Sea Daze 3: Lay Day (Lesbian Erotic Romance Series)

BOOK: Sea Daze 3: Lay Day (Lesbian Erotic Romance Series)
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Daze 3: Lay Day

by Soichiro Irons

2012 Soichiro Irons



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may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share
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recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This is an
erotic story. All humans in this story are over the age of eighteen. You must
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“Be gentle,” I
whispered, trying my best to sound brave but knowing that I was failing

Eve, however,
didn’t seem to notice my failing bravado as she gently pushed the surprisingly
warm contraption into my pussy. I wasn’t wrong – it did hurt. Like a bitch, to
be honest. The last contraption I’d had inside of me was the dildo Eve had
brought with her and that was a good deal smaller.

True to her word,
though, Eve was moving so slowly that she was barely thrusting at all. That was
good – it gave me a chance to get used to her. The walls of my soaked pussy
reluctantly expanded to the girth, making me shiver with pleasure.


tumbled off of me in an exhausted heap, and I giggled happily as I saw the look
of satisfied exhaustion on her face. Though her suite was blasting cold air as
low as the
maintenance team
allowed, I still felt like my skin was on fire. The lust surging through my
body had, if
intensified in the hours since
I’d damn near torn her evening gown off of her.

Amanda, let me rest,” Eve said, pawing my hands away from her breasts. Her skin
was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and she was as hot to the touch as I was.
Her green eyes, which were as vibrant as polished emeralds, narrowed into slits
as she playfully pushed me away.

been going at it for hours now, hon.
wouldn’t complain, but if I have to be out of my cabin by seven tomorrow

swallowed involuntarily and felt my heart sink a little at her words. The week
I’d spent with Eve – the week that had changed my life – was going to be over
the next morning.

was a guest onboard the
line and I was a contracted employee; she wasn’t able to stay, and I wasn’t
able to leave. In twenty-four hours, she’d be on her way home…and I’d be back
out to sea to start the whole song and dance over again without her.

really ought to go to the Toucan Isles for breakfast,” I said, forcing an
unconvincing smile onto my face. “They really have the best breakfast on the
ship, and breakfasts on the buffets really suck. You should go to breakfast

Eve interrupted, cutting off my babbling mid-sentence. “Let’s stop changing the
subject. Tomorrow is disembarkation day. We need to talk about…”

I shot back. I shot her the most scathing look I could muster and hoped it
would mask the hole that gnawed at me from the inside. “I don’t want to think
about it. I don’t – I don’t want to think about life without you. I…”

have something I need to do back on the mainland,” Eve continued, acting as
though I hadn’t spoken at all. “After that, I’m going to get a hold of you. We’re
going to work something out – I don’t want to be away from you.”

. I don’t care about being here anymore if it
means being away from you. I’m going with you.”

you’re not,” Eve replied coolly, her eyes narrowing again. She wasn’t teasing
this time. “This place is your job, and you’re a wonderful dancer. You’re on
the most amazing ship in the world, and most people only dream of being in your
not going to be the one
to make you give up everything. I’m not worth that.”

you are!” I said, my voice escalating with each word. I knew that I was
probably shouting, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

week ago, I didn’t know how happy I could be.
showed me that, Eve. I almost pushed you away completely before
you made me realize that what people thought wasn’t important; leaving you
would have been the worst thing I could have done. I’m not going to let you
leave me…not without taking me with you!”

sighed and buried her face in her hands. Her brown curls fell over her slender
fingers like cascading ocean waves. “I need you to trust me, Amanda. Do you
trust me?”

do,” I said grudgingly. I was sure I wouldn’t like her follow-up question.

need to do something on the mainland,” Eve repeated, her voice sounding sad but
determined. “I
to get off of the
ship for business reasons. As soon as I’m able to fix things, though, I’m going
to make plans to see you again. Can you promise to stay on the ship until you
hear from me again?”

I can’t,” I replied stubbornly. I knew I sounded like a petulant child, but I
didn’t care. “By the time you get done with your business, I’ll be gone for
another week-long trip through the
. I don’t
want to be like my friends…anxiously waiting weeks or months to see the people
they love!”

I hadn’t meant to let the ‘l-word’ slip. I shot a worried look at Eve to see if
she’d noticed, and found – to my horror – that she had. Her eyes were bright
and wide, and it looked like she had stopped breathing.

time I’d said the word ‘love’, things had always ended poorly for me. It had
driven away more than one boyfriend that thought I was rushing things, and I
was petrified that Eve might agree with them.

mouth opened as if she were about to speak, but I interjected quickly to avoid
whatever response she’d been about to give me. “I guess I just don’t want us to
end up like my relationship with Max, you know?”

bit her lip as she stared at me. I’d told her about Max, of course – he’d been
the last person I’d dated before her. The bastard had dumped me because I
didn’t give him enough sex – even though he knew my contract with the cruise
ship made me virtually inaccessible. It had been hard on me to know that my job
had cost me my relationship – the last thing I wanted was for it to happen

you trust me?” Eve asked again, though she didn’t sound as confident as she had
before. Her smile was gone and her eyes were fixed on the sheets beneath us. We’d
long since ripped the bedspread off for good, and they lay in a crumpled heap
in the corner of her suite. “I know Max did you wrong, but I’m not like him. You
know that, don’t you?”

response, I laid my head down on her shoulders and closed my eyes. I felt her
warm fingers intertwine with a couple locks of my hair; the loving way she
stroked me almost made me feel worse. It would make her absence all the more
painful for me.

don’t want you to go,” I said sadly, trying to shove all of my emotions into
the words as they flowed out of me. I could feel the tears begin to trickle
down my cheeks as I imagined the following week without her.

it make any difference if I promised you that everything will be alright?” Eve
whispered into my ear.

I murmured stubbornly, but I didn’t sound all that convincing. Her breath had
made every hair on my body quiver, and I felt my face flush with excitement. The
fear of what would happen the next morning was growing distant when I felt her
gentle fingertips sliding down the small of my back.

we’d made love very day of the weeklong cruise, I still hadn’t gotten used to
the way she made me feel. Eve had complete command over my body, and I was more
than willing to submit it to her. The tears, which had just begun to flow,
dried up instantly.

tried in vain to push my arousal aside, to stay focused on the fact that she
was – for all intents and purposes – leaving me. “What’ll I do next week when I
don’t have you next to me? When I can’t touch you…” I let my fingers trail up
her nude thighs as I spoke. “And stroke you like I know you like being

fingers trailed along her sensitive lower lips, and I heard her exhale softly
from above me. Though we’d been with men in the past, we had both been lesbian
virgins before the cruise had begun. It was a rush to think that Eve was just
as inexperienced as I was in this area – that she was learning the curves of
another woman’s body just like I was. Ever since I’d first felt her gentle
touch inside of me, I’d been amazed that I’d waited so long for someone like
her to come around.

didn’t answer my questions. She opted instead to lift my head by the chin and
kiss me tenderly. Her lips, which had been covered with lipstick before but
long gone, were as soft and gentle as they
always were.

felt them all over my body over the last week and knew it was one of the things
I would miss the most once she was gone. I tried not to think of that as I
greedily ran my lips along hers. My own taste was still lingering on her
tongue, which was strangely erotic.

think I’m letting this go,” I whispered as her lips left mine to trail their
way down the curve of my neck. I couldn’t help moaning into her soft hair as
she nibbled on the tender skin there. “I’m going to follow you off of this
ship, you…you know…”

trailed off, losing interest in the conversation as her lips made their way to
my breasts. Her tongue swirled around my nipples, sending me into a frenzy of
excitement. For someone who’d never been with a woman before me, she sure knew
how to excite one! She didn’t linger there long and continued to slide down my
body, knowing how impatient I got when she spent too long ignoring my pussy.

here,” Eve said suddenly, stopping and kissing me an inch away from my slit. I
tensed in frustration and growled at her, but she ignored me as she hopped off
of the bed.

into the small, black rolling tote that she had walked onto the ship with, she
pulled out the firm, dark strap-on that we’d purchased at St. Martin. My eyes
widened when I saw it – I’d used it on her the day after we’d purchased it, but
I hadn’t yet felt it inside of me.
loved it, but I was still a little apprehensive…it was so much bigger than
anything I’d ever had, real or fake.

thought you liked this size,” Eve said, smirking as she snapped the straps
around her slender thighs and crawled onto the bed. The rubber cock was
grotesquely long on her slender body, making her look off balance in the low
light of the room. I would have been lying if I said I wasn’t excited, but the
thought of having it inside of me made me a little nervous.

looks a lot bigger on you,” I murmured, staring at the rod that dangled
haphazardly of
my girlfriend. “You’re
hurt me.”

didn’t hurt
.” She slid into
position and my legs opened automatically for her, something I was barely even
conscious of. The last few days of passion had conditioned me to submit to her
whenever she asked and vice-versa. “Besides, weren’t you the one who said you
wanted to be equal in who made who feel good? It’s
turn, right?”

guess s-” I began, but broke off when I felt the tip of the cock rest against
the entrance of my slit. She’d turned the vibrate function on, and I felt the
pulsing waves of electronic pleasure shiver up my spine. When I looked into the
eyes of my lover, who’d gotten into place above me, I saw the overwhelming lust
and passion blazing in her eyes. She’d obviously been waiting for this
moment…and who was I to deny her? It may be big, but she was right – it hadn’t
any, right?

gentle,” I whispered, trying my best to sound brave but knowing that I was
failing miserably.

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