Secret Torment (Bend To My Will #9) (7 page)

BOOK: Secret Torment (Bend To My Will #9)
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“It was on the news…a bus went over a cliff. I thought…”

Her green eyes clouded. “Oh my God. You thought it was the bus that I was on?”

Jacob nodded. “I was so afraid that something had happened to you…that I’d lost you.”

“I’m here,” Vivienne said, pressing her cheek to his. “I’m okay.”

“Thank God.”

Jacob didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky. But with Vivienne, that had always been the case. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her, but he was grateful that she was unharmed. Immense relief washed over him as he held her in his arms, knowing that she was safe. He closed his eyes, holding her tighter, afraid she might disappear.



Chapter 7

After the scare, Jacob wanted to return to New York immediately and Vivienne couldn’t talk him out of it. “
I’m safe
,” she’d said, but it didn’t matter.

I’ve handled the most important business here. I’m ready to go home
.” That was all Jacob had said, but Vivienne knew there was more to it than that.

They’d flown out early the next morning, not even bothering with breakfast. Jacob had said they could eat on the jet. That was fine with Vivienne, but she hadn’t known how to get him to open up to her about what had happened.

After Jacob had expressed his fear that she’d been injured, he had gone silent. On the one hand, he had seemed overjoyed to hold her and know that she was fine. But in the quieter moments, he had looked gloomy and she hadn’t known why.

The night they returned, Vivienne stayed over at the penthouse. Jacob acted normal, except she still felt like there was something he hadn’t said. She could only imagine what had gone through his mind when he thought she’d been in an accident.

Vivienne knew how she would have felt if things had been reversed. The thought of anything happening to Jacob devastated her. Yet she didn’t know if he’d react similarly. The trip to Mendoza had been fantastic, until that last evening.

She had hated to see Jacob disturbed, especially after so many days spent enjoying each other. But there was little that Vivienne could do. From the start, her relationship with him had been tempestuous, and seemed destined to continue in that vein.

The next morning, Vivienne went back to work, her emotions still conflicted. It seemed with Jacob there were only highs and lows, with no clear path on how to navigate a more even course. When it was good with him, it was really good. And when it wasn’t, she felt helpless.

The issue was with Jacob, and what he wrestled with internally. Even with as much as he had told her, Vivienne still didn’t fully understand. Always the idealist, she thought the intimacy they shared would weld a bond between them that couldn’t be broken.

Yet in the blink of an eye, Jacob would pull back into his shell, leaving her to cast about for answers. The increasing boldness of sex play seemed to be her lifeline to Jacob, the way to reach him. It was a form of communication he understood, as well as one she craved. Thus, Vivienne looked forward to the weekend, and the intimate moments spent alone with Jacob.


Vivienne’s business life had shifted, her career taking on a new dimension. It was a luxury to focus on creating new scents, while a capable team managed the company. Vee’s remained the storefront and Vivienne interacted with Michele daily.

While her company expanded, the demands on Vivienne’s time lessened. She had only to coordinate with capable staff, who then executed the goals. It would take some getting used to, but she could see the advantages.

The details had been worked out with Alfred, and he was pleased with the agreement. The outcome was that Vivienne was more available for blending unique perfumes, which was what he needed most. It appeared that the new business structure worked well for all concerned.

A couple of days after she got back, Vivienne called Lana. She hadn’t crossed paths with her at the apartment and wanted to catch up. “Hey, Lana. Are you working?”

“I’m on a break now. I got your text about flying home. Is everything okay?”

That was an impossible question to answer. “Yes, I’m fine. Jacob just decided to come back a couple of days early.”

“Any reason?”

“It’s a long story,” Vivienne said. “I better tell you when we get together. But it’s not cause for worry. He just wanted to get back.” That was the best she could come up with to tell her friend without launching into an emotional discussion about why Jacob reacted as he had.

“Well, I’m glad you’re back,” Lana said. “And thanks for the photos you emailed. Mendoza looks amazing.”

“It is, for sure. I’d like to visit again sometime.”

“The picture you sent of the statue of Christ was impressive. I knew about the one in Rio, but hadn’t seen the one in Argentina.”

“In person, it’s awe-inspiring. They call it Christ the Redeemer of the Andes, and it signifies peace between Argentina and Chile.” Vivienne thought of what a spiritual sight it was. “You should see it; the statue is on a high peak between Mendoza, Argentina and Santiago, Chile.”

“I’d like to,” Lana said. “What about the food and the wine?”

“Yummy…on both counts.”

Lana laughed. “Okay, well, I’ll see you at aerobics, right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.” Vivienne smiled. “I have to stay in shape.”

“Let’s work it out so we can have breakfast afterwards. I want to hear more about your trip. I’m traveling the world through the tales of your escapades.”

Vivienne giggled. “Breakfast it is, then.”


When Friday arrived, Vivienne was anxious to see Jacob. The week had seemed longer than usual, and it had been too many days since they’d been together. The tension between them hadn’t abated, as once they were home, they hadn’t discussed the bus incident further.

Yet it was still on Vivienne’s mind. It wasn’t so much the scare when Jacob thought she’d careened over a mountain with a busload of other tourists. It was his reaction, as though something had changed for him. But he seemed reluctant to confide in her about it.

Vivienne hoped the weekend together would dispel any gloom, and that Jacob would talk to her more. When she arrived, he seemed a bit distant, although she didn’t think it had anything to do with how much he wanted her.

When she entered the living room, Jacob came to her and pulled her close. He dug his hands into her hair, giving her a lip-bruising kiss. Vivienne’s pulse raced, and she folded into him, deepening the kiss.

Jacob kissed until she could hardly breathe, and when he pulled back his eyes were flooded with desire. “I missed you.”

His deep voice, the feel of his muscled body pressed against her, and his male scent instantly seduced her. Vivienne would have dropped to her knees to do his bidding; she
to, and the knowledge that Jacob craved her, too, made her knees weak.

“I thought we’d go out to dinner,” Jacob said, although that seemed the furthest thing from his mind. “I have something I’d like you to do for me.”

The husky sound of his voice made Vivienne’s skin tingle. His tone gave away that whatever it was that he wanted she was sure to like it. “What would that be?” she asked seductively.

Jacob reached for her hand, and Vivienne followed him up to the bedroom. There was a narrow-diameter rope draped across the comforter, giving her an idea of what Jacob intended. He lifted the long rope in one hand.

“A crotch rope for you.” His blue eyes were as cold as steel.

Vivienne looked at the white rope, then back at Jacob.

“It’s made of silk, so it won’t chafe you.” Jacob stepped closer and looked into her eyes. “I’ll need you to take your skirt and panties off.”

A shudder of anticipation went through her, but Vivienne didn’t hesitate too long. In the mood that Jacob was in, punishment wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. She removed her skirt and placed it on the bed, then slid off her panties.

Jacob cupped her sex, the feel of his palm warm against her wet tissues. “The crotch rope will be uncomfortable, but it won’t hurt you.” He tenderly kissed her lips. “I’ll show you how it works.”

Carefully, Jacob tied the rope around her waist. It was instantly clear to Vivienne that this wasn’t his first time tying a crotch rope. Once it was secure, he dropped a length of the rope down her belly. Then he tied a knot in just the right place, so that when the rope reached between her legs, the tiny knot pressed against her clit.

Vivienne was aroused, and he wasn’t even finished. Jacob passed the rope between her labia, then tied another knot. This one pressed against her anus, just so. He finished by securing that length of rope to the one wrapped around the back of her waist.

Jacob had wound the bondage tightly enough that there was consistent pressure on her clit and her anus. Vivienne’s mouth was dry and she trembled slightly when she spoke. “I thought that crotch ropes were worn over the top of underwear.”

Jacob touched her cheek. “They can be.” He paused. “But I prefer to do it this way. I want you to feel it, Vivienne. And it turns me on to know that the knots will rub you without interference.”

The anticipation of what her evening held thrilled her, but also made her anxious. This was something that Jacob hadn’t done before. Yet he seemed certain that it would be fine. “Okay.” That was all she could think of to say.

“You may put your panties back on…over the top of the rope.”

Jacob watched as she dressed again, his gaze exciting her more. She could tell that he looked forward to her ever-increasing stimulation. It would be a new experience, and take her past earlier boundaries. When she went to the garage and Jacob slid into the back seat with her, Vivienne began to realize what those tiny knots could do.

Standing was one thing, but sitting provided a new challenge. The rope wasn’t too tight, but it was secure, and when seated there was no way for Vivienne to avoid the localized pressure. Her nipples were hard and her sex tingled. It was going to be an interesting night.

At the restaurant, Jacob followed her to their table. While Vivienne tried to acclimate to her bondage, he ordered the wine and studied the menu. It was impossible to ignore the constant stimulation, and her arousal escalated by the minute.

Each tiny movement stimulated her clitoris, while the other knot put pressure on her anus. Vivienne didn’t resist because she
to ache for Jacob, and the taunting rope made her burn with desire for him. The continual rubbing edged her close to orgasm, and she knew when Jacob finally touched her that she’d be more sensitive than ever.

Vivienne drank some wine, and inanely tried to converse, but the crotch rope wouldn’t allow her to be distracted for long. She knew she would need to please Jacob to gain release from the torment. For if she didn’t, he might require her to endure it longer, just for his satisfaction.

The meal went by as if it was part of a dream. Jacob ordered and Vivienne ate, but the heat of her body demanded more attention than food. As her impending orgasm edged closer, anxiety filled her belly. She had no doubt that release would not be hers until Jacob allowed it.

Yet Vivienne grew more and more sensitive. Still the rope teased her, while the situation called for restraint. Jacob enjoyed his meal, and his only acknowledgment of her discomfort was when he squeezed her knee.

The urge to submit overcame her, and Vivienne felt as though she was Jacob’s slave. It was a good feeling. He had tied the rope to her, and she must do as he commanded. The greater her suffering was, the deeper her satisfaction. To her it was about pleasing Jacob.

Vivienne was high from the relentless taunting of the knots, and the thrill of doing Jacob’s bidding. When at long last dinner was over, Jacob helped her up and she walked back to the car, hoping to get relief soon.

Yet that was not to be. As soon as they were in the penthouse, Jacob ordered her to the playroom. “Strip for me, but do not remove the rope.” Vivienne trembled to think about what he had in mind, but she complied without hesitation.

If she was good, Jacob might go easy on her. And if she didn’t climax soon, she would go crazy. She got naked and managed to kneel on the rug with the rope still in place. Jacob entered the room and turned on some music, as if they were going to relax together for the evening.

That was far from the situation. When Jacob stood over her, she gazed at his bare feet, the power of his dominance in contrast to her submissive pose. “You may stand up, Vivienne. I want you to look at me. I want to see your face.”

Vivienne could only imagine how she appeared, as signs of her arousal must be abundantly clear. Her skin was warm and her sex was clenched tight. It wouldn’t take much to set her off. She stood, since he’d permitted it, and Jacob looked into her eyes.

“You must tell me how it feels.” Jacob cupped her breasts, holding their weight in his palms. “I want to hear it from you.”

Vivienne licked her lips. “It’s very…arousing, sir.”

“Is it uncomfortable for you?”

Jacob’s look of pleasure told her that was exactly what he intended. “Yes, sir. Very. I’m not sure how long I can last.”

His voice was stern. “You will last, do you hear me? You do
have permission to come, Vivienne.”

Her heart sank.

“Lie on the bench, on your back.” Jacob began walking over to the long padded bench to which he referred.

Vivienne followed him with her head slightly bowed. She navigated the stepladder up to the bench and got onto her back. Lying down did nothing to lessen the pressure of the knots, and her clit felt like a tiny stone.

Jacob was naked, and his cock was engorged, which only served to turn her on more. Vivienne wanted to touch him, or to put her mouth over his thick shaft. He looked so damn sexy, which magnified her problem.

But Jacob had other ideas. He leaned over and began kissing her skin. His mouth was hot and his lips soft, causing her to shudder. It felt too good, and Vivienne began to lose confidence in her ability to comply with his wishes.

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