SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance (3 page)

BOOK: SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance
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the fuck are you doing to me?” He muttered under his breath. The desperation in
his voice sunk through the haze of desire. Confused, she stopped moving.


do you mean?” Even over the pumping music he could hear the hurt in her voice.


her around, he forced her to look at the people surrounding them, lost in the
atmosphere of sex and hedonism.


this what you want? Is this what you came here looking for?” Brad spoke
directly in her ear, his lips touching her sensitive flesh, his hot breath
bathing her neck.


leaned back against him, lifting her arms and wrapping them around his neck,
able to reach since he was still hunched over to speak in her ear. To answer
his question, she rubbed her ass against his crotch, finding it much easier to
respond to him when they weren’t looking in each other’s eyes. He could be
anybody instead of the guy she grew up with.


from her, a man was holding another woman much the same way Brad was holding Jillian.
Except he had his hands on her breasts and her skirt was pulled up behind her.
It immediately became clear he was fucking her while they both watched Brad and
Jillian dance. Jillian’s eyes met the eyes of the other woman. In them, Jillian
saw everything she wanted. She had completely given herself up to the music and
the man filling her from behind. The people watching were only fuel for the
fire. There was danger to their encounter. Reckless abandonment. That was what
Jillian wanted.


anyone dared suggest to Jillian she would let a man take her while a crowd
watched, she’d have called them insane. But now it was all she wanted. She sent
a silent plea to Brad behind her to lift up the little dress and plunge his
cock inside her. Her deep inner muscles quivered with longing to have something
long, hard, and strong stroke against them.


Jillian in his arms, Brad could feel his normal everyday self-vacate the room
as he watched the other couple fuck. Now, the man who only came out at night in
the company of strangers and the man who hid from his friends at the police
department, was holding the girl he’d loved all his life. Giving up the ghost,
he moaned and bit down on the soft flesh right behind her ear. He slipped his
hands through the gaping sides of her halter dress and finally, after years of
wanting, grasped her breasts in his hands.


another man would have held them softly after finally being given what he’d
wanted for so long. Not him. He crushed her breasts in his hands, squeezing
them tight. Pressing his now rock hard cock against her ass, he kneaded her
breasts, pinching her nipples hard.


let out a quiet scream. She had no idea if what he was doing hurt horribly or
felt incredibly good. Knowing it was Brad holding her this way only added to
the confusion. But there was nothing she could do anyway. He held her so tight,
she couldn’t move, couldn’t think—she could barely even breath. It was like she
was on a roller coaster, barely holding on for the ride but thrilled


going to fuck you,” he panted in her ear, his words hot and heavy. “I’m going
to fuck you so hard you’ll never be able to even look at another man. Maybe
that will keep you safe.” There was a bite to his words, both in tone and
history. It sent tingles down the back of her neck.


didn’t care what his motives were. She simply let him do as he wanted. He let
go of one of her breasts and plunged his hand down her body to grasp between
her legs. Delving between her thighs, he cupped her entire pussy in his hand,
slipping two fingers in her slick, silky folds.


had discovered a few months ago how much she loved the feeling of her pussy
when it was completely hairless. She had been having it waxed regularly ever
since. Brad was the first man to touch her there since she started waxing,
though touch seemed a weak word for how he handled her. It was like her pussy
belonged to him, and he was finally taking ownership.


Jillian. You’re bare.”


gave a womanly smile at the surprise and desire in his voice. Tilting her head
back so he could hear her, “You like it that way?”


answer, he bit down on her neck again and slipped two fingers inside her. She
was small and tight around him as she let out a vocal whimper. He felt like someone
should take him out and shoot him for touching her young, tender body this way.
But she was groaning and squirming in his arms, still pushing her pert round
ass against him.


though Brad could remember their childhood together—her body was all woman now.
Her father was whippet thin but he remembered seeing pictures of Jillian’s
mother. She had been blessed with bountiful curves, a flat stomach, and tiny
waist. Jillian’s parents had bestowed those traits onto her, and it was those
curves Brad had been trying to ignore all the years: the full swell of her
thighs, the way her ass filled out her jeans, the way her breasts strained
against her t-shirts.


to finally have her body in his arms, to finally feel the way her form dipped
and curved under his hands, it was intoxicating. Her thighs trapped his hand he
had between her legs, holding him close and warm to her body. It was only
because he was a big man with large hands that he could fully hold one of her
breasts in his palm.


her recent nightclub outings, she had never dressed to show off her body, but
hadn’t really tried to hide it either being very comfortable in her skin. Brad
spent many a sleepless night, cock in hand, picturing her naked on top of him,
riding him. He dreamed about having her kneel at his feet, her plump breasts
bouncing against his thighs while he fucked her face, driving his dick down her
throat. He always cursed himself for having those fantasies. But no matter how
many times he cursed himself those images always played in the back of his


of his dream actually cooled his passion. It was one thing to feel her up in
the middle of a crowded club, the fog and crowd rendering them anonymous. It
was quite another to think of the days that would follow. They weren’t
strangers enjoying a one night stand. They were two people with a long
relationship that was incredibly important to both of them.


though she was inexplicably letting him manhandle her on the middle of the
dance floor, it didn’t mean she was ready for or interested in entering his
world of dominance and submission, whips and crops, cages and collars.


warning, Brad yanked his hand out from between her legs and released his hold
on her. She turned to look up at him, confusion written all over her beautiful
face. He shook his head at her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her from the dance
floor. She didn’t fight him, but when they reached the door, he could tell she
was upset when she pulled her hand from his.


want to stay,” she said.


you out of your mind?”


gave him the stubborn look he knew all too well. “You don’t have any right to
tell me where I can and can’t be. I’m twenty-five years old.”


well you’re acting like you’re five.”


him an evil smirk, she put her hands on her hips and thrust her chest out at
him. “Oh, am I really? Is that why you were doing that stuff to me on the dance


with her now, he scowled, his face looking so menacing she got a little scared
instead of stubborn. She could tell she had crossed a line, but he didn’t give
her a chance to apologize. Yanking open the door, he looked at her with his
furious eyes until she slunk past him out into the hot, summer night.


large dirty white van forced her to stop her heated march as it drove past her
in the parking lot, tires splashing in a small puddle.


the door had shut and the music inside faded to only a dim pulse they could
barely hear, it was just the two of them without the influence of the hyped up
club. Since Jillian had come in her friend’s car, it was up to Brad to take her
home. He pointed across the street to where his motorcycle was parked and then
gestured for her to go walk before him across the street. He followed
protectively, daring any of the people milling around outside smoking their
cigarettes to so much as look at her.


they got to his bike, he removed the spare helmet from one of his saddlebags
and handed it to her before climbing on.


where you put your legs so you don’t get burned.”


sat behind him and made sure to keep her exposed calves well away from the
pipes. She had ridden the bike plenty of times before with him and was
typically comfortable sitting in the full rear seat as if she were in a car.
But something had her leaning forward and wrapping her arms around his waist,
pressing her breasts against his back.


What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his voice tight with frustration.


scared I’ll fall off.”


that would be because?”


didn’t answer. Finally, she felt him sigh but he didn’t say anything else, only
turned the bike on and backed away from the curb before taking off down the


was a short drive back to her apartment. She got off the bike and stood on the
sidewalk. Suddenly feeling shy and nervous, she lowered her eyes to the


you going to come inside?” she asked.


And I’d appreciate it if you forgot everything about tonight. It was
inappropriate. Your father was my stepdad, and you’re like a sister to me.” He
spoke in an oddly robotic tone that both scared and angered her.


you kidding me?” she cried, finally looking at him. “How can I forget that? You
had your hand…”


know where I had my fucking hand.” He snatched his helmet off and rubbed his
face in frustrated exhaustion.


his eyes and counting to ten, he tried to think of anything he could say to
make sense of the evening and get his Jilly back on the right path.


himself to be calm, he opened his eyes and looked at her standing there, pride
and shame waring inside her. He got off the bike and stood in front of her,
catching her hands in his.


at me,” Brad ordered, “I know there’s something going on with you. You’re
looking for something and your search is bringing you places you shouldn’t be.
For a moment I thought maybe I could be what you needed, and I could keep you
safe. But I just...I just can’t. I’m not the answer.”


took in what he said. She didn’t have a ton of experience, but she had been
with a few men. The sex was nice, but nothing earth shattering. She knew she
was different from all the women who attached a lot of emotional significance
to sex. It didn’t have the same weight with her. But what she didn’t know was
what she really wanted from a man. For some reason gentle touches and sweet
caresses only left her frustrated and wanting something more.


was the first time she felt a glimmer of getting what she wanted all along. It
had been intense. Animalistic.


had ceased to be her old stepbrother and instantly become her lover. It had
been that easy to see him in a different light, and she was surprisingly
comfortable with the transition. But, obviously, it wasn’t the same for him.
And she felt like he was holding back something else...some other reason for
why they couldn’t be together. But it was only a fleeting feeling she had,
nothing concrete she could ask him about.


gave her a moment to think about what he said before continuing, “I need you to
take better care of yourself. You know you mean the world to me. Please, figure
out what it is you’re looking for and then go find it in a safe way. Can you do
that for me?”


felt herself getting frustrated, unconsciously wringing her hands together and
shuffling her feet.


I don’t know how…” she said in a whisper. “I don’t know what I want or how to
find it. You say you can’t be the answer, but you were. You were the answer
tonight. For the first time I felt like I had found what I’ve been needing.”


stared at her, unable to keep still in her agitation, holding herself like a
child even though she wore a grown up’s dress and had grown up desires. He was
beginning to suspect there was a chance she might actually belong in his world
after all. But that seemed too easy. How could life possibly work that way and
hand him the girl he had yearned for as the perfect submissive for him. This
was the real world, not some erotic novel he downloaded off the internet.

BOOK: SAFE: A Stepbrother Romance
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