Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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Note from Talyn:
  This book is an erotic read for adults only and contains overly dominant males – can’t stress that enough – featuring ménage, light bondage, some spanking, blood drinking, voyeurism, mild exhibitionism…

Sanibel Seduction
Vampire Werewolf Menage
Fanged Romance Series Book Four
Talyn Scott
Books in this series:
Fanged Romance Series in reading order:
Book One Sanibel Heat
Book Two Sanibel Burn
Book Three Sanibel Sizzle
Book Four Sanibel Seduction
Also available from this author:
The Six Feet Under Series
Book One Captiva Captive
Scotland 1818
n a dark, dangerous road, plump lips met his, warm and giving… just like the rest of her. “Clarice, I tire of meeting you this way,” Gage moaned into her mouth, hands sliding to her waist and gripping her possessively, “as if we have something to hide.”

She pulled her face away and gazed at him for a long moment, reflecting on his love for her. That was something he
to hide. Green eyes surrounded by impossibly red lashes blinked away what he thought might be genuine tears before she layered her body against his, bracing her delicate hands on his shoulders and pressing her feminine heat everywhere. Curvy hips straddled narrowed ones as she impaled herself on his cock, taking him nearly half way inside her wet lushness with one greedy stroke.

“You are all I want,” Gage rasped, pushing her skirts high upon her hips so he could see their joining. Sweet pussy suckled him, easing his cock up, and milking it with every jostle, dip and sway negotiated by his carriage. Watching was a pleasure within itself. But the silky feel of her drew his balls painfully tight, close to aching, and edging on that bite of pain he always needed. A sensual torture he enjoyed immensely, and by the look on her face, she did, as well. And although their bodies cooperated beautifully with one another, Clarice captured his heart most of all. Just not his Beast’s, not even a stir.

Because she was not his true one.

She is not mine,
his Beast growled lazily.

But I love her more than my very life,
he pleaded to no avail.

Guilt always found a way to torment him. Gage knew he should send her away. A creature governed and empowered by the moon should not take humans as lovers, especially ones who were not mates. A mistake he made without considering her future. Dangerous games, he’d started weeks ago. He realized his mistake during their first encounter. After she had tasted what a celestial creature offered, more than a human male could bring to her bed, how could she go back to mediocrity? The common no longer appealed to her. He was her addiction. He wholly understood. She was his addiction. However long it lasted, Gage did not want to stop this time between them, couldn’t send Clarice away if he tried. And she rode him as if the devil himself were fast on her heels, she risked her soul to be with the forbidden this night.

How do I make the forbidden acceptable?

It would never happen.

One day, Clarice would die.

But he would always live.

In any event, he would enjoy the bounty before him. Live in this one moment. While circling her right nipple through the silk with his canine, she groaned his name, repeating it in supplication. One he would answer when he felt good and ready. Clarice dug her fingertips into his shoulde
rs. Her eyes widened when she reached
her first climax. Her eager body tightened like an angry fist around his cock. He stilled her with one hand, easily taking control of her movements. Clarice swallowed hard, knowing better than to protest his actions when he deemed it

He protracted a single claw. Watching as she followed it with wary eyes. “So tell me where it goes this night, Lady Clarice?” Trailing it down her face, he slipped it between those cushioned lips – the precise ones he fucked just last night. He gently scraped it over her tongue, hating how he loved her so, and his Beast couldn’t approve. “Cat got your tongue, Love?” He dragged it out. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. But she caught it between her teeth, nipping her tongue on its deadly edge.

“Naughty,” he admonished, studying the crimson now trailing her delicate chin. The bite of pain Clarice always longed for in one fashion or another. He longed, too, wanting to follow it with his mouth, but knew he would never let her go after tasting her in that way. Turning his eyes away, moving them lower, he trailed a solitary claw over the line of her jugular, and then swiped it back and forth over her clavicle. Teasing her with carnal danger, the exact reason she sought him this night. Her sweet heat sucked him higher, dripping down in the process, soaking his trews. She needed more. So did he.

He brought his hand down, tearing through her bodice and spilling her creamy flesh before his hungry gaze. Heavy breasts swung with every rustle of his rolling carriage. Gage dipped his head, catching her flushed nipple between his canines.

That was when he saw
so cleverly hidden. Or maybe this was the night that he was
to notice.

In a blurring movement, he landed behind her. “Grab onto the seat, Clarice,” he commanded over her loud gasps, his Beast holding on by a thin thread threatening to break any second. And through her trepidation, he scented her heavy arousal overriding her uneasiness. That just egged him on. “You enjoy the dangerous games you play?”


“Only one more time,” he answered cryptically. The only explanation she would get. “Both hands, hold on tight, a ride within a ride,” Gage explained, partially releasing his Were beast. Three breaths in, on a long hiss out. Again. Three breaths in, one angry exhale out. “Part your thighs,” he growled, his leashed ferocity increasing her cream. “Not good enough. Wider.”

He trembled from pain, his heart ravaged by her deceit. Gage stared down at his sodden cock, her arousal for him - the sum of their relationship. Primordial dominance was all she wanted. Clarice was a whore to the immortal flesh, yet he was acting as her whore. “I will treat you in the manner you desire, Lady Clarice. I am your humble servant.”

“W-what?” Lost in escalating ecstasy, she was too far gone to care what she was doing to him, shattering his heart meant nothing to her. “Put it back in, I beg of you!”

“It is easy to forget,” he growled from behind her, releasing her copper mane and sending hairpins flying in every direction, “when your body consumes mine.” Gage yanked her curling tresses, twisting them around his hand before gripping them in a fist. “That I am the true predator here.” He slammed inside her as far as he could go, reaching everything, and leaving nothing untouched. “Does he get this far, before he slips away?” He pulled her hair, bringing her nape to his panting mouth. Three breaths in, one furious exhale out.

“No-one else,” she protested, “no-one but you.”

“You are such perfection. Such creamy flesh, red stark on white” – he studied her chin again, rethinking his blood abstinence – “it looks delicious.”

“Please. More. More. More.” Crazed passion reduced her to one word sentences, her body thrashing beneath his in a darkly erotic delirium, a place where he held the power. Always. “G-gage?”

Keeping a sure grip on her hair, he fully extended his canines. With a sharp tug, he bit down as if her were a vampire youngling, ravaging her slim throat. “I fell for it.” He whispered between sips. “I
you.” Of course, she melted around his dick all the more, climaxing repeatedly with every draw he took. Never caring for his entreaties, but wanting more of what his cock could do for her. He pinched her hardened nipple with his free hand, never easing up on her dripping pussy, drilling her relentlessly. Wet fleshy sounds filled his carriage, his body slamming hers mercilessly, a pleasure they would never share again. “This night, you will stay until
am finished,” he said when he drew away from her throat, staring at his brutal mark coloring her alabaster skin. “Prepare yourself.” He brought his thumb to her dark crevice, and she shuddered in ecstasy, pleading for him all the more.

“More,” she whimpered her one word mantra. Love had never entered her thoughts.

“Why, of course” – he buried his thumb into her dark opening as he seated himself fully in her pussy, holding still only to rake his sharp teeth up her spine. “Nothing will go untouched by me.” He went back to his mark, swallowing her blood as she swallowed his heart. Penetrating her three ways until a sharp sound hit overhead, slowing his carriage to a stop. “Ah, Lady Clarice, that would be your vampire paying us a visit.” He removed his body from hers in immortal speed, staring down at her with utter loathing and a deadened heart.

She wrapped her trembling hands around her throat, studying the only door. “He cannot find me in such a manner.”

“He does not care for sharing?” Vampires hated werewolves, would die before they communed sexually. But that wasn’t his point.

“He does not k-know.”

At that, Gage laughed heartily. “You think he has not scented me on you?” The barest flicker brushed her eyes, telling him all he needed to know. The Vampire Coven may have orchestrated everything, but she – a human - was in on it, and obviously she knew what she was doing. “You led them here” - any immortal could follow blood he’d tasted, which meant the vampires followed her - “to take down our Pack.” One that had remained hidden by an eternal miasma would be unearthed tonight, all because Gage foolishly loved a human woman. The Were younglings would die first since vampires drank youthful power above all. Sought it like heaven’s manna.

She didn’t bother scrambling for her garments when her vampire opened the door, pulling her outside. “Well done, Clarice,” he praised her, hissing in the way vampires do.

Gage had his pants fastened, jumping down behind her. “She is yours.”

“Property only,” he sneered “I allowed you time with my favorite pet. But there’s a price to pay.” Gage didn’t believe a word out of his lying mouth. He’d marked Clarice as his mate, but found it ethical to use her body to bring down the Scottish Pack.

With a cruel twist to his lips, the vampire snapped his fingers and his Coven Master brought Ciaran forward, Alpha of Scotland. He’d been beaten to bones, but Gage knew his real power, and he’d surrendered for only one reason. And that reason was upon them: They would thin the Vampire Coven this night, reduce their numbers to nothing.

When the moon glinted on Ciaran’s torque, Gage’s Beast flashed brightly, lashing out at the Coven Master with claws of steel which instantly reduced him to a puddle of blood and flesh. Ciaran then wrapped his tattooed arm around Clarice’s mate, holding his head to face Gage. “Be done with it, MacGelton. Flesh for the flesh we’ve already lost this night,” he bellowed. “He will spread the word. We will never,
bow down to bloodsuckers.”

At that, Gage understood his Alpha’s order. Turning to a trembling Clarice, he bared his teeth, sinking into her throat for a final time. Quick and as painless as he could make it, he pulled away, ripping her flesh open. Bathing in her blood, he murdered the first woman he had ever loved. Clarice’s head fell one way and her body toppled in the opposite direction, landing at her mate’s feet.

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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