Read Secret Obsession Online

Authors: Kimberla Lawson Roby

Secret Obsession (4 page)

BOOK: Secret Obsession
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s soon as Paige and Camille walked inside Paige’s condo, Paige shut the alarm off and tossed her shoulder bag onto the purple loveseat. This morning when she’d gotten up, she’d told Camille that she needed to get her laptop, files for her clients, and more clothing. So they’d dropped the children off at school and then driven over. Paige had wanted to laugh during their ride, because it was at that very time that Camille should have been calling her phantom love interest, William. Needless to say, she hadn’t known she was supposed to, but it would certainly look like she had on paper when the time was right.

Paige sorted through the junk mail that must have come on Saturday and laid it on an end table. Camille looked on and said, “Maybe you should just have your mail forwarded to our house for a while.”

“I guess I could, but for now, I think I’ll just leave it as is. Plus, it’s not like I’m going to stay with you guys forever.”

“There you go again,” Camille said, pursing her lips playfully.

“I’m serious. I don’t want to overstay my welcome, so as soon as I’m feeling better and like I’m safe, I’m moving back home.”

“In due time.”

They went into Paige’s bedroom, and Camille sighed when she saw the sheets still tousled across the bed and bloodstains on the pillowcase. Paige hadn’t paid attention to any of this on Friday evening, but she knew the blood had likely come from her bleeding lip. It was interesting, though, how Camille seemed much more bothered by all of this than she was, but then Paige knew something Camille didn’t, that no actual crime had been committed.

Paige slid open her closet door, pulled out a couple of pairs of jeans, two turtleneck and two V-neck cashmere sweaters, and a sweatsuit, and then pulled out a garment bag. Camille took the items while Paige unzipped her luggage and then passed them back to her. When Paige laid her clothing inside, she went over to her dresser and pulled out underwear and tights, but then she sat down on the bed.

“Come sit with me, sis,” Paige said, realizing it was time for a bit of fake bonding.

“Sure. What’s up?”

“You know, I never could have gotten through these last couple of days without you, and I won’t ever be able to thank you enough.”

“Awww. It’s nothing at all, and it’s like I keep telling you. I love you, and I would do anything for you, Paige.”

“I love you, too, and I’m glad you’re my big sister.”

“I’m glad, too, and actually it’s been really nice having you at our house because it reminds me of all the happy times we shared as children.”

Paige heard her but couldn’t have disagreed more. There was
happy about her childhood. Still, she nodded and forced a smile onto her face.

“We had so much fun, and Mom and Dad took us on so many amazing summer vacations. Disney World, Disneyland, SeaWorld, Niagara Falls, Hollywood, New York, Miami Beach. We went somewhere different every single year, and remember how all our friends would be so jealous?”

Paige abruptly left the edge of the bed and placed her underwear inside one of the smaller sections of her bag.

“Are you okay?” Camille asked, sounding confused. “Did I say something wrong?”

Paige wanted to shout a resounding,
Yes, there’s a lot wrong!
But she held her tongue and tried moving past her pain and anger. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. No, wait. Everything isn’t fine when it comes to Mom and Dad or my childhood. They treated me like I was some foster child they didn’t want, Camille, and the only reason you didn’t notice is because they treated you like royalty.”

“What? You really feel that way? Why?”

“Because it’s the truth. Maybe you had a great childhood, but I was miserable the entire time. I hated living in that house with them, and the best day of my life was when I moved out of there and got my own place. I could barely afford the rent, but it was ten times better than having to deal with them every day.”

Camille seemed dumbfounded, and Paige knew she was shocked, because until now Paige had never openly talked about this to anyone, not even Karla or any of her former boyfriends. She’d kept all her pain to herself, but enough was enough.

“I guess I don’t know what to say, but I’m so sorry you felt that unhappy.”

“It’s not your fault,” Paige said, knowing she blamed Camille for her misery just as much as she blamed her parents, because it was Camille who they’d highly favored. It was Camille whom they’d given everything to at all costs and then acted as though they didn’t have another child.

“Gosh, Paige, I’m stunned.”

“I’m sure you are, but like I said, it’s not your fault, so just forget it.”

“Why haven’t you mentioned this to me before now?” Camille wanted to know.

“I just didn’t.”

“Well, I wish you would have, because regardless of how you think Mom and Dad felt about you back then, I always loved you.”


“Paige, please. You know I did.”

“I’m not saying you didn’t, but what I do know is that Mom and Dad have never loved me. They tolerated me because they had to. Haven’t you ever noticed how distant my relationship has been with them as an adult?”

“I just thought you and Mom had issues because you’re so much alike. And then, as far as Dad, he’s been a quiet man all his life and never says much to anyone. He’s a good person, though.”

“Yeah, he is, but he goes along with whatever Mom says or does, and when she treated me badly, all he did was stand by and watch. He never defended me or tried to console me when he knew I was down about it.”

“Maybe we need to have a family meeting with just the four of us,” Camille suggested.

“Nope. Not interested,” Paige said matter-of-factly.

“Sis, sometimes letting everything out is the only way to fix things.”

“I’m not having any meeting with them, Camille, and that’s that.”

“Okay, then, what about seeing a family therapist? That way, you could discuss your childhood, what happened to you on Friday night, and anything else.”

“I’m not doing that either. I don’t need it.”

Thankfully, Camille didn’t force the issue, because Paige had no intention of seeing some overrated, overpaid, know-nothing shrink when there wasn’t a thing wrong with her. There was no reason to get any counseling when all her problems were about to be solved through Pierce.

After a few minutes, they gathered the rest of Paige’s things and went into the living room. They hadn’t said much else to each other, so Paige finally spoke.

“I think I’ll drive my car back to your house.”

“Why? Because I don’t mind taking you anywhere you wanna go.”

“I’d rather just have my own transportation,” she said, and Camille didn’t argue.

Finally they loaded the bags they were carrying into each of their trunks and drove away from the condo, Paige in the silver Lexus she couldn’t afford and Camille in her shiny black Cadillac Escalade. Camille was a wealthy housewife and carpool mom to her heart, but little did she know, those wealthy little housewife days were coming to an end—so fast she wouldn’t know what hit her.

s soon as Paige hung her clothing in the closet and placed her folded items in the dresser drawer, she went into the extra room where Camille told her she could work, set up her files, and turned on her laptop. Last week, she’d been following up with various media producers for a motivational speaker she represented, and now she was on the phone with Nancy, who worked at a Boston TV affiliate.

“Hey Nancy, it’s Paige Donahue, here. How are you?”

“I’m good, Paige. And you?”

“I’m well.”

“Did you have a great weekend?”

“I sure did,” Paige said as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened in her life. “You?”

“Yeah, it was great. Spent time with the family, and of course, that’s always fun.”

“I’m glad.”

“So, what can I do for you?”

“Well, I just wanted to check in to see if you received the cover letter and press release I emailed you a couple of weeks ago. It was for one of my clients who’ll be in town next month speaking at a scholarship dinner.”

“As a matter of fact, I did, and was going to be calling you just as soon as I figured out which morning segment we could get him on. Do you know if he’s planning to fly in the night before?”

“I’m not sure, but if you need him to, it won’t be a problem.”

“Why don’t we plan on him doing that, so I can get him scheduled around six or six-thirty a.m. This will likely be the best time for his audience, since folks are usually watching and getting ready for work at the same time.”

“Sounds good. And you’ll email me confirmation?”

“Yes. No later than tomorrow.”

“I really appreciate this, Nancy.”

“His book sounds very interesting, and one of my colleagues says he’s a mesmerizing and very informative speaker. So I’m glad to do it.”

“He’s definitely very talented, and thanks again.”

“Take care now.”

This was the kind of thing that made Paige proud, booking a client on a live local network show on the same day as an appearance. It was a great feeling, and she hoped the same thing would happen once she followed up with an FM radio station in New York and the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
in Atlanta for two other clients. It also looked like the former NFL player she represented was going to be featured in
USA Today
because of his philanthropy efforts, and she couldn’t wait to lock that in as well.

When Paige heard a knock at her door, she looked up and said, “Come in.” It was Camille, and Paige smiled when she saw her entering with a wooden tray filled with tuna sandwiches, kettle potato chips, and iced tea. Even if Paige wanted to, there was no denying how sweet this was of her sister.

“Wow. Now, you know you didn’t have to do this, right?”

“Of course I did. Anything for my baby sister, and especially after all you’ve been through…lately and in the past.”

Camille set the tray down on the chaise, then sat on it herself, and Paige rolled toward her in the desk chair she was sitting in.

“Thank you so much, Camille.”

“I figured you might be hungry, and I hope you’re able to work okay in here. If not, you can always use my office, which has a full desktop computer, two desks, and lots of shelving.”

Paige took a bite of her sandwich. “No, this is perfect.”

Camille opened her bag of chips. “Did you call Detective Johnson yet?”

“I did. I called her before I started working, and unfortunately, they still don’t have any leads. They did have Owen supply a DNA sample, which matched a hair they found in my bed, and they also found what they believe are the rapist’s skin cells from under my fingernails, but there was no match with anyone in their system.”

“That’s too bad.”

“I know. And I’m starting to think they’ll never find this person.”

“Well, I’m not giving up hope, and I’m going to keep praying they do.”

Paige expressed much worry and frustration for Camille’s purposes but knew the police would never figure out the truth.

They both ate and drank their tea until Camille folded her arms, her spirit now solemn. “Hey, can I talk to you about something?” she asked.

Paige wasn’t sure what this was about and hoped Camille hadn’t somehow discovered she’d been snooping around in her office yesterday or that her computer had been used. But then, that couldn’t be it, because she wouldn’t have fixed such a nice lunch for the two of them.

“Of course. What’s up?” Paige said.

“To tell you the truth, I’m not even sure where to begin or why I’m even telling you this.”

Paige gave Camille her undivided attention. “This sounds serious.”

“Actually, it is. Sort of.”

“You’re not sick, are you?”

“No, it’s nothing like that.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“It’s Pierce and me.”

“What about you?”

Camille took a deep breath. “For the first time, I feel like we’re slowly drifting apart.”

Paige was flabbergasted but also wanted to jump for joy. She’d had no idea her sister and Pierce were having problems. Not when they seemed so happy with each other.

“Why do you think that?” Paige asked, desperately wanting to know.

“Because we are. When you’ve been happily married for fifteen years and then suddenly something feels different, you just know.”

“How long have you felt like this?”

“For about six months now. I mean, it’s not like we don’t get along, but we seem to be going our separate ways a lot more than normal. Although it’s not like it can really be helped, because over the last year I’ve really stepped up my involvement with church activities and the children’s school events. Plus, I also now volunteer with a domestic violence and women’s shelter organization.”

“Well, what’s wrong with that? Especially since it was only a year ago when you were feeling bored and like you wanted to do a lot more than just cooking, cleaning, and taking the kids to school.”

“Yeah, but Pierce doesn’t like the fact that I’m not home as much. He feels like I’m now putting my outside activities before our marriage, which isn’t true. And then a month ago, he actually suggested that maybe I was tired of him and either wanted or already had someone new.”

Paige wasn’t sure how to respond to that comment exactly, but what she did know was that this whole trouble-in-paradise scenario was a real blessing. A blessing indeed. For her, anyway, and she couldn’t be more elated.

“I just hate this, Paige. I hate what’s happening to us after all these years, so maybe it would be best if I gave up all these other things and just went back to being a housewife.”

“Is that what you want?”


“Then I wouldn’t give up anything. I mean, you know I love my brother-in-law, but if he really cares about you and respects you, then he’ll support whatever it is that makes you happy. He’ll stand behind you and will understand that cooking his meals and taking care of the children isn’t enough for you.”

“Yeah, but I have to admit that, lately, there have been times when I’ve done so much in a single day that I’m too tired to even make love to him. And that, of course, isn’t going over very well.”

, was all Paige could think, because she didn’t want them being intimate on a regular basis anymore.

“Hey, you know what?” Camille said. “Forget I even brought this up.”

Paige frowned. “Why?”

“Because my problems are nothing compared to what you’ve just gone through, and now I’m sorry I even burdened you with them.”

“Are you kidding? Camille, I love you, and you can always tell me anything. I mean, come on now, what are sisters for?” she said, standing up and hugging her.

“Thank you, girl. And thank you for listening.”

“Anytime. And you just hang in there.”

“I’m sure everything will be fine, because one thing I know is that I love Pierce with all my heart, and I know without a doubt that he feels the same way about me.”

Paige smiled. “Well, then there’s nothing at all for you to worry about, right?”

“Right. Now, you get back to work, missy.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

They both chuckled, and Camille left the room. But then she stuck her head back inside the doorway. “Oh, and just so you know, I’m going to head out in about an hour for a school fundraiser meeting, so will you be okay?”

“I’m good. Do you need me to pick up the kids or anything?”

“No, PJ has a soccer game right after school, Crystal is staying after to watch it, and Pierce and I are going as well. Then, when it’s over, I have a board meeting. Oh, and do you want me to drop some dinner off to you before then?”

“No, I’ll get something on my own.”

“Okay, but if you change your mind, just call me.”

When Camille left again, Paige wanted to turn flips. She couldn’t have been happier about Camille and Pierce’s marital woes, and this meant her job of breaking them up was going to be a lot easier than she’d thought. It wouldn’t be simple, but she certainly wouldn’t have to work as hard as she’d imagined.

BOOK: Secret Obsession
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