Saving Dallas Forever (3 page)

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“It’s nothing. Just a minor disagreement.” I dismissed the subject with a wave of my hand, and was rescued from the accusing stares when Punkin came up and announced that the new PROSPECT from Lake Charles was catching hell outside. Red, who I
had learned had a very soft spot for the PROSPECTS, almost broke her leg trying to get away from the bar to go and see what was going on. I couldn’t help but laugh at Brooklyn’s attempts to stop her, but soon we were all following Red out the door.

We entered the circle of men that were crowded around
, and my heart’s steady rhythm intensified. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but something told me that whoever was in the middle of that circle was being subjected to great harm. My stomach dropped at the thought of Luke using physical force against one of his brothers, or even his potential brothers. I had never seen the side of Luke that Maddie had spoken of earlier. Sure, I had been subject to his wrath, but I couldn’t imagine him ever being mean to one of the guys. I heard Luke’s loud voice carry across the yard, as I stepped between Brooklyn and Red to find a guy cleaning Ronnie’s bike.

“Don’t you ever fucking say you are gonna do something and not follow through. Consider this a lesson. Never offer more than you are willing to give.” Luke wasn’t shouting, but his voice was louder than normal
, and did not contain even a hint of playfulness. I watched as the man paid special attention to ensuring that he did not miss a spot in cleaning the bike, as he worked feverishly, shining it and returning it to its original glory. He kept his head down and his mouth shut, as Luke continued to speak, “You want to clean bikes? Well, now you’ve got your chance. There are twenty-three bikes in this yard that are the property of the Devil’s Renegades and every one of them had better be shining like new. Ronnie, what time do y’all plan to leave in the morning?” Luke turned his eyes from the working PROSPECT toward Ronnie, who stood tall, and bow-legged as ever, next to Luke.

“Oh, I figure we will pull out about
ten. I want to get home before it gets dark. PROSPECT, if you can’t add, that gives you about eight and a half hours to have our shit looking good.” I watched as the guys around them laughed. I looked over at Red, who didn’t think this was very funny. I could see her mentally calculating the hours in her head. There was no way he would be able to detail twenty-three bikes in eight hours. Even if he could, he would get no sleep, and he was one of those who would be making the four-hour ride home tomorrow.

“If it’s not done, I’ll cut that PROSPECT rocker off and give it to someone who deserves it.” I snapped my head up at Luke, as he stood with his arms crossed
, looking down at the poor guy, who seemed to be breaking into a sweat, and he picked up the pace. Luke must have felt my eyes on him. He looked over at me and his menacing stare melted, to be replaced with a wide smile and a wink that had me breathing a sigh of relief. He was only kidding. I felt someone move beside me, and watched as Red walked back into the clubhouse. The unspoken demand for us to follow was heard, and we all trailed in behind her.

“This is fucking stupid,” Red snapped, as soon as the door was closed and we were all inside. “I mean, the poor guy ain’t even gonna get to take a fucking break. Come on, Dallas. Get over here and help me.” I immediately went to her, fearing if I didn’t it would be me she snapped
at next.

“Calm down, Red. It’s part of it. I don’t know why you get all bent out of shape about this shit,” Brooklyn snapped, her voice holding a hint of disapproval.

“Well, it just ain’t right,” Red said, busying herself behind the bar, while I just stood there waiting for orders.

“They all went through it. He needs to watch what he says.” It was clear that Red and Brooklyn had
had this conversation before. Red had issues with the way the club disciplined the PROSPECTS, while an exasperated Brooklyn seemed to consider it reasonable, and tried to convince Red that it was a normal part of the PROSPECT period.

“If y
’all don’t mind me asking, what did he say?” We all turned to the softly spoken voice behind us. I was shocked to find a very sweet-looking girl in her early twenties standing there, and staring at us, wide-eyed. Judging by the ring on her finger, and the worried look in her eye, this had to be the PROSPECT’s wife. I immediately felt pity for her.

“He got cocky and said he would wash his brothers
’ bikes. He was talking about Ronnie’s, but he didn’t elaborate. He said ‘brothers’’ and that meant all of them. First of all, they ain’t his brothers. Second, he shouldn’t have offered if he couldn’t perform, and third he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. The less he says the better.” I almost died at Brooklyn’s harsh comment. She wasn’t cutting this poor girl any slack.

“Oh,” she replied simply. She seemed to accept her husband’s fate, but Red wasn’t going to let it go.

“I thought it was very generous of him to offer. Just because he got a few words mixed up doesn’t mean he should have to stay up all fucking night after being up all day, on top of having to make that long trip tomorrow.” My mind was screaming at me to stay out of it and keep my mouth shut too, but of course I didn’t.

“I really think Luke was just kidding. He winked at me. I think they are just making the guy think he is going to have to do that.” The reaction I got was not one I was expecting. The room erupted in laughter at my words.

“You really do have a lot to learn. Honey, if Luke says it; Luke means it. That poor boy will be washing bikes all night. Now, I can’t say anything because it’s not my place, and I don’t want to be screamed at in front of everyone, but what I can do is help him out. Discreetly,” Red announced more to the wife than to any of us. Brooklyn’s eye-rolling did not go unnoticed, as Red continued with her plan of action. “Katelyn? Is that your name?” The girl nodded her head, and Red went on, “You need to stay out of it. Don’t talk to him. Don’t check on him. Just stay inside and away from him. The last thing you want to do is make him look like a pussy. These guys will use anything as leverage to see if they can break him. I am going to give him an Adderall, make him some sandwiches, and be sure he has all the supplies he needs within reach. Dallas, you are going to help.” I nodded quickly, letting Red know that I was on her side, and would do anything to keep the tears that were welling up in Katelyn’s eyes at bay, as well as make the impossible job for the PROSPECT as easy as I could. “I can’t believe he threatened him with his patch,” Red mumbled, grabbing Red Bulls from the cooler, and shoving them in a bag.

“It got his attention. If he wants to keep it, when we get ready to leave in the morning
there had better be twenty-three Harleys sparkling to their full potential,” Brooklyn stated. Red didn’t respond, as she grabbed the bag, shot Brooklyn a look, and walked out of the clubhouse with me in tow.


“Will Luke really take his patch?” I asked Red, as we shoved the last few sandwiches in a Ziploc bag. We were standing in Luke’s kitchen, preparing a late-night snack for the PROSPECT.

“If he said he w
ould, he will,” she replied, deadpan. “Luke is a man of his word.” Apparently. I thought about Maddie’s issue, and wondered if I should say something to Red. It seemed they all knew Luke much better than I did.

“Are we having operation
‘Save the PROSPECT?’” Maddie asked, coming into the kitchen, dispelling any thoughts I had of telling Red about her business.

“You know it,” Red said
, smiling. “You gonna help?”

“Nah, I’ll let y’all handle this one,” she said
, propping her elbows up on the bar.

“Why? Cause it ain’t Marty?” Red asked
, and my eyes widened in shock, as I looked at Maddie, who mirrored my reaction. “How many times did you wake me up in the middle of the night for a ‘Save PROSPECT Marty’ operation? Remember that time he had to go get the letter?” I watched in confusion, as Maddie’s features softened, and she relaxed with a laugh.

“Yeah, I remember. It was so funny, Dallas,” she said turning to me, her eyes sparkling
, as she retold the story, our dispute from earlier seemingly forgotten for now. “He told Luke he was going to go home. Luke told him he had to do something first. He made Marty ride all the way to Lake Charles to get a letter from Ronnie, and then return it to him. When he got back, Luke told him to open the letter. Know what it said? ‘Now you can go home.’” I stared in horror at Maddie. That would have been an eight-hour round trip. Shit.

“Rule number one. Never tell the President you are leaving as long as you are prospecting. You ask to leave,” Red said, lighting a cigarette
, and fanning the smoke away from my face.

“Yeah, I made Red ride with me to Hammond
, so we could boost his spirits,” Maddie said beaming. I arched my eyebrow at her.

“And just exactly how did you do that?” I asked. Maddie had said they had never had sex.

“Everyone has secrets, Dallas,” she said, with a wink. Red laughed and I had a feeling I was on the outside of an in-joke. Apparently, Red knew about Marty and Maddie. It was me that Maddie was so worried would spoil the big surprise. I scoffed, feigning shock, but in reality I was fighting some pangs of hurt and jealousy. Of course Red was closer to Maddie. She had always been here. It was me that was the newcomer. It didn’t matter that Maddie and I shared the same father. Maddie and Red had been sisters a lot longer.

“Okay, so this is how this is going to work. Maddie, are you in?” Red asked looking at Maddie, her eyes turning to resemble those of a puppy.

“Yeah. What the hell,” Maddie said, gesturing for Red to continue with the plan of action.

“Good. Dallas, I need you to distract the guys. Mainly Luke, but try to get all their attention. Preferably
, get them all in the clubhouse. Maddie, you watch the door and make sure no one comes in or out, and I’ll slip the bag to the PROSPECT.” Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“Red, why don’t we just give him the damn bag?”

“Because, Dallas, how would you feel if your man was offered help from another woman and took it, and then had to be subjected to all the shit the guys threw at him for accepting help from a bitch. We want the guys to think that he did this on his own. The chances of that are slim to none, so we are going to help him out, and the guys will be none the wiser.” I still didn’t quite get it, but if Red thought it was for the best, then I would help. She seemed genuinely concerned about this guy, and if she needed me to help her feel better by helping him, then who was I to say no?

“Okay. How do I get the guys’ attention?” I
had thought of a few ways, but none would make Luke very happy.

‘em a speech about how much you appreciate all their help and all that shit,” Maddie suggested. The thought turned my gut.

“That just feels wrong.”

“No, it’s perfect. Think of it like this, not only are you thanking them, you are also helping out someone in need. Do you really want to go to sleep tonight knowing that you were responsible for a potential brother losing his patch?” Red asked, looking at me with fake pity.

“And what about that sweet girl he has with him? Do you know how devastated she would be?” Maddie chimed in. They were playing me.

“Fine. But my speech will be sincere. And that PROSPECT better get those fucking bikes finished.” Red jumped up, and squealed like a little kid. They ushered me outside and, just like that, the first of what would be many ‘Save the PROSPECT’ operations was launched.


Chapter 3


I was standing on the bar, my glass held high in the air
, as I concluded my speech that, true to my word, was sincere. I had forgotten all about the PROSPECT, and the reason I was making the speech in the first place. I was sure that Red had delivered the package and all was good, but at this point I couldn’t care less. What mattered to me were the faces that looked at me, most of which I knew, as I laid my feelings bare for all of them. They were an easy crowd. I felt like I could tell them anything, so I did. I told them everything, well, almost everything. I told them how Charlie had taken me and I thought I would never see their faces again. I told them how had I felt when I saw them all standing there, ready to give their lives to save me. I told them about the emotions that had passed through me when their bikes surrounded Luke’s truck and led us off the highway. I thanked them for always being there, not just for me, but for Luke too. I let them all know that if the role was reversed, I would do the same for any of them. As I held my glass, I concluded my speech with the words that I would live by for the rest of my life. “This is to all of you and the sacrifices you have made on my behalf. You have all taught me what family is and for that, I will be forever in your debt. To all of you, and to the motto of the Devil’s Renegades: Love, loyalty and respect.” I closed my eyes and smiled, nodding my head as the chorus rang out from those before me. The brothers, ol’ ladies, PROSPECTS, hang-arounds, barmaids, girlfriends, and wives met my toast, and we shared something more than a shot of alcohol. We shared a moment of truth. A moment in which each and every person in that room knew why they were there. This was a moment when we all understood what it meant to be a Devil’s Renegade. I was lifted from the bar and into Luke’s arms. My hands grasped his muscular shoulders as my legs wrapped around his waist. I felt his hardness through his jeans, as he pulled me to him.

“That was a beautiful speech, babe,” he said smirking at me.

“So beautiful that it made your cock rock hard?” I asked, smiling at him, as he grinded his hips into me.

“Fuck, I love it when you talk dirty like that. I want to take you inside right now
, and fuck you until you pass out.” His eyes were heavy and full of lust, as he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, and delivered another delicious thrust that had me wet and wanting.

“Please,” I whispered, taking his tongue into my mouth
, and sucking it gently. I felt his grip tighten on my hips, as he let out a groan into my mouth. I knew that groan. It was one that said, ‘I can’t.’

“I will, baby. Soon,” he said, pulling his mouth from mine
, and setting me on my feet. I frowned at him, as he adjusted himself, and lifted his head to the girl behind the bar. She placed a beer in front of him, and he shot her a wink, causing my frown to deepen.

“That’s my wink,” I grumbled, wondering what in the hell it would take to get men behind the bar.

“It’s all yours, baby,” Luke responded to my grumbling. He kissed me chastely on the lips, then grabbed my hand, and led me over to a group of loveseats that had been arranged to form a semi-circle. The table in the middle was littered with empty drinking glasses and the sofas were filled with ol’ ladies practically sitting on top of each other. “We are gonna hold a short church, then you can have me all to yourself.” He slapped my ass, and turned to leave before I could say a word.

“Awe, shit. Luke just gave you that ‘I’ll fuck you later promise’
didn’t he?” Fucking Red. Why was she always putting my business out on Front Street?

“You know, you pay just a little too close attention,” I said, squeezing my ass into the non-existent space between Baby and Jen. I looked around at the group of women
, who all nodded in agreement, causing Red to shrug her shoulders in response. I could tell that she didn’t give two shits what we all thought of her. Talk between the ladies resumed as more drinks came, including a tray of shots that the lovely Linda presented us with. I felt my cheeks redden, as she winked at me, and I was thankful Red was too busy running her big mouth to notice.

I was introduced to a new group of women from Lake Charles
, and was surprised to find that, even though they didn’t see each other often, they seemed to have a good relationship with all the ol’ ladies in our chapter. There were so many that I was afraid I would never remember them all, but Brooklyn reassured me that I would be seeing a lot more of them. She didn’t elaborate, but I could tell there was hidden meaning in her words. I felt, more than heard, the conversation die, as everyone seemed to sense the same thing I did. Brooklyn knew something, and it was a gamble to see if she was going to share. Red must have known what was going on too, and when she took the direction of the conversation in another turn, I knew it for a fact. She was covering something up.

“So, Dallas,” Red said, leaning in close
, and lowering her voice. I leaned across Jen to bring my head closer to hers, which prompted everyone to lean in; not an easy task, considering there were so many of us. “I’ll have you know that the PROSPECT is now hydrated, has a large amount of Adderall pumping through his system, and should have those bikes finished in no time.” We all laughed, as we sat back and drank a shot to congratulate Red on her completed mission. I expected Brooklyn to say something smart, but she surprised me.

“There ya go, baby. Your good heart should be enough to keep us out of hell.”

“Well, only half of it, because the other half belongs to you,” Red said, with a wink. They were so alike, yet so different. It was actually a little scary. If you looked hard enough, you could even find resemblances between their faces. “I’m calling it a night. Maybe I can get a few minutes of sleep in before the insatiable Regg comes to bed, and tries to rape me in my sleep.”

“Can’t rape the willing,” Jen chimed in.

“Ain’t that the damned truth! Goodnight all! I will see y’all first thing in the morning.” The laughter before seemed muted, compared to that which erupted at Red’s announcement.

“You don’t even know what morning looks like unless you
’ve stayed up all night to see it,” Mary said, through her laughter. I guess Red is not a morning person.

. Ha. Ha. I’ll be up in the morning, and it will be to see your ass off,” Red said, pointing at Mary. “Dallas, can I have a minute?” I stood to follow Red to the corner of the room, hearing the ladies placing bets on whether or not she would indeed be up on time.

“What’s up?” I asked, noticing the troubled look on her face. I didn’t get too worked up, though. Red could be pretty dramatic over the least little things. You just never knew what was going to come out of that mouth.

“So, I talked to Lindsey yesterday and told her we were throwing you a welcome home party.” Fuck. I felt my face go ashen and my heart stop. “Don’t freak out. I didn’t tell her anything; I just said you had been away, which she clearly knows, since she’s been taking care of everything while you’ve been gone. Anywho, I told her and she told me she would be over here. Well, instead of coming, she just sent some stuff, and told me she was feeling under the weather. I know you have a lot on your mind, but I’m pretty sure she is stressed out, so you may want to head over to your office sometime tomorrow, just to make sure everything is okay.” Fuck. I had completely forgotten about Knox Companies and Lindsey. I had been so busy with the fight to survive that I had forgotten about the place that had made me who I am. I guess that’s how you realize what’s really important in life. For me, it was hanging out with a bunch of bikers and their ol’ ladies, not running a multi-million dollar company that would probably be in ruins by the time I returned. What was even more foreign to me was the feeling of dread I got at the thought of having to leave the comfort of Luke’s arms and this clubhouse to be there. I shook my head, trying to shake the annoying thoughts from my mind. I was too tired and had consumed too much alcohol to think about it tonight.

“Thanks, Red. I’ll handle it first thing in the morning. Hey, what was Brooklyn talking about earlier?” I asked, thoughts of Lindsey and Knox Companies going out the door once again.

“I’m really not at liberty to say. If Luke wants you to know, he will tell you.” The way she said it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It was almost like she was finding pleasure in my discomfort. “Some of the guys let their ol’ ladies know what’s going on and others just… don’t. Maybe after you have been around a little longer he will trust you with more information. Anyhow, I’m off,” she said, turning her attention back to the women. I had to cross my arms to keep from punching her in the back of the head. What a fucking bitch! I watched as she disappeared down the hall, leading to the bedrooms located in the back of the clubhouse.

The crowd of women had scattered
. I noticed the guys were now done with their meeting, and everyone was departing to their rooms for the night. I spotted Luke across the room, engaging in serious conversation with Possum. I saw Punkin lurking nearby, and decided to join her.

“I wish they would hurry up. Hell, I’m tired,” she said, pulling another cigarette from its pack
, and sticking it to her painted lips.

“May I have one of those?” I asked, remembering my promise to myself to try it once I
had got home. Maybe the nicotine would help with my nerves, which Red had so conveniently got on.

“You smoke?” Punkin asked me
, surprised, her black painted lashes reaching her eyebrows as her eyes widened.

“No, but when I was with Charlie, I
thought of what I would give to have a cigarette. I just thought I would try.”

’s Charlie?” she asked, not taking her eyes off me, or making a move to give me the cigarette my mouth was suddenly watering for.

“He was the man who kidnapped me.” Did she not know that?

“Oh, no shit? What, did he hold you for ransom or somethin’?” I looked into her bright eyes, trying to figure out if she was fucking with me or not.

“No, he took me and Maddie, then gave Maddie back to Luke, kept me for a couple days, then exchanged me for Frankie.” My eyes flitted back to the cigarette pack, hoping Punkin would get the message. She didn’t.

“I’ll be damned,” she said, taking a long pull from her cigarette.

“Punkin, can I please have a cigarette?” I asked impatiently.

“Yeah, honey. Sorry, I get sidetracked.” I should have asked what memory my kidnapping had triggered, but I was too busy snatching the smoke from Punkin’s fingers. “Don’t go to choking on that shit now, or I’ll have to give you mouth-to-mouth, and Possum will get jealous.” I smiled as I held the cigarette between my lips and allowed her to light it. I pulled a drag into my mouth and blew it out, without inhaling. “You like it?” she asked, smiling at me. Did I like it? It tasted different, but it wasn’t bad.

“I think so,” I said
, putting the cigarette to my lips and taking another drag. This time, I inhaled and coughed as the smoke filled my lungs. “Damn, that burns,” I muttered through the smoke that poured from my nostrils and mouth.

“You’ll get use
d to it. But remember, you didn’t get it from me.” Punkin scurried off in the opposite direction, as I felt the presence of someone behind me.

“You know, those things are pretty addictive.” I turned to see Luke smirking behind me. “Do you mind?” he ask
ed, taking the cigarette from my fingers. I followed his movement, as he brought the cigarette to his own lips and took a deep drag, inhaled, then blew the smoke over the top of my head.

“You smoke?” I asked, obviously knowing the answer.

“I did,” he said shortly, throwing the cigarette on the floor, and putting it out with the heel of his boot. “I have a promise to keep.” Thoughts of cigarettes fled my mind as I felt butterflies form in my stomach. I looked up into Luke’s face, still bruised from the beating he had taken to protect his cut.

“Come to bed with me?” I turned on my heel, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me. I heard his low chuckle
, as he allowed me to lead him out of the double doors of the clubhouse. As soon as the cold air blasted us, I was jerked back and pushed up against the outside wall of the building. I could feel the steady bass of the music reverberating through the walls, and vibrating against my back as Luke grabbed my face in his hands and closed his mouth over mine. I opened to him and he began kissing me deep, his tongue working mine over and over, as his hands found the hem of my shirt and pushed it up over my breasts, taking my bra with it. He released my mouth, only to dip his head down to my nipple, which had already hardened from the cool air. I threw my head back against the building as my hands found his head, pushing his face deeper into my chest. The feel of his mouth on my nipple, his teeth nibbling, then his tongue sweeping over it to soothe the pain, had me forgetting everything but him.

“I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me right here, Luke,” I demanded, gasping as he sucked my nipple deeper into his mouth. He released my breast, reaching his hand down to massage it
, as he moved his attention to the other one.

“Oh, baby. I’m gonna fuck you. I’m gonna fuck you so hard that everyone inside will hear you scream.” The thought of people hearing me, knowing what we were doing
, had my heart racing. I wanted people to know. Just the idea of having an audience caused the dampness between my legs to spread. Luke lifted his lips to mine, leaving my breasts exposed, the cold air hitting them and making my nipples so hard, the feeling was almost painful. He trailed kisses down my jaw as his fingers worked my jeans, unzipping them and pushing them, along with my panties, roughly down my legs and to my ankles.

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