Read Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson Online

Authors: Becca Jameson and Paige Michaels

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary Romance

Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson (4 page)

BOOK: Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson
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She couldn’t believe she was saying this aloud to a total stranger. But something about the way he looked at her, the way he’d commanded her body earlier, made her want to be honest.

“Jesus. You’re fearless.” He ran his thumb along her jaw, and she shivered.

“No. Not completely. I don’t like rats. And those giant water bugs that are like cockroaches that fly freak me out. But I guess when it comes to sex, I’ve always sort of been the type to bring my A game. I mean everyone is always so repressed about stuff, and if they’d just try more things, be willing to put themselves out there, they probably could really have great sex lives, you know?”

“I do know.”

“Don’t get me wrong. There might be stuff I don’t like. Stuff I use my safe word about. But I’ve had enough experience with doing scenes at clubs that I know I’m more open than most people. I just…”

She didn’t want to finish the rest of the sentence. Didn’t want to explain anymore that what she wanted was a person who was willing to try everything with her. One person who thought she was worth it. Thankfully, Theo didn’t ask more questions. Just pressed his palm back on her clit and let her ride his hand until she was panting.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Work your cunt on me. Show me how easy you can come.”

She squeezed her eyes tight and felt her body jerk in response. “Theo,” she whispered. She tried to reach out to him, but he snagged her hands in his free one and held her. “Please. I want to touch you.”

“I don’t care. I want you to come first.”

She thrust against his hand more, but the sensation was too soft. She tried to grind against him, but he kept easing up.

“Fucking press harder, Theo,” she snapped, her teeth clenching in frustration.

He stilled his hand. “You want me to go hard? Is that what you need, brat?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” she answered. She knew she should shut up, just wait it out and let him set the course of her orgasm, but her body was on fire, and she felt like she wanted to crawl the walls.

Theo moved his hand, and she growled in frustration, but before she could convince him to keep going, he flipped her onto her stomach and drove three fingers into her. He levered her up on her knees like she was a rag doll and plunged and scraped at her until she nearly screamed. It burned at the same time it felt like exactly what she’d been waiting for. His other hand burrowed into the hair at the back of her neck and tugged. Her scalp prickled from the sensation, and she threw her head forward so he would pull harder.

“That’s right, sweetheart. Fight.” He rammed his fingers in even more as his thumbnail raked across her clit. “More?”

She bucked back into his fingers and gritted, “Yes.”

He leaned over, pumping his fingers so hard there was barely pleasure and so much raw pain that tears pricked at her eyes. “Take it. You can.”

She shoved away from him, but he dragged her back, and she felt freer than she had in a long time. She had been waiting for this. For someone to drag her back and fuck her like she wanted to be fucked.

“You’re an asshole. Get off me,” she snarled.

For the briefest second he paused, and her stomach dropped, hope seeping out of her like water from a sponge, but then he leaned over and answered, “That doesn’t sound like a safe word.” Then he bit her neck so hard she screamed, and on the edge of that her orgasm crashed over her until she convulsed on the bed. His fingers pulled out of her, and his arms wrapped around her.

Tears streamed down her face, and her body shook from the thrill of it. From the pain and the intense pleasure. He wrapped his arms around her and held her until the tremors stopped. Then he tangled his fingers in her hair and whispered, “We’re going to do just fine, sweetheart.”

She turned to look at him, and he brushed the tears off her cheek. God, he made her feel so treasured. “How did you know?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I read you. You’re like a book when it comes to what you want. And you’re not exactly quiet.”

She looked down at his stiff cock. “I think we’re going to need to do something about this soon.”

She traced a finger down the denim and cupped his hard length. He didn’t stop her this time, which felt like progress. Then he moved her hand away.

“We’ll do something about that when I say.”

She raised both eyebrows at him. “So is this your hidden secret? This is why you don’t have every woman in the BDSM lifestyle pounding at your door? You never fuck them. Just play and tease them with hints of your cock, but you won’t let them touch you. Because I’ll tell you, I can see that being very off-putting.”

He smirked. “How’s that off-putting? If you’re satisfied, what do you care?”

She sat up. “Because we’re women, Theo. Yeah, we love to come, but we’re hard-wired to want to please you. Particularly submissives. If you come, we feel like we’ve done something right.”

“No. That’s not how it works. My cock isn’t your reward. Your orgasm is.”

She threw her hands in the air. “How are you even a man? I mean, even the guys who threw me over after one scene were on the fast-track to their own orgasm. Sure, they’d get me there too because it made them feel manly, but make no mistake, they only wanted to get off. That’s what guys do.”

He pulled her down to him and pinned her hands beside her head. “No, sweetheart. That’s not what guys do. That’s not what Doms do. The good ones, they give you what you need. That is their only job. It is one hundred percent about you.”

“Oh Jesus, give me a break. If it were one hundred percent about me, I wouldn’t be letting strange guys pick me up at bars with promises of chokeholds.”

He grinned. “Yes, Lucinda. You would.”

Chapter Five

Theo was all set to fuck her. As a matter of fact, it had been at the top of his agenda the moment she woke up. But then she had to get all greedy on him and insist on ratcheting things up to the point where he knew that just freeing his cock would have him shooting his wad before he could even get a condom on. So he took control again. Gave her what she needed, not what she expected.

He knew why other Doms wouldn’t take her on. Could see it as plain as day. She was a handful, and straddling the line of pain and pleasure with her took some getting used to. Particularly as she seemed to derive so much pleasure from pain. Add to that her bratty behavior and he suspected he was dealing with a borderline, smart-ass masochist. She needed training, or she’d get herself hurt.

“We need to negotiate a few things before we go any further,” he said, getting off her and standing beside the bed.

She sat up and crossed her arms underneath her full breasts, plumping them up like he wasn’t aware of the gifts from God that they were. “I don’t feel like negotiating.”

“I don’t care. You’re not getting anything else from me without negotiating. I understand you don’t think you have hard limits, but I do.”

Her face dropped for a second, and he saw so much vulnerability there he wanted to cradle her in his arms again. But he stopped himself. This needed to be clear before they could go any further. A moment later her I-don’t-give-a-fuck expression returned.

“What are they?” she asked, her voice full of attitude and sass.

“I won’t do scat. I won’t piss on you because I don’t think that’s sexy. I don’t know enough about electrostim to do it at the moment, but if you’re interested in it, I’ll train with an experienced Dom. I expect you to do as I ask. If you don’t, you won’t be rewarded. Punishment from me will look different from how it does with other Doms and subs, so don’t expect you can goad me into paddling you. I know how you need to be treated, and I’ll give you what you want, but on my terms. Everything else is open for discussion.”

Her eyes had glazed as he talked, and he wasn’t sure how much of the conversation she actually paid attention to.


“Yes, Theo.”

“Master. You’ll call me Master because that’s what I’ll be to you.”

She shrugged. “Okay, Master.”

He smiled. “Good. Now tell me everything I just said. If you get it right, I’ll come all over those gorgeous tits of yours. If you weren’t paying attention and get it wrong, you won’t see my cock at all tonight.”

“What? What do you mean I won’t see it?”

He shook his head. “Were you paying attention when I told you my hard limits and expectations?”

She rolled her eyes. “I got the general gist.”

He grabbed both her wrists and held them above her head. She winced and her nipples pebbled. Jesus, this woman was going to be the death of him. “Did you pay attention?”

She shook her head. “No, Master.”

“Thank you for your honesty, sweetheart. But I told you what would happen if you weren’t paying attention. Now. I’ll go over it again.”

He watched as she bit down hard enough on her lip to draw blood, but she didn’t say anything as he went over his expectations and limits again. And this time when he asked her to repeat what he said, she got it. But still he had to stand by his word. She needed the security of knowing what he said could be trusted, even if she didn’t like to hear it.

“Good girl. I know you like pain, and I will give it to you on my terms, not yours. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.” She rolled her eyes as she sassed him with her sing-songy voice.

Theo reached forward and gripped her chin hard. “I know you see this as a game. I’m onto you. But believe me, it is not. It’s a way of life. You are far too masochistic for your own good. There are other ways to get what you want. I’ll train you. You’ll learn, or you’ll find yourself without a Dom really fast.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened, but he didn’t give her a chance to speak.

“My rules are firm. If you want me to inflict pain on you, you will either ask for it outright or take it when I offer. Misbehavior will get you nowhere. I won’t tolerate it or reward it. Ever. If you want my cock, you’ll earn it. If you want my palm, you’ll earn it.

“I know you’re going to try my patience every step of the way for the foreseeable future because you’re conditioned to think it will work. It will not.” He leaned closer to her still-wide eyes and narrowed his. “I’m the Dom in this relationship. I choose when, where, and how. Not you. You will earn everything you get from me by obeying my rules. Are we clear?”

She closed her mouth and swallowed, her voice coming out faint for the first time. “Yes, Master.”

“Good. Now, get dressed. I’m taking you home.”


“Lucinda. You’re dealing with the consequences of your actions. If you would like to see me again, if you want the opportunity to get my cock in your greedy little mouth or cunt sometime in the next week, you’ll get dressed and meet me by the statue downstairs. Now go.”

He released her, and she stood without a word. He could tell she wanted to say something, but he’d taken her to a place tonight that he knew she wanted to return to, and she wouldn’t risk losing that opportunity by giving him lip.

He shifted his hand over his cock, which had practically gone numb from being ignored for so long, and walked out of the room. If he was going to drive her all the way home, he was going to need to take care of himself first. No way could he be on his bike with her and not come in his jeans otherwise.


Lucinda was furious when Theo dropped her off at her apartment. She hadn’t been fucked. Sure, she’d had two of the most amazing orgasms in her life, but she hadn’t even been allowed to touch Theo’s cock. What the fuck kind of Dom didn’t want his submissive to touch him?

She pulled off her “too tight” dress and threw a large T-shirt over her head. She didn’t usually sleep in clothes—too hot and too binding—but she wanted to work with her clay, pound the hell out of something before she crashed.

The sun was just rising, and she’d been up for most of the night, but still she was too pissed to sleep. She grabbed a bag of clay from the trash bag she kept them in—they lasted longer if she added some water—and got out the rest of her supplies: slab base, rolling pin, clay cutter, forming tool, rib. She didn’t have a wheel in her apartment because it took up too much space in her tiny studio, but she could coil a pot pretty easily. She started with her hands pounding into the clay until she could roll it flat to make a base. She put that on the slab and then started in on the coils.

Her hands moved automatically as she considered all that had happened that night. She knew next to nothing about Theo, and yet he’d pulled something out of her that no one ever had. But he didn’t fuck her. Of course, he also said he would see her again, which was markedly better than most of the Doms she’d played with over the past two years since starting to explore D/s.

Still. She was beyond frustrated, and even the soothing feel of the clay didn’t do anything for her agitated nerves. She should call him and cancel the whole thing, tell him she wasn’t interested in fucking him. Tell him she could find any number of guys to fuck.

She stepped away from her pot and went to wash her hands. Yes. She’d force him to come over and fuck her. She grabbed her phone and pressed his name.

“No, brat,” he said as soon as he picked up. “I’m not going to fuck you, and if you call me again, I’m never going to fuck you. Go to bed. Think on what you’ve done wrong. When I next call you, I want an apology and a promise that you won’t do it again.”


“No. I’ve made myself clear. Hang up the phone and wait to hear from me.”

She clicked End and slumped onto her futon. He was cutting her off at every turn. She wanted to stomp her foot and scream, but that would just prove him right. She was being a brat. But why didn’t he want to fuck her? What was wrong with her?

And she couldn’t stop thinking about that room he’d insisted she nap in. It wasn’t his room. There had been an attached bath, but it was clearly a guest room in a mansion, not the master suite. The bedspread had been white and almost too feminine. The room had been decorated luxuriously, but not with the sort of items one would expect to find in a man’s master bedroom. Did he always fuck his women in another room? Did he actually fuck them, and just not her? What was wrong with her?

BOOK: Sculpt-Paige_Michaels-Becca_Jameson
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