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Authors: Ramona Gray

Tags: #Romance

Saving Jax (10 page)

BOOK: Saving Jax
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She had the strangest look on her face, desire and anxiety warring across it, and he made a muffled noise of surprise when her own hand clutched his arm and she yanked him into the room.  She slammed the door shut and locked it before pushing him up against the wall.

“Mel, what’s – “

She pressed her body against him and stood on her tiptoes before kissing him with desperate need.  He groaned and slid his arms around her waist, locking his hands together in the small of her back as he returned her kiss.

She was shoving her hand down his pants and he gasped harshly when her fingers closed around him and she stroked him urgently.

“Christ, butterfly.  That’s quite the hello,” he muttered.

“Shut up,” she whispered.  “I want you, Jax.”

He grinned at her and turned her around before pushing her up against the wall.  She unzipped his jeans as he yanked a condom from his pocket and tore at the foil.

“Do you always carry a condom in your pocket,” she panted into his ear as she pushed his jeans and his briefs down to his knees.

“I figured I should have one just in case we ran into each other in the bathroom,” he said.

“Presumptuous,” she said as he rolled the condom onto his cock.

“Says the girl who’s attacking me in the guest room.”  

He pushed her sundress up to her waist and pulled her panties down her legs.  She kicked them off impatiently as he lifted her up.

“Well, if you’re not interested, we can stop right now,” she said breathlessly as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

“Like you want to stop.”  He kissed the tip of her nose.  “Fucking me again is all you’ve thought about for the last week.  Admit it.”

“I’ve barely thought of you at all, Mr. Anderson.  I don’t know what – “

She made a loud cry of need as Jax shifted her slightly and his cock slipped along her swollen and sensitive clit.  He probed at her tight entrance and she made another harsh cry of longing.

“Quiet, butterfly,” he muttered.

She ignored him as she arched her pelvis against his.  She needed him inside of her, her desire had become a living, pulsing thing, and if she didn’t have him soon she would go mad. 

“Jax, now!”  She said loudly and he clamped his hand over her mouth before entering her with one hard thrust.

She cried out against his hand, her fingers clutching at his shoulders as he thrust back and forth.  The picture beside her rattled on the wall before giving up its tenuous cling to the nail and falling.  Jax released her mouth and caught it with one hand, even through her haze of pleasure she was astounded by his reflexes, and set it on the vanity beside them.

She squeezed him tightly as he lifted her a little higher, his hands clamping down on her hips, before thrusting in and out of her.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she muttered harshly, “it feels so good, Jax.”

He buried his face in her neck, nipping at her soft skin, as she squeezed her legs around his hips and urged him on with soft cries and moans.

“Harder, Jax, please,” she begged into his ear.

He kissed her again, their tongues darting in and out of each other’s mouth as he drove in and out of her.  She wiggled one hand between them, biting down on his bottom lip when she ran her trembling fingers over her clit. 

“I’m going to come,” she moaned against his mouth.

“Yes,” he groaned.  “Now, Mel.”

She brushed the tips of her fingers over her clit twice more as Jax surged in and out of her.  Her orgasm flooded through her, setting her nerve endings on fire as she shook and twitched and stuffed her face into his broad neck to muffle her cries of ecstasy.

“Fuck!”  He muttered as he pinned her against the wall.  His entire body shook, his hands dug painfully into her hips and he swore again as he thrust wildly in and out.  She clung tightly to him as he came, running her hands over the soft material of his t-shirt as he shuddered against her.

They rested for a moment, both of them breathing harshly, before he eased out of her.  He took of the condom, tying the end of it, as she tugged her panties on and reached for a tissue from the box on the vanity.

“Give it to me,” She said.

He dropped it into the tissue and she buried it deep in the small trash bin as he pulled his jeans up over his hips.

She straightened her dress and smiled nervously at him when he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her lightly.

“Hello, butterfly.”

“Hi, Jax.”

“This is turning out to be the best barbeque ever,” he said and she blushed furiously.

“I’m sorry, that was totally inappropriate of me,” she said.

“Hey, I get it.  I’m irresistible,” he replied as he reached down and squeezed her ass.

She rolled her eyes and he grinned.  “I take it you missed me this week?”

“No, just really horny today,” she said.

“Cruel,” he kissed her throat and she shivered as a new wave of excitement swept through her.  “I missed you, butterfly.”

“You did?”  She whispered.

“Yes.  All I could think about was how good you looked naked and in my bed,” he sucked on her earlobe and palmed her breast, running his thumb over her tight nipple.

“We really have to stop having sex at my parents’ house,” she said.

“You’re right,” he said seriously.

Disappointment flooded through her and she tried to step away from him.  He tightened his hold on her before dipping his head and licking her mouth.  “That’s why you should give me your address, butterfly.  I’ll come by after the barbeque.”

“I thought you didn’t date.”

“This isn’t dating.  This is fucking,” he said.

She swallowed down the odd lump that rose in her throat.  “One night of fucking, that’s what you said, Jax.”

“Yet here we are,” he nuzzled her neck and slid his hand under sundress before cupping her pussy through her damp panties.  “One more night, butterfly.  There’s still so much more I want to do to you.”

“Just one more night,” she gasped as he rubbed her clit through her panties. 

“That’s right,” he agreed.

She licked her lips nervously as he stroked her lightly through her panties.  “Okay,” she finally whispered.  “Just one more night and then – “

There was a light knock on the door and Julie’s soft voice drifted through it, “Mel?  Cal’s looking for Jax.  He’ll be up here any minute.”

“Shit,” she muttered.

Jax grinned at her and kissed her lightly.  “Text me your address, Mel.”

He unlocked the door and opened it, smiling at Julie.  “Hello, Julie.”

“Um, hi, Mr. Anderson.  How are you?”

“Call me Jax, alright?”

“Um, sure.”  Julie took a nervous step backward as Jax winked at Mel before striding down the hallway and down the stairs.

“Jax, where were you?”  Cal’s voice floated up the stairs as Mel grabbed Julie’s hand and nearly yanked her into the small room.  She shut the door and stared wide-eyed at Julie.

“I did it again.”

“Oops?”  Julie said with a small grin.

“Not funny, Jules!” Mel paced back and forth.  “It was supposed to be one night, just one night of sweaty, mind-blowing sex, and nothing more!  That’s what we agreed to.  I went home with him last weekend and we had sex all night and that was supposed to be it.”

Julie didn’t reply and Mel smacked herself in the forehead with the heel of her palm.  “I take one look at him and lose my goddamn mind.  I practically attacked him.”

“He didn’t seem to mind,” Julie shrugged.

Mel stopped pacing and stared at her.  “How did you know we were in here?”

“I was upstairs using the bathroom and um, heard you,” Julie said.

“Oh my God,” Mel groaned.  “What if it had been Cal who heard us?  From what I can tell, he and Jax are becoming friends.”

“He didn’t,” Julie said soothingly.  “I went back downstairs and heard Cal asking where Jax was so I ran up here to warn you.”

Mel grabbed Julie’s hand.  “Thank you.  Seriously, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“What am I doing, Jules?”  Mel sighed.

“Dating a bad boy?”  She suggested.

“He doesn’t want to date.  He just wants sex,” Mel replied.

“Is that what you want?”

“I don’t know.  It makes sense not to date.  We have nothing in common.”

“How do you know that for sure?”  Julie asked.  “Maybe you have more in common than you think.”

“I doubt that,” Mel replied.  “He wants to come over to my place after the barbeque and dammit, if I’m not going to let him.  Am I making a mistake, Jules?”

“I don’t think so.  At least, not if both of you are fine with just, you know, sleeping together,” Julie said hesitantly.

“Right,” Mel tugged at the bottom of her dress.  “How do I look?”

“Your throat is a little red,” Julie said.

“Shit.”  She touched the spot where Jax had nipped her.  “How noticeable is it?”

“Not that noticeable,” Julie reassured her.

“Thanks.”  Mel hesitated before giving her a tight hug.  “Court’s a lucky guy, Julie.”

Julie smiled.  “I’m lucky to have him.  Now, we’d better get back downstairs before they start to wonder where we are.”

Chapter 10


She opened the door of her apartment, her heart starting up a crazy jumbled beat, and smiled uncertainly at him.  He leaned against the door frame and returned her smile with a lazy heat that made her tremble with anticipation.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hello, butterfly.”

A ribbon of heat twisted through her.  God, it did things to her to hear him say her childhood nickname in his raspy voice.

“Come in.”

She hung his coat in the closet as he took off his shoes.  He followed her down the hallway and into the kitchen.

“Did you come straight here from the barbeque?”

She had practically flown home, showering quickly and applying some makeup before slipping into her favourite pair of jeans and a tank top.

He shook his head.  “I stopped at home to feed Ricky and Lucy.”

A smile crossed her face and he tugged lightly on a lock of her dark hair.  “What?”

She shrugged.  “You just don’t seem like the pet bunny type.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, butterfly,” he said teasingly.

She studied him carefully.  “Yes, I guess there is.”

An odd current of tension shimmered between them and she cleared her throat nervously.  “Are you hungry?  I could make us something to eat.”

He shook his head.  “God, no.  I ate way too much at the barbeque.  There’s no delicate way to tell you this but your mother is a food pusher.”

She laughed and the slight tension was broken.  “She really is.  I’m surprised I don’t weigh three hundred pounds.”

His gaze dropped to her body and she licked her lips as her pulse sped up.  “Would you like to uh…”

She trailed off.  How did one just go about asking a man to join her in the bedroom for sex without sounding like a total whore?

“How about a tour?”  He suggested.

“Good idea,” she said with a smile of relief.  She led him from the kitchen, jumping a bit when his hand curled around hers.

“Relax, butterfly,” he said softly.

“Right,” she cleared her throat again before showing him the living room.  “This is the living room.”

“It’s nice,” he said as he stood behind her.  He pushed her hair to the side and dropped a warm kiss on the back of her neck.  She shuddered and leaned against him as he put his arms around her and rubbed her flat belly.

“I like your artwork.”  He kissed her neck again as he studied the painting over the fireplace.

“Thanks.  I painted it.”

His hands, which had begun to unbutton her jeans, stilled and he moved away from her to study the painting more closely.  “Really?”

“Yes.  Both Court and I love art.  We both have taken a few art classes over the years.”

“It’s amazing.”

She laughed.  “You’re being generous.”

“I’m not.”

“You are,” she said before holding out her hand.  “Come on, I’ll show you the rest.”

He followed her down the hallway as she pointed out the guest bathroom and the spare bedroom.  It had a small twin bed and an easel was set up in the one corner.

“This is where you paint?”

She nodded.  “Mostly.  Sometimes I paint in the living room while I’m watching TV.”

“Can I see your latest?”

She shook her head.  “I don’t really like to show people a canvas until it’s done.”

“Alright,” he kissed her knuckles and she tugged him out of the bedroom and shut the door firmly behind her.

“This is my bedroom.”  She opened the door and he followed her into the room.

“It’s nice.”

“It’s not as big as yours,” she said.  “And the bed is only a double, not a king.”

“There are advantages to a small bed,” he whispered before drawing her into his embrace.  “Don’t you think?”

She nodded and moaned when he traced her collarbone with the tip of one rough finger.  “You know,” he said suddenly, “I think your mother is on to us.”

“She thinks I like you,” Mel said.

“And do you?”

She hesitated before nodding.  “Yes, I do.”

He leaned in and cupped her face before rubbing his thumb across her cheekbone.  “I like you too, butterfly.”

He pressed a light kiss against her mouth, pulling back when she parted her lips.  “In fact, I’m afraid I might be a little obsessed with you.”

She stared up at him.  She was struck with the sudden urge to tell him she wanted more.  To say fuck their differences and find out if their desire for each other could be something more.  She closed her eyes and silently berated herself as he kissed a soft path down her throat.  Jax had made it perfectly clear what he wanted and she wouldn’t try to change his mind.  Besides, she could understand his obsession.  He had become some kind of obsession for her as well and she hoped that one more night would end their mutual obsession.

Keep telling yourself that, Thomas.  Maybe it’ll make it true.


She opened her eyes.  Jax was giving her a look of concern and he threaded his hand through her hair.  “Do you still want to do this?”

“Hell, yes,” she said.


He kissed her deeply and she inhaled his already-familiar scent as he tugged her tank top over her head and unhooked her bra.  He cupped her breasts almost reverently and coaxed her nipples into an aching hardness.

He pressed a soft kiss in the hollow between her breasts.  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, butterfly.”

She stared at him.  She had no sense that he was just trying to flatter her and warmth spread through her as she reached out and traced the scar on his face.  “Thank you.  You’re beautiful too.”

He smiled and pressed a light kiss on the tip of one throbbing nipple.  She arched her back, her hands sliding into his hair and he smiled again before rubbing his rough cheek against her soft skin.

“You’re wearing entirely too many clothes.”

“So are you.”  She pulled impatiently at his t-shirt and he stripped out of it before draping it neatly on top of her dresser.  She studied his hard body in the dim light.

“Your body is amazing.  You know that, right?”

He actually blushed a little and she laughed before unbuttoning his jeans.  “Also, you’re kind of adorable when you blush.”

He pulled her forward and reached for the button on her jeans.  “I do not blush, Ms. Thomas.”

Quickly, they helped each other out of their clothes and she teased him gently again when he picked up their clothes from the floor and placed them neatly on the dresser.

“So beautiful,” Jax murmured when she was standing naked in front of him.  “I can’t get enough of you, butterfly.”

She pushed him on to his back on the bed and straddled his hips before letting her fingers drift back and forth over his hard chest.  “God, your body is like granite.  How often do you work out?”

“Just about every day,” he replied.

She shook her head.  “I could never have that kind of dedication when it comes to exercise.  Although, maybe I should try.”

“No, don’t.  Your body is perfection,” he said immediately before squeezing her hips.

She leaned over him and brushed her breasts against his chest, enjoying his sharp inhale.  “This is madness, you know that right?”

“I do,” he agreed before cupping her ass and squeezing it lightly.  “But I’m enjoying every fucking minute of it.”

She nipped at his earlobe.  “I am too.”

He stroked her back as she rubbed her pussy against his erection, and made a low moan of pleasure.  “Fuck, butterfly, you make me so goddamn hot I can’t think straight.”

“Good,” she said before tracing his ear with her tongue.  She straightened and he watched as she took out a condom from the nightstand.  He slipped his hand between her thighs and rubbed at her clit. 

“You’re distracting me,” she admonished lightly as she tore at the foil wrapper.  Her fingers were trembling and she moaned under her breath when he tugged lightly at her clit.  With sudden impatience, she ripped the foil open and pulled the condom out before scooting back.  She studied his cock, marveling inwardly again at the size of it, and squeezed the base firmly.

He gasped with pleasure, his hips arching against her hand as she stroked and rubbed him until a bead of precum appeared at the top.  She leaned down and licked it away, smiling at his groan, and pulled back when his hands threaded through her hair.

“Please, butterfly,” he whispered.  “Please.”

“I like it when you beg,” she teased before slowly rolling the condom on to his cock.

She positioned herself above him, his hands on her hips steadying her, and guided his cock to her wet entrance.  As the head slipped inside of her, they both moaned and she made herself stop.  Her legs were trembling and she was aching to take his entire cock but she waited.

His eyes opened and he gave her a look of dark desire that had her pulse racing.  “Butterfly, stop teasing.”

She smiled and slowly sank down on his cock.  She bit at her bottom lip as she stretched around him.  He was lying perfectly still beneath her and she took his hands and placed them on her breasts.  He kneaded them lightly and she closed her eyes before rocking back and forth.  The motion put delicious pleasure against her g-spot and she rocked faster as he watched her take what she wanted from him.

She rocked harder and faster, her hands digging into his chest as he pinched her nipples.  The slight pain mixed with the pleasure and she cried out as he pinched her nipples again.

“Jax, oh, oh…”

The tension was building inside of her and with a final cry, she threw her head back and rubbed herself furiously against Jax’s cock.  Her orgasm roared through her and she shuddered wildly before collapsing against his chest.

He rubbed her back, waiting patiently for her breathing to slow, and then kissed her shoulder.  “Turn around, Mel.”

She eased off of him and straddled him backwards.  He helped her position herself and groaned harshly when she sank on to his cock again.  He rubbed her ass as she stared at him over her shoulder.

Her legs were still trembling from her orgasm but when he raised his legs, she braced her hands on his knees and rode him with slow and deliberate movements.

“Fuck, just like that,” he muttered as his pelvis rose and fell.  “You’re so goddamn tight.”

His hands tightened around her hips and he held her firmly as he pumped in and out.  She rubbed her clit lightly, the new pleasure surging within her making her tighten around him.  He cursed and thrust harder and faster.

She bounced up and down, her fingers rubbing more firmly and when her orgasm washed over her, sudden and completely unexpected, she arched her back and cried his name.  He groaned and thrust furiously until his body stiffened and he came with a hoarse shout.  She rested her forehead on his knees as he stroked her back and ass with his warm hands.

“Christ, Mel,” he mumbled as she climbed off of him and collapsed on her side next to him.

He rolled to face her and as he cupped her face a small shudder of pleasure went through her.

You’re in so much trouble, Thomas.

* * *


“Will you tell me how this happened?” 

It was half an hour later.  They were lying in the bed together and Jax’s hand, which had been tracing lazy circles on her naked back, slowed to a stop as Mel touched the scar on his face.

She waited patiently. She was almost positive he wouldn’t tell her but he tugged her a little closer and kissed the top of her head before saying, “I was trying to protect my aunt.”

She lifted her head and stared at him.  “You got it as a child?”

He nodded.  “You’re surprised.”

“A little.  I thought you got it working for Golden.”


She sat up and reached for the glass of water on the nightstand, drinking a few swallows before handing it to him.  He finished the water and leaned back against the headboard, staring at his hands, as she stroked his arm lightly.

“What happened?”

“I had only been living with her for a few months and I was naïve and stupid enough to think that she actually cared about me.  I hadn’t realized just how big of a hold the drugs had on her, you know?”

She nodded and scooted a little closer as he shifted in the bed.

“Her boyfriend – he was also her drug dealer – was over and they got into a fight.  He pulled a knife on her and I tried to protect her.  He sliced me open.”

“Oh my God, Jax.”  She stared horrified at him and he squeezed her leg lightly.

“There was a lot of blood and it sent both my aunt and her boyfriend into a panic.  He left and she took me to the hospital.  She made me tell them that I tripped and fell into a window and was cut by the broken glass.  She said if I didn’t lie about it they would take me away to a foster home where they’d really hurt me.”

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

He shrugged.  “It was a long time ago.”

“Did you – was there any part of your childhood that was good, Jax?”

A small smile crossed his face.  “Mr. Golden threw me a surprise birthday party when I turned fourteen.  His daughter, Jade, invited a bunch of my classmates and Mr. Golden rented one of those big bounce-house things, you know?  We were way too old for it but it was actually kind of fun.  Twelve teen boys jumping in this stupid bouncy house, trying to beat the shit out of each other as we jumped.  He rented a giant screen and projector for the backyard and we ate pizza and popcorn and watched all my favourite movies.”

“It sounds nice,” she said.

“It was,” he replied.

“You love him, don’t you?”

He frowned at her.  “Who?”


A hard look came over his face and he shook his head.  “No, I don’t.”

She stared puzzled at him as he turned away from her.  She cupped his face and made him look at her.  “Jax, what’s wrong?”


“There is.  Don’t shut me out,” she said.

He sighed.  “I don’t love him, Mel.  I owe him and he saved my life but he isn’t a good man.”

“Because he’s a drug dealer?”

He pulled his face free of her hand and looked away again.  “No.”

She was silent for a moment before touching his shoulder hesitantly.  “Why do you work for him then?”

BOOK: Saving Jax
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