Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History (55 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Gnostic Dementia, #Alternative History, #Conspiracy Theories, #21st Century, #v.5,, #Retail

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You get off the plane and you’re there. What do you see?


It’s maybe a half mile from the main compound. Although there is a path, they don’t want to have great access to the airfield. Usually you’ll walk. The path is there to bring in heavy equipment, and they can use vehicles, but don’t usually. There are obstructions on the path, so if someone could get as far as landing without authorization, then it would be very difficult. The growth around it is very extensive. You’d walk a half mile to the main compound, where there is a large 2-story building, Spanish style. There is a garage with room for about a dozen vehicles in it. There’s a large workshop. There’s what I like to call a barracks, for soldiers. Army type. Guards. [It sleeps] 100, maybe.


This large building that you mentioned, what do you mean by large? Ten rooms? More?


Let me count. There’s a large reception room as you enter through a hallway. Three rooms on the bottom, right next to the reception area. There’s a door leading to them, double glass door to get inside. There’s secretaries — secretarial offices in the front, on the ground floor. There’s a basement. And living quarters on the second floor.


How’s it decorated inside?


Call it French Continental, I guess. Nothing as ostentatious as Louis XV, but if you were to furnish a home in French style, with relatively fine furnishings, without the gilt, this is what it would look like. The furniture is a problem because of the moisture there. Very damp, constant warping.


What about the colors? Wood?


Plaster and wallpaper. Very European wallpaper, these little rows of flowers, vertical stripes and flowers. Not effeminate. Blues and greys are predominant. The room that I have is like Dracula’s Castle, something from the Victorian era. Not a four-poster bed, but a massive one. I’ve been in some of the other bedrooms … large, carved wood, dark.


Native labor around? Servants?


German only. I’ve seen 25, 35, maybe up to 50 [soldiers] around. Civilian clothes. One thing they do have, the Vietnam combat boots, half leather, half canvas.


About how much land does the whole compound cover?


I’d say maybe 10 acres, but the buildings are spread out and they’re not all in the open. Under cover of trees —there are some very large trees there, or growths.


What’s adjacent to these 10 acres, topologically?


Mountains like the California foothills, a bit steeper, and a bit higher and more heavily overgrown, tropical.


Does someone own the land adjacent? Is it in use?


No. Not in use.


Where are the nearest other people?


From what I saw when I was flying in, they’re very scattered. There’s a river to the west, several miles away … very small villages … maybe three huts to a village.


It’s a couple of miles to the river?


More than that.


And all the traffic in and out is through the air? Can you hack your way in through the jungle?


If you want to try it, go right ahead. Not me. There are sensors that will pick up the movement. Electrically-activated mines, in plastic so there are no metal parts to be detected. They’re sufficiently large and sufficiently deep so they couldn’t be probed for. In fact, if they got far enough to do that, they’d already be caught on the motion monitors.


What color is the house?.


Very filthy white. You paint it and probably a month later it looks just as bad as six years later. Never dries sufficiently, so you have this constant bubbling of the paint or whitewash. It’s amazingly clean, though, once you’re inside. It’s all closed up and everything is air-conditioned; you’d think that you were in a nice European country home. It’s their touch of home-away-from-home, so to speak.


With a compound full of SS General Officers, I imagine there would be a tendency to keep it clean. How many permanent residents are there?


Not including guards, maybe 20-25 who live there on a relatively regular basis, or who have rooms there.


In Paraguay there are people around Otto, people in the Organization. Let’s talk about them.


These are Germans in the Organization. To be a true member of the Organization, you must have German blood, to be in the heart of the Organization. Some of the people? Joachim Peiper, another one of the reported deaths. It’s very fashionable to “die.” Peiper was the head of the unit that killed 83 Americans in the Malmedy Massacre. The War Crimes Tribunal said it was done because they had no place to take them. They were traveling light, so they found it easier to murder 83 men in uniform than to take prisoners. But they had taken prisoners during this period. He also speaks fantastically good English. Otto does not. He’s the right-hand man to Otto, very close. D–-, Belgian SS, a real lunatic if there ever was one. He’s an enforcer, if you will, in the simplest possible terms. Otto Gunch, he was Hitler’s SS Adjutant. He spent about 10 years in Russian prisons. Gunch works in the American section, if you want to call it that. In fact he has worked with American publishers translating things into understandable English from German. He has a very good grasp of American idiom. High echelon people in Paraguay, not including guards and security … about 100.


Inside the Organization, how many members do you think, worldwide?


Approximately 1000. It just took one to set the whole Napa area on fire in California. Oh, other people presumed dead in the Organization, Adolf Galland, General of the Fighter Army, Luftwaffe. He’s very good on transportation…


Is the Paraguayan government aware of all these people there?


The Paraguayan government are employees of the Organization, nothing more than low-grade employees.


How about Marty? [Martin Bormann]


They have him in another position. I’ve never seen him, this one man I mentioned to you is a source of information. The guy [Bormann] is a nut on apple juice. “Dirty sonofabitch trying to get apples…” Apples do not grow in that climate; they have to be brought in.


Does he live reasonably close to the compound?


Evidently quite close. They don’t want him around, sort of like a doddering old grandpa — you don’t want the guy around any more. He probably lives in one of the key houses. I tend to believe that he is close by.


December of ‘75. You reversed the process and went back up. You worked on those things during the intervening 18 months, and then he got in touch again in August of ‘77. You got a message to go there again?


Yes, and I did. First of all he asked me how I’d gotten on — evidently he’d done his own investigating. I don’t think he ever trusted anyone — but he asked me about how Consolidated Oil & Gas was. He was asking me about Playboy and Columbia Pictures. He asked me, since one of my basic fronts is being into films, since I know a lot of people down there in the business in Los Angeles. Also Lockheed. I made some suggestions on how they could get more stock, and that I would get back to them. I started making preparations shortly after I got back, and went to Dean Witter/Reynolds and spoke to W., who is still with them. For a while he was helping me, purchasing stock through Troy Gold Industries, getting back to the Columbia Films, and — this is interesting — the Gong Show. BCHK stock symbol, it paid very, very very well. Two stock splits and some fantastic dividends.


When was this?


‘78. We’d get together very infrequently to talk about what I have accomplished and what I hope to accomplish by the next meeting, whenever that is, in irregular periods. We’ve already set up making purchases through the Swiss bank. Once I’ve delivered information to the Swiss Banking Corporation, the money is there waiting to make the buys. It is held and then transferred over, such as in the case in ‘79, when the gold thing came about. We were reporting on — like a stockholders’ meeting — old business and the new business, and then we’ll meet next time. But it was mainly of the purchasing of stock.


I’d like to ask about the meeting of January ‘80.


That was more or less a congratulations, with everybody shaking everybody else’s hands. That was a celebration, because they’d just sold out their interest with gold price based at 800 and something an ounce.


Had they also sold Rustenberg?


Everything was sold off. They’d cleared their position.


Not long before that. I think January was when it hit its peak.


Actually, in February was when it went ffffffftt. [indicates straight down]. It hit a high of 852 on the Hong Kong exchange. I think there was some talk of 875, but to my knowledge, it only hit 852.


— They sold at 850, or before that?


From what I gathered, around eight and a quarter. Everything was very quiet — just a big celebration. He wanted to thank me for all I’d done, and I wanted to thank him for all he had done. That kind of profit — you can buy things at 175 — I think the top price they paid for gold was $389, and I had done that myself. I was the foolish one, because a week after the Iranian crisis started I said, “I think I’ll hedge a little bit.” So instead of buying it directly — I’d buy some directly, actual bullion held in the precious metal account, but on the commodity market, being able to buy much more with little. They hadn’t instituted controls at that time. All the playing around that had been done — the Hunts, with the silver, and the gold market being manipulated — the margin was hardly anything. For — oh, use a figure — for $10,000 invested you could control maybe a million or more dollars in gold. Virtually like owning a million dollars in gold. When it went up, let’s say a contract would be at that time 10,000 ounces, I believe was the contracts we were dealing with, if the gold went up, $30-$40 a day, that’s $30-$40 an ounce. You’re holding a triple contract — each contract is worth 10,000 ounces, so it was worth doing that at $389, even though I didn’t buy it, the gold itself.


In the previous seven to eight months, quite a few events had taken place which were at the instigation of the Organization, starting with, in the period of May ‘79 through the end of December ‘79, a series of crashes of the DC-10. In Summer of ‘79 an agreement was made at Bohemian Grove to run Ronald Reagan as president.


Yes. They decided in ‘79 that Reagan was going to be elected. A meeting was held, those attending being Alexander Haig, George Bush, Steve Bechtel, Dave Packard, Henry Kissinger and Helmut Schmidt at Bohemian Grove, in which policy was decided for future election of Ronald Reagan, and possible events to follow thereafter. This was merely a preliminary meeting to decide basic goals and to structure the campaign as these American corporate officers would desire to have it structured.


Mr. Bechtel at that time was not in total agreement with certain objectives. To keep him in line a very minor object lesson was made by an attack on Bechtel’s holdings in Central America. At that time General Haig wished to have more input, particularly regarding his possible nomination, but acquiesced when told that was not possible at this time. When he continued to balk at his position he was given an object lesson, the attempted bombing of his staff car, which was never meant to explode. It was not radio controlled, it was electronically controlled by wire. It was never meant to kill, merely a lesson to keep him in line. If this Nazi organization can be said to be composed of many godlike mentalities, there can be only one, and General Haig was not meant to be the one. He seemed to the Organization to be pliable, in that he has done many good favors and passed on much information through Helmut Schmidt, information of a political, military and economic nature, who in turn through his own avenues would forward the information to central headquarters in Paraguay.


Shortly thereafter, it was in the final planning stages of the election campaign, it was determined that Reagan was pliable, and could be worked with and dealt with, that there would be no problem. As time grew closer Mr. Reagan was evidently asserting himself in such a way that it was felt that he could not be depended on to follow advice of his subordinates who, in effect, were to be the heads of government. It was determined that he was to be removed. The first operation planned was for January 11, 1981 at a dinner held as a farewell to close friends in the Los Angeles area. Information was passed through my sources and the operation was stopped. The man who was to have the contract to shoot the president was M., who was a former U.S. Army officer, who was chosen because of his psychological disability and his background. M., during the Arab-Israeli conflicts in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, while still in the Army, requested a discharge so that he may join an Arab legion to fight against the Jews. This was not taken as normal behavior for an Army officer, and he was immediately relieved of his duties and placed in psychiatric care in the Army, where he was examined by both a psychiatrist and, of all people, a rabbi as to his feelings toward the Jewish people. He currently, as his front, operates a small hobby store in Sacramento. He is considered extremely unstable mentally. He is of Russian extraction, he claims proudly that one of his relatives was with the Russian army, a group of Russians that were taken prisoner by the Germans during World War II and who apparently espoused similar ideals regarding the Communists, who were eventually used by the Germans against fellow Russians. His contact in Sacramento is L., who, as a front, operates a jewelry store, who is the section head, the cell leader of KGB in the Sacramento area, and takes his instructions from him. Data from L. is passed through T. who, as a front, operates an antique auction business. My contact was able to prevent this particular contract from being carried out, that is not to say that the contract will not be tried again, as happened in Washington recently.

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