RUTHLESS HOLD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) (10 page)

BOOK: RUTHLESS HOLD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)
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advice is to let it all go for now,

Miller said.

Let me do my
Sunday thing with family. Keep her safe and company. Take care of those
prospects. Not today or anything. I

got Jace, Landon, and Erik going on a ride to check on some spots to dump the
prospects. We need to take this slow. Really fucking slow. Any misstep and this
thing will explode. This isn

us versus some other crew, Trev. This is within the MC. Charter versus charter
never ends well. Not when it

the two main charters. Ripper has control of the west coast into Canada, okay?
He spans across the north and down into Nevada. We work together as two
powerful charters to spread as far east as we can reach. Anything that fucks
that up

Trev stepped forward and couldn

t believe the words that were
about to slip from his mouth.

the only way to silence this is to silence her. Make it all go away. Whoever
wants this stirred up must have a good reason to do it. Jenn? Griffin dies and
she sends a letter he wrote?


t know, brother. Right
now, what I do know is this


s the last tie to
Griffin we have. She

s his
bloodline. Putting a bullet in her head is putting a bullet in Griffin

s. I

m not doing that. There

s more to her than we see right now. She could help
us. Just keep her company, Trev. I have to process all this.

Miller walked away and Trev went
back to the apartment. He opened the door and saw Eden sitting at the table.
She had finished her beer. Trev went and got her a fresh one, then joined her
at the table.

They stared at each other for a few


Eden asked.

really picked a fucked up time to come here, sweetheart. I

m really sorry about that.

me too I guess.


re going to keep you safe.

think those guys who killed Dimitrio will come for me?


t know. I don

t think your friend was killed
just to rob the place. They were gunning for you. To silence you.


of what you can do with that letter and picture.

letter is gone,

Eden said.

you and the picture aren

Your words can really hurt this club.

I have power?

Trev laughed.

No. You don

t, sweetheart. But you carry
death in your hand. Which is why I can

let you leave this place. There

a lot going on right now.

Eden slowly stood up.

Then I

m going to get some rest. I

m tired. I finished work last night, watched my
friend get murdered, escaped from three masked men, and then hid with a gun
until morning. I

ve earned
a nap.

go do that,

Trev said.

Remember what I said about me.
When I start, you don

stop me. Or I will feed you to the wolves out there. You think I

m scary? You have no idea what
scary is.

Trev watched Eden walk away, his
eyes following the way her ass moved left to right. He gripped his beer bottle
tight and felt his cock thickening again. She was driving him mad already,
whether she knew it or meant to do it. She wasn

just some woman to dump a load into and walk away. She was far more than that.

There was a knock at the apartment
door and Trev opened it to find Gaige standing there.


Trev said.

is she?

She was up all night in fear of what happened.



s wrong?

have some calls out. Trying to play things as subtle as possible. Two PD cars
are in the lot right now.

fuck, why?

some questions on Emilio

murder. They mentioned the murder at the tattoo shop though. The word is
spreading. They

re going to
want to talk to her.

have to find her first.

it that way,

Gaige said.

This is a fucking mess.

is. But we can

t judge
Griffin just yet. We need to tread carefully, approach Ripper, talk to Jenn.
Sort this out. I can

imagine something from over twenty years ago breaking this all apart now.

you don

t know Ripper,

Gaige said.

He wants Miller to drop the
gavel. He

s always wanted
it. Ripper dreams of running both charters.


t Miller tell me that?


t know. Maybe I shouldn

t be telling you. But I trust
you, Trev. I respect you. You patched in to this club, this charter, and I want
it to remain that way. Us. Back Down Devil MC Frelen.

do I feel like something bad is going to happen?

it is. Something really bad is going to happen. I

telling you if Ripper shows up here you need to be ready to take off with Eden.
Go east to
The Lost Men
. Make a call or two, okay? Secure something.

Gaige. Let me just hang here with her. I have to take care of the prospect
situation. It

ll work out,
bro. We

re not used to this
much action at once. Hasn

happened in a while.


s the hardest part about this
life, Trev. One second the reaper is swinging at you, close enough to feel his
blade slice through the air. The next second, he

gone. Days go by. Weeks go by. Hell, even months could go by. You know the
reaper is there, but he

quiet. It

s like he

s fucking with you, you know?
Then the second you let your guard start to slip, he

s back, ready to take you again.

keeps us alive,

Trev said.

Remember that. You want to
go punch a clock? That

what death really is. We

living to die. Everyone else is dying to live.

brother. Just hang tight in here. I

let you know when the PD splits.

They hugged and Gaige was gone.

Back inside the apartment, Trev walked
to the bedroom.

He slowly opened the door and the
first thing he noticed was a pair of jeans on the floor. He sucked in a breath
and pushed the door open all the way.

There was Eden, face down on the
bed, her legs wrapped around the sheets. Her ass was hanging out, pressing
against her panties. The black lines held tight to her body, leaving the sweet
curve of her ass cheeks exposed. Her face looked away, her hair spread across
the bed. Her legs were beautifully long, little calf muscles showing, her feet
small and, damn Trev for thinking it, looking cute.

He stepped into the room, the worst
intention racing through his mind.

Eden was completely passed out. Her
shirt was pulled up a little, showing off her lower back. It was a perfect spot
for a tattoo. Something for Trev to shoot at when he came. Then again, when he
got inside Eden, he wasn

going to pull out of her. No fucking way in hell.

Standing at the end of the bed,
Trev leaned down and let his fingertips touch the back of Eden

s leg. Her leg shivered for a
second and she groaned. She moved to her belly more, her ass right there. The
way her panties cut in, showing too much skin for her own good.

Slowly, Trev ran his fingers up her
leg to her ass. He leaned down and dipped his hand between her thighs. His
middle finger took the lead, feeling the warmth of her pussy, burning, even
over her panties.

Eden let out a moaning breath. Her
legs parted a little more.

Trev added a second finger and
pressed, gently twisting, feeling her start to give way.


she whispered.

Her head started to move. Her left
hand reached out and clutched at the sheets.

Trev gritted his teeth and sucked
in a breath.


s just me, sweetheart,

he said.


staking my fucking claim.

Eden looked back, eyes open, her
hand running through her hair to get it out of her face. She looked shocked,
yet her eyes were burning with need.

still fucking want it,



re soaking wet, Eden.

She slowly nodded.

That was all Trev needed to see.





Eden wasn

t sure if she was dreaming.

She nodded because she wanted it.
She craved it. Pleasure was going to be her drug to mask everything else. From
the second Trev touched her, she wanted him to keep going.


left hand grabbed her waist and pulled, propping her up on her knees, ass in
the air. His hand then held tight at her waist while his other hand explored.
Pressing against her panties, Trev brought Eden

body back to life. She was almost dripping within seconds. When Trev

s fingers moved up and beyond,
still pressing, she lurched forward, feeling the pressure of his touch
He kept going and grabbed the top of her panties.

As he stripped them down, Eden
buried her face in the pillows and felt herself starting to rock back and forth.
She was so turned on, so ready to be claimed by a man like Trev. He

d save her and protect her. She

d give him anything for that.

He took her panties down to her

Then his hand touched her inner

Open more,

his voice commanded.

Eden listened.

His fingers slid right back up,
this time his fingertips touching her bare, wet skin. Two fingers curled
against her folds, opening them. He then pressed against her hole, making a few
small circles. That made Eden wiggle her hips.


Trev warned.

Before Eden could take a breath,
Trev plunged those two fingers into her body. She let out a scream and leaned
forward again. The pressure was instant and so goddamn filling. Trev pulled at
her waist, bringing her back where he wanted her, his fingers sinking even
deeper. She felt him turn his fingers, while still inside her, ripping her
open, reaching depths that no man had ever come close to before. As he pulled
back out, the rage of pleasure started to quickly mount.

sweetheart, I can

remember a pussy this tight before,

Trev said.


Eden managed to growl.

Fuck, Trev.

She threw her head back and looked
back at him. He was just sitting on the bed, looking so fucking casual and in
control. His left hand slowly slid forward and down, rubbing against Eden

s soft mound. She felt a finger
touch her clit and she let out a whimper.

Trev looked back at her, grinning.

You like that, don

t you? You like my trigger
finger on your clit. You know that finger has been responsible for people
dying, right?

Eden barely managed to get out a

Trev plunged his fingers back into
her pussy. He started to finger her with one hand, his other hand rubbing her
clit. Moving the same way with both hands left Eden with handfuls of the bed
sheet, rocking back and forth, unable to look away from the outlaw taking care
of her. She saw the large skull on the back of his leather cut. The Back Down
Devil MC name over the top. An outlaw was bringing her to fucking climax.

BOOK: RUTHLESS HOLD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)
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