Read Secret Liaisons Online

Authors: Shelia M. Goss

Tags: #Writer;Producer;Hollywood;Love;Romance

Secret Liaisons (4 page)

BOOK: Secret Liaisons
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Chapter Eight

Mona went shopping at a nearby mall. She found the perfect dress, shoes and accessories for tonight's event. The door to the office was locked. She struggled to hold her items as she fumbled in her purse for her set of office keys.

Once inside, she hung the garment bag and placed the shopping bags near it.

She noticed a yellow sticky note on her computer. It read, “Will be back later. The other writer called. We're all set.”

Mona's cell phone rang. She saw her attorney's name and number displayed on the screen. “Hi, this is Mona,” she answered.

“Mona, this is Blythe Evans. I went over the option agreement and I only made a few changes. I've emailed it to you. Call me back when you get it so we can discuss.”

“If you have a minute, we can discuss it now.” Mona sat behind her computer and logged on. She opened the Word document and read over the highlighted changes.

“If they want your story idea, I want to make sure you're listed as the head writer,” Blythe said.

“I'm reading through this and it sounds perfect. I hope Terrance agrees to the changes.”

“If it works for you, I'll email you the document without the markups and all you'll need to do is print, sign it and hand it back to Terrance.”

Fifteen minutes later, Mona did just as her attorney, Blythe, suggested. She printed out two copies and signed each one. She placed them both in a manila folder and all she needed to do now was wait on Terrance to come back to the office.

She hoped she didn't get any resistance to her changes. The original contract was fair but the updated one ensured that she would play an important role if her scripts were chosen.

Terrance walked in holding two brown bags. “Hey, you're back. I figured you didn't have time to buy lunch so I went out and got us both something. I picked up food from the Chinese restaurant down the street from here.”

“Perfect,” Mona said. She stood and took one of the bags from him.

“Did you have any luck finding a dress?” Terrance asked.

“Yes. Thank you again.” Mona reached into her purse and pulled out his credit card. She handed it to him.

Terrance took the card with his available hand. “Well, where is it? Where's the dress?”

“No can do. You will see it when I put it on.”

“Come on. I need to see what my money bought.”

“Your food's getting cold. And you know it's not going to taste the same cold so I suggest you eat it while it's still hot,” Mona playfully said, as she shooed Terrance away towards his office.

“Fine. I guess I can wait.”

“Don't worry, it'll be worth it.”

Terrance went to his office but left his door open. Mona held the manila folder with her signed contracts and joined him soon afterwards.

“Here's the signed option agreement with a few changes. Hope it's to your satisfaction.” Mona placed the folder on Terrance's desk near his computer.

“I'll take a look at it as soon as I finish eating,” Terrance responded.

“Great. Now let me get back to my shrimp fried rice.” Mona left out hoping that Terrance agreed to her changes.

After finishing his food and wiping his hands clean, Terrance opened the manila folder and read through the contract. If it had been anyone else but Mona, he would have been hesitant on signing the contract with the change, but he wanted the best for Mona and he didn't have a problem bringing her on as head writer if the network agreed to the production.

He signed both copies. He kept one in the folder and took the other one to Mona. Mona was busy typing on her computer.

“Mona, as the owner of TNB Productions, I hope that our relationship will be taken to another level with this new venture.” He handed her the contract.

Mona looked at his signature on the bottom of the second page and smiled. “So we have a deal?”

“Yes, we do. Tonight's a prelude to our meeting, so let's knock it out the park.”

“Thank you so much. I'll never forget this.” Mona jumped out of her seat and hugged Terrance.

Terrance could smell the sweet aroma of flowers in Mona's long curled hair. He wrapped his arm around her enjoying the closeness.

Mona slowly pulled away but not without them both staring into each other's eyes longer than they normally would have. Mona said, “I'm sorry. I just got a little emotional. You don't know how bad I want this to work.”

“Mona, no need to apologize. I'm excited for you. I'm glad that I can hopefully be a part of making your dream come true.”

“You have. More than you'll ever know,” Mona said, as she went back and sat behind her computer.

Terrance stared at Mona. She was petite but full of life. Being around her energized him. Made him feel as if he could do anything. He went back to his office and turned on the radio. Erykah Badu's song, “Next Lifetime” came on. He thought of Mona. Maybe if circumstances were different, he could envision himself with her. But with the new upcoming business venture, any thoughts of a romantic encounter with her needed to be pushed out of his mind.

He hopped on the dating site and sent Raven a quick, short message. He needed a distraction from Mona and chatting with Raven was just the solution.

Chapter Nine

Mona ended the chat with Falcon so she could get ready for the dinner party. To her surprise, Terrance stayed in his office behind closed doors the remainder of the day. He hadn't asked her to do anything for him so she was free to chat online.

Mona took her dress and other items and went to the bathroom. She freshened up and got dressed. She pinned back her black hair leaving a bang and a few loose strands on the side. She placed on a pair of faux diamond earrings and matching necklace. She slipped into the emerald green, knee-length, evening dress with the spaghetti straps revealing her light-brown back. She bent down and placed on a pair of black, velvet-smooth heels with diamond accents.

Satisfied with her appearance, she walked out of the bathroom holding a bag with her other clothes in it. She placed the bag under her desk. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearing six o'clock. She knocked on Terrance's door.

“I'll be out in a minute. I'm getting dressed,” Terrance yelled from the other end.

“Okay. I'm ready when you are,” Mona yelled back.

Mona went to make sure all of the electric equipment such as her computer and coffee maker were turned off.

“You look beautiful,” Terrance said when she turned around to face him. He stood outside of his office door looking at her.

She felt a little uncomfortable because she thought she'd seen desire in his eyes. She wished she had a shawl to cover her arms so he couldn't see the chill of bumps that swept over her skin when she heard his voice.

She twirled so he could get the full effect. “You like.”

He held his thumb in the air. “Thumbs up. You're going to make the other women envious.”

“Thanks to you.” Mona smiled.

“You must have gotten that dress on sale because you look like a million bucks. I saw the receipt. It didn't cost nearly as much as it looks.”

“It just so happened to be on the clearance rack.”

“Any other woman would have bought the most expensive dress in the store, but not you. I can't complain, but you could have spent more if you wanted to,” Terrance said, as he walked closer.

“You did say, ‘get the dress you wanted,' right?” Mona asked, as she exchanged purses to the small handbag she'd just purchased.

“I sure did.”

“This emerald dress was what I wanted. Besides, you were doing something nice for me. I wasn't going to take advantage of your generosity.”

“Mona Johnson, you always seem to amaze me,” Terrance said.

“Let's go do this,” Mona said.

Terrance held out his arm and Mona placed her hand on his arm. “Our chariot awaits.”

Terrance led Mona outside. Mona's eyes widened when she saw the long, black stretch limousine waiting for them out in the parking lot. The limousine driver held the door opened and they entered the car.

Terrance poured them both a flute of champagne. He held the glass in the air to toast. “To our new partnership. May this be the start of many more to come.”

“I'll drink to that.” Mona tapped her glass with his and then took a sip of the champagne. She placed the glass in the compartment located near them.

Terrance gave her a quick rundown on some of the people who were to be at the dinner party. “If you're unsure of what to say, just smile and I'll take over from there.”

“Well, you know me. Shyness has never been one of my problems.”

“You do have the gift of gab,” Terrance acknowledged.

“So stop worrying. I want this to happen as much as you do,” Mona said.

Mona placed her hand on top of Terrance's. His eyes softened. Terrance reached over and kissed her. Not a simple peck on the lips, but the kind of kiss that consumed her.

It left her breathless.

Terrance watched Mona's lips move and couldn't resist wanting to taste them. On impulse, he devoured her lips. When his tongue met hers she didn't protest but kissed him back with the same intensity.

He felt his heart beat skip a beat or two. His phone vibrating interrupted the vibe between them. He pulled away, neither one acknowledging what had just occurred. He pulled out his phone. He looked at Mona who sat quietly and said, “It's my mom.”

“You better answer it or she'll be calling you all night,” Mona said.

“You're right. And I don't need any unnecessary interruptions with what we have at stake.”

“No, you don't,” Mona agreed. Mona scooted over towards the window and looked out.

Terrance answered the call. “Hi, Mom. I'm on my way to a very important dinner engagement so this will have to be quick.”

“Why do I have a feeling you're trying to brush me off,” Sara said.

“It's all in your mind, mom. You know I talk to you at least once or twice a day so you're not going to make me feel guilty.” Terrance welcomed the phone call but wished it were someone other than his mom.

He needed to figure out why he'd just kissed Mona. He kept his eye on her, but she wouldn't look in his direction. It was hard for him to gauge what mood she was in.

His mom talked on and on but he barely heard a word she'd said. His mind was on two things, Mona and the network executives.

“Mom, we're almost there. I'll call you tomorrow morning, I promise.”

Terrance ended the call without giving her time to say anything else.

“Mona, are you okay?” he asked, as the car drove up the driveway of the luxurious hotel.

Mona glanced at him. “Yes, I'm fine.”

“Great. Well, we're here. Let's show them what we got.” Terrance debated on whether to discuss the kiss. He chickened out.

Mona said she was fine so he believed her. The driver opened the door. Terrance got out first and then assisted Mona out of the back of the limousine.

There were a few paparazzi outside. He placed his hand on the bottom of Mona's back. Bright lights from the flashing cameras nearly blinded them while going inside of the hotel.

Chapter Ten

Mona tried to forget about the kiss but couldn't. She smiled when Terrance stopped and posed for pictures as they made their way into the hotel. Once inside, Terrance introduced her to different people acting as if they hadn't just shared a kiss. If he could forget the kiss, then she would have to try to do so also.

He led her to a table. He pulled out her chair and she took a seat. “I see someone I need to talk to. I'll be right back,” he said.

Mona looked up just as she heard her name.

“Mona, so glad you're here,” Charlotte said, as she and Sean approached the table.

Mona stood and hugged the couple.

Sean held out Charlotte's seat and they each took a seat on the right of Mona.

“Where's Terrance?” Charlotte asked.

“He's around here somewhere,” Mona responded.

A waiter holding a tray filled with glasses of champagne asked, “Can I offer you anything to drink?”

Mona looked at the tray. “Sure.”

The waiter left them all with a glass of champagne.

Mona got an extra one and sat it in front of Terrance's spot.

“I'm so happy for you,” Charlotte said.

“Nothing's happened yet,” Mona responded.

“I'm confident your script will be the one they are interested in.” Charlotte raised her flute. “To Mona and her script.”

Sean held up his glass. “To Mona.”

Mona held her glass and smiled. Her attention was on Charlotte and Sean so she wasn't aware that Terrance was nearby.

“To Mona,” Terrance said, as he sat down beside her.

They clicked their glasses. Mona who was normally cool and more confident felt a little uncomfortable. Terrance being so near made the room seem smaller. She felt herself perspiring. She picked up her napkin and wiped the sweat off her forehead and neck.

“Mona, are you alright?” Charlotte asked. She must have noticed Mona's nervousness.

“I'm fine. I just need some air.”

“Do you need me to take you home?” Terrance sounded concerned.

Mona shook her head. “No, I'll be fine. It's probably the champagne. The excitement. I'll be okay after I eat something.”

Terrance said, “They're about to open the buffet line. I can get your food and bring you something back.”

“I'm your assistant. Not the other way around.”

“You've become more than my assistant.”

Mona and Terrance's eyes locked and neither looked away.

Charlotte cleared her throat. “Terrance and Sean, why don't you bring us both something back. I'll sit here and make sure Mona's alright.”

A few minutes later, Charlotte and Mona were left by themselves. Charlotte said, “Spill it. What's going on between you two?”

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Mona said. She picked up a glass of water and gulped it down.

“I can sense tension between you two and it has nothing to do with work.”

“Has Sean ever told you, you can be delusional?” Mona asked.

“Come on, Mona, don't be like that. Hurry before the guys get back.”

Mona looked around. Terrance and Sean were standing in the buffet line holding two plates.

“We kissed on the ride here,” Mona confessed.

“Are you serious? I was just joking about you two having something going on,” Charlotte confessed.

“It was just a kiss. There's nothing going on between the two of us.”

“Terrance is looking at you like Sean looks at me,” Charlotte said.

“Terrance and I shared a kiss and that's all it was. Besides, I think I've met someone,” Mona said.

“Who?” Charlotte asked.

Mona wasn't sure if she should share the fact that she'd met someone on the dating site. “His name is Falcon. He's a prominent businessman and he's everything I want in a man. So why would I chance being with Terrance when I've already met the perfect guy?”

“Well, I want to meet this Falcon if he's all that.”

“You will, but after I do.” Mona let it slip.

Charlotte shook her head. “What do you mean after you do?”

Mona decided to share with Charlotte about the 2-Of-A-Kind dating site. “Before you say anything, it was Kem's idea.”

“I'm all for new age dating. I hope it works out for you. But what I don't want you to do is turn down something real for a man you've never met.”

“Terrance and I got caught up in the moment. I can guarantee you there will not be a repeat of what happened in the limousine earlier,” Mona said, just as Terrance and Sean returned to the table holding several plates of food.

BOOK: Secret Liaisons
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