “By the gods, you are incredible.”

Before he could shift, she said, “Wait. I want to watch.”

“But I don't want to let you go.” His grip on her tightened. “I want to be inside you now.”

She kissed him hard again, then traced the line of his mouth with her fingertip. “Just let me watch.”

With an air of reluctance, Tiernan released her, took a few steps back, and then turned away from her.

It was the most incredible sight. His large brown wings slowly unfurled from his body. The muscles across his back rippled as the wings grew through his skin, from his shoulder blades down to his waist, and she heard the sound of bone popping. When he finished, he flapped them and it caused a strong breeze to caress her naked body.

Tiernan faced her again and she was in his arms in a fraction of a moment. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said, his jaw taut with hunger as he cupped her buttocks and raised her.

Copper obeyed, doing her best to clamp her thighs around his hips and cross her broken ankle with her good one. If she wasn't so hot for Tiernan, so ready for him, she would have laughed at her awkwardness in a time of such passion.

She wrapped her arms tight around his neck and his eyes took her in while he used one hand to place his erection at the entrance to her core. He grabbed her hips with his palms and propelled the two of them into the air at the same time he drove his cock deep inside her.

Copper let loose a cry of fulfillment and exhilaration as Tiernan made love to her at the same time they flew. It was incredible. Beyond incredible. Beyond description.

City lights swirled around them as Tiernan dipped and rolled and even held her on top of him. Wind that should have chilled her skin felt warm as her body flushed with heat and passion.

The smell of the ocean mixed with Tiernan's pure male scent and she could still taste him upon her tongue. She pressed her lips to his, needing to taste him again. His
mouth was so very hot, and she slipped her tongue inside as he pumped his cock into her pussy.

Their lips parted when he twisted so that he was flying with her directly beneath him, their arms tight around one another. Goddess, every movement of his hips drove him deeper inside her, bringing her so close to climax that she cried out with every thrust.

Golden bubbles sparkled in the night sky around them, and Copper felt them bind him closer to her, binding her closer to him. The magic slipping from her surrounded them as if they were a comet sailing through the atmosphere.

Their hair whipped around their shoulders and into their faces. In the golden illumination she could clearly see Tiernan's blue gaze. He focused on her eyes with such intensity it brought her even closer to the peak.

His hands gripped her hips tight, driving into her as he brought her to him in the same motion as he flew higher above the city. He reached that perfect spot inside her and she knew she couldn't hold back any longer.

“Tiernan!” Copper shouted as her orgasm whooshed through her, like the air past her body. Her magic brightened, making everything around them light up. Her climax was like an explosion in her mind, city lights swirling with gold.

He thrust and thrust and thrust, harder each time, making her body throb even more. “I'm going to come, little fire.”

“Do it.” She could barely get the words out. “Come inside me.”

Tiernan gave a shout as he climaxed and she felt the throb of his orgasm inside her. He held her tight and groaned loud and long.

He stayed inside her as they flew through the sky. They clung to one another, their breathing hard and their bodies pressed tight.

Too soon his feet touched down on the apartment building's rooftop.

Copper's head was still spinning from their wild flight and lovemaking. Tiernan smiled down at her as his cock slipped from inside her and he lowered her to stand on her feet.

Her arms were still wrapped around his neck and she didn't want to let go. She reached up and kissed him again, refusing to break the contact between them.

When they finally parted, Copper was amazed at the warmth that flowed through her at the look of love in Tiernan's eyes.

She sighed and pressed her head to his chest, his skin warm against her cheek. “I love you so much, Tiernan.”

Copper tilted her head back to see his arrogant grin as he said, “I know.” She gave him a playful slap on the arm and he laughed. “I love you, little fire. Now if you will only learn to do what you are told . . .”

She laughed. “Yeah, like that's going to happen.”

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