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Authors: Linda Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Sarah's Child (23 page)

BOOK: Sarah's Child
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He grinned. Ive always been extremely gallant, as far as my squeamishness will allow.

Their lunch arrived, and Sarah ate hers with a good appetite, the best shed had in days. Max waved his fork at her. I realize now why Rome was so determined to have exclusive rights to you. After the trauma of his past, he must have been desperate to make certain of you, to put some sort of stability back into his life. He didnt know that you loved him, did he?

No, not then. He does now.

He loves you too. I realize that he didnt when you got married, but hes not an idiot, so he promptly recognized what a treasure he had. Hes still a barbarian, of course, but hes bloody smart, and stupidity is really the only thing I cant abide. It galls me, sometimes, to find that I like him as well as I do.

Max was priceless, using his casual, caustic wit to cheer her up and reassure her at the same time. He was sincere in his offer of help too. She was lucky in being surrounded by friends who cared for both her and Rome. Rome might feel as if his back were to the wall and he had to fight for his marriage, but in truth people cared about him and would do anything to help. Max had reassured Sarah of Romes whereabouts the two nights hed been away from her, as much to help Rome as to relieve Sarahs mind. He didnt want Romes marriage in jeopardy over an erroneous conclusion.

Youre a marvelous man, she told him, then had to tease, What you need is a marvelous Texas girl to shake you out of your British reserve.

He gave her a long mocking look. My British reserve is tossed out the window on certain occasions, love, and for your information, Ive found a marvelous Texas woman. I would take her home to meet the family, but she wants taming first. Im breaking her to the saddle, I believe is how you Texans would say it.

The idea of sophisticated Max with a fiery drawling woman was fascinating. She leaned forward, a multitude of questions bubbling to her lips, but he lifted a brow at her. No, I do not kiss and tell, he said gently. Have you finished with your lunch?

Rome came to her bed that night and made love to her very gently. She clung to him, responding to him eagerly. Afterward, when he started to leave, she put her hand on his arm. Please, not yet. Stay with me a while longer.

He hesitated, then lay back down and took her in his arms. I dont want to hurt you, he said into the darkness, his voice rough velvet. I want you too much; if I stay, well be making love again.

The way hed thought of it had changed, she noticed. When they first married, hed always avoided the phrase making love. She rubbed her cheek against the crisp curls on his chest, then tenderly bit his nipple. I hope so, she said, and there was a smile in her voice. Id like you to sleep with me again, for as long as you feel comfortable with me.

He tangled his fingers in her hair and tilted her head back. Comfortable? This is how I feel with you, he said, taking her hand and sliding it down his body. He was as eager for her as if they hadnt already made love. Its not very comfortable, but thats the way you affect me. If youre not physically able to spend the night the way Id like to, then youd better let me go.

Im able, she breathed, wiggling atop him. Im perfectly healthy.

He was careful with her, restraining his power and not letting her do too much. She knew his concern was solely for her, not for the baby, but still it warmed her. In the darkness he told her he loved her, and when they finally slept, he held her clasped to his side. Pregnancy forced her to get up several times during the night; every time she returned to bed, it was to find him awake. Without a word hed draw her back into his arms.

When she went in for her biweekly examination, Dr. Easterwood checked her thoroughly, then gave her the thumbs-up sign. Perfect, she pronounced. Any morning sickness, or spotting?

Nothing, Sarah reported happily.

Good. Lets keep it that way.

Why are you seeing me every two weeks?

Your age, and the fact that its your first child. Im being overly cautious, Im certain, but I want to deliver that baby in November. Take your vitamins, and every two hours, I want you to take a thirty-minute break, with your feet up. No exceptions.

Taking a thirty-minute break at the store was an iffy thing, until the customers found out that she was pregnant. She told Erica what Dr. Easterwood had said, and soon, promptly at eleven oclock in the morning, Erica or someone in the store would say, Its time for your rest. The baby was becoming a community project. Marcie got in the habit of dropping by at least once a day, Max came by at unexpected times, Erica and the customers rigidly supervised her rest, and Derek oversaw the entire operation. If she lifted anything, Derek somehow found out about it, and a gentle scolding from him had the power to make her feel as if lightning could strike her at any moment.

She was in her fourth month when Rome came home unexpectedly early one Wednesday, the day when the store was closed after lunch. She was putting new shelf paper in the cabinets, and she was working on the bottom shelves, down on her hands and knees, with her entire torso inside the cabinet. Rome looked at her, bent down to grasp her hips, and firmly drew her out. Im hiring someone to do the housework, he said calmly. Tomorrow.

The idea amused her. Millions of women all over the world do housework while theyre pregnant until the very day they give birth.

You arent millions of women, he said. If I didnt travel so much, it would be different. I can help you while Im here, but when Im gone, I want to know that you arent climbing around on cabinets, or in them.

Shed done it before, when she wasnt pregnant, but she didnt point that out to him. Having his concern based on her pregnancy was a very good sign. It wasnt because she was awkward or clumsy, because even though she was four months pregnant, she had gained only one pound and was still wearing her normal clothes. The only visible sign of her pregnancy was the increased plumpness of her breasts, and then-added sensitivity, both of which seemed to fascinate Rome.

He leaned down and kissed her. Promise me, he said, and she did.

He was quieter than he had been before, at the same time both closer and more remote. She couldnt tell what he was thinking, but whenever he went on a trip, he called more often to check on her. When he was home and had a business dinner, he more often than not arranged for wives to attend, so she wouldnt be spending the evening alone. His hand was always on the small of her back when they walked, and he always held her hand while she was getting into or out of his car. But he never asked about the baby, how her latest checkup had gone, or even when it was due, though if he could count, he should have been able to figure that out.

She knew she wouldnt have the joy of picking out baby names with him, or speculating on the fascinating subject of whether it was a boy or a girl. On the other hand, a lot of fathers exhibited little or no interest in their offspring, then went to pieces when labor began. She still hoped. She had to hope, though she knew she had to face a lot of heartbreak in the future, not the least of which would be trying to explain to a small child that Daddy wasnt to be botheredever.

But she had a baby to prepare for, with or without Rome, so she quietly began preparing the third bedroom as a nursery. To make room for baby furniture she had Derek help her move several items of furniture shed brought from her old apartment, and those she took down to the store and sold them. Mar-cie took her shopping, calling on her half-forgotten experiences as a new mother in helping Sarah select what shed need. A baby bed was bought and installed, with a merry crib-mobile attached to it, ready to be wound up to fascinate the infant who would occupy the bed. A cradle and a rocking chair took up residence. A teddy bear appeared one afternoon, sitting smugly in the passenger seat of her car, but when Sarah looked around for Derek hed already disappeared from sight. The teddy bear was placed in the rocking chair and promptly named Boo-Boo.

One night, searching for some papers hed misplaced, Rome opened the door of the third bedroom and turned on the light. He froze momentarily, then quickly turned out the light and backed out of the room, closing the door behind him. His face was white. He didnt open the door again.

Sarah asked Marcie to attend natural childbirth classes with her, to be her coach and partner. Marcie drew a quick breath. Are you certain? she asked, pleased but uneasy at the same time. I really dont know anything about having babies. I mean, I had Derek, but he had it all organized. She blushed like a young girl. That sounds stupid, but I swear, thats the way it seemed. I went into labor at eight oclock in the morning, just as the doctor was making his rounds at the hospital. Derek has always been considerate. He was born at nine thirty, with no trouble and very little effort on my part, just a few pushes. He cried by himself, before the doctor could make him, then began sucking on his fist and went to sleep. That was it.

They looked at each other; then Marcie rolled her eyes and they began laughing.

Sarah did all the exercises Dr. Easterwood recommended to strengthen her back and abdominal muscles, and took her vitamins faithfully. When she was five months pregnant, Dr. Easterwood performed a relatively simple test, drawing a small amount of amniotic fluid from Sarahs womb. The baby was pronounced perfectly normal, and the doctor then confessed that that had been her foremost concern, but everything was going along great guns.

Soon after that, Rome settled her into place one night to sleep, with her head on his shoulder and her body curved against him. Hed just made love to her, and Sarah was sleepy, her body replete. At that moment, the baby kicked, hard, the first time it had moved so vigorously. Sarah had felt small, discrete flutters for several weeks but never before an honest kick. The tiny foot thudded against her abdomen where she was pressed into Romes side. He went rigid, then shot out of bed, stifling a curse.

He turned on the light, and Sarah stared at him, uncontrollable tears stinging her eyes. He was sweating. Im sorry, he said hoarsely. He leaned down and kissed her, stroking her hair. I love you, but I cant take it. Ill sleep in my bedroom until after its born.

She tried to smile, despite the tears in her eyes. I understand. Im sorry too.

Two days later he left on an extended trip. Sarah suspected that hed volunteered for it, but if that were so, she supposed she couldnt blame him. Things were out of his control, and despite his efforts to ignore it, her pregnancy kept making itself obvious to him. Her figure was rounding out now, and she had to wear maternity clothes. The baby had changed his sleeping habits and his love life; no wonder he felt the need to get away.

While Rome was gone Max called her every day. Shed never been so cosseted in her life, all because of a perfectly normal pregnancy. Derek ruled her like a gentle despot at the store, and since school was out for the summer, there was no break from him. He was there when she arrived and left only when she did. The only privacy she had was when she went home at night to the perfectly clean apartment. Rome had indeed hired a housekeeper, a nice comfortable middle-aged woman who didnt at all mind receiving a nice salary for cleaning an apartment that was never really mussed anyway. Mrs. Melton knew a good deal when she saw it, and the apartment was always spotless, the laundry always done. If it hadnt been for the interest and distraction of the store, Sarah would have gone crazy.

Rome was gone for three weeks, three of the longest weeks of her life, but everyone made a herculean effort to keep her cheered up. Not everyone knew all of the circumstancesonly Marcie, Derek, and Maxbut all her customers fussed over her as well. If only Rome had looked forward to his childs birth with even a fraction of the eagerness that relative strangers revealed, shed have been delirious with joy.

He called her at work one day to tell her briefly that he was in a meeting but would be home the next day. Sarah hung up the phone and began crying.

Derek took her in his arms and led her to the office, closing the door behind them. She cried on his strong young shoulder, while he rocked her soothingly back and forth. Then he dried her eyes and seated her in her chair, pulling up the other chair to sit before her.

Was that Rome?

Yes. Hell be home tomorrow. She gave a watery sniffle. I was just so glad to hear his voice and know hell be home soon that I couldnt handle it.

He smiled and patted her knee. I received the final confirmation on my scholarship yesterday, he said, taking her mind away from Rome. Rome and Mr. Conroy really went to bat for me, didnt they? And all because of you.

Im glad for you. You deserve the best.

He was watching her steadily. Ive been reading about pregnancy and childbirth, just in case something happens and you need me, before you can get to a hospital. I think I could deliver a baby.

There was no doubt in Sarahs mind, if Derek had been reading up on something, he could do it. Some people would have thought hed changed the subject, but knowing Derek, she simply waited for him to tie delivering a baby in with his scholarship.

Ive decided that Im going to be a doctor, he said, with great dignity. An obstetrician. Watching you grow, with the baby inside you, is the greatest thing Ive ever seen. I want to help a lot of babies into the world.

I cant think of a better start a child could have, Sarah said, touched almost to tears. No man would be a better doctor than Derek Taliferro.

I love you, you know. His calm golden brown eyes drifted over her face. Youve given me a chance I wouldnt have had otherwise, and helped Mom too. Im not talking man-woman love, because Im not ready for that, but its still love. He leaned over and put his palm on the swell of her stomach, a touch of love. But if this baby is a girl, I just might wait for her. I figure your daughter would have to be something really special.

BOOK: Sarah's Child
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