Searching for Harmony: A Boston Love Novel (20 page)

BOOK: Searching for Harmony: A Boston Love Novel
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Chapter 27
Prince Charming

Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was almost two. Preston was going to meet me in the break room of the hospital for lunch. I was exhausted and pretty sure I was getting the flu. Sitting down at the nurses’ desk, I placed my head in my hands and took in a deep breath. I didn’t want to complain to Joel about having to work double shifts this week. After all, I was the one who had walked out on the hospital for two months.

Feeling someone start rubbing my back, I lifted my head to see Chuck standing there. Sitting up, I glared at him. “Chuck? What are you doing in L and D?”

Shrugging his shoulders, he gave me a wink and walked off. I got a chill as I watched him walk away. I made a mental note to talk to Preston today about work. Ever since I had gone to Nantucket, nursing didn’t seem to be a priority in my life anymore. Helping Preston follow his dreams with Flanagan’s was at the top of my list now.

Standing up, I held on to the counter and whispered, “Whoa.”

Becky, a nurse who had been working there for five years, walked up to me and grabbed my face gently as she looked into my eyes. “Harmony, something is not right.”

Nodding, I replied, “I agree. It’s called double shifts, a hot boyfriend who likes to wake me up in the middle of the night to make slow, passionate love to me, and not eating for six hours. That and I think I’m getting the flu.” Glancing over, I saw another nurse, Rachel, walking up to us.

Rachel laughed as she walked behind the desk. Shaking her head, she made a
ing sound. “You are not getting the flu. I already know what is wrong.”

Sitting back down, I glanced between both nurses. Becky looked at Rachel and said, “No!”

Rachel nodded. “Yes.”

“Holy shit, do you think?”

My head snapped over to Rachel as she threw her head back and evil-laughed. “What in the hell are the two of you going on about?” I asked with a confused look on my face.

Becky turned to me and tilted her head and sighed. “Aw, look, Rach, she doesn’t even have a clue yet. How cute is that?”

Rachel smiled. “It is cute. I remember those days.”

Rolling my eyes, I turned away from them and dropped my head onto the desk. “I don’t have time for this. My brother is getting married and Jenn wants to go dress shopping. I’ve never heard of a three-month engagement. Why they are getting married in May is beyond me. No one can plan a wedding that fast!” Stopping myself from talking, I thought back to my marriage to Trey. “Okay. Well, it can be done, but still. What’s the hurry?”

Rachel leaned against the counter and said, “Unless she’s pregnant.”

Laughing, I lifted my head and looked at Rachel. “Please, Sandy is the most put-together person I’ve ever met. She would never forget to take her birth control pi—”

Lifting an eyebrow and tilting her head, Rachel smiled. “You were saying, Harmony?”

Dropping my mouth open, I slowly stood up. “Oh fuck.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you’ve done plenty of that since you got back with your hot ex-fireman-now-turned-even-hotter-Irish-pub owner.”

Covering my mouth, I let out an internal scream.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
Turning, I placed my hands on the counter and dragged in a deep breath. I let it out and said, “How could I be so stupid?”

“When did you run out of them?”

Closing my eyes, I said, “The end of December. It was near TJ’s birthday. I was so upset I stayed in bed the whole day.”

“Last period?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “They have been so off since the accident. Even being on birth control, it wasn’t uncommon for me to skip a month or two.”

Becky walked up and held up a pregnancy test, smiling the biggest smile I think I’d ever seen on her face.

“Shit,” I mumbled.

Becky raised her eyebrow and said, “No, baby, you piss on it.”

Grabbing it out of her hand, I pushed past her as Rachel and Becky laughed. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Hey, princess! I’ll be there in twenty.

Walking into the ladies’ room, I hit
as my hands trembled.

Okay! Love ya!

Stay calm, Harmony. Take a deep breath in and blow it out. You’re not pregnant. Nope.

I pushed the stall door open, pulled my scrubs and panties down, and peed on the stick. Holding my breath, I sat it down on a piece of tissue paper as I flushed, pulled up my panties and scrubs, and grabbed the test. At the sink, I set it down next to me, then turned on the cold water and splashed my face.

Wow. Is it hot in there? I’m burning up. See, that just proves I’m getting sick. I’ll call in my prescription tomorrow and start taking the pill again.

Smiling, I nodded as I stood tall and confident. “I’ve got this!”

Grabbing the test, I held it up and read the results. A wide grin spread across my face as my pulse picked up and I felt a lightness in my chest.

Looking in the mirror, I let out a nervous giggle and shook my head. Spinning around on my heels, I made my way out of the restroom and headed to the break room. I was careful to avoid Becky and Rachel at all costs.

Pushing the door to the break room open, I came to an abrupt halt when I saw Chuck. Glancing over at me, Chuck smiled. “Hey, Harmony.”

Giving him a forced smile, I walked over to the water cooler and got a drink. I heard his chair sliding across the floor as I held my breath.

The moment he touched me, I jumped and took a few steps back.

“Harmony, how long are we going to play this game of you pretending you’re not interested in me?”

Glaring at him, I said, “It’s not a game, Chuck. I’m really not interested in you. Now, please back up and give me my space.”

“Oh, Harmony. You’re so pretty. Let me show you what it’s like to be with a real man.”

My heart was pounding so loudly in my ears that I barely heard the words he was speaking. “Please stop this and leave me alone.”

Reaching up, he stroked my face as I attempted to push him away. He leaned closer as if he was going to try and kiss me, but he was quickly jerked back.


“What in the fuck do you think you’re doing, asshole?”

Chuck jumped up and straightened his scrubs. “Who the hell are you? This room is for staff only.”

Preston took a few steps toward Chuck as Chuck backed up into a table. “I’m her boyfriend, fucker. If I ever so much as see you look her way, I’ll pound your face so far into the ground your mother won’t know who you are.”

Letting out a nervous laugh, Chuck looked at me and then back at Preston. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Chuck started for the door as I rushed over to Preston. “Thank God you came when you did. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

Preston held me close as he spoke in a calming voice. “Baby, he wouldn’t have done anything. Anyone could have walked in at any moment.”

Burying my face in his chest, I held back my tears. I had promised Preston my tears would only be happy ones. I would not cry over this. “Take me home, Preston.”

“Baby, you still have six hours.”

Shaking my head, I looked into his eyes as I smiled softly. “What would you think if I said I wanted to find a new gig?”

Pulling his head back, Preston smiled from ear to ear. “I would say I have the perfect place for you.”

“I want to be with you at the pub. Not here. I don’t feel like this is the journey I’m supposed to be on. My place is by your side.”

I’d never seen Preston smile as big as he did when he heard those words from my lips. “Seriously, Harmony? You’d do that? I mean, would you be happy, baby?”

Nodding, I kissed him quickly. “I can always go back to nursing school. Right now, my focus is on us.”

Preston lifted me up and spun me around as he laughed. “You just made me the happiest man in the world, Harmony.”

“What are you waiting for, Mr. Ward?”

Giving me a knock-me-over grin, Preston took my hand and led me out of the break room. “What about work? Don’t you have to tell anyone?” Nodding, I headed over to the nurses’ station, with Preston walking behind me.

I cleared my throat, and Becky and Rachel both looked up and smiled, especially when they saw Preston.

“I’m not feeling well, ladies, so I’m gonna head on home. I’ll call Joel in the morning.” Lifting my hand, I wiggled my fingers as I waved goodbye.

“Call me!” Rachel said as Preston and I made our way to the elevator.

Stepping into the elevator, I smiled as I looked at Preston. “Everything from this point on is going to change, Preston. Are you ready for that?”

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he looked down at my lips and then back into my eyes. “I’ve always thought it was kind of nice to shake things up a bit every now and then.”

Laughing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and winked. “Good. Oh, by the way, thank you for being my Prince Charming.”

Laughing, too, Preston kissed my forehead and said, “Always.”

Two weeks had passed since I told Preston I wanted to leave my job. Yesterday was my last day and there was something very freeing about it. After my shift was over, I went to Frog Pond and spent an hour lost in my thoughts. Memories of TJ filled most of those thoughts as I put another part of my past behind me.

Now, sitting in Preston’s car, I rubbed my hands across my jeans. “Okay, Preston, this is twice you’ve put a blindfold on me and taken me somewhere. The last time was pretty big.”

Reaching for my hand, Preston pulled it to his lips and kissed the back of it. “It’s a surprise I’ve been working on since last December.”

Feeling my stomach drop, I took in a deep breath and slowly blew it out.

“We’ve been driving a long time. Are we going to your parents’?” I asked with excitement lacing my voice. “Oh, it’s a beautiful April day. Please tell me we’re going to your parents’ place.” It was the first week of April and we were having unseasonably warm weather for April fourth.

Squeezing my hand, he said, “Nope.”

“Ugh, just tell me already.”

The car came to a stop. “Don’t peek, Harmony. We’re here.”

Bouncing in the seat, I clapped my hands as I heard Preston open his car door. Less than five seconds later, my door was opened and Preston was helping me out of the car. My senses were heightened since I couldn’t see. Taking in a deep breath through my nose, I smelled flowers. The sounds of birds singing caused me to let out a giggle. There was something magical about where we were. I could feel it rushing over my skin.

Taking my arm, we began walking. The ground was soft and the air smelled clean. Fresh. Biting my lower lip, I said, “We’re in the country.”

Preston stood behind me as he pulled the blindfold off to reveal the most picturesque rolling hillside. It almost looked like a painting. My eyes scanned the countryside until they landed on a giant sign hanging between two trees.


Gasping, I spun around and then stumbled back as I saw Preston kneeling down on one knee.

My heart dropped to my stomach and I immediately started crying as I whispered, “Preston.”

“I only have two dreams left that I need to come true, baby.”

A sob escaped my lips when I noticed he had on a New York Yankees T-shirt, but had paired it with a Boston Red Sox hat. Shaking my head, I let out a giggle as a feeling of pure love rushed through my veins. I loved this man more than the air I was breathing.

Finding my voice, I asked, “What are your dreams, Preston?”

Removing the baseball cap and taking my hand in his, he slipped a princess-cut diamond onto my finger as a tear slowly rolled down his cheek. “The first one…is for you to agree to be my wife.”

Dropping to the ground, I whispered, “Yes,” and kissed him. Pulling back, I looked into his eyes and asked, “And the second dream?”

Placing his hands on my face, he gently wiped my tears away with his thumbs. “To start a family with the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

Smiling, I nodded as my eyes searched his face. His brown hair was messy, as usual, but sexy as hell. Glancing down at his lips, I let out a contented sigh. Those lips had given me pleasure in so many different ways. Finally, I looked into his beautiful green eyes. Placing my hands over his, I said, “I’ve already got that one taken care of.”

Preston’s eyes widened. “W-what?”

Pressing my lips together, I rubbed them back and forth as I built up the courage to speak without crying. Then I remembered my promise.

Happy tears only.

“I’m pregnant.”

Preston’s eyes lit up like nothing I’d ever seen before. Sucking in a breath of air, I held my breath as I waited for him to say something. “Harmony, we’re going to have a baby?”

Letting out a nervous chuckle, I held his stare as my stomach jumped all over the place.

Nodding, I whispered, “Yes.”

Preston quickly stood up and pulled me into his arms as he spun me around. Finally coming to a stop, he pushed me back at arm’s length and looked me up and down. “We’re having a baby?”

Laughing as I wiped my tears away, I nodded and said, “Yep. I hope you’re not angry.”

Preston’s smile dropped as he shook his head. “God, no. Harmony, I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. I’m seriously praying that I’m not dreaming.”

Reaching over, I pinched his arm and he let out a yelp. “Nope. You’re awake.”

Pushing his hands through my hair, he grabbed a handful and pulled my head back, exposing my neck to his sweet, soft lips. Kissing me along my neck, he spoke between kisses.

“You. Destroy. Me. Harmony.”

Smiling, I closed my eyes as I felt his lips shower me with love. Finally coming to my senses, I said, “Wait! This place. Preston, is this ours?”

Nodding, he turned me to face the countryside again. “Yes. It’s ten acres and we’re only about twenty-five miles from the pub. My father bought this piece of land at the same time he bought the land where they are living now. I offered him a price for it and he accepted it. Whenever you’re ready to pick out a house, I plan on building it for you. Finn, Wes, and my father all offered to help.”

“Oh, Preston. I don’t know what to say.”

BOOK: Searching for Harmony: A Boston Love Novel
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