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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica


BOOK: Scorcher
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Copyright © 2009


Cover art by
Martine Jardin


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A novella of the Terran Times






Viola Grace 







Chapter One



Trade was brisk in the market today, but slave provider, Te-Al, was still a little shocked to hear, “I will take the seven on the left of the worker’s pens and that one there.”

He had thought he would never sell the human cow. He did feel it necessary to make sure that this regular client knew what he was buying. He shivered in frustration. “But, my lord, that one is a female.” His client turned to him with all five eyes blazing.

“Exactly, I have a male to be bred and she is large enough to accommodate him without too much trouble.” 


* * * *


Sarah shuddered at the words spoken in Alliance Common. She had been dreading them for weeks and huddling in the back of the female cage to keep from being noticed. The instant she found out that the buyer was there for workers, she had felt it safe to stand up, a huge mistake.

The buyer had spotted her instantly and gravitated toward her cage. A few commands by the seller and her shock collar had sent her stumbling to stand within inches of the Zaffin trader. He measured her breasts, belly and hips, then compared the measurements with something on his data pad. He had nodded, then ordered her like she would have ordered drapes back on earth. She was so screwed.

The instant that she heard, “Wrap her for transport,” she sucked in a deep breath. The stasis wrap engulfed her an instant later. It was the only way to keep the slaves in perfect condition while they were transported across the arid wasteland that was Zaffin 6. She was wrapped in a giant Ziploc. 

Waking from the wrap was always a little disorienting, but Sarah managed it in record time. She blinked rapidly and then backed up on all fours until she felt the cool expanse of a wall at her back.

“Oh, you are a quick one, I will give Meyi that.”

Her companion in the room spoke from the shadows and it was the imprint of his feet and his glowing red eyes that had prompted her scuttling. “Meyi was the buyer?”

“And our master. A Zaffin miner and farmer.”

The figure didn’t move. He seemed to be keeping deliberately still so as not to startle her. “I call no creature master. I am a freewoman of Terra and the Alliance.” To say it out loud made her feel marginally better. She had been having her doubts as to whether or not she would ever make it back to free space with her spirit intact. She didn’t wear the markings of a Terran, the inks could not withstand the temperatures that her body could generate, but she was an Earther nonetheless.

“Congratulations, but we are not in Alliance space and here you are just another slave.” He leaned forward, she gasped. A medley of races was stamped across his features, Azon, Dhemon and the Nyal had contributed the red eyes.

“No race is sacred here and no woman free.”

“I was told that he was buying a breeder, but if he isn’t producing slaves, what does he need one for?”

Her shadowy companion rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “For me. I am soon to hit my breeding time and he needed a compatible female so that I would not injure any of his regular workers. It is the Azon blood that drives me thusly.”

She took a moment to absorb that. He wasn’t here by his free will either, but he was about to go berzerk with the need to mate. She had read all of the monographs on the topic. “Uh-huh. I notice that you have clothing on. Is there any available for me?” She doubted it. The easiest way to expedite a mating was to have the female naked and receptive at all times.

“You can use one of my tunics to cover up if you wish.”

He stood up, and up, until her neck couldn’t lean far enough back to keep him in view from the ground she was sitting on. His Dhemon manners in action. He had firm tight buttocks that flexed as he walked and she was shivering by the time he was back.

“Are you cold?”

Feeling the first stirrings of lust was more likely, but she answered a calm, “Yes. Thank you.” The tunic was a serviceable grey that ended at her knees so she knew it hit him at his upper thigh. There was enough material that she could drag her knees up to her chest under it and be completely covered. “So, when is the mating fever going to hit you?”

“Any day now. That is why Meyi bought you now. He wants to keep you close so that he can still have me fighting in the pit without interruption.”

Making up her mind, she stood. “I am a practical girl, if I am not getting out of here in the next week I am going to have to face you at your most determined. Is it all right if I get used to you first?”

“Used to me how?”

“Sit on your bunk and let me approach you. I don’t bite.”

His teeth flashed. “I do.”

“Great, that isn’t scaring me one bit. Now just don’t move.” She walked over to him and examined his features in the dim light. The red eyes were definitely a sign of his coming rut. The smoky red of his skin covered his body, while waves of unruly black hair ran down his back. His smell was clean, fresh, masculine and just a hint of musky. Now for the feel test.

Before he knew what she was up to, Sarah leaned forward and climbed into his lap. Chest to breast. She took his measure, running her hands along him, caressing and stroking absently while he sat stock-still beneath her. She finally leaned her head against his chest and sighed. “Thank you. Now I won’t be afraid if you touch me.”

“Are you sure that you are done?” His voice was deep and husky. “There are parts of me that you have not measured.”

She blushed and looked up to meet his amused eyes. “I prefer some things to be a surprise. I haven’t done this in a long time so it is going to be all new to me.”

His voice was strained, but curious. “How long is a long time?”

“A decade or so.”

He was so startled, he dumped her to the floor when he stood. She rubbed her backside as she stood. “It isn’t
bad. I had hobbies.”

“What is your name, woman?”

“Sarah Anders of the protectorate of Terra.” She bowed formally. “Your designation?”

“Athon Kellan, of the Nyal Imperium.”

“That explains the eyes. Your mother was Dhemon-Azon?”

“No, my mother is Dhemon, my father is Azon-Nyal. She was a scientist and he was her guard.” He bowed formally to her. “My home is yours, Sarah. Such as it is.”

“I accept your hospitality.” The structured reply came automatically to her and his face lit with amusement.

They smiled at each other as their gazes held for a long moment until a squawking from the door alerted them.

“She’s for breeding, Athon! Get to it.”

Their master was not pleased that they were still standing several feet apart, but the few moments that they had stolen made Sarah feel comfortable with Athon. He was no longer a stranger that she had to fuck to survive.

Athon’s face darkened with irritation, but he lifted his hand to her and beckoned for her to follow. The bunk in the front area was a form of chaise lounge, his slave quarters were actually quite large and very well appointed.
“You must win a lot.”

“I have not lost a battle since I was brought here.” He was walking through a doorway and suddenly turned to wave his hand at the bed.

The bed had been sized to fit him and she would get lost in it without someone in it with her.


His terse word summed it up. He didn’t want this any more than she did. Nothing like a resentful guy to make a gal feel pretty. 








Chapter Two



With trembling fingers, she peeled the tunic off.  Unceremoniously she dropped it to the floor and then stood waiting for him.

His eyes glowed as she stood there, naked and waiting. He could try and avoid breeding her, but his body shouted in rebellion. It wanted every soft scented inch of her and he wanted it now. He stripped his boots off in moments, a strange instinct telling him to ask her, “Where did you train in the Alliance?”

She looked startled. “The Citadel. Pyro Division.”

“I have always loved a good blaze.” He bent to taste her mouth and his thoughts spun at the heady mix of honey and female. His female. He had waited a long time for this moment.


* * * *


He was breathing deeply as he got closer, as if her scent was drawing him. It took defying every instinct that she had not to draw away when he approached her. His kiss was worth staying for, his tongue teasing at the seam of her lips before dipping inside to taste her. He held her head still for his kiss, leaving her to grip his arms for support as her knees buckled when he sucked on her tongue.

Athon leaned forward, pushing Sarah back and she tumbled to the bed, her fingers still clenched on his arms for balance. Her body also wanted to keep him close to her so, when he sprawled on top of her, it positively purred. Oh wait, that was his purr.

Sarah felt her eyes widen as the happy noise pervaded her senses. He nuzzled at her chin and neck until she squirmed under him. Then his attentions shifted back to her breasts, the right one to be precise. His tongue lapped at her and then he settled in with a harsh suction that shot a bolt of sensation from her breast to her womb.

She was wet already and could faintly smell the heat coming off her body. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment when her scent started to combine with his. She hoped he wouldn’t notice.

The left breast was now treated to the ministrations of his mouth and she almost came at the first harsh pull on the nipple. As it was, she felt a spiralling of heat and moisture gather between her thighs, which shook as Athon parted them so that they would bracket his torso as he slid lower.

His goal was obvious as was his intent to drive her out of her mind. When he first blew a stream of warm air across her damp flesh, she jumped, but the second time, he followed the air with his tongue and she was a gonner.

Sensations that she had long since forgotten rioted through her. Her body gripped the stimulus eagerly and rocketed her to completion in only a few slow deliberate licks. She shuddered as waves of sensation ran through, over and under her. She felt her body heat up and shook with the effort to control her talent.

He moved up to kiss her and she tasted her dew on his lips. He reached down to free himself from his trousers and she groaned as the heat of his body flamed hers higher. The blunt probing of him at her entrance was uncomfortable until the head of his cock had spread her moisture enough to cover him. When he started to enter her, she widened her eyes only to see the burning red coals of lust in Athon’s own gaze.

Time hung suspended between them as he moved inside her, thrusting slow and deep, the eternal rhythm taking over, crossing species boundaries, until the moment when she tightened around him to hold his cock inside her. The instant that he felt her gripping him, he bit her.

His teeth held her still as his cock twitched and spurted inside her. She squeaked in response to his claiming and held perfectly still. When he removed his teeth, he licked and nuzzled at her neck. She sighed and slipped her hands up and down his back as Athon calmed her and himself.

“I will do better by you next time.” His lips were on her temple when he murmured that one.

“Ah, but will you get your pants off?” She was exhausted, her limbs limp with their exertions and the transport wrap. He chucked and bumped his nose against hers. She went cross-eyed trying to keep eye contact.

“Probably not. I am sorry that we had to get acquainted so rapidly, but I look forward to again feeling your heat.”

She almost laughed, but she was fading rapidly. “May I sleep now? I am really quite exhausted from the transport.” He had no idea how hot she could get.

“Rest. You have provided the service for which you were purchased.”

She yawned heavily. “Is that what I did? I just thought I lay here while you gave me a nice, slow fuck.”  


* * * *


Athon winced at those last words as she fell asleep. He was still inside her and he flinched as he pulled himself from her body with great reluctance. Sarah was keeping her emotions from him and he could understand why. She was forced to this world as a slave and now she had been sold to a merchant so that his prize fighter could breed and not go mad.

He cursed his own weakness for having a Dhemon body with his Nyal-Azon cravings for a mate. She was everything that he had wanted, and everything he had hoped that Meyi would
find so that he could finally be put out of his misery.

His time here had been torture. He knew that his mother must have thought him long dead by now, his regular communications being suddenly cut off would have sent her into a frenzy, of that he had no doubt.

His induction into the illegal fighting rings had been hard and he still wore the scars of his first time in the ring. He was making Meyi money hand over fist so it was no wonder that the merchant farmer was trying to keep his prize in fit shape. A proper breeding partner was just the ticket.

Now here was this delicate creature with hair of spun moonlight and skin of ivory, curling her limbs against him less than two hours after she met him. He had known the instant that he saw her that she was the one, that after he had her he would never crave another. His father had felt it with his mother and now here he was on some godforsaken slave world with his perfect mate in his arms. She was here for him, but he had no doubt that Meyi would use her to his advantage any way he could. He had to protect her.

And she thought he was just a good fuck. He was going to have to earn a change of opinion as long as the heat wasn’t riding his body. It would only be a matter of days and then he could show her what a gentleman he was.

He snorted to himself as he peeled off his trousers and then curled Sarah more tightly against him. He would give her whatever she needed out of his minimal stores and then try to engage in a formal courtship. If only Sarah didn’t immolate him the instant she was free.

Scorchers were known to overheat when excited.

He looked forward to finding out. 


BOOK: Scorcher
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