Second Chance (Enduring Kiss)

BOOK: Second Chance (Enduring Kiss)
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Second Chance


C.E. Black






Second Chance


C.E. Black


shed by C.E. Black at Kindle KDP


Copyright 2012 C.E. Black



This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then ple
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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations are entirely coincidental.




Other Titles by C.E. Black


Enduring Kiss Series:

Enduring Kiss

The Perfect Mate

Second Chance


Shifted Temptations

(Excerpt in the back of the book)




For Christy and Kim, thank you for all your support and friendship. This book would never have been without your ideas, editing, or late night coffee runs. Love you girls!

Chapter 1




Standing on the balcony overlooking the foyer, I watched as more and more guards showed up for the emergency call. The sound was deafening as their boots stomped and squeaked across the polished wood floors. Their boisterous voices boomed throughout the mansion. Questions asked, speculations made, all wondering why they had been summoned.

I was one of the curious, though
I was not part of the guard. I lived here at the mansion and I couldn't help but be thrown into the excitement.

Some would ask how could an emergency call to some of the most dangerous men and women in the world be considered
exciting. Some would ask how I could stand so calmly amongst almost a hundred werewolves, but feel no fear. They were my pack, my family and I could take care of myself. I had to before. The only fear I felt was of the unknown. Why were we armoring ourselves? With all that muscle down there, that was exactly what we were doing.


I didn't have to turn around to know who was approaching. Not only could I smell her unique scent, only my best friend Susan called me Becky.

"Hey Suzy Q,
" I said with a grin as she reached my side.

I laughed
aloud at her scowl. She hated it when I changed around her nickname.

"Stop that
, Becks! You know I hate it when you call me that one!" Susan nearly growled, echoing my thoughts.

"You started it,
" I reminded her, which got me a raspberry blown in my face.

I turned back to look across the mass of bodies. Everyone was beginning to become a bit agitated.
I hoped that Pack Master Dane would explain soon.

"What do you know Susan?"

Susan's mate Paul was one of the head guards and I knew he would have told her something. It was almost impossible to keep things from your mate. They can't read each other's minds, but there's supposedly an overwhelming need to share everything once they were bonded.

"Not much. Either Paul i
s keeping surprisingly quiet or Dane is. Paul just said there was a threat we needed to prepare for."

Susan became suddenly quiet. I faced her, eyebrows raised.

"That's it?" I asked suspiciously. There was tension building on her face, tightening her lips and pulling at her brow. "What aren't you telling me?" I demanded.

Susan let out a loud sigh
, but kept her eyes on mine. I knew it was going to be something I would not like. The way she was looking at me, with worry and compassion, I knew it wasn't good at all. I could feel the blood draining from my face before she even said the words.

, Becky." I gasped slightly even though I knew she was going to say it. Susan let out another small sigh and continued. "Master Christensen received a..."

"You mean Lucas,
" I interrupted rudely.

"Yes Lucas,
" Susan hissed. "But we should speak of him with respect Becky." I held back my snort along with the eye roll and turned away with gritted teeth.

"As I was saying, Master received notice of another Master planning to arrive shortly. A
nd it doesn't look like he's coming for a cocktail party either."

I coul
dn't help but snort and looked back at Susan. "So? What's that got to do with us?"

"Becky, this other Master is pissed about something and plans to overthrow Lucas. Don't you think that's worth an emergency call?"

"No. Obviously this is Lucas' problem not ours. Why should we risk our guard for some... know...vampire?" I stuttered out angrily.

I still had a problem with cursing even with extreme emotions. My cheeks heated in

Susan's eyes widened and then narrowed. "What's gotten into you Becky? I've never seen you like this. You're usuall
y much kinder with your words."

I shrugged and looked away again until I heard her growl. My head snapped back in surprise at the angry sound. Susan's eyes were bright green almost glowing with emotion. I could see the tension in her shoulders and her hands clinched tight at her sides. I swallowed hard and took a step
back, which plastered me to the railing. My eyes automatically looked down slightly in submission.

"How can you act as if this is no big deal?
Yes, Master Christensen is a vampire, but he is also a good man. He not only helps the pack, but also the community of humans. He physically helped rebuild houses after hurricane Charlotte and handed out food and water when the electricity was still out.”

Oh, and did you forget how he let us use his house when some of the pack were homeless after that wildfire last month? Not to mention the money he's shelled out over the years!" Susan was breathing hard and getting worked up so I just nodded and continued to keep my eyes on her chin.

"Have you forgotten Jessica, Becky?" I looked up at that. Her eyes were still bright
, but she seemed to have cooled off after she let loose with her rant. She nodded and said "Yeah, what happens to our friend if this other hot shot vamp decides to take out Lucas?"

I lowered my
head in shame. Susan was right, at least when it came to Jessica. She was my friend, our friend and Lucas' death would kill her. I looked up with an apology in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Su
san. I just...," I trailed off not knowing what to say.

Susan wrapped me in her arms and squeezed
me tightly. "I know, Becky. I know," She said softly.

We hugged for several minutes as I
digested our conversation. I never had a good view of vampires and with good reason. I was once a feeder for a Master Vamp many years ago and let's just say life sucked then. Susan knew a little about my past, but I had not been able to tell her everything. Part of me knew not all vampires were the same. The saying goes for humans and werewolves, but something always snaps inside me with the mention of vampires.

I took a deep breath and pulled away from Susan giving her a wan smile. "You're right. Jessica means a lot to me, us. I don't want to see her hurt. She deserves all the h
appiness in the world, even if it means living happily ever after with a vampire. I will try to keep the edge off my prejudices. Thanks, Zuzu," I said with a grin.

Susan's eyes narrowed into slits. "If I didn't love you so much I would slap you for calling me t

I continued to grin at her until she finally gave in and laughed loud enough for all the muscle down stairs to look up at us curiously. Some looked almost afraid.

Susan looked out over the crowd and waved. "You'd think by now they'd realize if we were going to do something they wouldn't have seen us first."

I smiled at the memory of all our
childish pranks. "Yeah the condoms never get old, but that time with the molasses and chicken feathers, that was awesome. I saw Barrett still plucking feathers out of his hair a week later."

Our laughter died as a hush came over the crowd. Susan and I made our way down the stairs and into the living room where Pack Master Dane and Lucas had already arrived.

I caught sight of Jessica only a handful of wolves away. Susan must have spotted her also. She grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. When we reached Jessica, she pulled us both into a tight hug.  We didn't speak, just held each other for a few silent moments then all three of us broke off to pay attention to our leaders.

As soon as I saw
Jess, I felt guilty. I loved her to death, but it was just so hard to except she was married to a vampire. The only reason we had been able to have a close friendship was because Lucas didn't hang out with us and I kept my mouth shut about my opinions in front of her. It seemed I needed to keep those opinions secret from my best friend too.

Why did it have to be so hard?
I thought. If it weren't for the friends and family I found with this pack, I would have left long ago. Although, that would not have made much of a difference, I never heard of a pack that was not closely tied to a vampire. For some reason they went hand in hand. Werewolves were good for muscle, I supposed.

Pack Master Da
ne's voice thundered through the room. "Brothers and sisters, I know you all are wondering why I have summoned you. I have called you all here because of a threat to our peaceful existence. Master Christensen has received notice that another Master is heading this way to challenge him for killing one of his children."

Murmurs broke out through the crowd. Pack Master Dane
was not talking about a child as in a baby. He was referring to when a vampire turns a human.

Dane raised his hand
, gaining everyone's attention, but Lucas spoke next.


He bowed slightly then stood tall again, piercing everyone with is intense blue eyes. I had to admit, for a vampire, he was beautiful. He was built tall and hard, but his silky black hair added softness to his features. It fell in waves to his shoulders, just asking someone to touch.

I shook my head and glanced at Jessica. She was looking at Lucas with concern
, but I could also see the dreamy look she could not hide. I pushed all thoughts of dreamy looks and soft hair away. I hated vampires, I reminded myself, no matter how nice they seemed or how beautiful.

"I'm sure you all remember the incident we had awhile ago with Cord and Gretchen." A few nods and growls filled the room before Lucas continued. "Well it seems we now know who turned Gretchen and now this Master wants revenge." More whispers and growls followed his statement.

I could not believe a woman could be so enamored with a man to do such things as Gretchen did. Gretchen was one of Lucas' feeders and tried hard to be his One, but that role was only for Jessica. When Gretchen realized that, she did everything in her power to keep them apart.

she attacked Jess where it hurt most, emotionally, using Jessica's past and self-esteem against her. When that failed, she convinced Cord to help. Cord was a new member of our pack and one of Lucas' guards. After Gretchen was kicked out of Lucas' house, she mysteriously became a vampire and had Cord kidnap Jess. Jessica came close to dying, but thankfully, the guards found her in time, although Lucas had to perform the Enduring Kiss to keep her alive.

BOOK: Second Chance (Enduring Kiss)
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