Read Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2) Online

Authors: Mary Wasowski

Tags: #Forever

Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2) (38 page)

BOOK: Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2)
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“Poor sap. That’s tough when you’re trying to fill shoes like Walker’s. So are you still married to this guy? Do you have kids?”

“I’m divorcing Samuel. Our one and only daughter, Riley, is about to go off to college in a few months, and I felt this was my chance to leave. I stayed way longer than I should have, but he always convinced me to stay and try.”

“He wasn’t abusive, was he?”

“No, Freddy, nothing like that. Samuel is a good man, just neglectful, and married to his work more than he ever was to me. I want him to be happy with a woman who will truly love him the way he deserves, not a half of a person like I was.”

“Daughter? She must be beautiful like you.”

“Riley is amazing, Freddy. She does look like me, but she has her father’s eyes. She is so smart and very sweet. She is fearless, Freddy. Sometimes I’m in awe of my own child. She exudes confidence and grace.”

“Come on, Peaches, like mother like daughter. She sounds wonderful. I would love to meet her someday.”

“You would have last week at your fashion show, but my attempts to see you were stopped by my husband. But now thanks to Marsha, I’m here.”

“Are you the reason why my calendar is clear this week?”

“Guilty as charged!”

“So are we going to address the elephant in the room who is aptly named Walker?”

“How do you do that? It’s like you and Walker have a direct line to my thoughts.”

“It’s a gift. Now tell me everything, Peaches.”

“Freddy, I got the shock of my life last week when I was here in New York. Riley and I were here for a college tour and also to see you, a surprise for my daughter. She’s a huge fan by the way, your clothes line both our closets. Anyway, she has a boyfriend. His name is Jackson. They met at Johns Hopkins, where a building was being dedicated in his late mother’s name. They kept in touch, and after finding out that they are both attending NYU this fall, majoring in the same field, well that’s the universe’s way of making a perfect match, right?”

“Wow. That is something.”

“Oh, it gets better my friend. Our first night in the city, we had dinner plans to meet Jackson and his father.”

“Nice! Is his dad hot? Single? Did you hit it off?”

“Hot?” I had to pause and reminisce about my Walker. “Oh, he looked so good. He aged like a fine wine, better after seventeen years…”

“Oh, hell no, Reese. You don’t mean to tell me that this kid’s dad is Wa…”

“Yes, Freddy, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Jackson is the son of Walker and Elizabeth, and he’s now in love with my daughter, Riley.”

“Holy shit! I need a drink.”

“I almost fell over when I saw Walker again. He was visibly shaken and completely surprised. Needless to say, that reunion wasn’t as easy as this one, but eventually I told him the truth about everything. And that’s one of the reasons that led me back to you, Freddy. I had been planning on seeing you anyway, but now with Walker back in my life, I so desperately needed to fix things with you. You know you were really my first love at NYU.” We hugged.

“So how is the hot man these days? Can he still do the wall thing?”

“Oh my goodness, Freddy! How long will you keep reminding me of that? You haven’t changed a bit.”

“Never, Peaches. It was the best sex of my life, even if I had to hear it from the next room.”

“Stop it. You’re terrible, but I love you, Freddy. I missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too, baby girl. Don’t ever leave me again! Or I swear I will hand in my sketch pad and never design another piece of clothing again. You will ruin me.”

“What movie is that line from?”

“No movie. It comes from my heart, and I wasn’t kidding. To lose you again would hurt so much more than the first time you left. Reese, you have to come to terms with the past once and for all, and figure out what the hell you want. Stop being afraid, and live the life you’ve always wanted to have.”

“I am, Freddy. I promise you, no more running. I have my second chance with Walker, and now you.”

Freddy and I spent hours locked away in his office catching up on everything we could think of telling one another. His assistant, Trina, ordered us lunch and dinner. Freddy told me about his parents. They were alive and well, enjoying their retirement in Florida. His uncle and aunts finally sold off their businesses they owned in New York and joined the rest of his family. I heard about Fabrizio. I couldn’t wait to meet the man that captured my guy’s heart.

Freddy lit up while talking about him. Freddy had never forgotten about me and told his husband all about me. Freddy called Fabrizio on Skype, where we talked and laughed some more. He had a heavy Italian accent and was devilishly handsome. Freddy told me all about his foundation and his vision to help the children all around the world. His bookshelves were lined with humanitarian awards and of course awards for his work in the fashion industry. I was so proud of my best friend, and I was so happy that he had found his Forever.

I couldn’t have asked for a better day with Freddy. He had forgiven me, and I had my best friend back. He couldn’t wait to meet Riley. She was going to go major fangirl when she met him. I’m sure Freddy will teach her a few words that she will need to survive the big city. God knows he put me through New York 101 when I first arrived. Marsha had sent over my favorite wine and some treats for Freddy and I to enjoy. I said a tearful goodbye to him, but we promised we would see each other soon.

I finally checked in to my hotel room later that night. I only briefly talked to Riley, and I sent Walker a text. He never returned my phone call, but I wasn’t worried. I asked for space, and I knew this was him giving it to me. I knew he hated it. I didn’t want to be the cause of anymore hurt for the man I loved, but I had one more thing to do.

If I was ever going to be happy with Walker, I knew I would have to come clean with Nana. I just couldn’t show up on her doorstep hand in hand with Walker and expect all to go back to how it was. The last time I spoke to Nana, I was still very much married to Samuel, and now we were divorcing. She never came out and said how she really felt about my marriage to Samuel, that wouldn’t be the Christian way, but I had always known. Nana always respected my choices and feelings.

In the comfort of my hotel room, soaking in my jasmine filled bath, my body was completely relaxed, and all thoughts went to Walker. I dreamed of him touching me, loving me with his body, and then me feeling the intense pleasure of his sensual assaults. I found my hand slowly lowering over my clit and picturing Walker’s mouth hovering over it. Just then my cell was ringing, bringing me out of my sexually infused thoughts.

How the hell does he know he was on my mind? It’s Walker!

“Hello,” I barely spoke above a whisper.

“Reese,” his voice was smooth as velvet gliding along my skin. “I miss you, baby. I almost shattered my phone today when I realized I had missed your call. What are you doing? Or do I even have to ask?”

“I miss you too, Walker. I’m taking a bath.”

“Don’t touch yourself! I want all your pleasure, and I will soon be giving it to you. This separation is slowly killing me, Reese. You should know by now, I am not a patient man.”

“I wish you were in this tub with me right now. What was I thinking of ever asking for time, when you know you own my body and soul.”

“You don’t know how much I’ve been wanting and needing to hear those words come from your delectable mouth, but you were right to ask for space. I can’t just expect you to drop everything in your life and join me out here in California. I asked you once to do that, and I lost you. I will stray away from anything that will put me in that position again.”

“Walker, please don’t do that. You did nothing wrong, and I willingly accepted everything you ever asked of me. I wanted our life together, but I ran. I’m done hiding and not trusting in what we have. Do you believe me?”

“How can I not? Of course I do, baby. I just need you so much, and I have Jackson here and my work.”

“It’s the same for me. It’s been a rough few days with Riley. She is so confused with everything that has happened. She loves her father and never wants to choose between the two of us.

“She doesn’t have to, Reese. She knows how much her parents love her and will always be there for her. It wasn’t easy for Jackson to hear, but I think he understands it all now. I’m giving him the time he needs to process it all.”

“You haven’t told me about your trip out to the Hamptons.”

“No, I haven’t. I’m still reeling from all of it, but I promise I will tell you when we have the time. I won’t ever keep anything from you.”

Now that Walker had opened up the door for my next question, I needed to know. “Walker, can I ask you something?”

“You know you can.”

“I know I can, but I wanted to ask anyway. I need an honest answer no matter how much it angers you.”

“Reese, don’t play with my emotions when I’m thousands of miles away from you. Ask me.”

“The divorce papers, Walker! My divorce papers intended for Samuel. How did you manage to have them served to him without my knowledge?”

He sighed deeply on the line before answering me. “Reese, I’m a very powerful man. I didn’t get where I am today without knowledge and influence. I had my lawyer contact yours and simply take over the proceedings. Once your husband signs the papers and they are filed, we can begin making plans for our wedding and making me your husband. Please don’t be angry with me. You do want this right, Reese?”

“Of course I do, Walker, but you didn’t see the hurt on Samuel’s face when he showed me the papers. He was beyond devastated. I just want this to be done as amicably as possible.”

“Reese, it will be. As long as this divorce is uncontested, and it will be, you have nothing to worry about. All you need to do is walk out that door, and go straight through mine. I love you so much, and I need you with me.”

I said to him, “Just for the record, I’m not angry with you. You took something that was hard for me to do, and you handled it for me. I love you too. My skin has now pruned, and the bath water has turned cold. I need to get some rest before flying back to Maryland in the morning.”

“Jackson spoke to Riley, and she mentioned that you’re going to Georgia on Friday.”

“That’s the plan. I was going to go on my own, but Riley wants to see Nana and Granddaddy.”

“Can I join you in Georgia? I would love to see Lila and Thomas again. I was afraid to even ask you about them, and you couldn’t imagine my relief when you told me that they’re alive and well.”

“You really want to fly down to Georgia?” I asked.

“More than anything in the world, so please say yes, Reese”

“Yes. I can’t wait to see you again.”

We exchanged our “I love you’s” and struggled to hang up the phone. How this man affects me even miles away is beyond all logical thinking. For the first time in days, I slept so soundly. Of course all my night’s dreams were of Walker. I dreamed of our son for the first time in years. This time around, though, it wasn’t scary and sad. He was beautiful and happy in heaven. He was surrounded by light and warmth. He looked just like Walker. He was being held by a woman, I recognized her to be Elizabeth. She was rocking him to sleep. I could hear the lullaby she was singing to him. Elizabeth never had the chance to be a mother to Jackson, and I never had the chance to be a mother to our son. I felt happy believing that Elizabeth was watching over mine and Walker’s child.

He was safe where no one could hurt him. In the past, anytime I would remember my son, I would feel cold and alone. I wanted him so much and was devastated when he didn’t survive. I had never felt peace in my dreams until tonight. Seeing Elizabeth with him erased all the loss I ever felt. I couldn’t explain it, this feeling was something that was new and unexplored. I just knew I was okay. I didn’t know if I should mention this to Walker, would he understand? He never knew about our son, but he may have needed this closure as well. He loved Elizabeth, and she loved him. Knowing that the two losses in our lives brought us together again should hopefully bring him the peace and closure he needed.

DAYS OF WORRYING about the unknown ceased last night after speaking to Reese. She wasn’t angry with me about my calculated intrusion with the divorce papers. I hadn’t heard from her in a few days, and I was going out of my mind here in California. In a few days, she would be back in my arms where she belonged. She had to know that I would do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy.

BOOK: Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2)
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