Savage Sanctuary 2: Panther Moon (18 page)

BOOK: Savage Sanctuary 2: Panther Moon
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that shapeshifters exist.” He stood, stumbling a bit drunkenly. Taking another drink, he tossed the bottle to the ground and pointed a finger at her. Hudson wanted to rip his throat out but remained still, hidden in the shadows. “Tell ya what though, little missy, I wouldn’t mind having your pretty head hanging on my wall. Gotta piss.”

Yeah, Hawkins was a class act.

Hudson watched him lurch into the darkness and turn his back. He believed

himself safe now but he was dead wrong about that.

Making his way quietly to where Trea was trussed up, Hudson opened his

connection to her.
I’m here. Don’t move. I’m coming behind you and cutting these ropes.


Once I cut them, stay where you are. Don’t let him know a damn thing. I’m going to set the
knife within easy reach, honey, so you can slice the ropes at your ankles.

Got it.


Panther Moon

Good girl.
Hudson approached Trea from behind, the tree providing cover for him.

Quickly he cut through the ropes, reached for her chapped wrists and rubbed gently.

Trea didn’t move a muscle but her warmth reached out to him. Keeping up the mental

connection, he filled her in further.
I’m leaving the knife right here but I don’t want you to go
for it until I make my appearance.

Damn it. Be careful. Don’t get yourself killed.

Believe me, honey. I’m not the one who’s gonna die tonight. Before this is over he’ll be
wishing he’d hit my heart instead of my lung. Now I’m going to step back a bit and shift. Once I
come into the clearing, use the knife to cut yourself free. Then I want you to shift and get the fuck
out of here.

No! Hudson, I—

Do what I say, Trea. No arguments. I can’t fight Hawkins and worry about you at the same

Damn it.

We’ll take this up later. For now, you will do as I say.

Hudson stepped farther into the shadows, stripped and within a second or two

shifted into his panther. Stalking toward the open clearing he snarled at Tom Hawkins as he moved into the light, still fastening his belt. Hudson growled again as rage, an awful blood lust rushed through his system. Hawkins went still, his eyes widening.

Instantly he glanced toward the tree where he’d tied Trea.

She was gone.

The only sign that she’d ever been there, a scrap of rope that lay on the ground.

Good girl!

Tom jerked his head and reached slowly down to the ground where he’d dropped

his rifle. “You aren’t gonna get the best of me, girl. I’ll shoot you down just like I shot your folks. You’d better believe it!”

Mistakenly, he believed Hudson was Trea in panther form.


Regina Carlysle

Big mistake.

Hudson slinked closer, hissing at his prey, flashing fangs that were deadlier than

any knife. Tom’s grip on the rifle was shaky but he managed to lift it anyway. Hudson pounced, a coughing sound tearing from his throat but Hawkins managed to roll away,

squealing like a little girl, and the gun hit the ground. Hudson slashed with a deadly claw and a strip tore from Hawkins’ tee shirt. Blood welled from the gouge on his back.

Still the man managed to get to his feet. Suddenly, wildly, he looked around and

Hudson noted the woods were filled with huge panthers. His brothers. A ferocious

growl issued from the throat of an enormous buff-colored shifter and Hudson

recognized the fury burning in familiar, dark green eyes.


Next to him, Rio advanced and Max followed suit as over a dozen of his panther

brothers stalked the hunter.

Tom Hawkins wasn’t a total dumbass after all. Realizing he’d bitten off more than

he could chew, he ran toward his truck as the panthers gave chase. Several leaped onto the hood of the truck, others clawed at the metal of the passenger door as Hawkins

drove away. Not about to let the man off this easily, Hudson chased after the truck

along with his brothers. Hawkins gunned the engine, driving crazily in his panic to get away. Suddenly a tire hit a deep gouge in the path and Hawkins, overcorrecting,

yanked the steering wheel and the truck plowed headfirst into a massive oak at high

speed. Steam poured from the crushed engine of the ruined truck.

Instantly Hudson shifted back into his human form and cautiously approached.

Others shifted too though several maintained their panther forms. Rio and Max joined

him just as he reached the cab. Hawkins was slumped back against the seat, his head

angled in a freakish position.

His eyes were open but he couldn’t see a thing.

“He’s dead, isn’t he?”


Panther Moon

Hudson jerked and looked over his shoulder to see his mate moving into the circle

of shifters. She’d obviously dressed hastily after shifting to get away from Hawkins.

Hudson knew it because her tee shirt was on inside out and she was still barefoot. A

blast of hot, summer air caught her curls, whipping them around her face. To him, she’d never looked more beautiful. “Yeah. He’s gone, honey.” Hudson walked up to her,

pulled her into his arms and held her close. “He’ll never hurt anyone again.”

“And justice is served.”

“Yeah. It is. Let’s go home.”

* * * * *

Trea snuggled into Hudson’s arms loving the feel of his strength, his warmth,

curling around her like the comfiest blanket. Two days had passed since Tom Hawkins

plowed into a tree and paid with his life for the crimes he’d committed against her and her parents. Explaining the death had been easy. Titus has simply called the sheriff’s department and reported that a poacher had come onto the land, set illegal traps, gotten drunk and died in an accident. The autopsy revealed alcohol in his system so no further questions had been asked. Sure, Walter Creek was still out there somewhere but it was commonly believed the man wasn’t an imminent threat. Who would believe such a

thing as panther shifters and paranormal creatures, in the first place? But if he ever showed up in Texas again, they would deal with him.

“What are you thinking?” Hudson murmured against her hair. His breath was

warm and comforting. Trea burrowed closer and sighed.

“Just that I’m glad this is over. I want some ‘normal’, ya know?”

Her mate laughed softly, then moved until he lay almost belly to belly with her, his

thigh draped across her body. “Normal? With you? Honey, I don’t think that’s possible.

I swear you are the feistiest woman. I’m gonna have my hands full dealing with you.”

To prove his point, he filled his hand with her breast, thumbing the nipple until it

hardened like a gem against his fingers. A low breath left her lungs and feeling playful 129

Regina Carlysle

and happier than she’d ever been before, she nipped his bottom lip following the action with a swipe of her tongue. “Hmm. Looks like your hands are already full, dude.”

“Plan to keep ’em full too.”

Hudson lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply. Trea fell into the kiss as a

low fire flickered in her belly. But then a thought occurred to her. She broke the kiss.

Hudson’s blue eyes widened marginally.


Forcing herself to be brave she looked at him unflinchingly. “Have to ask you


“Ask away.”

“That night. The night of my first shift you said you loved me.”

Hudson went still. Had he meant it or were they words spoken hastily during the

fires of lust? She knew he wasn’t a frivolous man but, damn it, she had to know.

His smile turned gentle and he studied her face as if memorizing every line. “And

you wonder if I meant it? You know better, my darlin’. I’m a man who means what he

says and how could I not love you? I’ve been alone for a long, long time, honey. I’d

almost given up, you know. Figured I was doomed to spend the rest of my wicked life

alone. But then you came running through the woods and practically fell into my arms.

It was fate. Kismet. Hell, whatever you want to call it. You’re mine, honey. Forever.”

Tears swept the surface of her eyes, dampening her lashes. Hudson’s gaze was

tender, his touch sweet, as he gathered the drops on his thumb.

“I love you, too,” she choked out. “I’ve been so lonely for most of my life. You

saved me and gave me something good to hang onto, Hudson. I never want to be

without you. Not ever.”

And as he kissed her again, building the fires in her body to feverish heights, he

entered her, loved her and held her close. “Honey, believe me, you won’t have to. I’m here with you, in your arms, and I’m staying put.”


About the Author

Regina Carlysle is an award-winning, multi-published author. She likes writing that

is hot, edgy and often humorous, and puts this trademark stamp on all her stories.

Regina lives in west Texas with her husband of 25 years and counting, and is a doting, fawning, over-indulgent mother to her two kids. When she’s not penning steamy erotic

tales or hot contemporary stories, she’s indulging in long chats with friends who help her stay sane and keep her laughing.

Regina welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her
author bio page

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Also by
Regina Carlysle


Eagle’s Refuge

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy IV

Feral Moon

High Plains Shifters 1: Highland Beast

High Plains Shifters 2: Lone Star Lycan

High Plains Shifters 3: Ringo’s Ride

High Plains Shifters 4: Edge of Nowhere

Jaguar Hunger

Killer Curves

Mistletoe Magic: Breath of Magic

Mistletoe Magic: Elven Magic
with Cindy Spencer Paper & Desiree Holt

Spanish Topaz

Tempting Tess

Trouble in a Stetson

Print books by Regina Carlysle

Aged to Perfection

Cougar Challenge: Needing a Cougar

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy IV

High Plains Shifters: Lone Star Beasts

High Plains Shifters: Riding the Edge

Mistletoe Magic

Tempting Turquoise

Torrid Topaz

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.

BOOK: Savage Sanctuary 2: Panther Moon
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