Read Scars: Book One Online

Authors: Sinden West

Scars: Book One (15 page)

BOOK: Scars: Book One
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led me away. “That guy, Edward, is some internet millionaire. He likes me a
lot. If this thing with Miranda doesn’t work out, I’m going after him. He just
seducing guys he thinks are straight.”

frowned. “Okay. Who are you introducing me to?”

Buchanan. She owns a chain of beauty salons, which is ironic since she looks
like the back end of a bus,” he whispered in my ear and I giggled.

about Nora was tall, broad and square. She may have been ugly, but she was
powerful and her presence commanded respect. After Thomas introduced us, she
ordered him away. He obeyed without question, and I was left looking after him in
alarm. I was on my third glass of champagne by then and feeling slightly freer
and less shocked at the surroundings.

wrapped a manicured hand around my wrist. “Don’t panic. I won’t hurt you just

combination of her firm grip and her words should have made me panic, but I was
drunk, and a little turned on by the evening. I didn’t know where to look, so I
cast my eyes down at the polished marble floor. I heard her laugh slightly, and
her breath was hot on my cheek as she leaned toward me to whisper in my ear.
“You’re a natural submissive. Good girl. You just do what I say.”

drank the rest of my champagne in one gulp, and the glass was instantly taken
from my hand. A strong tug on my wrist forced me to topple forward unsteadily
on my heels, but I was caught and lowered into her lap as she sat on one of the
ornate love seats. Another flute of champagne was pressed into my hand, and I
didn’t know what to do as I sat in the lap of this older, larger woman. I felt
so small and vulnerable, so I gulped back the champagne and tried not to look
at the woman who held me there. That glass was empty when it was taken from me,
but this time, nothing replaced it.

your dress,” she whispered. I looked at her in alarm; she was staring at me
with hard eyes and I didn’t feel like there was anything else I could do. So I
raised my hands behind my neck and untied the halter. The fabric fell down,
exposing my breasts, and Nora’s hands were instantly on me. They squeezed and
twisted at them and my nipples hardened into peaks. She laughed at them. “You
like it rough, huh?”

wanted to shake my head no, but my body had betrayed me already. She must have
read the alarm in my eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m not too sadistic.” Her hands
worked on pushing the skirt of the dress up so it sat firmly bunched around my
waist and then my panties were pulled down so they looped around one ankle. My
legs were spread wide as all of me was on show for anyone who wanted to watch.
And just as I had watched them before, they now watched me.

pinched my clit, and I yelped and jumped but she held me firmly in her grasp.
Someone laughed, and I buried my head in Nora’s shoulder in mortification. She
was being nice now, rubbing me in just the right places so I could feel the
wetness pooling from me. And then without warning she’d switch to the cruel
pinching which turned me on even more. She continued like that, between nice
and cruel until I was practically crying in desperation. She made me beg her to
let me come, and I held off at first until I couldn’t stand anymore tormenting.
She made me beg her loudly and clearly for the audience’s benefit, and after I
did, it was a cruel pinch that sent me over the edge as my body uncontrollably
came like I was a puppet and she the puppeteer.

I recovered, I wanted to run and hide in embarrassment. But she wouldn’t let
me; instead I had to stay there with my legs spread, and pussy glistening for
all to see. I stayed like that while Miranda ‘played’ with Thomas. He was
stripped down to the pale pink pantie and bra set that he wore under his
clothes before being put over Miranda’s lap and spanked. He made such a show of
squirming and protesting, but his tiny erection betrayed him. She mocked his
penis size and made him tuck it between his legs so he practically did look
like a girl in the panties. The finale was of him sucking Edward’s dick after begging
Miranda not to make him; he’d even managed to squeeze out a tear.

Nora let him take me away to clean me up. I was so overwhelmed that I could
barely speak as he fixed my dress back in place and wiped away the wetness
between my legs. Nora had kept my underwear as a souvenir. Then Thomas procured
us more champagne and led me out to a balcony. Beneath us, waves crashed
against rocks and it reminded me of something, but at that moment I couldn’t
quite remember what.

raised an eyebrow. “Well?”

shook my head. “I don’t know what to say. I thought you said that I didn’t have
to do anything.”

leaned against the railing and sipped his champagne. “You didn’t. You could
have walked away at any time, but you didn’t. You did what she told you. You’re
like me, naturally submissive.”

don’t think I am.”

shrugged. “Whatever. But tell me something. Is what happened to you in there
the worst that has ever happened to you?”

snorted and laughed. “Hell no. That was nothing.”

looked at me with a serious look on his face. “Exactly. Just don’t forget that
we’re playing them, at the end of the day.” He clinked his glass against mine.

Chapter Thirty

next time Thomas asked, I said no. He looked disappointed but didn’t press the
issue. He merely gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll try to imagine it’s your
pretty pussy I’m licking tonight instead of that old hag’s,” he told me before
he waltzed out my door dramatically. “Call me if you change your mind,” he
called from down the hall before I had a chance to close the door.

turned around and jumped in fright as I came face to face with my roommate.
Michael was…weird. He usually avoided all conversation with me unless it was to
inform me of some infraction I’d committed, and he stared a lot. Not in lust or
admiration, but more like he was looking down at me. He was a music major
although I never heard him play an instrument. He liked to stay up late
watching comedies and consequently his booming laughter could frequently
intrude through the thin walls into my room at 3am.

wasn’t welcome to watch TV with him. He told me that the program’s he watched
were intellectual, and I wouldn’t get the humor. I’d slunk off to my room after
that and never dared attempt to bond with him in any manner again. He was large
as well, and our apartment was small so anytime we were in the same space I
felt claustrophobic.

Michael. I didn’t realize you were home.” I went to walk past him.

more considerate than you, that’s why.”

rolled my eyes at his back and walked into my bedroom. I sat on my bed and
stared at the walls. This place sucked; everything sucked. It was Friday night,
and I was stuck in this shitty apartment with creepy Michael. I grabbed my
phone, but before I pressed Thomas’s name, I threw it back down beside me. I
stared at it for a moment before my hand itched again.  I didn’t have to do
anything I didn’t want to. I could just go for the free alcohol, couldn’t I?

took an hour for me to talk myself into it, and Thomas practically squealed
with delight. “I’ll text you the address and leave your name with the doormen.”

dressed slowly and carefully. This time I wore a white summer dress
a bra.

party was at a penthouse in the city center. I stepped out of the cab open
mouthed at the structure of steel and mirrors that towered above me. I nearly
turned around and left, but the doorman was asking my name by then as his eyes
scanned his list. He located me and pushed the door open, leading me to the
elevator and pressing the button for the top and twisting a key.

opened out onto a foyer with black and white tiles where another man waited.
“This way please, ma’am.” I clutched my purse and followed behind as he led me
through a set of doors. This gathering was more intimate, more casual, and I
just stood stunned as I watched Thomas in the center of the white floor being
violated with a strap on dildo that sinewy Miranda wore. His moans echoed
around the room, and the audience tittered with laughter as she called him degrading
names with every thrust.

turned away in distaste but was confronted with a waiter carrying a tray of
champagne. I grabbed one, before making my way past him to where I could see a
door for the balcony. I finally felt like I could breathe again as I stepped
outside with the lights of the city glowing around me. It was definitely
preferable to the scene I had just witnessed. I knew Thomas enjoyed it, but it
still made me uneasy. I sat down on a padded sun lounger and drank my
champagne. I would just finish this glass then go, I decided. Then I frowned, I
didn’t have enough money for the cab fare home.

if I join you?”

lifted my head and then quickly cast my gaze down as Nora stepped out onto the
balcony with two glasses in her hands. From my sitting down position, she
looked larger than last time. She wore a tight dress of a shiny PVC material
that should have looked wrong on someone of her stature, but on her it looked
right. It made her look like she could kick anyone’s ass. She sat down behind
me on the sun lounger, and I dared to look at her.

was looking down at me with a smile on her face. “I think I must have scared
you last time. Here’s a peace offering.” She offered a fresh glass of champagne
to me, and I put my empty one on the table and took it from her.

you.” I sipped hesitantly at it, ever mindful of her eyes on me.

sat for a moment in silence before she said, “You really are shy, aren’t you?”

never been shy, she read me wrong but then I thought: who cares? I didn’t care
what she thought of me. I gave her a small smile and took another sip. “I
should probably find Thomas and see if he’s ready to go.”

Miranda won’t be finished with him for hours yet. She’s got all sorts of

face fell; I really needed him to give me a ride.

made a small, amused sound. “You don’t have to make excuses to get away from
me. Besides, I don’t think my attentions were all that unwelcome, do you? After
all, you came pretty hard, my dear.”

breath hitched in my throat. I hadn’t wanted to admit to that, even though she
knew; the whole room had practically known.

leaned closer to me and stroked my hair gently. “So tell me, what part of it
did you dislike so much? The people watching you? Or the fact that it was a
woman who did it to you?” She pulled on my hair ever so slightly, not enough to
hurt but enough to remind me she was waiting and in control.

I muttered.

Or both?”

I forced out.

released my hair and leaned back slightly, looking smug as her hand gently
squeezed my thigh.

knew you were shy. But it doesn’t have to be a problem, and I can ease you into
it gently.”

eyes widened, and I shook my head. She removed her hand.

I’ll be straight with you. I am a very busy woman. I don’t have the time or
inclination to date and frankly, a life partner isn’t what I want or need. I
like pretty girls and I like to be in control. No ifs or buts about it. I also
like to fuck in public as you’ve noticed. I get bored very easily, and when I
find something I like, I usually get it, although normally, I don’t like to
keep my girls that long. I’ll make a deal with you. You can be my little fuck
buddy, and I’ll make it worth your while. What do you say?” Her hand snaked out
and squeezed my breast with all the confidence and arrogance of ownership. That
sparked something in me, and I slapped her hand away and stood.

not a whore,” I told her. Although a voice piped up in my head,
yes you are,
Rachel. Rachel the whore.

raised an eyebrow at me. “What the hell has that got to do with anything? Don’t
buy into the labels that men give us because we don’t play the roles they want
us to.” She stood and casually pressed a small white card into my hand. Before
she released it, she whispered in my ear, “By the way, the word I prefer is
It’s my favorite, and I hope to be calling you that a lot in the future. Call
me when you want my hand between your legs again.” She gave me a smile before
turning and heading inside. I stared after her. I should have cast her business
card over the side of the railing so it would float down to get lost in the
traffic below. But I didn’t. I slipped it into my purse.

Thomas was nowhere to be seen. I huffed in indignation and headed toward the
lift, counting the meagre funds in my purse and knowing my bank account wasn’t
much better. It looked like I was walking.

was waiting on the pavement outside for her car. She smiled knowingly at me.
“Need a lift?”

looked around me for another alternative to miraculously appear, but it didn’t.
Her driver drove a black imposing car up to the curb before exiting his seat
and opening the door for her. She turned to me before climbing in, “Come on
now, Paige. I won’t wait forever.”

shivered in my dress as a cold wind blew, and I followed. The car was warm;
almost stifling, and I kept my gaze lowered as she watched me. When I opened my
mouth to tell her where I lived she just shook her head, “No. You’ll come home
with me, and I’ll see to it that you’re safe and sound where ever you want to
be in the morning.”

looked at her with hard eyes. “You said you’d give me a lift.”

shrugged. “And I am. I’m also taking away your choices tonight because I know
what you really want; you’re just too afraid to admit it.”
Delusional bitch.
“You don’t need to panic. I’ll take good care of you. You don’t like people
watching you? Fine. It’ll just be me and you. And as for the girl thing…” she
sucked in a breath and smiled. “I can’t do too much about that but let me ask
you one thing. Have you ever had a man do something horrible to you?”

clamped my mouth firmly shut and she nodded like I’d confirmed everything she
thought. “It won’t be like that. You will enjoy this, I promise. I’m not cruel,
but I do need my commands obeyed without question. Do that, and we won’t have
any problems.” She took my hand and squeezed it gently. Her touch was softer
that I would have imagined with that hard exterior.

was right. She was gentle.

house was a mock Tudor mansion. It was warm and welcoming with walls lined with
books. “I collect first editions,” she explained before taking my arm and guiding
me up the stairs to her bedroom. It was like something out of a fairy tale. A
huge four poster bed dominated the room, and the bedding was rich velvet and
brocade, like something a queen would sleep on. I reached out and touched it;
it was so soft, and I’d never felt anything like it before.

like?” she asked, passing a glass of wine to me. I nodded and sipped, so self-conscious
as she watched my every move. I perched on the bed and drank my wine while she
disappeared into the walk-in closet to get changed. She emerged clad in a silk
green robe and raised an eyebrow when she saw how much of the wine I’d consumed

uh.” She gently took the glass from my hand and placed it on the bedside table.
“I want you awake and coherent for everything I’m going to do to you.” She
leaned forward and kissed my briefly on the lips before pulling me up. “I want
you to undress for me. You don’t need to be shy; it’s just me.”

lay on the bed and sipped her wine, watching me. I was relaxed and my mind
slightly fuzzy from the wine, so I did it without hardly thinking. It was
different from the other times I’d been forced to undress. This time, I saw
appreciation in her eyes, and no dread filled me as I stood naked before her.

over here,” she patted the bed beside her and I obediently crawled over to her
and lay down on my back. I watched her through hazy eyes as she ran her hand
along my skin, from my throat, across my breasts to traverse my stomach. “Do
you know how beautiful you are?” she asked softly. “You’re unreal.” Her hand
rubbed against the smooth skin of my stomach, and I felt beautiful under her
gaze and her touch.

is why I want to take you in public. I want everyone to know that I own
something as beautiful and desirable as you. I want everyone to know that I’m
the only one who can have you.”

any other context, her words would have been creepy and weird. But they made me
feel breathless and warm. She wanted me, and it made me want to be her
possession right then. I wanted to be coveted and cherished. Is that what
people meant by

kisses were gentle, and I kissed back harder, so much so that she pulled away
and laughed. “Easy, there. We have all night.”

showed me the silk cord that she would use to bind me to each corner of the bed.
She ran the soft fabric over my skin first. “See how smooth that is? It’s so
deceptive in its softness, but it will secure you so you can’t move a muscle
without my say so.” Her voice was so hypnotic and soothing that I didn’t tense
in the slightest, and she took my limbs and spread them, securely fastening
them so that I was spread-eagled and at her mercy.

kissed me on the mouth again as I strained against the bindings, wanting her to
touch me. “Sometimes I’ll gag you, but right now, I want to hear you moan.”

took a small whip and used it to trace circles around my breasts. “This can be
a very cruel instrument, or it can be very pleasurable.” That night she only
showed me the pleasure part as she teased me until I was practically panting. She
used her tongue to make me cum expertly and by that stage I wasn’t even
embarrassed. As I lay there recovering, she lay beside me. “Have you ever gone
down on a girl before?”

shook my head, sure that the repulsiveness of the idea must have been plain on
my face. But she only laughed. “I won’t make you tonight then.”

she did spank me as punishment for my earlier ‘defiance’ as she put it. But
this spanking was sensual; another mixture of pleasure and pain but the
pleasure was such that I could deal with the pain.

the next morning, I met Thomas at a café as he struggled to recover from his
hangover. He stayed silent as I told him about my night, shyly at first, and
then I grew more enthusiastic until finally he leaned forward and hissed,
“Paige, stop it!”

BOOK: Scars: Book One
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