Read Secret Mayhem Online

Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James

Secret Mayhem (11 page)

BOOK: Secret Mayhem
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t worry about me,

Shay said.


Ava shook Shay away and walked back
to Shay

s motorcycle. She
waited for him as he walked slowly toward his club and her. His eyes were dark
and angry. She needed to find out what he was hiding, because the guilt was
causing him to unnecessarily risk his life, and she couldn't let that happen.
She needed Shay's protection. Ava was going to have to get aggressive.



Back at the clubhouse, Shay had a
shot, and then a beer, and then he looked around. Nate, Gaige, Landon, Erik,
and Blaine were settling back in. Gaige made a call to Miller. The protection
run had gone off without a hitch. Jakey was safely delivered and they were
gassed up and on their way back. Gaige filled him in on what had happened with
Eight Under. When the call ended, he gave a warning to everyone that there
would be a meeting when Miller got back.

In the clubhouse, the mood wasn't
celebratory. The Lost Men either wandered around or sat around, looking pissed
off. Shay knew what they wanted. They wanted a fight. But going after Eight
Under with force would do nothing. There would always be a plan in place to
make sure nothing happened. Caius was smart like that. There was plan after
plan. The big question was what was the goal of it all? If it was just Shay

s death, then he

d give himself up to Caius and
accept death in order to protect Back Down Devil from anymore harm.

Shay turned his head and spotted
Ava near the door to the clubhouse. Hell, if it meant protecting Ava, he

d do the same.

She looked over at him and he
gestured for her to come to him.

"What has you in such deep


saw more than I was supposed to today,

Ava said.


I didn

t think it would be
that big of a deal. I mean, considering you were Stein

s old lady. You probably saw all that shit before,
right? You've been in bloody arms and stared into broken eyes, haven't you?


Ava said, storming

Sighing, Shay wondered what to do
next. The club needed a better plan than what they had. They needed to get the Lost
Men some action. They needed to get Eight Under back under control. And Shay
needed to kill Caius.


a voice said.

Blaine was waving him to an empty
pool table where he sat with a beer between his legs and a smoke in his hand.


Shay said.

off the pussy, huh?

speaking my mind.

hear that. Hey, you know you shouldn't have brought her along, right?

took off,

Shay said.

How can I trust her here alone

Blaine nodded.


s her story? What are you thinking?

have no idea,

Shay said.

But I can

t let her leave right now. He

ll kill her.

Who is he?

Shay swallowed.

Nile. And whoever it is that
wants me dead. Seems they see and know all. And now that Eight Under saw Ava
with us, there

s no way she
can ever leave. Not until this war is over.

if the war never ends?

Blaine asked with a grin.

I guess Ava never leaves.

a bad thing. That

s fine
pussy in your room right now. You

letting your mind eat up your needs, bro. You know we don

t live like that! So, fuck it.
Who cares if Eight Under and this guy with the scar hook up. We

re Back Down Devil. We

re stronger. Smarter. We

ll fucking kill the guy. We

ll take out Eight Under. All
will be well.

Blaine was an asshole. And he
always stunk of booze, smoke, and pussy. But there were times when his clarity
was almost poetic.

don't think I'll ever understand you, Blaine.

Blaine grabbed his beer and jumped
from the pool table. Then he grabbed his dick and balls and smiled.


t think about that

Blaine said.

I just go with what

s in front of me. Now, I just
watched a beautiful woman run away from you, Shay. You can either chase her
down and fuck her

or I

Shay shook his head and didn

t say a word. He couldn

t believe he was going to listen
to Blaine and worse yet, agree with Blaine.

Shay turned and headed to his room.
When he opened the door, Ava was standing in the bathroom, looking at herself
in the mirror. She glanced at him. He shut the door and locked it.

He took his leather cut off and let
it fall to the floor. He grabbed his shirt and tore it off his body. He then
opened his belt and his pants, making it perfectly clear to Ava what he wanted
right now.

Ava turned and moved from the
bathroom. Shay crashed into her and pressed her up against the wall. They
stared at each other, breathing heavily. Ava

lips quivered, tempting Shay even more. He put a hand to her face and Ava
reached up and touched Shay

face with both hands.

She licked her lips like she was
going to say something. But Shay didn

want to hear it. His mouth covered hers and she moaned. Ava

s tongue flicked at Shay

s mouth and he accepted it. Then
he dominated the kiss, savoring Ava

delicious lips.

When she needed to come up for air,
she curled her fingers, her nails digging at Shay

cheeks. He stopped kissing her and she bit her bottom lip.


m not who anyone thinks,

Ava said.

Shay nodded.

Tell me then.

me first,

Ava said.

Shay pressed his body tighter to

s. She kissed his neck
and slowly moved down to his chest. Shay put his hands to the wall and looked
down at Ava. As her thin lips kept moving down, Shay groaned. She grabbed the
top of his pants and slowly moved to her knees. He locked his elbows, bracing
himself against the wall. Ava pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles.

His cock popped free and Ava wasted
no time. Her small hand squeezed the base of his shaft. She looked up at Shay
with her clear blue eyes. He throbbed in her hand and refused to do anything.
He wouldn

t command Ava, he
would let her do what she felt she was right.

She brought her thin, sweet lips to
the tip of his thickness and kissed. Shay wasn

in the mood for sweet pleasantries, so he thrust at Ava

s mouth. She quickly opened her mouth and surprised
Shay by taking him in deep. His hands on the wall quickly curled into fists and
he punched the wall.


Shay said.


re going to make me go already.

Ava moaned, and the warm vibrations
shot through Shay

s cock
and legs. She rested her hands on his legs and gently moved back and forth,
savoring Shay

s hardness.

Shay hissed and gathered himself.
He slowly fucked her mouth, loving the way his cock looked sliding in and out
of her lips. When Shay came forward with a gentle push, Ava moved back. Soon
the back of her head touched the wall, but Shay kept going. He bent his knees a
little and eased himself deeper into Ava

mouth. He wanted to test her. He wanted to control her.

Ava placed her hand on the root of

s shaft. She spread
her fingers, pushing at Shay, but still allowed him deeper. Shay grunted and
then slowly pulled himself back. He popped free of Ava

s mouth and she whimpered while trying to catch her
breath. She looked up at Shay with her mouth open, eyes wide, her body burning
with lust.

up here,

Shay commanded.

Ava rose back to her feet and he
grabbed her waist.

your fucking pants off,


Ava hurried to do what she was
told. Shay slid his hands up to Ava

sides and watched her wiggle out of her pants and panties. While she kicked
them off, Shay opened the top drawer of the dresser next to them and dug around
until he found a condom. He tore it open and sheathed himself.

Ava just stared at him in
amazement. He was beautiful. And so damn sexy.

When he slapped his hands on Ava

s ass unexpectedly, she


m going to lift you,

he said.

Wrap your legs around me tight
and be ready.


Ava said.

Her face burned red, her body

Shay lifted Ava and she wrapped her
legs around him, hooking her ankles. Shay reached under her and pressed his
cock to her tight body. He eased forward, breaking her seal wide open. Ava put
her mouth to Shay

s neck to
muffle her whimpers.

my god, Shay, it

s.. oh,

Shay guided himself into Ava. She
was crazy tight. Tighter than any woman he could remember.


Shay said as he
thrust, forcing himself deep into Ava.

was the last time you were fucked?

Ava lifted her head and looked at
him with a look that said it had been a little while.

Even then

it wasn


it wasn

t this

Shay thrust harder at Ava. He
grunted. She put her head back against the wall and closed her eyes. As he
thrust again, her face contorted in a mix of pleasure and pain. It drove Shay
mad to see that face on Ava. He put his hand back to her ass and held her
there. He began to fuck her faster, in and out, and her body thudded against
the wall each time.

Ava interlocked her fingers behind
his neck. Her hair fell everywhere and when she opened her eyes, the blueness
caught Shay off guard and he stopped suddenly for a few seconds. The pleasure
was momentarily replaced with a sudden jolt to his heart.


lips quivered again just as she whispered in his ear,




And with that said, Ava

s body began to throb. Her
tightness squeezed Shay's cock with an erotic force that threatened to make him
explode. He gritted his teeth and held tight, thrusting into Ava deeper and
harder so he could feel her spilling all over him. The orgasm was intense, but
Shay wasn

t done yet.

He moved away from the wall,
holding Ava, his cock still inside her. He walked her to the bed and placed her
down. When he pulled out of her, their bodies were glistening with her wetness.


Shay said. He put his hands to

s knees and kept her
legs open wide. The sight of her gentle folds, the tender color, and her sweet
aroma drove his senses wild.

But Shay wasn

t there to stare. He was there
to enjoy.

up, love,

Shay said.

Ava put her hands to the bed and
sat up. She looked weak and shaky. The pleasure obviously still running rampant
throughout her body. Shay grabbed her shirt and Ava put her hands up. Before
the shirt was even off her wrists, Shay reached for the back of her bra. He
needed to see her breasts. Her small, perfect, delicious breasts.

With Ava completely naked now, Shay
pushed forward and climbed on top of her. He cupped her breasts with his hands,
squeezing as hard as he wanted. Ava jumped and whimpered. He opened his hands
and ran them up her arms. He did not interlock his fingers with Ava

s but rather guided her by her
hands until he was able to hold both of her wrists with one of his big hands.
His other hand went back down so he could hold her just below her breasts.

Shay stared into Ava's eyes as he
came forward with his eager cock again. The wetness helped, although her
tightness was still a battle. But it was a battle worth fighting.

Shay thrust deep and held there. He
looked at Ava

s chest as
she arched her back, moaning in pleasure again. He brought his mouth down to
her left breast, engulfing the whole damn thing. She was so warm and soft. He
offered his teeth and gently pulled back until her nipple was firmly between
his teeth. As he nibbled with more force, Ava jumped, thrusting herself at him.

That was all Shay could handle. He
took his mouth from Ava

breast and slid his free hand up her body to the back of her neck. He forced
Ava to look at him. His body was just inches off hers, but his cock still
inside her. There were no words to speak, just pleasure to feel. Shay pumped
himself in and out until he finally reached his breaking point. With a hiss and
grunt, Shay gritted his teeth and thrust deep inside Ava

s sweet body as he released. Each time he came, Ava
groaned and gave a small thrust, eagerly wanting more and more from him.

BOOK: Secret Mayhem
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