Sassy Ever After: Mate of Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (5 page)

BOOK: Sassy Ever After: Mate of Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Chapter Five

The temperature
had dropped at least ten degrees with the setting sun, and while it wasn’t cold at sixty-eight degrees, Bailey rubbed the goosebumps down on her forearms. She knew the raised bumps were less about the weather and more about the tall, dark, and brooding alpha who stood across the open yard from her with his arms crossed over his chest. His expression told Bailey that he wanted to be there as much as she did. Which meant, not at all.

The dinner had been intimate with only twenty guests, but the scenting ceremony had brought out every single male and female in the pack, and many more wolves that Bailey had never seen.

“Who are all these people?”

The female to the left of her, a leggy brunette with the longest eyelashes, said, “With the Blackthorn alpha stepping down and his successor unmated females from the Rahound Pack, Golden Falls Pack, Wolfe Pack, and Silverback Pack have been invited to attend the scenting.”

“And you are?”

“Maxine. My father is the alpha of the Silverback Pack.” She cast a determined glance at Forrest. “He chose me at the scenting twenty years ago. He’ll choose me now.”

, Bailey thought.
He chose you, but he didn’t keep you

Answering the unasked question, Maxine added, “We were too young then. Forrest was still in college and wasn’t ready to settle down. But things are different now.”

“Sure.” Bailey’s fox snarled inside her. She wanted to rip Maxine Silverback’s eyelashes out at the roots. What hope did she have against forty or more wolf bitches? Especially the females who could further pack interests. She berated herself for caring. She didn’t need to Blackthorns or their stupid pack.
I am a human rights lawyer. I fight for the little guy. I am bad ass. I don’t need Forrest… Wait.
Did she just think Forrest’s name? Not Evan’s? When she looked up to sneak a glance at Forrest, he was staring straight at her, his nostrils flaring as if angry.

Tory stood next to Bailey on the right, bouncing on her tiptoes with excitement. “I won’t have to do anything I don’t want, right?”

She’d been surprised when Lara had told her that Tory could participate in the scenting ritual since there had been more than one precedent for humans mating with wolves. Most of Tristan Wolfe’s sons had picked human females for wives. “Of course not, Tor. You’ll get sniffed by a guy in wolf form. If he likes what he smells, then he’ll turn human, and he’ll sniff you that way. You get to sniff him too.”

“I’m not sure I want to smell any man’s ass.”

Bailey giggled. “You can smell whatever part of him you want. And if you both agree, you’ll go out into the woods to take things further.”

“For the mate mark, right?”

“Slow your roll, Tor. You don’t want a mate mark. That’s permanent. You know. Marriage permanent.”

“Oh.” She shook her head. “That would be fast. Too too fast. I just want a little fun.”

“I think the fun is pretty much guaranteed.” Bailey laughed. “I’ve heard these guys are pretty take-charge when it comes to sex.”

“You don’t know?”

Bailey shrugged. “I’ve watched from the house, but I never actually attended or participated in a scenting ceremony. I was too young while I lived here, and since I haven’t been back until now, I’m as new to this as you are.”

“I guess we are in for a one of a kind experience tonight,” Tory said. She grinned. “Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

Bailey shook her head. “Well, you might definitely be in for a wild night, woman. I’ve seen Luke and his buddy Landon scoping you out.”

Her eyes widened. “How do I choose?”

Bailey snickered. “Very carefully.”

“Who do you have your eyes set on?”

“The exit.”

“That’s not a who.”

Bailey shot her a look of mock surprise and put her hand to her chest. “But I really like him.”

“What about the new hubba-delicious alpha? He’s been eyeballing you since we got outside.”

“Because he’s working out a way to kill me, chop my corpse up into tiny pieces, and bury my parts all over the backwoods.”

“You’re being dramatic again.”

“He hates my guts, Tory.”

Tory glanced at Forrest then back to Bailey. “That’s the horniest hate I’ve ever seen.”

“Bull shit,” Bailey hissed. “And stop talking about him. I don’t want him to hear you.”

Tory sighed. “You’re lousy at reading people, babe. I have no idea how you got to be such a good lawyer. I thought shifters were intuitive.”

Burn Blackthorn began to speak, thankfully rescuing Bailey from the conversation. “May you find your mates,” he said. He took Lila’s hand, and all the other mated couples did the same. They turned their backs on the single males and females and walked back up to the house.

“What now?” Tory asked.

“Time to take off our clothes.”

“Jesus,” she whispered. “Just like that.”

“Yep, just like that.” If Bailey had Tory’s body, she would have torn her clothes off. But she was self-conscious around all these shifters who didn’t seem to possess an ounce of fat. Pack members were already turning into their wolves, the women holding in place while the men paced in front of them as if they were at a smorgasbord.

“Why aren’t you shifting?” Tory asked.

“I’m scared.” A large brown wolf, his front paw white, paced around Bailey. She gripped the fabric of her skirt and sucked in a breath when he nudged her from behind. “Son of a bitch.” She hadn’t been paying attention to the changes, and she had no idea who this wolf was, but his cold, wet nose up against her ass, was pretty insistent. “Fuck it,” Bailey said.

Without undressing first, she concentrated on the change. It had been a while since she’d shifted into her fox, but it the transition from human to animal was like riding a bike. Once you learned, you never forgot. Within seconds, she was down on all fours and tangled in lace and flounce. Damn it! She hadn’t thought this through very well.

White paw tugged at her clothes with his teeth, assisting her out of the mess of fabric. Her underwear and bra were easy to step out of. The Corsac Fox, which is also the last name her mother had adopted for them when they came to America, was the size of a medium dog. They were short, and their fur was fluffy beige. When Bailey managed to get to her paws, she stared at the wolf who seemed intent on her.

His eyes were amber and bright. The brown of his fur was actually a mix of browns, blacks, and caramels. He was large, his chest span was at least two feet wide. He was a strong male. Bailey let her instinct override her habitual human responses, and she held still as the male wolf sniffed her from head to toe. When he finished, he allowed her to do the same. His scent was a combination of musk, sandalwood, and a pure wildness Bailey could almost taste. He exuded a masculinity she had never experienced up close.

When she’d finished, she transformed back into her human form, as was the next step in the ceremony. The wolf stared at her naked body for a few second before he began his shift into a man. When he unfolded to his complete height, Bailey sucked in a breath.


He stood facing her, his naked body hard with muscles. Tattoos decorated his chest and thighs, tribal designs all denoting important milestones in his life. They flexed and danced as his skin rippled as if on the verge of changing back to beast. His blue eyes were rimmed with amber, even more of an indication that his animal was close to resurfacing. He stared at Bailey, his lips pressed firmly together in a grim expression. Then he took a step toward her.

Bailey, instead of launching herself into his arms, took a step back. Forrest’s set expression faltered, a snarl replacing his frown. “Woman,” he growled.

Her girly bits instantly warmed with heat and moisture. God, the grumpier he acted the wetter she got. Did she really want to be Forrest’s first conquest as alpha? She’d be the laughing stock of the Blackthorn Pack. Nothing would stop the gossip. She roped one arm across her chest and her free hand she placed over her bush. “Uh-uh.” She shook her head at Forrest.

He took another step toward her. “I will have you, Bailey Corsac,” Forrest said, his voice coarse and gruff. “Make no mistake.”

She gulped, her mouth suddenly dry as day old toast. She tried to speak, but she couldn’t form coherent words. Not with Forrest’s focused gaze staring at her like he planned to put fox on his dinner menu. She broke from looking at his eyes, and the situation worsened. His cock was jutted from his groin, thick and hard. Fucking hell, he was nearly as big as her forearm. If she let him put that in her, he’d split her in two.

“I know you want me. I can smell your desire. It’s thick enough to choke the air.”

She took another step back. “I don’t think…”

“I’m going to fuck you stupid, then you won’t have to worry about thinking.”

Holy shit! He did not just say that to her. She tried for indignant, but it was hard to take the high road when you reeked of lust. Bailey’s eyes widened as he took another step. She yelped as her aching need short-circuited her brain, and without a plan, she took off into the woods as fast as her bare feet could carry her.


Forrest howled
as Bailey Corsac ran toward the woods and changed into her animal. He’d never seen another one quite like her before. She was some kind of fox, but not the red or brown foxes that were native to the United States.

As the heir to the Blackthorn Pack, shifter females threw themselves at him. As a powerful businessman, he hadn’t lacked for human companionship either. Which is why this little vixen intrigued him. She’d been sexy as fuck with her clothes on and with them off…well, Forrest couldn’t wait to catch her to show her just how much he wanted every single inch of her.

Her desire was a powerful aphrodisiac, a scent he wanted to bathe in. He howled again and changed into his wolf form. He would hunt her down, and he would fuck her until she came screaming his name.


Chapter Six

Bailey’s heart
hammered in her chest as panting replaced actual breathing. After a few miles, she’d finally slowed. Partly to drink from a small brook she’d crossed, but mostly, because, even in her fox form, she was sorely out of shape.

The water tasted sweet and crisp, though she knew in her human form, the water was probably gross with bugs and dirt. It didn’t matter. She was hot and tired and completely freaked out. She’d outrun from Forrest Blackthorn.

Who fucking did that?

An idiot,
she told herself,
that’s who.
If she wanted to keep from being the pack gossip, she shouldn’t have made such a spectacular ass of herself by running away. She could have simply told Forrest she wasn’t interested in him. She’d have been a complete liar on the epic scale of lying, but at least she would have her dignity. Now that she’d taken off, dignity was off the table.

The woods on the Blackthorn property were full of oaks, pines, maples, and other tall trees that flourished over lush underbrush. Bailey could detect the scent of wolves, but it was hard to tell what was fresh and what lingered from days past. She tilted her narrow muzzle up and took in a long sniff on the air. A sharp aroma of fur and something floral had her opening her eyes about the time a large, furry wolf tackled her to the ground.

Bailey yelped as the wolf pinned her with large paws. This beast had brown, red, and black around its face, its chest was black, and its body was a mix of white, the browns, and the blacks. This was definitely not Forrest. Then the wolf peed on her.

Bailey screamed in her head, but it came out a strangled growl. This was a female wolf, and she was showing Bailey who was dominant. The wolf was bigger and stronger, but Bailey’s fox was wiry and quick. She wiggled herself away, her teeth connecting with the wolf leg as she got to her feet. She hunched her back, circling, as the female wolf growled a warning.

Bailey knew two things at this moment. 1) She was going to get her ass seriously kicked. And 2) this bitch would not come out the fight smelling like a rose.

Pine and sandalwood overrode her fighting senses, that, and a loud growl, followed by a lot of yipping and whining as a new, even bigger wolf arrived and chased the bitch off. Bailey recognized the white paw. Forrest had tracked her down.

Quickly, she jumped into the stream. Not to get away this time, but to rinse the other female’s scent from her fur. The idea of Forrest seeing her as weak was unbearable.

He transformed into a man again and watched her, his expression curious. “You’re not running,” he said. “Good.”

Bailey, feeling like a wet rat as she trotted back onto land, shook out her fur. The water spray showered Forrest. The look of surprise made her laugh, which came out as a series of high-pitched squeals.

Forrest raised a brow. “You think that’s funny, huh?”

, she thought.

“Let me see you,” Forrest said. “I want to look at your body.”

She knew he meant he wanted to see her in her human form. Sudden modesty gripped at her throat. She was comfortable in her skin for the most part, but she wasn’t sure how comfortable Forrest would be with extra-extra. The possibility he might reject her scared her.

As if sensing her hesitation, Forrest said, “You’re beautiful, Bailey Corsac. I’ve never met anyone who makes me so fucking hard.”

She whimpered because it was all her animal self could manage as her fur turned to skin and her sleek body became a series of fleshy curves. When she finished, she stood and waited for him to speak.

Instead, Forrest circled Bailey like a predator stalking his prey. He dipped his head and sniffed her hair. The heat of his breath shimmered across her skin. When he faced her again, his eyes were lit with something akin to fire.

She resisted the urge to cover herself. “If you don’t quit looking at me like that, I’m going to shift back into a fox.”

“Looking at you like what?”

“You know, like I’m a push-up pop that you can’t wait to suck on.”

“Oh, I haven’t had an orange Creamsicle in years. I bet you taste really good.”

Bailey wet her lips and swallowed the knot in her throat. “You’re teasing me.”

Forrest growled low, sexy. The sound made her lower parts go tight and wet. He inhaled deeply through his nose. “I can smell your arousal, Bailey.” His tone had dropped two octaves lower than normal.

Emboldened by him, she asked, “Is the big bad wolf going to eat me?”

“Only if you ask nicely.” Forrest’s voice went tight and quiet. “Come here.”

Unable to resist him, she took a step in his direction.

“Closer,” he whispered, barely audible. “I want to tell you something.”

Cautiously, Bailey drew close enough to feel the rising heat from his skin.

Quick as a cobra strike, Forrest’s arm wrapped around her, his large palm sweeping behind her neck. She yipped as he pulled her against him; the feel of his hard flesh against her skin stole her breath.

“That’s better.” He grinned.

Before Bailey could respond, he covered her mouth with his. His tongue slipped between her lips, and while her mind told her this was a very bad idea, her libido had plans of its own. She met his kiss with fierce passion. Her tongue danced against his until she felt a sharp pain then the taste of blood. Her damn canines had dropped with her fox just below the surface, and she’d punctured his tongue.

Her first impulse was to pull back when the warm salted liquid dusted her taste buds, but the way it provoked Forrest’s passion spurred Bailey on. His cock rubbed against her stomach just below her breasts.

“Fuck,” he said in a harsh whisper. “You drive me wild, woman.” He lifted her from the ground and wrapped his arms around her tightly while he feasted on her lips. “You’re so goddamn beautiful. Beautiful.”

“You’re aggravating.” She moaned. “And arrogant.”

“And beautiful,” he added.

“Yes,” she panted. “And that. Definitely that.”

His hands under her thighs moved until his fingers dipped into the folds of her swollen sex. “I want to feel you, smell you, taste you…” He held her easily as he brought his glistening fingers wet with her fluids to his mouth and sucked them, his eyes never leaving hers.

Bailey drew a staggering breath at the sight as she watched him. His eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as he fed himself from her.

“God, you taste better than honey and spice.” He dipped his hand once again, fingers playing along her heated core, dipping the tip of his middle finger inside her as she moved against the pressure. Then again, he pulled his hand out to taste. She was surprised when he placed one finger to her mouth and traced her lips before sucking his finger clean again. Bailey watched his eyes glitter with hunger and savage lust. Raw and unfettered.

With another growl, he dropped to his knees and laid her on the mossy ground. He trailed kisses down her chin and neck as he made his way to her breasts, cupping them with his strong hands and playing her nipples between his fingers. He nuzzled his face against her, his hot breath giving rise to gooseflesh on her skin.

“Fuck, I want you.” Bailey closed her eyes and groaned as her body reacted, breasts tightening, nipples hard, and her pussy slick with heat. The heady scent of sandalwood filled her with a sense of unquenchable need.

He suckled her breast, teasing her tightening areola with his tongue, tugging gently at her nipple with his teeth. His mouth moved farther down her stomach, and his head dipped between her legs.

“Ah!” she cried out as his tongue slid against her, curling and flicking her clit.

His hand molded to her breast as he came up and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue fighting for occupation in her mouth, then back down between her legs to lick and suck the tender flesh. He hooked his other hand under her thigh, lifting her to delve his tongue deeply into the heat of her pulsing core.

She grasped his hair, squeezing her hands against the coolness of the short curls while his face worked gloriously between her legs. She pulled him up for another kiss, licking her own juices from his shiny wet lips. His eyes had been closed, and when he opened them, a yellow ring of amber had pushed all the blue from his irises.

Forrest snarled as he took two fingers and plunged them into her pussy, his teeth nipping her lower lip.

“Fuck, oh fuck,” she moaned into his mouth.

“Yes,” he said. “That’s the plan.”

He pulled his fingers from her and steadied his large, solid cock between her thighs. He rubbed the head against her clit, making her squirm beneath him, pleasure enhanced by the building excitement.

Bailey forced herself to stop moving against him. She needed to feel him inside her. She wanted him, at that moment, more than she wanted air. “I want you. I want you in me. Now. Fuck me.”

Growling, Forrest leaned back and flipped Bailey onto her knees, her ass pressed against his thighs. With the flat of his palm, he pressed the middle of her back down until her elbows rested on the ground and her buttocks were on full display for him.

Her insecurities niggled their way through the heady lust, and she tried to move away. This was not a flattering angle.

“Stop,” Forrest commanded. He splayed his hands across her cheeks, spreading her open for his view. “Your ass is as sweet as your pussy.”

“Jayz-z-zus,” she stuttered as his blatant observation stole her breath. He traced the curves of her bottom with his fingers while his thumbs slid the crack. She heard a whimper and a chuckle. The whimper was her, the chuckle, him. God, he had her right where he wanted her. “Don’t play games with me, Forrest.”

“But I like playing games with you, Bailey.” His slid the head of his cock between the slick folds and used the tip to circle her clit.”

“Fucking hell,” Bailey gritted out. “Take me already. Now.”

His hand slipped around her chest, cupping the mound of flesh. “You are mine,” he whispered hoarsely. He pinched her nipple between his fingertips as he simultaneously bit down gently on her shoulder and pushed his thick cock against her opening. He entered her slowly, inch by languid inch.

“Yes,” she said. “Oh, God.”

“You’re so tight,” Forrest said. “I can feel you squeezing me. Fuck.” His voice was strained, and the sound of him losing control turned Bailey on even more. He gripped her tighter as he entered her completely and held her as her body adjusted to his size.

“God, you’re huge,” Bailey said. “Jesus.” Even completely wet, the accommodation to his girth took a minute.

“Am I hurting you?” Forrest asked.

“Yes,” Bailey answered. “But don’t stop.”

He nipped her ear. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

He withdrew a little, and Bailey sucked in a breath. He began to move against her, slow, shallow thrusts, with more control than she thought anyone possible. Soon, her muscles relaxed and the friction bringing rise to the pleasure.

“You feel good,” she crooned. “So good.”

“You like the way my cock feels inside you?”

“Yes,” she panted. “God, yes.”

“I can’t keep up this control much longer. My dick is going to explode.”

“Take me,” Bailey said. “Hard. Fast. Whatever you want. I want your passion, not your control.”

“Jesus, woman.” The words tore from his mouth as a declaration. Pleasure soared through Bailey as he quickened his thrusts, his hips pounding against her ass as he gave over to abandon. Their moans met in chorus. As he squeezed her hips with his fingers, his nails digging in, as the sound of their flesh slapping together took Bailey to the brink. Her pussy felt electrified with every driving joust of his hips. Her skin vibrated as ripples of ecstasy rolled down her spine.

Shit, she was going to come and hard.

His teeth bore down into her flesh, not enough to break the skin, but enough to hurt. The pain heightened the sensations as blood and heat raced to her lower regions, making her feel impossibly swollen around his rock-hard shaft. He was dominating her, which should have freaked her out, but she didn’t care.

His teeth released the skin on her shoulder as a sound, much like a howl only lower, pushed through his mouth. One hand gripped the back of her neck, while the other rested on her ass.

“Bailey, my beautiful Bailey.” He said her name like a prayer. “So good watching my cock slide in and out of your pussy. Hot and wet.” He lightly slapped her ass, and then dug his fingers into the giving flesh. “You feel so right, Bailey Corsac.” He surged forward again and added another light slap.

“Oh, God…” Her words bit off at the end of a groan of ecstasy as his thumb slid over the circular opening of her ass, the pressure building inside her like a dam trying to hold back the ocean.

“Tell me you want me,” he grunted as he pumped his cock into her so hard her elbows buckled, landing her face in the grass.

She pushed herself up and leaned back into force of his onslaught. “I want you.”

“Only me,” he said.

“Only you!” The words tore from her as pain and pleasure opened her up.

BOOK: Sassy Ever After: Mate of Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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