SEALs of Honor: Mason (15 page)

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Authors: Dale Mayer

BOOK: SEALs of Honor: Mason
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“Is Robert getting paid for this?”

“Of course he is.” She turned to him, her glare narrowing on his suspicious face. “What are you getting at?”

“You’re set to make a substantial amount of money on this deal if it goes through, correct?”

“Yes.” she nodded. “I am. So are they. I pay out bonuses and I give a lot away to charity. I always do. But we keep a year’s worth of salaries in reserve to make sure we know we all have jobs.”

“But this is the biggest contract ever, so in theory way more money in reserve and potentially more could have been paid out in bonuses?”

“Meaning that they are feeling hard done by. And want more?”

“Everyone wants more.” He studied her face. “And what’s the chance that you could have sold it for a lot more but chose not too. Which in theory means he could feel cheated.”

She sat back. “It’s possible. I’m not sure. There are a lot of people depending on me for their jobs. I hadn’t considered that they might be looking at me as a bigger payout. Because I’m not,” she admitted. “In leaner times, I took only my utilities and rent so I knew they had their wages.”

“And I’m sure they appreciated that but consider that you’re set to become a very wealthy woman now, and they may want a bigger slice of the pie.”

She rubbed her forehead. “It’s always possible. Robert wanted me to sell the program a year ago. He wasn’t impressed when I refused.”

“Why did you refuse?”

She drew circles aimlessly on the table top. “I wasn’t going to sell it to the enemy.”



okay too?” Mason immediately texted the others. This guy needed to be picked up and questioned.

“What’s happening with the program now?” he asked. “Is someone still trying to get in?”

“No. They are going to wait until I get out.”

“Can they track you?” he asked in alarm.

She was busy clicking on the keyboard. “They likely are. That doesn’t mean they will succeed.”

He shook his head. “Damn scary, you know that.”

“Yeah, but not the first time this has happened. Still, given the timing definitely suspicious.”

“When did it happen last time?”

“About a year ago.”

She leaned closer, her focus on the screen in front of her. None of what she was doing made any sense to him. There was nothing legible on the screen but it was scrolling at a fast pace, so he knew she couldn’t be reading it, yet she gave every impression of doing so.

She hit the last key extra hard and a window opened. A small one with a white box in the middle and a series of numbers and periods. She highlighted it and opened yet another window.

Mason wanted to know what she was doing but didn’t want to disturb her.

At the new screen, she popped in the number he belatedly realized was an IP address and realized she was tracking the person trying to break into her system.

“Do you have someone close to Robert’s place?” she asked quietly. “If so, have someone go in and make sure he’s alive.”


“This is coming from his place. But it’s very much not his style of writing.”

“How can you tell?” he asked, staring at the screen. “There is no writing anywhere to be found.”

“He writes code but not splashed on the page full of garbage. His code is very clean and elegant. Something he takes pride in.”

“Where does he live?” Mason asked.

“Several hours away,” Hawk said, yawning at the doorway. “We need to have someone else there faster than that.”

Mason grabbed up his phone. “We’ll find someone.”

Chapter 21

had done what she’d planned to do, and the worry shifted to something from her mind to action, she felt worn out and back to being tired again. She checked her program, doubled up on the security with a few clicks and locked it down. She had it on her hard drive as well, but no one would know and they wouldn’t be able to get into it on there either.


“Yeah.” She stopped mid yawn, and gave a small laugh. “Sorry, I guess I’m more tired than I thought.”

“Come on, you can lie down while we handle this.”

She nodded. “If you’re sure there’s nothing I can do, I should try to grab some more sleep.”

He walked her back up to her bedroom. She crawled into bed, pulling the covers up over her shoulder.

“Good night.”

Silently, he walked out to the hallway to stand guard.

She loved it. And she hated it. She wanted him here with her.


He came running. She smiled. “I don’t suppose you could lie down beside me. Make it easier to sleep.”

He immediately lay down on the bed and rolled over to face her. “Sleep,” he whispered. “It’s all good. Just close your eyes and drop off to sleep.”

She closed her eyes obediently. Then the wonderful cologne he wore teased her nose. She’d been drifting through it all night at the reception. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to smell it without thinking of him. And he was something.

“You’re not sleeping.”

“I can’t. You smell too good.” She opened her eyes and grinned at his startled expression. “You smell wonderful. Male. Strong. Caring.”

“Hey, those are hardly scents. They are all qualities. And hardly fit me.”

She leaned up on her elbow and stared down at him. “They are so much like you,” she teased. “Look at you.”

He chuckled. “You’re sweet and delusional.”

She snickered. “So not.” She shoved her face toward him. “Kiss me.”

His eyebrows shot up. He leaned closer, and with his lips a hairbreadth from hers, whispered, “Why would I?”

“Because I want to feel your lips on mine.”

Heat flashed.

Under hooded gaze he whispered so close to her that his warm breath wafted over her lips, “It’s not a good idea.”

“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” She couldn’t resist pushing the line. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right. But she desperately wanted him.

“It’s a terrible idea. You need your sleep.”

“I need you.” Her lips brushed against his once, then twice. In a teasing manner she pulled back slightly so she could look in his eyes and saw the hesitation in them. Too damn honorable for his own good. She dropped her elbow down and rolled onto her back, hooking her arms around his neck, tugging him down on top of her.

“It’s still not – mphff.”

She sealed his lips with the kiss she’d been wanting to give him since she saw him standing downstairs waiting for her this evening. He was gorgeous. He wasn’t hers but maybe for a night…or even a few hours…he could be.

Then she didn’t have to hold him close at all. Because he was holding her against his heart, kissing her as she’d always wanted to be kissed by him and couldn’t. He was sleek, hot and there was such a sense of freedom.

She snuggled up close. Tonight was special. A moment of time stolen. Stealing had never been her thing, but right now, she’d take everything she could get if it was him. He was everything she wanted and knew she’d never be able to handle. Harry had been such a big figure in her life that all other men had paled beside him. Until she met Mason.

“Are you sure?” He dropped a kiss on her nose, her cheek, her chin.

“I’m sure.” She tugged his head down and kissed him hard, trying to let him know how much she wanted this. Wanted him. Surely he’d understand without the words.

But still he hesitated. She sighed, her warm breath bathing them both in steamy heat. “What’s bothering you?”

He pulled back slightly and looked down at her. She smiled. “I’m on the pill if that’s what’s the matter.”

His gaze lit and he smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

She smiled and looped her arms around his neck. “Then love me, Mason. For tonight. For right now.” She breathed in his scent, nuzzling the side of his neck. “Please.”

And that last word seemed to break his stiffness. His sense of honor. Something here was bothering him, and if she could think, she’d likely come up with what it was. Only she didn’t want to think, she just wanted to feel.

To be with him for this moment in time.

She reached down and tugged his shirt tail out of his pants, searching for the skin below. Frantic at first, then stilling when she made contact, her fingers stroked and kneaded his heavy muscle ridge down his spine. So muscled, so hard. So damn…male.

She loved it.

He shifted back and kneeled in front of her, his fingers quickly undoing the buttons on his shirt and ripping it off his shoulders. She sat up and reached for the heavily muscled chest. She ran her fingers over the rippled abs and up to the pectoral muscles bulging as he shrugged out of his shirt. Leaning over, she flicked his nipples with her tongue, then scraped her teeth across the sensitive skin. He moaned. She smiled and bit gently, her nails scraping up over his stomach before stroking down over his shoulders and arms.

“So damn perfect.”

“Yes, you are.” He hopped off the bed, stripped off his pants while she watched. When she reached for him, he slid back onto the bed and clasped her head on either side to hold her still for his deep tongued kiss. She melted against him, loving the way his erection prodded her belly. She cuddled closer, her hips instinctively hugging his erection. There was nothing like the feeling of being close to him. Of knowing she was his woman for tonight. Not crying about tomorrow. Not knowing what tomorrow would bring. She’d take what she could and deal with the rest later.

His hands slid down to rest on her collarbone and lower still to cup her plump breasts. They rested there for a long moment then slid down her ribs and around her back to her buttocks. His fingers dug in, and he pulled her hard against his erection. She wiggled closer yet again, striving to rise high so the fit would be perfect. He flipped her down to lie on the bed where he paused and just looked his fill. “So beautiful,” he whispered.

She smiled and arched her back toward him. “I’m glad you think so.”

He stroked his hands up the side of her thighs and hips and across her belly. While she rolled her hips in his direction, he slipped a finger behind the edge of her boy panties. She gasped, her pelvis rising in response. It had been such a long time. He smoothed his fingers across the front of her panties, adding slight pressure over her mound. She swallowed, her gaze locked on the fascination of his face. As if he was really loving this.

She shifted her legs wide, making a place for him. He smiled and stroked a finger down her crotch and over the wet spot. He slid a finger along the elastic of the legs just inside, enough to tantalize and not enough to satisfy. She shivered.

He teased her a little more, then in one movement, swooped her panties and tossed them off to the side. Now she lay open to his view. He lowered his head and kissed her belly button. She reached to tug him toward her. He came willingly, sliding down along her skin. Dropping tiny kisses along his path, he made his way up her belly and ribs before stopping to give each breast his attention. They both appreciated it, nipples plumping in pleasure. She tugged him all the way up to her mouth.

“Enough teasing,” she whispered.

He kissed her hard. “Never.”

And gently slipped inside her. And out again, then he entered a little bit more. Each time seating himself slightly deeper and deeper. She shifted and tried to relax, to give him passage, but it had been so damn long.

He paused, reached down and held her hips firm…and plunged.

She groaned.

His lips stroked across hers, giving her a moment to adjust. “You okay?”

She nodded. “It’s just been awhile,” she admitted.

“Good,” he whispered, shifting so he was resting on his elbows. With gentle strokes he ran his finger through her hair, massaging and caressing skin. He kissed her lips lightly once, twice and then a third time.

She relaxed, her muscles easing around him, letting him go deeper and deeper. He lifted slightly and pushed in deeper until he was to the hilt.

She sighed. “Nice.”

He smiled. “Sweetie, that’s nothing yet.”

He gathered her into his arms and drove into her again and again. Her body responded like she’d never done before. She tossed and turned and chanted his name and still he drove them both on. When she didn’t think she could stand it anymore, he reached down between them and found her center. Just that gentle touch…and she was flung off the cliff as a glorious climax ripped through her.

He drove in once more, his back arching, a low groan escaping, before he collapsed down beside her.

Tears in her eyes, she cuddled close.

She’d steal this bit of time every damn chance she could get.


a sudden start. The hawk’s cry from inside the house caught his attention. He slipped off the bed, taking care to not wake her up and dressed quickly. He was outside in the hallway within seconds. But it was already too late to keep anything private between them. He pulled out this phone to check for messages. Nothing. Good.

Hawk slipped around the corner. “Mason?”

“I’m here.”

Hawk nodded. He glanced inside and saw Tesla sleeping. “Good. She needs it.”

“She does. What’s up?”

“Cooper checked on Robert.” He stopped and pulled out his phone. “There was no sign of anyone at the house.”

“So she was wrong?” Mason asked in surprise. Weird, it never occurred to him she might be.

“No, I don’t think so. There were signs of a struggle, and he left without his vehicle and there didn’t appear to be anything packed up.” He dropped the phone into his pocket. “Cooper is tracking the money right now. He’ll get back to me as soon as he finds something.”

“Right. That could give us some answers.”

Hawk nudged him toward the room. “It’s my watch. Go back and lie down. You need sleep too. And…” He cast a long narrow gaze at Tesla in the bed. “She’s not sleeping well without you.”

Mason twisted enough to look at the bed. True enough, Tesla was whimpering in her sleep.

“Damn. It took forever for her to sleep. She’s plagued by nightmares.”

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