Secret Mayhem (5 page)

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Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James

BOOK: Secret Mayhem
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But that wasn

t what caught Shay

s attention.

A woman climbed off the back of the
first bike. When she took her helmet off, she tossed her dark hair left to
right and looked around. Her bright blue eyes were striking. Her t-shirt was
tight and her jeans grabbed at her hips, flaunting her amazing curves. Shay

s hands curled and uncurled,
over and over, as he imagined what it would be like to guide that body all
around his bed.

He turned his head and groaned when
he realized whose bike she had climbed off of. Trev. A former Back Down Devil
MC member that had been voted off the table when he decided he would rather go
rogue. They had taken down a lot of bad people together, and it hurt the club
when Trev walked away from them.

Miller approached Trev with his arms
open, nodding.

They hugged, but the rest of Back
Down Devil came in and stood behind Miller. It almost had the feel of two rival
clubs squaring off.

look good,

Miller said.

Added more ink, huh?

look like you added a few pounds,

Trev said.

Miller laughed.

Fucking smartass.

Shay stood next to Nate who stood
next to Gaige who stood next to Miller. Shay was eye to eye with a man with an
eye patch. He had a cold stare with his one eye and his sins were written all
over him.

see you brought a guest,

Miller said.


t know your relievers traveled
with you guys."

what you think,

Trev said.

Stein was killed a few
weeks ago. She was his old lady. I

just trying to keep her safe.

you brought her here?

Miller asked.

was better than leaving her with these men,

Trev said.

A soft chuckle ran through the Lost

Eyepatch smiled, revealing a set of
mostly rotted teeth.

I had
my orders on the whore. Came close to fucking her throat out. I

ll get the bitch soon.

doubt that,

Shay said.

Not in my compound. Not in my


the man asked.

with you then?

asked Trev.


Trev said.


s just here.

Shay looked at the woman. She
looked lost and confused. He could already sense Blaine getting hard. Miller
was damn near drooling. The only three that weren

running sick fantasies were Gaige, Landon, and Erik because they had women of
their own in the clubhouse. Then again, they were crazy enough to take on a
second woman.

do we do with her?


me take care of her,

Blaine called out.


ll keep her warm and
comfortable. Close and tight. Well, not tight for long.

He looked to the group of Lost Men

My cock is huge. Can

t help it.


Gaige whispered.


s wrong with these boys?

Trev asked and pointed to
Gaige, Landon, and Erik.


t like women? Want a cock up
your ass? I

m sure we can
arrange that.

back, asshole,

Nate said.

Gaige is VP. Watch your tongue.


Trev asked and laughed.

That means nothing. I

m VP. Tynn is VP. Fuck, even Nile is VP and he has one eye.

Shay looked at the man with the eye


Sensing the growing tension, Miller
cut in.


re all the same team here. We
made the call, you came down. Can

start rumbling over a woman. What

her deal?


Trev said.

Just trying to keep her safe.

her warm?

Blaine asked. Miller looked at Blaine and shook his head.


Blaine asked.

Just wondering

because I am willing


t we go get settled?

Griffin asked.

Open bar. Prospects to serve up
whatever you want. Relievers for whatever you want.

know what I want,

Nile said, staring at Shay.

I want Ava

s pussy in my mouth.

Now Shay had a name.


He looked at her again. She was
staring straight at him. Something didn't add up. She didn

t belong here. She didn

t belong in the middle of this
group. And there was no way in hell she was a grieving old lady.


Nile said.


s all you

get. Because when I fuck her, I

going to kill her. That

how I like it.

Shay looked at Nile and shook his

This wasn

t going to be a warm welcome. At least not before
blood was shed and respect was earned.



Miller tried to diffuse the
situation one last time by putting a hand to Trev


We also have a
couple strip clubs we could call. Blaine over here has run through all of them


so he knows the best pussy.


t share,

Blaine said.

Well, unless you share what you


Gaige said.

This is bullshit. This is our
home. Where we live. Where we vote. Where we survive. You came by request.
Remember that.

Tynn whipped out a knife and had it
at Gaige

s throat a second

And remember

we don

t take requests. We don

t take orders. We do what we want.


Shay knew it was time to mark their
territory. He looked at Nile and curled his lip.

happened to your eye?



Nile said.

got it. I thought someone stuck their cock in your eye. You into that sick kind
of shit?

Nile growled and came forward.

And just like that, the Lost Men
were given the proper welcoming by Back Down Devil MC

Nile slammed his body into Shay

s and the rest of the group
started to tangle. Men were yelling. Boots were scuffing against the ground.
Chains rattling. The sick sounds of fists hitting flesh, rings slicing against
skin, the wet
of blood flying through the air and being spit to
the ground.

As Nile came down on Shay with
punch after punch, Shay threw a right elbow and connected with Nile

s jaw. It made Nile stiffen up for
a split second. Shay came across with a right hand and knocked Nile off him. Shay stood and started to kick Nile, over and over, feeling the tip of his
boot cracking against Nile

ribs. When he looked up, another guy was charging at him, knife in hand.


Shay yelled.

He quickly turned and grabbed the

s wrist. Thanks to
years of dealing with his brother, Shay had become a master shot and could
defend himself against most weapons. The trick was to focus on the weapon
first, the man second. Shay twisted the man

wrist and the knife fell from his hand. Then Shay focused on the man, throwing
his shoulder into his jaw, sending him to the ground. Shay spotted the knife
and picked it up. For a second he thought about killing the asshole, but
starting a war with the Lost Men wasn

needed. Plus, this technically was just for fun. Dangerous fun, but still fun.

Shay opened the man

s leather and put the knife to
his heart.


ll fucking gut you if you get
back up,

Shay warned.

Nile started to stir. With one more
kick, he put Nile on his back again. Shay stepped on Nile

s throat and ripped the eye
patch away, revealing a chunk of skin where his eye was supposed to be.

at me,

Shay said.

Look at me good, Nile. If you ever threaten that woman over there again, I

kill you. I

ll take your
other eye and keep it as a souvenir. If you ever threaten to touch her, fuck
her, or kill her, I

ll make
it so you wish you were dead. Do you understand that?

Nile showed bloody teeth.

Fuck you.


Shay lifted his foot and brought it
down on Nile

s face. Nile screamed and rolled around holding his face.

Shay turned and spotted Miller and
Trev leaning against a concrete wall, arms crossed, one leg up. The Lost Men
believed that they were each in control of their own lives, but it was obvious
that Trev was their leader.

Ava was off to the side, taking
cover between two motorcycles. Shay grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet.

me, love,

Shay whispered.

He guided Ava around the fight just
as Gaige grabbed someone by the back of their leather and threw them into a
motorcycle. The man and the motorcycle toppled to the ground. Nate had another
man on the ground with his boot on his throat while he held another man off the
ground and punched him over and over.

Shay took Ava to the other side of
the compound, away from the fight, and lifted her onto the seat of his
motorcycle. She was unusually beautiful and seemed too put together to belong
with a group of misfits like the Lost Men.

are you?

he asked.

heard them,

Ava said.


re not in a position to deal
with liars

Hearing those words as they came
out of his own mouth made him realize just how hypocritical he was right now.
He was hiding the most important information from his MC.


m not lying to you,

Ava said.


doing what I



Shay said.

Sit on my fucking motorcycle or
else I

ll let Nile do what he wants to you.

Shay turned and Ava clawed at his
leather. She jumped off the motorcycle.


t do that,

she said, her voice cracking.

Shay looked back at Ava. There were
tears in her eyes.

you're that scared of him?

Shay asked.



t let any of them hurt me

Shay gritted his teeth.

Stay on my motorcycle. Nobody
will bother you.

Shay shook Ava away and went back
to the fight. He approached another guy who was bleeding from his cheek. The
guy nodded and put up his fists. Shay was ready to throw a knockout punch when
he heard Blaine scream.

Everyone stopped and looked.

Blaine stumbled back and stared at
the knife sticking out of his shoulder.


he yelled.

A fucking knife? We

re fucking around here

Just like that, the brawl ended as
everyone waited for Miller and Trev to react. Miller nodded to Trev. He stepped
forward to Blaine.


Trev asked.

guy I know,

Blaine said and smiled.

Trev grabbed the knife and pulled
it out of Blaine

shoulder. Blaine spun around, growling under his breath,


Shay watched as Trev pointed to the
guy who stabbed Blaine and called him over. The guy was covered in blood, but
he seemed arrogant and proud of what he had done.


Trev said. He
raised the knife and stabbed his own guy in the shoulder. The guy fell down to
his knees.

Keep that in
there for a little while.

Miller came forward and let out a

Now that we have
that out of our system, can we get down to business?

As a sign of respect, Shay looked
at the guy in front of him and the guy nodded. Slowly, Gaige, Nate, Jace, Erik,
Landon, and the rest of the guys backed off. Down Devil stood on one side, the Lost
Men on the other. They were beat up and bloody. Miller walked between the two

to Frelen,

Miller said.

Welcome to Back Down Devil MC.

Shay looked over his shoulder at
Ava. She was doing what she was told. The connection he felt with her was
because he knew she was hiding something from everyone, and he needed someone
else like that in his life right now so the guilt wouldn't tear him apart. It
didn't hurt that she was gorgeous and that she was free to take care of his
needs if he told her to.

Miller stopped walking at the
opposite end of the crowd where Trev was standing. He crossed his arms and
looked around.


re welcome in this compound and
in this clubhouse as long as you find your ability to respect what

s here. I know that word means
dick to you all and I respect that. But here, we have relationships that cannot
be ruined. We have a President. We have a VP. We have members who appreciate a
table, a gavel, and the decisions that are made. I made the decision to request
you all here and I can make the same to send everyone away. At one point in
your lives you were part of a MC. You respected what needed to be done. Now you

re Lost Men. You wear cuts that
are the bones of what you used to be. You

the baddest and meanest motherfuckers around. And that

s why we need you. You respect us, we respect you.
Now, are we good with our little welcome?

Trev stepped forward.

Well, it

s better scenery than the fucking desert. Plus,

s booze, pussy, and
plans to kill. What else do we need?

Miller met Trev halfway. They
exchanged a handshake that solidified the agreement to respect each other.

But Shay knew better.

It was all bullshit.

Any one of the Lost Men could grab
a knife or gun and just start killing guys in Back Down Devil. There was no
respect and absolutely no trust.

But Back Down Devil needed the Lost
They needed the presence. They needed sick men to do a sick job.

Nile was back to his feet and he
had fixed his eye patch. He glared at Shay, but Shay had had enough for one
day. He headed for his motorcycle and put his hand out for Ava to take.


he asked.

And you are




You think you

re tough. You

re not. I can see through you,

you now?


Shay reached out and twirled
one of his fingers in Ava



s not your real hair color. Your
story is complete bullshit.

hair is dyed,

Ava said as
she slid down from the bike.

like every other woman in the world.

Her body was just an inch from Shay


But don

t worry, Shay, everything else
is real. Very real.

Shay chuckled. Ava took two steps,
but as soon as she saw the mass of men heading toward the clubhouse, she
slithered behind Shay, obviously intimidated by the violence that had just
happened. Shay watched Blaine walk up to the guy who stabbed him and put an arm
around him.

on, pull that fucking thing out,

Blaine said.

do it.

Blaine grabbed the end of the knife
and pulled. The guy let out a quick scream and they kept walking.


s madness,

Ava whispered.

Shay looked back.


not going to get any calmer, love. Stick by my side.

Ava nodded. Her hand squeezed Shay

s tight.

This was the last thing Shay
needed. However, the comfort and touch of a real woman could distract him just
enough to not give a fuck about anything.

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