Read Scandal of the Season Online

Authors: Christie Kelley

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

Scandal of the Season (20 page)

BOOK: Scandal of the Season
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“No, you said your father’s mistress was an actress and she had a child…”


She stared down at him with her bright blue eyes sparkling in the candlelight. Her finger traced his lips. “I cannot believe I never noticed it before.”

“Noticed what?”

“The resemblance. You have the most perfect lips I have ever seen on a person.”

She could not possibly know the truth. Sophie looked far more like his father than he did.

“It’s Sophie, isn’t it?”

“Of course not!” he almost shouted. How the bloody hell had she figured it out?

“You have the same lips. It makes so much sense now that I think about it. That is why you knew Sophie.” She lay back against the pillows and laughed. “Her mother was an actress and her father an earl.”

He leaned over her and stared down at her. “You cannot tell a soul about this. Not even Sophie!”

“I’m not a fool, Somerton. I know she receives money from your father to keep the secret.”

He kissed her softly again. “I know you aren’t a fool, Victoria.”

“Good,” she replied then kissed him back.

He pressed his growing erection against her. “Are we finished discussing my sister now?”

She rubbed her hip against his hard length. “I think we are.”

Chapter Twenty

Victoria waited patiently while the lady’s maid that Hannah had provided finished putting up her hair. Anthony sat in a chair brooding with a frown. Once the maid was finished and gone, Victoria asked the question that had been pressing on her mind for an hour.

“How am I to treat Hardy this morning?”

Anthony steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. “I think we have to set up Hardy perfectly.”

“What do you mean?”

“We have discovered Hardy is definitely lusting after you. He may even want to take you away with him.”

“So again, how do I treat him?”

He rose from the chair and walked over to her. “You play the hurt kitten while I play the dominating bastard. I want him to believe there is no chance that you will be able to leave with him. I want him to see me with you at every moment.”


“Because if something happens and I do need you to pick his pocket, you will run to him. He will sympathize with you and want to protect you.”

“You are a very conniving man,” she said, drawing her finger across his jaw.

He caught her finger and kissed it, slowly drawing it into his warm mouth. Her breath caught.

“Not conniving,” he finally said. He kissed the palm of her hand. “Just shrewd.”

It was a fine line between conniving and shrewd, she thought. She turned out of his arms and checked the cheval mirror again. “I believe we should arrive at breakfast separately.”

“I agree,” he said tightly.

“What is wrong?”

“Nothing, just do not go into any room alone with him,” he turned her back to face him. “Do you understand?”

His intense eyes burned into her. She rather liked his jealous streak. “I understand.”

Victoria walked out of the room alone and stopped at the top step. With a breath for confidence, she moved down the stairs and made her way to the breakfast room. The room was set up with small round tables for intimate conversations over coffee and tea. Lady Farleigh had decorated the room with holly on the mantel and pine cuttings on each of the tables, which gave the room a fresh scent.

She noticed Hardy sitting at a table with Lord Brentwood. Hardy gazed at her with hunger in his brown eyes but only gave her a brief nod. Knowing a woman in her supposed circumstances would not sit with them, she walked toward the table where Ancroft sat drinking his morning tea.

“Good morning, Mrs. Smith,” he said as she sat across from him.

“Good morning, Lord Ancroft.”

“You and Somerton retired quite early last night. We missed you,” he said loud enough to get Hardy’s attention.

“Yes, I was…feeling rather tired.”

Nicholas gave her a quick smile. “And is Lord Somerton joining us for breakfast?”

The man seemed to know exactly how to handle this situation. “I would not care to know.”

She slid a glance toward Hardy who seemed to be ignoring Lord Brentwood and listening intently to her conversation. A large firm hand patted her back.

“Good girl, Anne,” Somerton said in a patronizing tone. He took the seat next to her. “It is nice to see you have decided to listen to me and sit with a man I trust.”

“You’re a pig,” she hissed just loud enough that she knew Hardy would hear.

He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Never say that in public again.”

Knowing her back was turned toward Hardy, she stuck her tongue out at Somerton. He twitched as if attempting to contain a smile before letting her go. She ate breakfast with her head facing her plate, pretending to ignore the man next to her. Not that she could ever ignore the male scent of him.

She ate quickly and moved to stand. Somerton’s large hand landed on her wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“Lady Farleigh asked for my assistance in the ballroom. With the decorations.”

“Very well.” He glanced down at his pocket watch. “I want you back in our room by one.”

“Of course.” She knew it was all a game, still there was something rather exciting about being dominated by him. And she didn’t mind since he had no problems when she took control in their bed.

He released her hand with a quick wink. Glancing back, she noticed Hardy had already left the room. She had no doubt that she would find him lurking in the hall waiting for her.

When she turned the corner toward the ballroom, he was there.

“Are you all right?” he asked with concern lining his voice. “I was worried about you last night.”

“I was all right,” she said but looked away from him as if trying to hide her true feelings.

“Did he take you again?”

Hearing the light ring of excitement to his voice, she replied, “Yes. The man is a pig.”

“What did he do?”

She stopped walking and stared at the man. She could not believe the questions he asked of her. Did he want a detailed account of their lovemaking? “I would rather not speak of this.”

“I am so sorry, Anne.” He attempted to pull her into his arms, but she pushed away.

“Are you mad? If he catches us again, he will kill you!”

He leaned in closer to her. “But that is rather exciting, don’t you think? The idea that he might walk in on us while we are making love.”

“No, I would prefer to never see the man again. But until I return to London I can do nothing.”

“How can you be certain things will be different in London?”

If this was in fact a truthful scenario, she had no idea how she could keep Somerton away. “I have friends who will let me stay with them until he finds another woman.”

“I can handle Somerton,” Hardy stated firmly.

“No, you cannot,” she replied.

“I’ll take you to London and find a house for you where you will be safe.”

“I shall think about it, Mr. Hardy. I must meet Lady Farleigh now,” she said then quickly walked away.


Anthony watched as Victoria walked from the bedroom to the salon wearing the red silk gown he’d bought for her. He’d known it would look beautiful on her with her pale skin and golden hair, but he never thought she would look like a seductress standing before him. How would he make it through the night watching Hardy when all he wanted to do was stare at her?

“Does it look all right?” she asked. “It feels a little tighter than when I tried it on before.”

He smiled noticing that she had put on just a little much needed weight. The woman was still far too thin. “It looks perfect on you. Better than when you tried it on the last time.”

“Really? I have never worn a gown so low cut.”

“And that is what is so absolutely perfect about it.” He held out his arm for her. She wrapped her elbow around his and a shock of awareness ran up his arm.

“I am a little scared,” she admitted while they walked down the steps.

“You shall do fine. You only have to dance with me tonight.”

“I meant about this mess with Hardy,” she whispered.

“There is nothing you have to do. If you see anyone deliver a message to Hardy, come get me. If you can’t find me, then Ancroft.”

She nodded and proceeded down the stairs, their arms linked together. A little tremor of apprehension rolled over his body. He just had to find the missive and get her out of here safely. But he kept getting these feelings about this job. He hated when that happened because it usually meant something was about to go terribly wrong.

As they entered the ballroom, Anthony smiled. Hannah had turned the room into a winter carnival. With white festoons covering the ceiling and fluffy white cotton around the edges of the floor. All the tables had fresh greens with red berries on them. But the centerpiece was the large fir tree in the corner near the musicians.

“Where are the candles for the tree?” he asked.

Victoria giggled. “Hannah convinced Farleigh not to put them on for the ball. She was terrified that a fire might break out.”

“She is a sensible woman.” He noticed the pained expression on Victoria’s face. “And a sensible woman who loves her husband.”

“I know,” she murmured.

They walked along the edge of the dance floor. Victoria appeared spellbound by the dancers as they performed the steps of a quadrille. Seeing her rapt face, he wished he’d had time to teach her more dances.

Get your mind off her and back on the mission,
he told himself. It didn’t matter if she could only dance a waltz when this was the only time she would have the chance to dance. Once she returned home, she would be back to her routine with the orphans. No more balls or parties for her.

He forced his gaze off her and to the crowd. Nicholas sent him a quick nod and shrug from across the room. Where the bloody hell was Hardy?

Finally, he noticed Hardy walk into the room alone. He nodded to a few men and then his gaze went to Victoria. Lord Brentwood stopped in front of Hardy and engaged him in conversation. But Hardy looked around as Brentwood spoke, as if distracted and not interested in the discussion.

“Hardy keeps looking over at you,” Anthony whispered in her ear.

“So I have noticed. He looks quite bored with whatever Lord Brentwood is speaking to him about.”

“I agree. I do wonder if he’s looking for someone, though.”

“Perhaps he is,” she said. “I will walk to the refreshment table. See if he continues to keep his eye on me.”

As much as he wanted to watch her slim hips sway under the silk, he kept his gaze on Hardy. Brentwood finally walked away and Hardy continued to scan the room. Noticing Victoria not at Anthony’s side, Hardy strolled toward the refreshment table.

Anthony stayed where he was when he noticed Nicholas walking toward the same table. He turned and watched as Nicholas quickly engaged Victoria in conversation. Within a moment, Victoria was back at his side with Nicholas, too.

“So, I am not to be left alone tonight, am I?” she asked with one brow raised.

He smiled back at her. “No.”

“Well, I can see I am not needed here,” Nicholas said and retreated.

“You don’t trust me?” She sipped her wine slowly.

“I do trust you.” He took her wineglass and stole a sip of the fruity liquid. “It’s Hardy I don’t trust.”

“I can’t help you retrieve a message if I can’t be away from you and Lord Ancroft.”

He loved the way her blue eyes sparkled when she became frustrated. “You are not here to retrieve a message. Only to pretend to be my mistress, remember?”

“Yes,” she bit out. “I remember.”

“Good. Now, dance with me.”

“No, I can’t dance and talk.”

“But I am done discussing this,” he said calmly.

“I am not.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “If I cannot help you then why am I even here?”

There were just so many wrong answers to that question, he thought. And most of them revolved around sex. “I am not willing to risk your well-being. You will do nothing unless I specifically ask you.”

She blinked and glanced away from him. He knew after hearing about her childhood that she needed to feel safe.

“Now, shall we dance?”

“If you think your toes will survive,” she retorted but took his arm anyway.

“I will survive a little toe mashing.”

They waited on the edge of the dance floor until the musicians were about to start a waltz. He pulled her close and they glided across the floor. As he danced, he continued to watch for Hardy and finally found him waltzing with Hannah. Knowing she had him occupied for a few moments, Anthony concentrated on dancing with Victoria.

“You really are a natural dancer,” he said.

“Hardly. This is the only dance I know.” She looked up at him and smiled. “But I am enjoying this dance immensely.”

“Good. I would love to see you at all the balls, dancing until your feet hurt.”
That was the wrong thing to say. She could never attend any real balls of the
. She was accepted at this one because Hannah liked to pretend she was a true lady. No one of social importance accepted invitations to any of the Farleighs’ parties.

Of the peers in attendance, Bingham was most likely only here for some personal business with Farleigh. Nicholas had been friends with Farleigh for years. Brentwood was a young viscount probably only here for the ladies. Although, he had spent a fair amount of time with Hardy. Perhaps there was something to that.

“Well, this is my one chance to dance at a ball,” she finally said. “So I should take full advantage of it.”

Expecting to hear a bit of sadness in her voice, he was surprised at the cheerful tone. “I’m sorry about what I said. I wasn’t thinking.”

She looked up at him and shook her head. “I am not a foolish girl with my head in the clouds. I know my lot in life and accepted it years ago. My life could have easily gone down a much more difficult path.”

As they walked off the dance floor, he looked around for Hardy. “Do you see Hardy?”

“Over there,” she said, pointing toward the refreshment table. “It looks like dancing with Hannah must have been hard work.”

“Thank you.” He led her toward the table but just as they reached it, the music stopped and Lord Farleigh announced that a full Christmas dinner would be served.

“Is that normal?” she asked him.

“It’s not abnormal. Some hosts feel that a full dinner should be served to their guests. Since Hannah is still attempting to make an impression on some of the guests, I’m not surprised by it.”

“What do we do about our current situation?”

“We need to keep him off guard, just in case.”

She smiled up at him. “Indeed? I thought you didn’t want me involved?”

“You are involved whether I like it or not.”

“So what do we do now?” she asked as they entered the dining room.

“I do believe you should look angry with me,” Anthony said softly in her ear. “Pretend I just said something dreadful to you.”

Victoria turned on him with feigned anger. “I cannot believe you would say that to me!”


With an inward smile, she walked away from him. Immediately, Hardy moved toward her.

“Is everything all right?” he asked.

“The man is an animal,” she replied. “I told him again that once we returned to London I would be seeking other accommodations. After all that has been settled, he just told me…”

BOOK: Scandal of the Season
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