Saints and Sinners (12 page)

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Authors: Shawna Moore

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Historical

BOOK: Saints and Sinners
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“Thought you might be thirsty, my pretty Flapper.”

Moira changed position on the couch. He strained and trained his gaze on her crotch. Was he seeing things? Had she forgotten to wear drawers tonight? His head pounded with the possibility. The milky skin on her thighs invoked a sense of urgency in him. She didn’t realize the effect she was having over him. Or did she? She played a game of peek-a-boo with the cushion cradled against her full breasts. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her. When she lay on her side, the bodice of her dress gapped. Her left breast popped into view.

Giggling, she kicked off the other flappe and he caught it midair. He filled the slipper with the sparkling liquor. A quick flick of his wrist sent the bubbling spirit into his mouth and down his throat.

Reilly smacked his lips. His real thirst was far from quenched. What he wouldn’t do for taste of her lovely piss flaps.

“You’re awful, ruining my shoe like that.” She laughed and spread her legs wider.

“Maybe? But you’re about to find out just how good I can be. Are you as wet as I think?”

Flopping beside her on the couch, he tossed the shoe away. He pinned her down and plunged three fingers into her heat. Back and forth, he jerked his wrist while she locked her left leg around his back.

“Oooh, deeper, Reilly. Make me even wetter.”

He latched his lips around one of her pink nipples. She strained and ground her snatch against his hand. So tight, she was.

Reilly unfastened his fly and skivvies. Now his cock was free to find her hot honey pot. By now, he’d worked four fingers inside her. His thumb tweaked the swollen bud at her verge. When he pulled them out, he licked away her musky glaze.

Heaven on earth. His Moira. The woman he’d adored.

* * * *

Moira pressed her body against his. How wonderful, and her wildest dream coming true. Together they tumbled, and she finally came to rest in an upright position. Reilly removed his shirt and tossed it across the room. It landed near a chessboard. A game, already in progress, awaited two players with time and patience. Well, she didn’t know much about chess, but maybe Reilly would teach her? She clambered off the couch and approached the game board.

“Where are you going?” Reilly asked, his voice quivering at his abandonment.

“I’ve never seen real ivory pieces before.” She cupped one of the chess pieces in her hand.

“Don’t touch that! If it’s moved, Uncle Morgan will curse the ground I walk on.”

Moira dropped the piece but soon picked it up. She stroked its smoothness. “No need to get excited. I was just admiring it. There are only a couple pieces left on the board.”

She studied the odd game piece in the middle of the board. Her body was quite limber and could do many things. She prayed and willed her trick to work.

Straddling the chessboard, she slid down into a split worthy of a can-can dancer. Careful not to upset the precious pieces and inflame Reilly further, she propped herself up on her fingertips. Just a little bit lower and I’ll do something he’ll really enjoy.

The chiffon dress billowed out and covered her lower body. Good, now he won’t know what I’m up to. She eased her crotch over the most intriguing chess piece and gasped as the smooth ivory and carved edges brushed against her sensitive lips. Her legs tingled, and the end of the chess piece slipped into her wetness. Squeezing the muscles in her bottom, she smiled at her feat.

“Dammit. Be careful, Moira. If you knock those pieces over, he’ll raise Hell.”

“Blame it on me. I don’t care. What will he do to me?”

“More than the Devil himself. Just what are you doing anyway?” He patted the place beside him.

“Just stretching my legs a bit. All that dancing has my legs and dogs tired.”

“Come on over here and I’ll rub you the right way.”

She tried to keep a straight face but probably wasn’t succeeding. “Oh, applesauce. You don’t know how to have fun, Reilly Dunne.”

“Oh, yes I do. Sure as shit, fun doesn’t factor into playing a game of chess with a swell girl like you.”

After struggling to her feet, Moira waddled over to him. “I have a little surprise for you.” She blew him a kiss on the air.

“Come and give it to me, sugar. I’ve been waiting like a good boy.”

“Oh, you’re not a good boy, and I’m not sweet as sugar all the time.”

“Well, what’s your surprise?” he inquired. Those blazing blue eyes of his burned into her very soul.

“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”

* * * *

Blood raced through his body and cock. Come on, Moira. Deliver the goods. He closed his eyes. As he waited, his hands trembled.


The first thing he saw upon opening his eyes was the pawn from the chessboard. Then his cock fell to half-mast. Son of a freakin’ bitch. What was she doing? How was she doing it?

He sniffed. Her honey pot was hotter than Hades.

“Where was this, Moira?”

Like a naughty child, she stuck a finger in her mouth and sucked on it. “I know where it goes, don’t worry. Don’t be sore I messed it up.”

Her green lamps flashed ‘go’. How he wanted to drive his cock into her. Never pull it back out.

Reilly moved the pawn back and forth on his palm. Where it had rested, a noticeable dampness lingered. He picked up the pawn and placed it against his lips. Slowly, he traced his tongue over the ivory. At his discovery, he almost pissed himself. Moira had somehow managed to put this piece between her sweet flaps. How?

He licked the pawn clean. “That’s the best mess I’ve ever tasted. I’ll put it back a little later.”

Her smile faded, and her gaze shifted between his face and hand. She studied him for some reason.

“Reilly? What’s wrong with your knuckles? They look like you tried to run your fist through a wall.”

Almost. His Uncle Morgan’s jaw was nearly as hard. Not as hard as his head. “Nothing. It’ll be okay.” Yeah, if he managed to get out of this high-priced whorehouse soon. Sixth Avenue had plenty of places he could live. If he played his cards right, one day he and Moira would have a nice place of their own. Maybe in the Uppers?

She placed her warm hand over his. “Please give me that, and I’ll put it back.”

Reluctantly, Reilly passed her the pawn. Yes, Moira Monaghan was definitely marked as a pawn in Morgan Dunne’s game. Damned if she’d ever suffer such a fate. Not if he could help it.

Get her mind off the goddamned chessboard. “Someone’s let down her hair tonight.”

“Me?” She snatched the pawn from his palm.

Her hips swayed as she walked over to the chessboard and replaced it. She might pout like an innocent child, but he knew better. Moira wanted to explore her deepest desires and he’d more than oblige.

“Yes, you. Come back over here beside me. I’m getting cold without you around.” Reilly crooked a finger and she returned. Once seated, she settled against him like a good suit.

Her long fingers caressed his bare cock. “We’re playing a lot tonight, but not on the piano.”

“Nope. Nothing like that.”

Her red lips parted as she moved her fingers over his hardness. Would she put his cock in her mouth?

For a while, they stroked each other, but he wanted more. Much more. His brain almost exploded from erotic thoughts. She’d look better on the pool table, but his bed lay just beyond.

He squeezed the softness of her thigh. When she playfully slapped his hand away, he persisted and fondled a spot higher on her lovely leg.

“Ooooh, Reilly. You’ll be the ruin of me.”

“Not the ruin, sugar. Only the creation.”

“Creation?” She nibbled her lower lip.

“I’ll make you shine like the stars in the sky before tonight’s over.” His fingers itched to touch more of her. To again feel the soft and secret places no man had probably ever touched.

“How will you do that?” She cocked her head to the side as though attempting to crack his masculine code.

“Any way you’d like.”

His teased his fingers through the wet curls between her legs. Underneath his touch, she fidgeted and squirmed. Her breath came in little snorts and gasps.

“You’re a sinner, Reilly Dunne. A dirty, rotten sinner.”

“And you’re lovin’ my sinnin’ ways, aren’t you?”

The slick, soft flaps yielded to his probing, and he flicked his thumb against her swollen bean.

“Oh, God in Heaven, that feels so nice. Keep doing
and I won’t know what to say.”

He silenced her with a hot one on the kisser. When she struggled, he let her up for air. “Don’t say anything.”

A loud screech sounded. Not that damn deafening alarm. He cursed his luck in life and love. Reilly leaped from the couch and grabbed an open-mouthed Moira.

“Damn it to hell and back.” He flung open the front door to the suite.

“What’s happening? Is there a fire somewhere?”

“Only in my pants. It’s put out now. They’re raiding this hellhole. We have to get out.”

“How? We can’t jump out the windows?”

“Stay close. Don’t let go of my hand, whatever you do.”

Chapter 10

Moira’s gut churned, and her hand dampened underneath Reilly’s. A roaring in her head refused to stop.

Reilly tugged harder. “Don’t stop to look around. Keep close behind me. No matter what.”

“Where are we going?”

“Down the back passageway.”

Partygoers, half-naked and wild-eyed, shoved past her in the hallway. Several stumbled and fell, and she had to step over their drunken and drugged bodies.

Inside Morgan Dunne’s suite, only a few people remained, passed out or hiding underneath furniture. How silly. They’d not get out in time.

Reilly manipulated one of the oaken panels behind his uncle’s desk. After a series of clicks, the section slid open and revealed a landing that led to a staircase.

“Go on. I’ll be right behind,” Reilly said.

Morgan Dunne barked orders from the lower landing. “For God’s sake, boy. Get the two of you down here before the goons arrive and discover us.”

Moira’s feet flew over the steps, and Reilly pulled her along the dark passageway to where his uncle stood. When they reached the imposing figure of Morgan Dunne, she gasped as he pressed a gun into Reilly’s palm. Without a single word, Morgan slipped into the shadows ahead and left them to contemplate their next move.

“What’s that?” Moira whispered and nodded at the gun.

”Nothing you need worry about.” When she tried to forge ahead, Reilly prevented her from moving a single muscle. “Wait here a second. There’s something I have to do.”

From where she stood, she noticed him buff the gun against his tuxedo jacket. He tossed it behind a wooden crate. She shuddered as it clattered against the concrete.

Good for him. He has more sense than to get caught with a loaded weapon.

He gripped her hand tighter than ever. “Come along. We don’t have far to go until we reach the alley.”

“But what about all those others?”

“They’ll get out if they can. If not, then it’s their own stupidity.”

“Won’t they be caught?”

“Please be quiet.” Reilly’s scowl was evident even in the dimly lit tunnel. “They’ve been through raids before. They’ll simply go down in the elevator. Pretend to be like any other guest here. If they don’t smell like liquor, that is. Any number of people living here will give them alibis.” He pushed past her and opened a door at the end of the passageway.

Something furry scampered past her foot, and she prevented herself from looking down. Rats. Something she hated more than anything. True, she’d seen her share of them, but the thought of their razor-sharp teeth biting her ankles… Suddenly, cold air rushed into the passageway, and she sucked it into her lungs.

“Over here,” ordered Reilly, ahead in the doorway.

Moira hastened to his side and grabbed his hand. Together, they climbed the small set of steps. She looked around, confused by the fact that Reilly’s Playboy was nowhere to be seen. “Where are we?”

“Up the block a bit. We went underneath the hotel and a warehouse. Came out on a side street instead of in front.”

Though chilled to the very bone, she shivered more with the moment than with cold. Reilly noticed and bundled his coat around her shoulders.

“Walk slow, like nothing’s wrong,” he said and squeezed her shoulder.

They strolled along like two lovers. On occasion, he nuzzled her cheek and patted her hand. The thought of being caught doing something she shouldn’t urged her forward with Reilly. Moira gasped at noticing a policeman guarding the front entrance to the Meridian. She searched again for Reilly’s roadster, but another car was parked in the spot where they’d been earlier.

“It’s okay,” he said. “I had someone move it while I met with Uncle Morgan. On nights of big parties, I always play it safe. Got it in a garage.”

Freezing rain fell, and Reilly cursed. His breath billowed out and swirled in steam in front of them. “We have to get you back inside and up to my room. I don’t want you coming down with something.”

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